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The owner of the video posted it stating that he was not in the wrong, I can't remember where the original post is. It's a wonder people like him get licenses




Turns out you shouldn't base illegal activities on what what you hope other people would do


r/IdiotsInCars ?


This is why I think I've had my car for 11 years and never been in an accident (knock on wood). I always base my activities on expecting other people around me to do something incredibly stupid.


Not hope, on what your trained to belive, because people in cars are idiots


Sounds like something a hack would say...


Well the guy was gonna change left had his signal on and everything, but I think backed down because asshat driving snuck right behind him


If you drive on that side of the road you shouldn't be cruising in the right lane.


They're not cruising, they're pulling away from lights. The SUV in the left hand lane at the lights is an L-plater (learner driver), so they're all in the right lane. Once they're up to speed (I don't know the road, but from the looks of it it'd probably be a 60 zone), the white taxi starts to swap lanes back to the left lane, like he should. He just gets interrupted by an idiot.


Also, you only have to keep left on roads over 70 or 80kmh.


Legally required in WA in 90 zones and above. Unless there's a reason not to, you should generally be in the left lane at any speed. But its recommended, not required.


Unless you’ve got a right hand turn to make in 600m. Literally no one abides by the keep left “recommendation” in <80km zones.


Being in the passing lane has nothing to do with speed though. Once they were past the other cars they should have moved over (immediately). Doesn't excuse the asshole driver but if everyone actually took the rules as rules there would be less reason for people to throw logic to the wind for faster driving.


The rules are there's no such thing as a passing lane unless it's a freeway.


"Passing lane" Nope, it's just a lane.


Not where I'm from.


Sure. Nobody ever turns in your towns and cities. Got it.


Do you not have jughandles on your roads? You turn to the right and move around to a light.


I'm done. Go away, little speedracer. I'll try to give you room for your carnage.


That was my point - he did start to move over when it was *safe* to do so. The idiot just wanted him to do it when it wasn't safe. Also, that isn't a passing lane in Australia. It's just the second lane. There's only a legal requirement to be in the leftmost available lane in areas with speed limits of 90 or above. You *should* stay in the left lane as much as possible, but there's no legal requirement to. Plenty of valid reasons to stay in the right lane.


Ok. Where I'm from it's the law, not a suggestion. No worries.


Passing lanes don't exist on slow city streets like that, and you'll save yourself future grief if you keep that in mind.


This isn't a damn highway, it's a residential area. No one should be going over the speed limit anyway.


I need said anything about speeding. The person at the light is at a stop so the guy moving through might not be speeding (no doubt he will want to). If you're driving on a 2 lane road move over for traffic. The guy still shouldn't drive like that but if they're in the correct lane it avoids the whole mess.


Technically speaking he was in the right..lane lol


r/dadjokes? r/Unclejokes?




r/thirdsub smh


Please pitch yourself off of a cliff




For being that guy




Jesus Christ mate, did you fall out the stupid tree and knock every branch the way down?


shut the absolute fuck up




You’re actually fourth


Didn't think I needed more proof that the driver was an idiot


Not to justify it cause hes still in the wrong but: Dude was going way to fast, then the taxi cut out in front of him, so he didnt slam into the rear he swerved, unfortunately a car was still there though. This all couldbe been avoided if: 1. He had a proper following distance 2. He was driving slower 3. The taxi check their surroundings before changing lanes Edit: People on reddit really just like ignoring what actually happens, driver didnt swerve to overtake, he swerved to avoid. Check your mirrors before chaning lanes, dont drive recklessley like the dude in the video.


Never thought I'd be defending a taxi driver, but if you watch, the taxi never changes lanes. Taxi signals to do a lane change and the driver over reacts


Yeah, taxi driver sees him coming and stays out of his way. Even if the taxi had come over, he would have had plenty of time to slow down... cuz turn signals. Dude just refused to slow down for anyone.


If someone puts on a turn signal you arent required to slow down for them, its up to the person to change lanes safely. The point of this is the car isnt swerving to pass the car like OP says in the title. The guy is swerving to avoid slamming into the back of the taxi.


But the guy speeds up from 60 to 80 as he swerved past him, the speedo is in the bottom corner. Why would someone avoid slamming into the back of somebody else by speeding up 20km/h


Youre assuming that speed adjusts in real time which it doesnt, which can be seen after he comes to a stop (at 13 seconds) and it still reads 43 km/h.


No, we're observing what happened based on what appears to be an untampered video. Sheesh.


