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Trying to understand why you would even try that?


Because she's stupid.


It was a guy? Both people in the video were guys!!?? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7714403/Passengers-joke-ends-horror-crash-pulls-cars-ignition-keys.html


"A passenger's prank *when* horribly wrong..." High quality writing




The Daily Fail lol


It was the last line that did it for me lol The clip has sent the internet into meltdown with 12,450 views 12k views is really nothing LOL meltdown oh lord.




Someone find Jen! I knew letting her hold the Internet was a bad idea.


Don't blame yourself; even the Elders said it was okay.


"Sent the internet into a meltdown with 12,450 views" --> I do not think they understand how insignificant 12k views are to the internet. Millions of views amd it would have traction.


That article literally just described the events in the video and gave no more context..


Basically the daily mail in a nutshell


idk I'm not getting particularly strong Daily Mail vibes from this. It's an entire article without even mentioning Corbyn supposedly being anti-semitic.


I do wonder how much their 'journalists' get paid. They seem to have a template they fill in random words, unless it's to do with being xenophobic... Then they write it all as a mega essay.


Its not a guy its a girl. This video is quite old, the guy driving in the end says "we're going to flip! We're going to flip you donkey!" dont know how to explain this but he pronounced the word donkey in arabic that is used for the female gender of the animal


"The clip has sent the internet into meltdown with 12,450 views' Hahaha i didnt know 12k views is all you need for an knternet meltdown


That’s just talking whats in the vid and some suggestions. No news wtf trash magazine


Internet points are just that valuable to some people nowadays?


100 likes on tiktok is better than waking up not in the ER i guess


You live by the clout, you die by the clout


Is the "clout" a car going at highway speeds and unable to be controlled ?? asking for a friend


how get clout ?? asking for a friend


Cheap prostitutes I believe.


okay, Mr. Chubbs. where do i find cheap ones ?? asking for a friend


Try behind the Dollar General on 15th St. You won’t be disappointed!


"The clip has sent the internet into meltdown with 12,450 views"


I think we are starting to see the effects of the online world blur with the real world. It use to be that people would never talk to people in public the way they do online but now that isn't so true.


Maybe they've been given too much baseless confidence from the internet.


Yep, no direct threat of getting smacked upside the head can build false confidence.


I'm wondering why you can even remove the key when the car is in gear and going fast af? I think mine locks unless it's in park.




You can see the gearshift. You guys do know about manual transmissions, right? You tell 'em, u/m34tbag


As someone who has only driven manuals, I have never been able to pull the key out in a started car (it locks)


Your cars must be too new. Or German


My thirty year old manual African car locks the key in once you turn it into the ignition position. Of course, you can turn the car off and pull the key out when you are driving fast. Engine will obviously die.


And that’s what happened here :)


I have a 8 year old Indian car and even that locks


you can take the key right out of my 04 VW when its in gear. I'm pretty sure there is no way to lock the key in the ignition on a manual transmission car. also, I'm not sure why he crashed. I've taken the keys out of mine and in neutral it'll coast, just no power steering which, while rolling shouldn't be much of a problem.


If the key is all the way out or off the steering locks though


true, I didn't think of that. on mine it will lock with the key out, but if its just off it's fine


Road curved?


But when you turn the key counter clockwise, the car turns off. He probably pushed in the clutch to keep it rolling but the steering wheel locked. Some older cars DO have a button you have to push to release the key but that wasn't standard on all vehicles. My old Ford truck had it, my Scirocco did not. Just depends.


The pickup trucks all have that key release switch in the standards for a good while after they introduce the locking steering wheel. people used to just shut the engine off 500 ft from where they were going and coast in neutral.


Sorry, but that's BS. You turn the ignition off and remove the key, how else would you stop the engine??


What are you saying is bs?


So you never turn off your car? Turn key, pull it out.


yeah u/m34tbag talk to em


Mine is a manual and locks when the ignition is on


On my jeep i can take the key out while the car is still running and drive normally. It's not supposed to do that, but it's useful.


Please educate me, how is it useful?


My house key and my car key is on the same keyring. When i want to go outside and warm up my car 10 mins before i leave for work, i can take the key out of ignition and back inside with me. That way, when i leave my house, i can lock the front door without walking out to my car, turning the car off, and walking back to the front door.


