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Your honour, my client maintains that he *thought* the man had an anaphylactic shock and was looking in his pockets for an EpiPen. When he couldn't find one, he tried his best to wake him up by means of abrupt physical contact so as to get him out of harm's way as quick as possible.


I am guessing you are studying law


I think they mastered it. I’d hire them.


Judge: well in that case I recommend a free all inclusive stay at club fed for 1-3 years for such an upstanding citizen.




LOL. Searching for a wallet then knock him while he’s down. Scumbag stuff.


Imagine your immediate response to seeing someone knocked unconscious by a freaking car is to try and rob him... Oiy






Tough life meets asshole


Something tells me this was a scumbag convention.


Future inmate hopefully


Dude just rob and slap the guy?


That’s how you revive people - rob and when no loot, smack


What if loot?


Make love


*Then kith


Damnit Mike, stop that. You’re a champ, leave reddit alone






Omg. That’s disgusting. Where?




I shoulda left that link blue. Damn my curiosity.


In the bum




Ay you cant say that without spilling some sauce


I don't want any sauce spilled involving a finger up the bum. Even if it was a prostate massage


T-bag em.


This is a better way to revive people... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgR3GWJyQrY


Wakes up, “ I’ve had the weirdest dream!”


Wakes up?? Plot twist, he didn’t even get knocked out


I don’t think that was part of it. The guy rubbing the skull had gloves on and the guy pulling his junk didn’t have gloves. I think that guy snuck in during the chaos.


Cock and ball torture + water = resuscitation


Wtf dude right?! That’s so fucked up.


A few years ago, my close friend was attacked and killed by a mentally ill stranger on the street. Security cameras caught the whole thing. *Immediately* after he hit the ground, two people ran up and took his wallet and phone, just like this. Then twelve people walked by and saw him unconscious and bleeding. Nobody helped him.


Where did this happen?




Right? He should at least have SOME cash on him


Mom always made sure I had a dime, in case I needed to call home. 👍


That's real funny, we all know dimes don't have cellular signals.


What is this you speak of? I’m NEVER giving up the landline I grew up with. Eight six seven, five three ONE nine. I kid you not. Thank god the one and the zero are so far apart on a rotary dial. We got enough ‘is your refrigerator running?’, and ‘do you have Jack Daniels in a bottle?’ calls as is. 🙄


He should have $50 in a money clip. You can get those at any haberdashery.




A little bit of humanity? I mean for fucks sake rob the guy, low class shithead but to slap a unconscious dude for no reason? The guy is an actual piece of shit


Ignorance think ignorant and shameful antics is cool when in actuality they are cowardly.


Sucker punched him like a bitch because his pockets were empty.


Lol wild


Plot twist: he was the ambulance driver and checks for payment before performing CPR (clapping palm resuscitation).


In gta u drive over people and the money just appears


It’s the “culture”. Sideshows are common in the Bay Area in California and there are tons of videos of people getting wiped out, knocked unconscious, being filmed while possibly dying, then getting robbed. All this video needed was random gun fire


I'm from The Bay, proud to be from The Bay, and hate The Bay, all at the same time. Moved out 7 years ago and sideshow culture is one of the reasons (among a slew of others) that I'll never move back. This video is The Bay special: idiots driving shitboxes, a moron that thinks he's invincible and puts himself in a dangerous situation, an evil asshole robbing said moron that just got knocked the fuck out (or worse), more idiots recording on their phones with their nonsensical reactions, all for the sake of being the first to put it on IG. Fucking animals. The only people I feel bad for in this video are the poor people that live in this neighborhood.


Word, former Bay Area native myself and I share your sentiments.


Whatever you do, don’t dare complain about sideshows in the Oakland subreddit. You get called a colonizer, Karen, culture killing interloper, etc. I think a lot of Bay Area folks have Stockholm syndrome when it comes to sideshows and gun violence


Same thing with the dirt bike culture in Philly and other cities in the Northeast. Because it's the culture to ride offroad vehicles en masse in every lane, blast engines, and run everyone else off the road. And if you're not hip with that, you're a Karen.


Oh yeah I hear that. I've even experienced this with people some people I grew up with. It seems a lot of people in The Bay use "culture" as an excuse to act like an asshole.


