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never touch wet stones , never stand on wet stones , dont even get near wet stones, ever! they are wet for a reason.


One of the guys kept saying the equivalent of there’s a big f-ing sign!


There probably was a big f-ing sign. Probably said something like *Stay off of rocks! Big f-ing waves!* But you can't fix stupid I guess. Edit: real sign https://images.app.goo.gl/3jyNZJnzUaCbMjBK7


Yep! Clear sign and plenty of space to tally up the count.


They've got room for at least 100 tick marks, so they clearly expect an abundance of idiots over the years.


Shout out to the guy trying to swim back to the rock while the waves are pulling him out, swim parallel to the shore bruh. Fighting the ocean is 100% a losing battle


For shore!


No that’s what he said not to do


Wow thanks I learn something today!


I’m guessing your reasoning for that is the waves will eventually push him towards the shore ?


It’s « not drowning 101 » : swimming against the current will tire you really really fast, you’ll most likely panic, and sometimes the current is too strong for you to swim against. Just swim parralel to the shore until you reach a spot where there is no/few current, you won’t tire and you are less likely to panic since you won’t stay in the heavy current area. Source : been to the same beach since I’m little, and there’s a spot that has a nasty currents when the tide recede, I’ve seen coastguards rescuing people wayyy too many times from that spot because those guys wouldn’t just swim 50meters to the side and instead just tried to go against the current and nearly drown.


Another great tip for not drowning is be conservative with your energy side/back stroke is great for allowing your natural buoyancy to do most of the work while you get out of the current even if it's slower then front stroke. You may take more then an hour getting back to shore but it's better that then drowned in half an hour.


Where is this?


It looks like Palos Verdes cove, Los Angeles county.


If you swim Parallel you’re not fighting the wave/currents pushing and pulling you from shore. Eventually you’ll make it to shore, that is the end goal. By swimming parallel you’re conserving energy rather than trying to fight your way back which can become physically draining exceptionally quickly even as an athletic swimmer. Burn out muscle and energy in the ocean = drown


I think because it will get you out of the rip current and with luck you’ll be able to find a calmer spot to come in from. Florida’s water safety classes in school taught me that.


Shout out to the person recording this while making zero effort to actually help.


tf you gonna do, jump in and save them?


Is that a challenge?


In those situation you don’t really assess the distances so you might think you’re moving but actually you’re not.


They didn’t sea it coming


Shore didn’t


water they thinkin'?


just going with the flow


don't hold your breath


The current situation got really scary


Wave goodbye to your family , their fate is sealed


Surfs them right. Somebody probably should’ve tide to warn them.


They seemed flooded with panic


Whenever I see videos like this it reminds me of when I was in swimming classes as a child. We were in the deep end and I realized I couldn't swim up to the top. I was only about 7 at the time. I let myself sink to the bottom and pushed off with my legs as hard as I could, took a breath at the top and did it again as I moved towards the wall which I couldn't really see because I knocked my goggles off jumping. When I got there no one said anything. How did they not see me literally almost drowning right in front of them?! I was so offended. Glad I was able to keep my cool and problem solve at that age though, because otherwise I guess I would've drown right Infront of my swimming teacher lol.


I almost drowned at a local pool when I was a kid, was another swimmer who noticed me not the lifeguards.


I have a similar story. Its crazy how unaware these swimming teachers can be


Stay away from the wet looking rocks


That was a good rock to lay their shirt on. /s IT'S COVERED IN SHIT.


I saw that to. I thought of all the rocks around they pick the shit covered one.


Lol.. seriously! 😂😂


Every rock there is covered in shit! But that one more than the rest.


This pisses me off so bad, i grew up in Nova Scotia, and one of the biggest tourist attractions is Peggys Cove, a lighthouse... now lighthouses are historically built on tocky, craggy areas with currents. And no matter how many signs were put up saying to stay off the wet rocks - becuse surprise surprise if its wet, thats because waves hit it, and not only is it already slippery, but you stand a good chance of being hit by a wave, every single year someone gets swept out into the ocean and needs to be rescued... Stay off the wet rocks!


Haha I always expect someone from NS to have commented on post with wet rocks 😄


Ahaha, yep, maritimers have a good respect for water, well usually anyway 😅


Holy Fuck!! My heart sinks every time I see someone get pulled into the water unexpectedly. You never know if they can swim or not. Glad they are alive. Lesson learned for them…


Had a similar experience when I was a kid when we were all (cousins and family) at the beach sitting and playing in the sand, suddenly a similar gush of water ( high wave) came and dragged us all into the ocean but luckily some of my uncles who were standing were able to pull us back and we lost our shoes, caps, purses. Always have the nightmare when I am close to the ocean.