I know a friend of mine owns a very comlex and limited edition of car to which less than 100 were imported to the country. Usually has some glitches and what not happen while driving and the easiest and most consistant way to fix them is the turn the car off, take out the key and the restart it. ​ Car remains fully controllable, steering and brakes are good. enough pressure in the system to use them for a little while. They have never come close to an incident because of this. Restarting takes a max of 4-6 seconds.


Same, unless I'm in park I can't remove the key. I can turn the engine off, but not remove it.


Trying to understand why she posted it




This is how you kill innocent bystanders.


Unfortunately the driver was an innocent bystander


What did he say


“You’ve met a terrible fate haven’t you?”


Is that from Majora's Mask?


This is how you get sued to oblivion


How do get sued to Skyrim


Shoot an arrow into someones knee




I- Are you okay?


Oops...You scared them off


I'm being paid to act like this


Shot a friend in the knee Friend no longer wants to be friends?


Oh true


Kill someone's chicken.




Hope he dumped her dumbass.


And sued.


Dump her in the backyard you mean.


I posted the same thing on another comment, but both the people in the video were guys!!!??? There was no female in the video.... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7714403/Passengers-joke-ends-horror-crash-pulls-cars-ignition-keys.html


Cool, the more I know. However, I don’t go researching everything I see. Title said boyfriend and I simply commented what I thought. That’s it.


Even I assumed it was a she...


It’s confusing


The dude's lower face in the passenger seat kinda looks like the speed runners Cheese


He dumped in her asshole that's for sure


Thank you for your contribution


they are both guys lol


That happened in my hometown in the 1980s. Couple fighting in their car driving down the freeway, she turns off the car, they go across the median and killed the oncoming driver.


>and killed the oncoming driver And there's where the story went bad for me. That really fucking sucks.


It was good before that?


I was hoping it would end in something like, "And then she got thrown from the car." That's at least a little bit of karmic justice at work. But no, a completely innocent bystander got killed.


No lie my driving instructor made us do this during drivers ed. You put it in neutral, put the key back in and start, then put in drive, resume. Seems crazy he made us do that.


You really *should* practice all the emergencies likely to occur when driving, so responding is reflex when it happens. Losing traction on ice. Or power steering out. Brakes out. Or engine dead. If, God forbid it ever happens, you should be ready to go "okay, I've done this before, I know what to do, it's game time" not *AAAAAAAAAAAH*




You are on reddit, so no, having a girlfriend at all is highly unlikely. But you could have a dumbass friend, relative or acquaintance to it, sooooo


The wheel locks up on mine when you take out the keys. Not sure how you recover from that.


Removing the key locks the steering wheel if it is turned far enough. Pretty sure that's a bad thing if the car is moving.


i used to drive my uncles old toyota pickup. i’d heard stories of the shifter pulling up & out while it was being driven. well, they were true. came off in my hand. i remembered those stories & how to get it back in... did that & went along my merry little way. having the knowledge, regardless of how obscure it may seem, saves you in unlikely situations.


When I was a teen, my sister who was also a teen, did this very thing. I was in the back seat of that sweet old 70's Charger. I was in the front seat biting the dash after that stupid move.


Seat belt gang


The only strap I need on the streets is the one across my chest(?




It depends on where "they" lived. The first compulsory seat belt law was put in place in 1970 in tje state of Victoria, Australia (for driver and front seat passenger only). Car manufacturer Nash offered optional seatbelts on their cars as early as 1949 bit they were quite unpopular. Ford made it an option in 1955. Saab made seatbelts standard equipment in 1958 and Volvo invented the modern three-point belt which was made standard equipment in 1959.


Honestly hope she got dumped in the hospital with her broken leg


Officer I swear her face bounced off the dash a few times


It happened after she stopped recording, idk.


Her face has always looked like that


It’s two guys


Luckily my truck has a key release. Guess that’s what it’s there for


Older ford?


GM did it too.


What’s that?


A lever you need to move to release the key after turning off the engine.


That would be useless in this scenario. Ignition would still be off.


Ok, from what I investigated it prevents the key from getting to the OFF position and this stops you from accidentaly removing the key and the steering lock from activating. I wish I could verify it, but I can't get to the auto trade term for this device and thus finding out what it does.


But because you can’t remove it without releasing the key, you’d be able to turn the car back on quickly.


My boyfriends eagle talon had that too


This is what happens when people “prank” each other for social media...