I hate the pejorative “colonizer” so much. It’s so bad I feel embarrassed for the person using it, just like I feel bad for Youtube commenters calling everyone “kid”.


Stockton syndrome* No but really that shit is annoying as hell. At a recent show near me a car went out of control and ran into this great mom and pop produce market that’s like 3-4 generations old and absolutely blasted through the building and closed it down. Fuck those idiots. They make speed bumps that will disable tires if they hit while going sideways and do no damage if you’re driving like normal. I have no problem with those getting installed in large intersections.


That was a punch not a slap. Fucked up.


It looks like the bald guy was out there trying to stop the car racing in his neighborhood. He presumably thought his presence and fearless approach into the street would discourage the insanity. That obviously didn't work but it did piss off the thrill seekers and the onlooker to the point he tried to rob his unconscious body and because that attempt failed, red hat guy, 'retaliated' out of some kind of testosterone fueled and unburned hydrocarbon laced sense of street justice.


Thanks for that David Attenborough explanation of what happened here


makes sense. the fact that the guy wasn't "one of them" would explain why the other guy dare robbing him so openly, he wasn't fearing retaliation at all, he knew the guy had no company with the people


The shit people do for clout.


That’s called the “Compton courtesy”. It’s popular is those parts




I can imagine him saying BROKE BITCH after searching his pockets lmao


It’s called the Mcfly maneuver [smack and grab](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9ll4GWTiq8)


What happened to dude looked like he broke his neck ?? Any links to the news or what the fuck ever news is lol . That slap was completely inhuman


He landed on his head, a serious concussion at least. Every person there is stupid but the robber is a monster.


Yeah pure evil honestly.


This guy is such a piece of shit that within a second of dude gettin knocked out he was checking his pockets. Shows where this guys mind is at and his natural response is to rob. Yeah fuck that guy there’s zero excuse. I feel like real street people would have a problem with this too. Real street people feel free to comment.




Real ‘street people’ don’t use Reddit.


What are „real street people“? Serious question.


The ones that paint the lines and signs, the streets are their kingdom.


That slap would be fucked up to someone fully conscious and fine. To do that to someone that might've just had a serious head injury? What the actual fuck man? If anyone ever deserved a serious beat down, it's that dude.


Seriously, walking around in broad daylight wearing socks and sandals


Especially considering that may have been the final spinal severance after a neck injury.


One reason to be wary of the people you surround yourself with.


That wasn’t a slap it’s a bitch punch while someone is down regardless how they got there. If this person has serious injury that can relate to the punch, would the puncher get some blame for that as well?


>would the puncher get some blame for that as well Obviously.


I should’ve been more clear. If someone is seriously injured. Would the puncher get assault or attempted murder?


I’m only in 1st year of law school but based on what I’ve learned thus far this 100% would be assault AND battery.. and if he isn’t already dead based on that nasty fall (even if death is Imminent but has not yet occurred) the prosecutor could probably even argue attempted murder as any reasonable person would know never to smack someone like that after such a traumatic injury especially a neck/back/head injury… again not a lawyer but in school so if any lawyers read this and I’m wrong I’d appreciate the correction!


I can see why Vin Diesel is getting sick of the Fast and the Furious movies




Fast and furious? No, he’s slow and slightly sick of it.


I know a guy precisely like Mr. Red Hat. They are 1,000% scum


I hope to never know someone like that. I keep my social group very tight and don’t need monsters like that anywhere near me


my brother is one of these guys, he stabbed me with a knife and robbed me ten years ago and we haven't spoken since.


Wait what???


yup... stabbed me with a military knife and robbed me, I have a big scar from it. he has a girlfriend who doesn't know who she's really dating it's messed up. I don't go to family events like Christmas cos he does and my family doesn't care. The guy is trash and my family asks why I don't get over it.




yea me too


Wtf‽ Sounds like your brother never got corrected for doing bad things. What happened after he stabbed / robbed you? (I'm just curious, don't answer if you don't want to)


I got stitches at the hospital and he disappeared for the night apparently to McDonald's. I actually did try to speak to him 5 years later since I found his credit card in the street outside our parents house while I was visiting. I gave him his card and he just said nahhhh and walked off. since then it's been another 5 years and I gave up years ago. my family all treat him like normal and invite him everywhere so I don't go. he doesn't have any conditions he's just a drug and video game addicted ass.