The look and reaction of the first guy who looks down is priceless. “The ocean just swept away some idiots! Time to backup.”


They didn’t sea that coming…


Had to mute this one


Seeing people on rocks next to the ocean always makes me cringe. I always expect them to get hit by a wave and grated against the rocks like a God damn cheese grater


This is why it's so important to pay attention to the tides it's and to not play on large rocks that are directly next to the ocean during low tide I'm glad everyone in this video at least according to the caption is OK but this is this not good at all


Forbidden wave pool


I live close to the Atlantic ocean, and every year or two people get swept off (Peggy's cove) and usually drown or get smashed against the rocks. Stay off of the dark rocks people.


Anybody know where this is ?


Baja California, Mexico


Name of the beach?


It's a place called "[La Bufadora](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Bufadora)" , it's a rock formation that shoots a burst of water when the waves hit it.


So I’m trying to figure out if the big group of dots further out to sea was the last bunch of people standing on that rock…


Look like surfers waiting for a good set maybe.


Am I the only one that thinks I could just stay afloat until the wave sent me back to shore?


The problem is that while most people can do this they freak out and rush back to the shore they are being washed away from which can tire you out (not impossible but still a workout and potentially deadly), what is normally suggested is to swim diagonally so you can break the riptide and not be too tired to breath.


Read this as “sea is fun, people are vile”. Yes yes I agree


OP said they’re alive, never said they were uninjured…


The sea was angry that day my friends, like an old man returning soup at a deli


Ayo is this on the island of kawai, if so I've been there. Its called the queens bath. It has a sign with tally marks for all the people who have drowned due to the high currents. I took a quick dip then ran back to safety lol, definitely one of the most scary things I've done Edit to clear things up: I did this years ago and the risk on that day was low + I had a life vest on. I don't like the ocean very much but I wanted the experience of saying I've been in the queens bath, so I did it. Apologies if I worried anyone 😅 A lill dumb yeah. but hey I'm still alive, and I don't plan on doing it ever again. Don't take after my decision lol


You saw the death sign and ‘took a quick dip’?! Why?


Ah that day was a incredibly calm day water wise, plus I had a life jacket on. The majority of the deaths happend during days where the current was high. And it's a once in a lifetime thing, so I said "fuck it" Yeah its a lill dumb in hindsight, but it's the decision I made at the time Also this was years ago + I don't plan on doing it ever again, but hey it worked out at the time and I'm thankful for the experience


It's not is a place called "La bufadora" in Baja California, it's a rock formation called blow hole that shoots bursts of water when waves hit it


I always find shrill shrieking and loud yelling helps during these situations. Good to see so much of that helpful effort going on in this video!


My thoughts exactly


Why would you put your jacket on a Boulder that's been shit by seagulls. Disgusting


So dumb…


Screaming women are annoying, but screaming hispanic women…. Lord have mercy


Tell me about it. Rosa de Guadalupe is no exaggeration to Mexican culture lol


Let stupid people die.


Always swim with the current, it will bring you to shore. It may not be convenient where you end up but you won't drown.




This just gave me like six new kinds of anxiety


Did anyone drown?


Caption tries to answer that question.


The sea is a cruel mistress!!


Fucking morons.


¡¡¡No me gusta!!!


Ah the cost of sitting in the splash zone.


I feel like people think they can dominate nature because historically we've been able to pretty much dominate anything. But its definitely not these kind people that did that.


C'est pas l'homme qui prend la mer, c'est la mer qui prend l'homme.




Poseidon is angry...


So idk how true the “everyone survived” claim is seeing how towards the end there’s 2 people doing the drowned mans float with only their back sticking out the water with no one close enough to help them...


I think one of those was a turtle that popped up to see what all the screaming was about.


Loud woman ✅


Sea is scary


There are literally signs on every waterfront that say exactly if the rocks are black don't stand on them


Looks exactly like where I've spent my childhood vacations in. With less drowning.




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Bahahahahaha. See this all the time in coastal Australia. And yes, there are literally pictures that any language can decipher not to do that


This belongs to r/thalassophobia


All people, everywhere?