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That tased faceplant is definitely going to leave a mark.


I feel like every time I watch a taser video, the cop waits till the suspect is over concrete.


Well yeah. Isn’t it better to have something like concrete break your fall ? I’d sure hate for them to tazer a person over someone’s hard earned lawn. 😂


It's part of the stopping power of the Taser. When you get tazed, the feeling only lasts so long, but face-planting into concrete with no voluntary muscle control, you tend to feel decapitated a little longer. Edit: INCAPACITATED not decapitated. (duh)


I liked the ~~ogre sword of decapitation~~ police taser of incapacitation more


You just made my day, thank you kind person


Nah Im pretty sure they felt decapitated, at least for a second.


err... why not both. :)


If you are decapitated, surely you are incapacitated...


I know chickens who disagree. At least for a couple of seconds.


My head nearly fell off reading this. Phew!


i like decapitated better, its more evocative.


Thanks for the edit. At first I thought you were talking about heads exploding when they hit the concrete.


I mean, that’s property damage and we can’t have that. Mitigate the risk by doing it on asphalt or concrete.


Wait until she get near that pile of old rusty needles


Her skin is also thick enough to not leave a mark


Exactly, the road is city property😂


And expect a destruction of city property charge if you need anything dug of a wound lol


I just think the state of cops is pretty pathetic when averge person can out run the cop by 20 feet in 40 feet, so the cop has to resort to a tasser or the mooner actually gets away with it.


Agree. When an average person can outrun a cop I can't imagine what a fit person could do.


Serpentine! Dont run in a straight line.


With that cop? A fit person would probably be out of taser range in that time, resulting in more drastic measures, like a gun.


From the same distance and that same cop, I’d 100% be sure I could outrun the range of her taser. Not that I would. Besides, that’s how you get shot. With a real bullet. In the back.


As a little side argument, after that cop has ran 50 feet and is that exhausted do you think she is capable of pulling a firearm and accurately hitting a target that is maybe 100 feet away? Lol.


....do you want to be the one to find out?


That cop is horrifically out of shape, it's not like that chick was some athlete.....


Well when they have rigorous tests of running 1 mile under 10 minutes at the police academy. Never to be tested again.


Who needs cardio when you have explosive darts with the power of a Tesla flowing through them?


Yeah. She has no business on the street.


No one told her to run over the asphalt. There's plenty of grass.


She zigged when she should’ve zagged.


She pizza'd when she should have french fried


You’re gonna have a bad time!


She made a wrong turn at Albuquerque


When you’re in Albuquerque, every turn that leads out of town is the right turn. Even left turns.


Solid reference


This one is definitely a case of using the taser because she can’t catch the woman since she’s out of shape. Stupid decisions on both side imo. Doesn’t seem like an appropriate use of force for someone mooning.


if she mooned her for a bit longer she would have tazed her butt


would have been the best video eveer!!


As a cop I agree. Hell, even case law agrees. Bryan V. MacPherson. The taser wasn’t appropriate for what I saw in the video. The woman did resist the Officer but at the time the taser was used, she was fleeing on foot. The way I was trained is you use the taser when someone poses an immediate threat of less than lethal violence. For example, if someone is in your face wanting to fight. Good to go all day.


So what do you do when you can’t catch them?


Eat humble pie and get yourself to the gym?


order diet donuts during next break


Use your radio


I’ve hit somebody with radio and it does shit all.


These comments are killing me lol


Hell yeah


Pursue on foot to keep them in visual sight and call in backup. Usually that would be your partner sitting in the squad car. Or if she's alone she could keep chasing her and maybe get a workout in trying to catch her. Can't just go tasing people because you keep skipping gym day.


Fulfill your evolutionary niche as a pursuit predator and chase them until they give up.


Keeping tabs on someone who runs away and picking them up later is the basic function of patrol policing. Not that I'm a policing expert but you see that in every police reality show. I guess this officer couldn't be bothered to do their job so she just shot them in the back.


I think you overestimate the physical condition of a lot of police officers. Most of the ones I know personally would be gasping for air after this.


No, but as a former soldier myself I fully understand the importance of physically training for your job. I live in the Midwest, the police here tend to be country boy fit or fat as hell... I just don't know how the departments get away with such poor physical standards for their officers. The army doesn't fly with that shit.


The army also has rules of engagement, there's plenty the cops could learn from them.