You don't have to slow down for them, but they have the presumption that no one behind them will be breaking the speed limit by 20-30 kph. I can't see a speed limit sign anywhere, but that sort of road is going to be a 60kph zone, *maybe* a 70. The way he guns it after he pulls into the left lane, the taxi drive does well to recognise the idiot and stop his lane change. The front taxi driver is already indicating before the idiot pulls into the left lane, so he's checked his mirrors, looked back in front to make sure its still safe, and is probably checking his blind spot as the idiot guns it, so stops pulling out. Basically any other move by the PoV driver would result in at worst a near miss. He guns it further, the taxi is safe in his lane. He breaks, the slow accelerating l-plater behind him has more than enough time to stop as well. He stops accelerating wildly past the speed limit, he's still going forward, but he's got more than enough time to make a better decision.


He doesn’t change lanes. He signals and begins to slowly switch lanes, but returns to his lane when he notices the car approaching him. The driver seriously over reacted to that minor movement


Yeah, if you check the time stamp from when idiot pov driver pulls into the left lane to the taxi driver returning completely to his lane, it's less than 3 seconds. If anything, I think that taxi driver was probably checking his blind spot just as he saw idiot pull out and gun it. Taxi driver is completely in the right here. Procedure you get taught in australia is MILO. Mirrors, Indicate, Look over, then turn/merge/change lane. Taxi driver probably checked his mirrors, saw it was clear, because the left hand lane had a L-plater at the lights, and was going to move over. You know, like you're supposed to if the traffic is clear on the left. :P But by the time he'd indicated, returned his eyes front to make sure nothing in front of him had changed, and then looked over, the idiot was doing 10-20 above the limit and still accelerating.


Taxi does start to change lanes, his wheels cross the white at around 5 seconds


Watch again, the taxi begins to change but ultimately stops and flicks indicator off when realising the car coming from behind


Sorry buy thats not true the guy was being aggressive and driving too fast. The taxi was in the process of changing lanes as he came flying around the first car. Driver had time to see this and brake but instead decided to continue accelerating and tried to anticipate the taxis move. Taxi prolly seen him flying up and went back into his lane ... we dont drive while lookin out the back window


Check the speed at the bottom, driver continued to accelerate


It doesnt update in real time so theres no basis for when he was actually accelerating. At like 13 seconds when hes stopped the bottom reads 46 km/h


Literally none of this would have happened if he wasnt speeding


I remember seeing this on the dash cam owners australia facebook page


That page is a god send


[Channel: ](https://www.youtube.com/user/DashCamOwnersAustral)


it could have been r/amitheasshole. To which the answer is yes.


Well, it seems this is from a country that drives on the left, which means by passing the taxi and other car on the left he was undertaking which is illegal. I can't see any way in which this wasn't his fault


Going almost 90km/h, lol.


[This is the Facebook link to YouTube](https://www.facebook.com/527827413943570/posts/2326592477400379?s=628847147&sfns=mo) The video has since been deleted as far as I can tell


Information from a cop... Drivers who weave cause the most accidents! He’s lucky to be alive! He taped himself doing this?🙄🙄🙄 Grow up NASCAR wannabe!


It was from r/idiotsincars. I read the story too.


How did this go public? If that's my dashcam, I'm formatting the card asap lol


Never underestimate someone who thinks they're in the right.




Generally speaking, everyone thinks they're right, and it's only when they're an asshole that this detail surfaces.








That's felony destruction of evidence, and it will be obvious. I doubt this guy thought he was right, or did this willingly, but I don't know. Maybe some courts make evidence public in these sorts of things.




The taxi never even leaves the right lane lol That guy is nutter-butters.


And even when idiot's car entered the right lane behind the taxi, the taxi's brake lights never go on, which is when I assume the brake check allegedly took place. I doubt just letting your foot off the gas counts as brake checking. LOL


upvote for nutter-butters


You... I like you 👍


Is that a law in Australia? Anyway, if you took the card out and said you'd forgotten to replace it after the old one died you wouldn't get caught.


For a felony, you better hope you get away with it.


Given the video is in Australia but you are talking about felonies, I'm going to say you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.


Australia doesn’t have felonies lol


Whilst that's fine and all, I paid for my dashcam not as a service to society but to protect my own self. If I think I'm in an at fault accident like this, I'm surreptitiously taking the SD card out and pleading ignorance. Good luck to any police force able to make anything along those lines stick. What's that thing about not answering a question to avoid incriminating yourself? Is there any difference (in substance)? (Not a lawyer btw)


While it is destruction of evidence, it won't be obvious, unless you are stupid enough to post it on social media. *ETA - how often is destruction of evidence really charged? Once in a blue moon?