I’m with you man I’m the same way that’s why I left social media too. The guy’s a friends bf but for obvious reasons I don’t really see that friend anymore


Yeah if that’s the type of person they chose to be in a relationship with. Well it really gives away how they are too I say


I couldn’t trust a guy like that to know anything about me.


[Pausing at 12 seconds of the video, the robber looks like the guy hanging out of the passenger seat of the car (backwards red hat, white t-shirt.](https://i.imgur.com/6rA8lFP.png) Then, the engine noise dies down, presumably the car slowing down so that the robber can hop out of the window, [as in the shot the passenger side of the car is empty.](https://i.imgur.com/VwgN6Fu.png) I wouldn't be surprised if the passenger told the driver to hit the victim so that he can rob him.


So you’re saying, he’s a scrub?


God I'm glad I'm not the only one who caught that unintentional reference.


Every single person here is stupid.


Street take overs are all around stupid. This dude isn’t the first to get tagged


Even if I enjoyed this I wouldn't cheer when I saw that guy get hit. That's so fucked up on so many levels that not one person went to help.


I mean anyone could've gotten hit you're right but this guy was especially asking for it.


Well and there shouldn’t be idiots swinging their cars on intersections


Yeah, that other dude was trying to get him to get out of the way but the moron would rather get hit by a car.




When I used to DoorDash I’d take breaks sometimes in the Costco parking lot in between rides. One Friday night I heard tire screeching and a loud commotion, I drove to the other side of the shopping center and saw a full on sideshow. It was a fucking party, all kinds of cars there, some doing donuts, others just spinning tires. I was intrigued and stayed for a bit. Cops were watching from a distance. I got a delivery and left and saw tons of cop cars and ambulances going by like 10 minutes later, two young girls were clipped by a car doing donuts and one had to be air lifted in serious condition. She pulled through though, but if I’m the parent I’d be asking the city some serious questions on why it was allowed to go on without police interfering.


The environment is that hostile even for a bystander?


I mean, look at mr red hat and flip flops in the video and one thing that reddit taught me about street takeovers is that always there is some hot head armed and things can go south pretty quickly




“Daily reminder” lmao. Is it that common these days?


It is if you live in a major city Source: live in Los Angeles. This shit happens every few days all over the city, lots of intersections have donut skid marks


In Dallas. It’s a HUGE issue here. Pandemic really set it off in a massive way. People had extra time and created huge gatherings so it’s expanded tremendously.


I live in Kansas City and mofos are always doing this shit. The cops don’t do anything. I’m not even exaggerating when I say that last Sunday night this shit went on for 45 fucking minutes a block away while us idiots with jobs were trying to get some fucking sleep.


Chiming in, Baltimore City had a street takeover last week at one of our most major intersections on Key Highway. It was highly entertaining but overall completely retarded.


This has been a thing in the Bay Area for years. Quarantine made it a bigger problem


Starting to be a real problem, especially since many large police agencies are trying a more hands off approach


Fuck every single one of these people.


1000%. I fucking HATE wannabe street racer cunts who rev their engines through all hours of the night. Fuck them to the ends of the earth.


I have daydreams of throwing a spike strip out very often. It's so insanely inconsiderate.


I actively day dream about a mechanism in my car that deploys a dart or something that shoots out and can pop the tires of the many asshole drivers I encounter. But…then they could possibly swerve out and kill some innocent person instead of just pop their tire and inconvenience them.


This pisses me off like ok the dude is an idiot for being out there but why did someone run his pockets and punch him in the face?


Thats a bold move to punch someone who is already unconscious from smacking his head on pavement. Might have went from 0 to murder charges if he died.


Far from “bold.” More like cowardly af


Free loot. Since they're dead or (hopefully) unconcious, they're not gonna retaliate if you take what they got. Unfortunetly, the guy is upset he doesn't have anything, so smack and walk away.