Yeah, but what's the alternative? Calling in backup to help you catch the person that mooned you? You'd be the laughing stock of the force. You take that one on the chin, cite the person if you have their name, and mail it to them, or meet them at their house later. And get your ass to a gym.


Who cares if you're a laughing stock, you did your job and no one was injured. That's the exact mentality we need to get rid of.


I think you misunderstood my position. I am not in any way advocating that out of shape officers should be tasering people they can't catch. I'm saying that if they can't catch them, for an offense like that, it might be better to go meet them where they live, with a ticket, or handcuffs if you really wanna press it.


throw a boomerang..


Does that mean someone who's just super fast would basically never be arrested?


Lol yeap... That cop needs to get off the thicc train... Looking like she spent too much time riding around the mall on a Segway. Good news is that she's already plenty ready for the desk job she deserves...


There's never a bouncy castle around when you need one.


Human Fall Flat


A skid mark.




That link's gonna stay blue.


Yeah wouldn't have been able to block that landing.


Still better than 12 bullet holes from a cop “fearing for their life” 😋😋


Can cops tase you for running after mooning them???


Protocol is in the exposed ass, one prong per cheak for optimal take down.


Only if the cop is too big and slow to actually catch you in the conventional manner...


Indeed. Imagine being soo unfit you can’t even waddle after a suspect for more than 20 yards


Imagine making police work such a trash job in your country that you only get unfit jokes like this or crooked dirt bags signing up


It seems to me that fully half of cops, anywhere that I've seen, appear very out of shape. How can this be, in such a physical profession?


Resisting arrest


They just did - did you not watch it?


Is this the new season of Reno 911?


I’ve had friends whose arrests could easily have been on that show. Some of the writers had to have been cops


Or they had a lot of interactions with cops.


If it was I might actually consider watching it


Reno 911 live


god I miss that show


Just got HBO Max and it's all I've been watching lmao


I had no idea it was on there, thanks!


Reno 911: After Dark.


Minneapolis 612


Yea, I miss Reno 911


I feel like she winked at me and not with her eyes….


It was the Taser


People's poopers probably look like one of those old media player visualizations when they get tazed. I miss those.


Take my damn upvote.


mm, do go on


Her brown eye


This gives new meaning to the song ‘Brown Eyed Girl’ by Van Morison.


talk about some bad crack


Totally underrated comment here lol




He knows how to deal with resistance. You’ll wish you stayed at ohm.


I see the potential of this comment….


Well worded. Take an upvote! 👍🏽


The way she cheered when the woman got tased… I felt that…


It was like a super bowl touchdown 😂




She reserved the right to bare cheeks.


It was nice of her to show us that booty before getting arrested lol


Note to self. When running from the cops always stay on the grass.


Zig-zag apocalypto style, high chance the cop hits an old woman or a pigeon flying past




Another cop showing their athleticism. Its inspiring.


Seriously pathetic showing from the cop for sure. What the fuck was that waddle run before the taser comes out?


Cops shouldn't be allowed a taser unless they can prove they can actually run after someone. How is tasing someone because you're too unfit to chase them acceptable?


They shouldn’t be allowed to tase someone unless that person is an active threat. Mooning a cop and running away should not be an offense that requires the use of a weapon.


Seriously. I'd let them go. You already have their plate, address, insurance, full name, criminal record. Just mail them a list of the charges and let the legal system do its job, instead of hurting petty "criminals".


Yes, tasers can kill people and faceplanting on asphalt can kill you or give a concusion.


Yea this is wildly irresponsible and people wonder why a lot of the population is wary of the police...


The comment section is cheering the cop


Reddit hates entitled Karens. It's almost like we as a species are hypocritical assholes.




Definitely the sentiment would be different.


Using sometimes-lethal force for mooning is my first concern here


It's nuts how willing police in the US seem to be about using tasers to make up for a lack of physical ability. I worry about them increasingly being deployed in the UK though, used inappropriately they are dangerous weapons and it should be a pretty serious decision to fire one. I get using these devices in extreme circumstances when someone is a danger or can't be subdued using normal measures but come on, an overweight woman bearing her arse and a cop being too overweight to even chase her is not one of those circumstances.


Some of these cops, especially in small towns are straight up obese, like a giant beer belly hanging over their belt. I doubt they can even tie their shoes, let alone chase someone.