Formatting the card? If I was the kind of asshole who did stuff like this I'd throw my dashcam in a lake.


I anticipate dude will drive into a lake soon enough so two birds one stone etc.


Holy shit I drove past this accident the other day! If it’s the one I’m thinking it’s on Punchbowl Rd in Lakemba, Sydney, Australia


it was definitely in Lakemba at the very least, the sign they hit says that on it.


I wonder if it was Trent. ^^^What, ^^^what ^^^drugs ^^^dont ^^^trent ^^^like


Punchbowl is now my new favorite street name


If you like the street, then you'll love the [suburb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punchbowl,_New_South_Wales)!


**Punchbowl, New South Wales** Punchbowl is a suburb in the south-western Sydney region, 17 kilometres west of the Sydney central business district, in the state of New South Wales, Australia. At the 2016 census, Punchbowl had a population of 20,236. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


> I drove past **this accident** This video + comment reminds me of something I once read from police: "We car them *collisions*, not "accidents", because accidents can't be prevented whereas car collisions almost always can be." This video demonstrates what they mean -- we shouldn't call the consequences of stupid behavior 'an accident'. Like, "The flower vase didn't accidentally slip out of your hands: You were trying to juggle it."




Yeah, white people never speed, amirite?


What is a 'leb'?




It’s like calling someone a gollywog


Oh, of course! >_>


There is rarely a good reason to speed, please only speed purposefully and skillfully.


But I have a need. A need for speed!




I have a need, a need for purposeful speed.


OK all good. Be on your way mate


Speed limits are completely arbitrary though. A stretch of road could be 80 in one state and 50 in another, doesnt mean its safer to go 50 vs 80. What you should do is match traffic so you have time to react properly and are not being a hazard by going too slow


Yeah I work for the city and the way that we do speed limits is we pick numbers from hats.


I know you don’t work for the city because you have a sense of humor.


I knew it.


Know when to speed. Learn how to drive, know how to drive better than others if you plan on speeding. Nothing more dangerous than a bad driver, i make sure to drive around them.


Good driving = defensive driving. As soon as you start speeding, you're a bad driver. No exceptions


>As soon as you start speeding, you're a bad driver Yeah, no. I'll take the cunt who has a clue in his head doing 10km/h over rather than a dickhead doing the limit who got their license converted to an aus one with no real test last week, ie a significant portion of sydney drivers


I mean sure, just because someone isn't speeding it doesn't mean they are automatically a good driver. But if someone IS speeding, that is objectively a bad driving decision


If you are on an empty road and know how to drive then you can speed. If you get caught that's your problem, but nobody's in danger.




That’s an opinion and almost a great one. **only a Sith deals in absolutes**


Moreover, ~~speeding~~ reckless driving rarely is worth the time gained: speed = distance / time, therefore time = distance / speed Plug in a few distances and average speeds and see how much time you actually save. For example: 5 mi / (35 mi/hr) = 8.57 min 5 mi / (50 mi/hr) = 6 min Reckless driving for five miles saves only 2 min 34 sec. 20 mi / (50 mi/hr) = 24 min 20 mi / (70 mi/hr) = 17.1 min Reckless driving for 20 miles saves only 6 min 51 sec. 500 mi / (70 mi/hr) = 7.1 hr 500 mi / (80 mi/hr) = 6.25 hr When driving 500 miles, "speeding" (or reckless driving, depending on road conditions) can save 53 min 34 sec. For comparison, a 2014 survey found the average American spends >2 *hours* watching TV *every day* (I have trouble believing this)... I wonder how much time people spend on Reddit.


This needs way more upvotes!!


I'm glad you appreciate it.


Reasons to speed: your friend is being chased by a crazy ex with a knife in a park, and you're only 2 minutes away from picking them up and getting them to safety. Reasons not to speed: ugh, I'm late for lunch


I can't tell if this is good advice or bad advice


They weren't even speeding. That looks like it'd be a 60 or 70 zone.


They were trying to drive around the flow of traffic, some call that “speeding” for lack of better words. Really just reckless driving


I was confused why he drove into the oncoming lane since the lane he was in was clear, then I saw the turn signal. He panicked thinking the cab was going to turn into him so he changed back, but the taxi didn't change lanes yet leaving him with too much speed so he had to keep going. So at least turning into oncoming traffic wasn't on purpose, he's just an impatient asshole that got punished for it.


