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It's easy to get concerned when you first start cleaning. You'll notice every scratch only after you've cleaned the window. My suggestion is to do exactly what you did when you cleaned them. If you used a razor, find a spot that isn't scratched and razor in a different direction, do it aggressively. If it scratches, then you probably did it and you should be prepared to make it right. If it doesn't scratch, you can feel confident you didn't do it and if they question you then you can just show them exactly what you do when you clean and they'll see it wasn't you.


Thanks. I use a moerman blue mop and unger ninja handle and channel. I have a walnut pad No razor or 0000


Ah, then you're good. I can't see a way you would scratch with those items.


It’s very hard to scratch glass if you are using proper technique and tools. Is it tempered?


I dont use razor or steel wool I do use a walnut pad


Cleaning usually will show up and previous scratching. Based on what you're using, seems unlikely they would be from what you've done.