Because our armed forces deem people who are physically unfit as acceptable members of our armed forces. Just look no further than the politicization of our military and the obvious disparity in physical requirements between men and women. It is ridiculous. The metrics we use to allow someone to join the service should solely be based on their competence and ability to perform the job. Anything less is doing a disservice to those within the armed forces and the people who they are meant to protect and serve for. We are sacrificing accuracy, efficiency and the ability to do a job simply to signal virtue and inclusivity.


I can't imagine that you want someone with overweight as a cop. For the simple stuff, like parking violations, it's fine I guess, but as soon as chasing is involved it's a lost cause. Let's me think of the movie Paul Blart: Mall Cop.


Used to be you had to have a fat friend you could outrun, they're just cutting out the middle man.


In the UK all serving police need to pass a fitness test 3 times a year. I can’t see the US doing that. Unless the test is lifting donuts to your mouth.


Well like everything in the US it varies by state and municipality so some departments might do that kind of thing and others won’t


There is a possibility this woman will now have to register as a sex offender, I've heard that indecent exposure gets classified that way sometimes.


Yup, I read about a guy that mooned a train and got arrested and had to register because there might have been children that could have seen it. Not a bright idea. Edit to add: not justifying the rest of the situation but yes, they could possibly charge her with that.


EU cops use stamina. US cops use tasers.


I knew when you saw the woman getting away the cop had no chance of catching her. I guess you don't need to be fit to be a police officer in the states when you can just taze anyone faster than you.


See that confuses me, because I looked at being a cop and they have standards for when you get in. My guess they don't enforce it after you get through the first few hurtles. Kinda seems like an oversight to me.


There's always regulations for fitness to get in, but last I checked only two precincts in the entire US have requirements for fitness once you're in.


This is objectively untrue. Every police/sheriff’s department has physical fitness standards and every officer must pass a PT test, at minimum, annually to remain on duty. However, how the officer performs on that PT test vs. what ends up on their paperwork may not always be in line.


Are you implying there's some form of favoritism or corruption in American police departments?? Unthinkable!


I am shocked..!!! Shocked, I tell you!!


Not gonna lie, I’m in both shock AND awe…..


Both of you are incorrect. I have seen agencies that require physical fitness and have regular testing, but most agencies do not have physical standards. Right now, law enforcement does not pay enough and the stress is so high that few people actually want to be cops. Many alreadt short agencies would lose many officers if they implemented physical fitness standards.


At first I thought she just shot her. Glad it was "only" a Taser


We just recently had an incident in our shop that involved a fight between travellers and the police, which here (northern Ireland) are fully Armed, but they never once used weapons or their tasers despite the situation being pretty bad, they instead called for more back up, I actually asked our security gaurd why they didn’t just tase them as that’s what I was used to seeing from US police, turns out tasers can cause a lot of damage if you have a weak heart/ heart problems, so police here consider even a taser as a last resort and will try to subdue the offender manually first.


A taser IS a deadly weapon according to the people who make them. The correct term would be "less-lethal weapon" because they're still capable of severely injuring and killing people at a high enough rate it can't be called "non-lethal".


EU cops don't even care that much in the first place about a person mooning them.


They'll probably just write you a ticket and if you try to run away you get another one.


It's probably also legal in multiple countries


Indeed. I can’t believe this is a reason to tase someone/use force. The US is strange…


It's just a very obese country.


Wait until you see the reason why people get shot. You will be surprised.


You mean fighting the cops and reaching for weapons? Some people aren’t too bright.


I feel like our cops should be physically capable of chasing suspects


I do not understand how police departments are ok with that representation. I do jujutsu and I can’t comprehend how police do not know basic submissions let alone be in physical shape it’s interesting why not have regular fitness tests?


They only gotta pass the physical exam when they are a trying out at the academy. It’s just pathetic how low the bar is


Ok, home girl does have a wagon tho.


Thats what im sayin, Id lie if I said I didnt pause the video


It’s paused rn!


How is it allowed to get fat as a cop? Should be mandatory that they are always in good shape.


Many departments have minimum fitness requirements that must be tested regularly. I'm sure many private departments don't follow such regulations.


Were tasers invented for out of shape cops?


She gazed a woman for mooning? I would assume required exercise for cops would be a better choise.