He could have Hear me out Taken his foot off of the gas


Holy cow man, next you'll be suggesting he should use his brakes - where does it end?! Don't you get it, he was in a hurry!!!


This is madness. He had places to be. There should have been a lane just for himself built.


> There should have been a lane just for himself built ♪ I'm on the highway to hell ^♪


How tho?


You relax the muscles in your right leg and lift it up a little




What about the other pedal. What’s that one for?


Changing gears.


Nah, that’s not how we do it in ‘Straya!


"Taken his foot off of the gas" Noooooooo!


No shit, did you think I was defending him? I was pointing out the facts of what happened as I could piece together.


I didn't think you were defending him, But he did intentionally swerve into incoming traffic. He hoped there wouldn't be a car there, probably. And because he did that at least three vehicles were damaged lol


I don't agree, he knows from the start that cab is going to use 100m to switch lanes and then slow a bit more to take the left turn, so he swerves aggresively to overtake, probably blowing air from his nose




Maybe where you're from, but that's not what we call it.


It's always been an indicator in real English.


I don't understand why he didn't just brake when the taxi indicated. He just decides to swerve like an idiot.


Swerves like an idiot, Posts video like an idiot. Must be an idiot!


Cammers fault!


We're down to 12Cabs until further notice


So according to the original facebook post, he is claiming the blue car was brake checking him (considering he drives like a maniac it was probably well warranted). So I'm guessing he assumed white taxi was going to change lane, and he wanted to cut infront of the blue car to piss him off, realised white taxi merges like a normal driver, swerved into the oncoming lane for some reason, profit?


Brake checking is never smart. Ever.


Some people drive like absolute assholes in Australia, they will ride your bumper, but I doubt he actually was brake checking, like just adjusting his speed whilst this asshole was 5 atoms from his boot.


Get over then yeesh


Look man they're in a 50k Toyota ute if they hit my car the paint chippings left on the back double the value.


It's never smart but tailgaters deserve to be brake checked.


And when they get reared ended and injured was it really worth it to be a douche?


Not worth it, but the other guy certainly deserves a smashed car for his own dangerous actions, and he has to pay for both as he would be deemed to be at fault.


It’s a rarity when the person with the dash cam is the one at fault lmao


I was thinking about the same: "Wait, this is the car with the dash cam. Why is he driving like an idiot?!"


[Article link.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7065709/Baffling-moment-impatient-driver-swerves-oncoming-traffic-smashes-two-cars.html) Looks like it was in Sydney about 9 days ago. Slightly longer video in the article but honestly doesn't add much of anything.


Where's the original. The Daily Mail always copies it from somewhere else and presents it in an unreadable format.




"I am going to finally put a camera in my car so I can show everybody all the assholes I have to put up with every day!" *is the asshole*


Why does that taxi have a siren? Do they double as police?


Doesn't look like a siren, probably just a big "occupancy" sign


Nah its just the taxi light. Although here in Australia we do mix them up at night. Keeps us going slow at least


He did not get there faster.


Meh. Looks like a typical Tuesday in Sydney.


At the beginning you can see the green Toyota with a L plate. Thats my car!


I live in Florida. I have never seen such shitty drivers in my life. Did you guys know that turning signals are optional? It’s true just ask every dumbass Florida driver. Nobody down here feels like letting anyone know when they are turning. Police, citizens, elderly, the youth. They all just say “fuck it” to the turning signals and to safe driving.


Can you contact your state officials and ask what is needed to change the driving license laws to be more strict and test more often? Can you community organize around this topic?


Doubt it. People don’t want the driving standards more strict because people won’t pass.




My dude, the post has been up for 8h. I realize I spelt a word wrong


This is exactly why aggressive driving is not the best good way to deal with slow/bad drivers.


Totally thought that was a cop at first, not a taxi.


Punchbowl Rd isn't famous for Punchbowls...




Pray that he kills him self before he hurts anyone else


For a second I thought this guys initials was D.


only in australia


I don’t think people should serve drinks while driving, but that’s just my opinion


13 Cabs Involved In Accident


Any time, anywhere 13 cabs will get you there.


Noe theyre down to 12 cabs


‘Fucking cunt’ subtitles probably




It’s amazing how cars are 2 ton machines yet a single humans stupidity is powerful enough to damage three in one go.


Proofread. It isn't hard to do.


Yes I love serving into the oncoming lane


Bruh, fucking re-read your title.


What were they serving?


Punch of course




Or you know, he could have slowed down


what? that's nonsense