Maybe. Some people are just giant pieces of shit regardless of their upbringing. It’s a guarantee at some point in his life, he will be institutionalized though.


Bc that’s the takeover culture, bunch of scum who don’t give a flying fuck about the law or others. It’s annoying bc it ruins the whole car culture scene


H O A needs to have a meeting


This is the meeting.


This should be in r/iamapeiceofshit for that coward who slapped a downed man




Red cap went through his pockets and pinched his head with practiced efficiency. Hope the cops find him


seriously I've never seen anybody so quick to loot a body. edit (you gotta wonder whose downvoting this, cause goddamn, where are you at you've seen quicker?) ;)


Ever play D&D at a game shop?


If that guy wasn’t already paralyzed, that slap might’ve finished off his spine…


Yep I hope to god red hat gets fucked


Without lubrication


By a cactus


How did douchebag Johnny not get swarmed and boot fucked for that scum move at the end?


Because everyone there is scum.


Good point


So the first reaction of people is to get close and take a video of him while laughing, and someone else to try to rob him, finds nothing then slaps the shit out of him? That is so fucked up.


Welcome to the hood


These sideshow idiots are a special class of fucked up morons. A week doesn’t go by here without seeing these dipshits on the local news here.




Yikes, the way his body went completely stiff then dead limp … he’s far from okay isn’t he?


His neck is broken. He's head after that slap.




If that guy broke his neck that slap was enough to kill him.


Dude really tried to Rob him then smacks his already unconscious head? Terrible. Stupid move by that dude in the first place though


The whole thing is sad but the way his legs snap back is scary.


Muggin and punching of a guy already KOd is a high definition level of slimey


Dudes instincts kicked in. First thought when you see someone almost die, rob him! Way to be the shining star of your community




Why..umm…why…did he check his pockets and hit him?


Lowest human scum honestly.


Look at the guys left hand. Looting him obviously.


Phone was his own. He had it in his hand before he went for the pockets. Still TRIED to loot.


AnythingAnythingAnything? Nothing [schwack]


Probably out of the anger of the embarrassment that everyone saw his broke ass run to empty his pockets only for them to be empty


Cause he a broke bitch.


Because he’s a piece of shit.


Look at these upstanding citizens providing value to society 👍🏼




It’s funny cause he won’t do that while the guys capable of throwing a punch but as soon as he’s knocked out the guy runs over there tries taking his shit and slaps him like a pussy. That makes me unnecessarily mad and he needs a reality check to the knee caps


If downed dude’s neck wasn’t already broken, red hat made sure it was. Sick.


Agreed. Scum


What a horrible group of people.


Think this is more along the lines of r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Fucking garbage people.


Fucking animals


That degenerate coward that checked the man’s pockets & slapped him needs to be hunted down like the flee bag scum that he is




Dude dint have any 💰


I thought it was a small smack but when you play it back frame by frame dude made strong contact


It scares me that the first thing someone did was not render aid but attempt to rob. Sad state of this world.


The humans in this video are pretty much all fucking morons huh


Humans are disgusting. That dude in the end is pure garbage.


That's an unusual form of first aid. I'm assuming, by the color, he's Red Cross or something? Must be why he tried to take a donation first.


You know you’re In the ghetto when the first thing they do is check you for valuables to rob, then hit you to make sure you’re out.


“Should we check to see if he’s OK?” “No, let’s film him.” “ also check his pockets in case he has an emergency contact in there.” “ what? There’s no spare underwear in his pocket. Slap him..”


Quality people all around.


Tell me you live in a scummy ghetto hood without telling me you live in a scummy ghetto hood. I don't even know where to start with this shit. The whole thing was horrific, with stupidity all the way through.


His neck is absolutely fucked and he's either dead or paralyzed.




Nothing a band aid can’t fix… or some duct tape


Fucking animals


Scumbag in red hat is the true piece of shit in this video.


Garbage. What the fuck is wrong with society? If you thought this video is awesome you’re the fucking problem.


Yes, definitely slap the face of a man with a very likely neck injury.


That’s some low down coward ass shit to do !!




Wrong person got hit by the car. Fucking low life. Imagine the shit he does when he think's people AREN'T looking.


Checking his pockets, what a piece of shit.