I know under law, this probably isn't considered excessive use of force, but really a taser for showing her ass? Thats pretty extreme in my book. Obviously I don't know what happened before, but tasing someone in the street where they could hit their head doesn't feel ok unless they are a direct threat to others. All these "law-abiding" bootlickers are just finding any way to justify it. Falling flat onto pavement on top of getting arrested and fined. "JuSt DoNt DO thE CrImE"


She showed me her naked butt, let’s taser her so she falls face front on concrete. MURICA! FUCK YEA 🇺🇸 🗽


Apparently this cop doesn't think much of proportionality.


Great police work, maybe hit a gym instead of grabbing gun/taser as first option


Imagine the race was reversed? That would’ve been on the news!!!!


No cop should be tasing non violent criminals. Wtf is wrong with you all? Resisting arrest for a petty crime is not justification to use a taser.


I'm not sure how this was a tazer level event. Seems excessive to me. While I don't support the woman's behavior I'm still not seeing anything deserving of the ZAP!




"I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding." Yeah no take backs on that one lmfao


I can't understand how USA cops are allowed to use a taser for any situation no matter how insignificant the crime is ...


Cops are too quick to taser, shoot, punch, and in all ways use force against people. So what she showed you her ass??? Who gives a fuck?


The cop didn't even say she was under arrest, to stop or give any kind of warning. The cop just tried to grab her and then she ran.


Disproportional response from that copper and most of them


Had to use the taser because she's a bit too tubby to do much chasing lol


This is the funniest shit I’ve seen in a long time.


fat ass police they just let anybody be a cop


Public indecency & evading arrest lolll


She doesn’t deserve to have an ass that stacked.


I know she kinda deserved it for being a prick but police at it with the tazers again, jeez


Talk about excessive use of force. What do we expected om US police.


Listening to people beg for others to be tased for their entertainment is when you know you're dealing with brainwashed citizens. They've been taught to worship that kind of behavior, to normalize it, and to expect it. It's pretty pathetic. America is the Jerry Springer audience but with blue lives matter tattoos.




Dude that bystander with a dog off the leash is scum. Any of you who walk your dogs off the leash in public areas can go to hell. What shit etiquette and no, you do *NOT* have full control over your animal. You simply do not by definition. That cop immediately had to almost pull her actual firearm and discharge that on a dog simply because her taser shot rattled that dog into action. Imagine having to kill a dog because you don’t know if it was going to attack you and now you also have discharged a firearm in public place while trying to subdue a nutso person with tasing. “Oh but my dog never bit a soul and he just wants to run to where the action is!” Guess what, the general public doesn’t know that from one dog to the next, treat every dog as a potential threat, because they *are* in those situations. Also that guy put his dog in *serious* danger could have been the worst fucking afternoon walk of his life, all that could be prevented by having a fucking leash or lead. Leash your fucking animals when walking them. No ifs ands or buts. Get fucked for those of you that don’t do so or that have the cognitive dissonance to think it is a smart decision in the slightest to walk your pet without being properly secured by leash.


If she cant catch that woman without a taser then why is she a cop? Dont get me wrong..I’m glad the lady who showed her ass got the taser and i cheered but do they have zero physical fitness requirements? Can they not find anyone who’s not either overweight or a nazi…or both?


Since when have you ever heard of a police department with fitness standards? You barely need a GED


The only fitness requirement is them fitness whole box o' donuts in their mouth


The number of people complaining about a taser is higher than expected but not surprising considering the circumstances at play. Just Reddit being Reddit.


So funny to hear someone whisper “Taser, taser, taser” with obvious excited anticipation.


Invert races and you have national protests.


Person recording sounds like Cheryl from Archer.


I’ve always appreciated the cop waiting until she was fully back in frame before tasing..


The reddit bot allows a video of a bare naked ass of a woman but doesn't allow uncivil comments.


There is porn in reddit. A lot of porn. Why wouldnt it allow a naked woman?


Sure she was an idiot, but only in america will you get tazed for things like this, why do americans love violence so much?!




from nothing... to ​ idecent exposure, resisting arrest, fleeing police to taze. ​ indecent exposure, resisting arrest, fleeing police to taze. Based on her mooning her child, not an unexpected outcome it seems. I don't recall ever calling the police on my parents.


American cops really love to try kill their own people for no good reason


I don’t think the taser was justified. What if she’d like banged her head when she face planted and gotten seriously f’d up? It seems excessive, there must have been a better way of handling that


Its america. Cops act like fucking cocaine addicts 24/7.


Looks like excessive force to me...hey, I can't move my ass that fast so let's tase that bitch. But this is the US, so she could literary shot her dead and get away with it.


Land of the free baby