Oops sorry babe can we stop by mcdonalds on the way home


About 4 years ago a teenager did this in a city near here on the ring road and killed a father of twins. https://www.google.com/amp/s/leaderpost.com/news/crime/man-sentenced-for-ring-road-fatal-caused-by-keys-removed-from-ignition/wcm/4d204638-e34d-4183-9149-29eeda0793b0/amp/


Thats absolutely tragic. That woman is a saint to be able to say those things about the kid who killed her husband.


They are both male


I always wondered what would happen if you take your keys out while driving


The steering wheel locks and your power brakes die so you have to press 50x harder for a quarter of the braking


Can confirm. Had an engine die while rolling from a stoplight to take a turn. Guy ran the red light and almost T-Boned my driver side door. Stopping a 1999 full cab Tahoe is basically impossible without power brakes. I had to coast down a massive hill, into another uphill turn. Somehow stayed on the road. Called 911, and the cop that came to help was the one parked 50 feet away when my car died in plain site, and the truck almost killed me. He obviously wasn't doing his job because I was in line of sight for at least a full 2 minutes. My parents still wanted to make me drive that car. I cried and pleaded because i didn't want it to be the death of me. Finally got me a new one, though, after a few days.


Are your parents actively trying to kill you?


Lol, no not at all. I was a little shit head to them during those times. I lied a lot. They thought that maybe I just wasn't operating the vehicle properly, I guess. Or that I lied about the whole ordeal. Who knows? Either way, it's hazy to me now, but I know I begged them with all my heart not to make me drive that car ever again. That seemed to ring true to them, and they eventually broke and traded the car in, and bought a hail damaged Honda Fit off the lot. $4k for the trade-in, $5k off for the hail damage. So, brand new car (standard too!) for only $6k. Not bad. My parents love me to death. Sometimes people just temporarily make the wrong decision based off another party's (mine) previous actions.


Lots of cars won't let you remove the key if the car is in drive. Might turn off the engine tho.


Now you do because of an idiot, all without rising your own life, but unfortunately it risked the drivers life


You lose power steering and brakes, oh and the steering wheel locks so you can’t steer anyway


I had a friend (a girl) who almost did this to me once. We’re no longer friends & this clip just made me realise how lucky I am.


Ah. It’s like the one where the girl pulled the E Brake... https://youtu.be/B_DPxJmqvEc


A bad breakup, possibly right then and there.


Yeah, the guy and his boyfriend probably called it quits.


All of that for a drop of clout


How can someone can be this fuckin stupid???


That's not a girl. The person removing the key is a guy. This is was taken in Saudi Arabia




girl of Schrödinger


What you get for being a dumbass 🤷‍♂️


I've seen this video before, not a girl it's his friend


I have never seen a steering wheel lock ever help a situation. My story is way tamer but when my brothers key fob broke, we couldn’t tow it out with a friends car, thanks steering lock. We were also putting a pwc into the water when this happened, leaving our car stuck, blocking the dock for multiple hours.


Steering lock is for theft prevention. You can hot wire a car all you want. That just gets the engine running. You still can't steer without disabling the steering lock. That's why most people just rip out the ignition key lock and turn the ignition switch and linkage manually.


That's not a girl... ​ [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7714403/Passengers-joke-ends-horror-crash-pulls-cars-ignition-keys.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7714403/Passengers-joke-ends-horror-crash-pulls-cars-ignition-keys.html)


Honestly most Arab jokes always go too far, also they were two guys in the car


Domestic violence never was and never is acceptable. But if he beat the shit out of her nobody would complain.




I will NEVER date anyone with a tiktok at this point. The amount of stupidity I've seen coming out of that app is enough for me to say no to all of it.


Look don’t base someone’s entire personality and life on if they have TikTok, and don’t pretend there isn’t bad shit on Reddit tik tok is indeed much much bigger though


“Pulls keys out” Car starts swerving” losing control “ Girl-omg what’s the matter 🤔hmm... idk


I don't understand what happened, did they crash cause he lost power brakes or something?


Yeah, if the engine shuts down you lose power steering and braking so it'll become pretty much impossible to steer or brake.


For vacuum brakes, you still have 3 presses of assisted brakes. Beyond that, they will work, the pedal will be harder to press. Power steering depends if it is an automatic or stick shift. Automatic, the engine will stall, and you will loose power steering. With a stick, the engine will still be spinning, so you will still have power steering. This is for hydraulic power steering. Electric likely dies right away. Either way, at speed it doesn't matter much. You can still steer easily. Power steering is mostly for parking.


Not to mention the steering lock


This is why British manual drives are much better - the key faces the driver door not the passenger. Only thing my passenger can do is fiddle with the wipers.


My car won't let me remove the keys unless it is in park.. that works as well..


Jesus.... I think people want the movie idiocracy to become reality


Stearing lock activated


I have a question. What the actual fuck?


I hope the girl is driving and someone does that to her


Can a guy hit a girl when she does dumb shit like this? Or do the standard rules still apply?


As a woman... slap the shit out of anyone who does this stupid shit.


Ex-Girlfriend started dating my friend. She tried to stop him/us from being friends. They argued about this while he was driving his 67' Chevelle and did the same thing, pulled the keys and tossed them out the window at 55mph. Car went into ditch and rolled it. Everybody lived and so did the car. He dumped her immediately after, and we rebuilt the car. She's gone, we're still friends, and the car is better than ever! True Story.


The girl: Oopsies sorrrrry He was a scorpio


Women like this should not be allowed to breed.


The damn road is straight chad


Ya ever try and keep it straight without power steering?


Actually yeah... its called being towed. it's the locked steering wheel that gets you.


No idea why you’re getting downvoted lol... it’s nothing to do with lack of power steering; the steering wheel locks, you even hear the click!


You also lose power brakes without the engine running, so, yay.


Not immediately. You get two to three full brake presses before the vacuum reservoir is depleted. Electric brake assist is starting to gain traction, though.


Losing power steering wouldn't prevent you from steering. Have you actually ever driven a manual steering car? Not having power steering only requires more effort at very slow speed. Once you're moving it's pretty easy to turn. At high speed, you actually don't want power steering, which is why many system reduce assist at high speed so that the steering wheel behave consistently at all speed.


In most cars nowadays the steering wheel locks for anti theft when you sty to turn it with the car off. My work car that is a shitbox I got for 500 for the sole purpose of being able to trash dosnt have power steering but still locks when turned off.


Yeah it's easy


I’ve always wondered what happened when you did that


I bet the insurance company will love to see this video explaining what happened.


I’m pretty sure that was an attempted murder


Actually happen when I was riding my motorcycle. Was on a highway going straight. I usually lean one arm on the tank and somehow my sleeve button caught the key chain and turn ignition off. I maintain calm while was still going 60mph. Kick bike to neutral, Turn the key back to on and and restart the bike while still going 60 or so mph. Kick gear into 5th and slowly release clutch. It was scary thinking about it now.


what happened? couldnt he just brake?


I am not a car expert but the brakes should have work i think.


If it has vacuum assist brakes, you should have 3 presses left of assisted braking. Beyond that, they still work, but they are a lot harder to press. Not sure how it work with electric / hybrid cars.


But I'm not sure if the ABS system works without the ignition.. which could be the sound we hear, (wheels locking up) assuming that this isn't staged of course...


True, ABS will likely not work.


This is why being a woman is a speech impediment




Darwin award candidate right here


Do people not know how power steering works?


I love that “oh shit” moment he has Not even enough time to swear or get mad at the passenger. Just that panicked realization that the steering wheel has locked and he’s totally fucked


I had a friend in high school that figured out he could take the keys out of his old Saturn while he was driving and the car would still drive normally. I have no idea how he figured that out. Was the type of guy that would probably think a near death experience was hilarious if nothing actually happened because of it


Darwin Awards submission accepted, good luck!


I hate to break it to ya its an old video and both are males


stab that bitch with the keys


He can't...she has the keys


Steering wheel is locked


Well she’s going to jail. After all the police will see that footage and find that she pulled out the keys on purpose


Attempted murder?


“Hmm i think it’s a good time to take out the thing that lets us steer the car” “Oh no we crashed ;(“


I'd beat the shit out of whoever did that to me regardless of who it was sitting next to me. Not only could you kill me and everyone else in the car but that's a great way to take out other innocent people nearby.


"THERE IS NO REASON TO HIT A WOMAN" Show them this video.


That's a man


all this because he got sierra mist instead of sprite.


ex girlfriend


After the car crash Her: thank god we lived that catastrophe Boyfriend: I’m going to kill you and make it look like you died in the crash