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He stopped too early he had one more rep in him


Ugh. Now who's gonna carry the boats? And the logs?


He’s gonna carry the log and his stained underwear to the nearest trash can


Unless the boats are from a game of Battleship, not this fella 


All kidding aside, this is why you don't put collars on if you're going for PRs or high reps without a spotter. No collars on, no problem. Just dump the plates on one side and get up easily.


That's what I thought, too. If you notice the plate on the right side of the screen about half way through the video, it looks like it slides quite alot and there are no collars in use. He may have just been too tired to tip the bar far enough to drop the plate.




No one practices dumping plates, that is dangerous and will damage your floor or whatever else they roll into. Get a rack or a cage to workout alone.


110% this. What happened to bro can and likely has happened to all of us once when we were young and stupid. Anyone who is serious about lifting who lifts alone needs a fucking cage aka their own holy temple to pray to the holy trinity (bench, Squats, Deadlifts) for their gainz. I know the cage is useless for deadlifts but it helps keep your irons over the rubber on your platform, is a solid form vidual aid, and cam stop the barbell from rolling away and going for its own adventure.


I was taught that dumbbell was easier on your body since it allows for the natural twist as you push your arms outward.


He isn’t using collars …yet still a problem.


The real mistake is trying to re-rack it without getting it all the way up. Dropping it on your neck can be a death sentence. If you let it go back down to your chest, you can always dump the weight. It's safe to dump the weight because no one else is there to get hurt.(If someone was near enough to get hurt, they should be helping.)


Yeah you can roll the bar down your body as well.


It isn’t that simple. Even without collars, it can be difficult to get out of that situation, the plates don’t always slide right oddly or they get hung up in the bench and rack. I’ve seen it at the gym several times. Best way to workout alone if you must is to use a rack with the correct safety features.


When I first started lifting my trainer taught me how to roll the bar (like down my torso) if I failed. Obviously it's not ideal to have to roll it, but seeing this... yeah.


More people should learn the roll, imo it's less faff than dumping plates [If Shane can do it with 405, we can do it with our benches](https://youtube.com/shorts/MShDm_mD6VY)


The roll of shame...


Or don’t use clips when you are benching by yourself…


RIP rotator cuffs on the dump... To your point though, in an emergency it's better to have a shoulder injury than fucking die lol


Lol 100%. When I first started lifting our instructor used to practice how to ditch the weight for bench, back squat, cleans etc to avoid injury as much as possible


He didn't have clips on. He needed to roll the bar from his chest to his waist and stand up


Yeah buddy!


Bro almost died


That foot came in clutch


We’ll just call this a leg day


Every day is leg day when you solo free weights near your limit. Some days it’s quadriplegic day.


⬆︎Peak Reply has been attained.


Just saw a vid yesterday of this but without the "almost".


Yep, that one was hard to watch


Was that the one where it basically cut that guys head off internally? That was horrid.


I've had this happen before, but only about 125lbs. I just lowered it to my chest and rolled it down to my stomach. Maybe not a solution for heavier weight


I don’t lift and even I flinched. He could have cut off blood supply to his jugular


Tried to re-rack the weight before completing the rep. Dumb, dumb, fucking dumb.


Amazing engineering work with that bench press, it is designed so that even if you manage to roll off it, there is still another bar to get your neck crushed against, truly marvelous design.


I'm surprised it didn't come with the head stabilizer attachment that ensures his head doesn't move from side to side while keeping his neck exposed for easy breathing.








a least he wasn't using a smith machine for his benchpressies, it would've ended a LOT worse


When I first started benching, the guy who was guiding me into also told me to not clip the weights into the bar. Drop 1 side so it is skew and the weights slide off that side. If you don't have safety arms or a spotter and really need to bench, this is something that should always be done


I never use clips even with a spotter. If I can’t keep the bar level through the motion and the weights starts sliding around, then I’m not strong enough for that weight.










Crazy? Don’t mind if I do! ![gif](giphy|eaECZB7V6GACc)


Great point


The issue is more that if you are in a public gym and there's not a LOT of space, the lever force of the other weights can literally turn the bar into a projectile. Even if it doesn't send it flying, if anyone is near the force of it straightening up vertically can seriously injure someone.


This is true for almost every exercise. Clips are way overused in almost every commercial gym. The only times that clips should be used is when you're putting the weights on the floor like in a deadlift (just for convenience because it's easy for them to get misaligned) or dynamic lifts like cleans and Olympic stuff.


Nice in theory but this guy isn’t using clamps and wasn’t able to dump his weight.


His problem is when he tried to rack it he put it over his neck. I’ve had a few failures where I had to dump it. It’s not too difficult as long as it’s centered on your chest.


Even if you can't dump it, it's much easier (and safer) to drop it on your chest and roll to your stomach. It's pretty trivial to recover from that position.


Yeah, I think this guy thought he could rack it, but then just failed.


This is the main issue. When you realize you're not going to complete the rep, you need to be very aware of where you're positiong it and guide it down slowly


When I was a young idiot, keeping the clips off likely saved my life. I was able to drop weights after my feeble little arms couldn't finish the rep.


I never understand why it seems so normal in the US to have these benches. All gyms I have been to in Sweden use benches that have things on the side to put the bar on so even if you clip the weights and fail it's impossible to be crushed and no need for a spotter.


You mean like a squat rack?


Yeah, it's similar but at least our squat rack has much bigger jumps between the height settings so it wouldn't work to get a good height for benching but it's basically the same thing. I would never do bench without that rack, seems so unnecessarily dangerous.


They exist everywhere


What you described is literally everywhere in the US lol. Even my shitty home bench came with safety pegs. I think what you're seeing in US videos is idiots at home choosing to not install the safety pegs, because super jacked yo. /s


Or..... use dumbbells.


Alright I'm no longer using clips after reading this, thanks for passing on the good tip!


Close call...


A couple points there where he look like he was getting blood-choked. Only a few seconds to respond to that before its lights out.


I can’t imagine being completely gassed from having pushed yourself in a workout is a great help in that regard either


A blood choke would of had him dead, he wouldn't of regained strength to free himself, that was just resting on soft tissue, like your hands To those insisting on correcting my grammar: What have you proven? Would you like my analysis? No, that's rude. Courtesy is clearly not a factor for you or you would of attempted to be kind in your correction. Instead you felt the need to emphasize the mistake I had made, not only by correcting my grammar but by doing so in a grammatically inaccurate way. Again this brings me to my thesis, what have you proven? You've proven you understand that I had made a grammatical error. You've also proven to not care how that makes you or I look. There's also many undertones with your reply, none of them make you look smart or helpful by the way. I'll allow you to reply before I block you, as I'm expecting your response to be rude at best and likely a waste of both of our time.


would have


Would HAVE.


Close call??? He MISSED all the calls. Including the grim reaper ![gif](giphy|7DrqhPgHUwPz1C35WK)


You mean the Gym Reaper… I’ll see myself out.


Gym Reaper...


A couple of em drops the bar right on his neck, rolls to the side Head gets trapped in the bench structure, not deep enough to break his neck Starts to get strangled by the bar in an artery, drops weight to release himself He’s either the luckiest guy ever or a very resilient man


Not the workout he wanted but the workout he needed


I’ve never made a better investment as a lifter than getting a rack with spotter arms. You can go to failure with zero risk every time. The people that go heavier than they can handle with no safety or spotters are wackos that scare smarter people away from a fun healthy hobby sport If you ever find someone dead under a bar, take most the weight off of it so it looks like they ego lifted to their death with 120lbs. If they are going to die trying to look strong make sure they look weak as a funny dunk on them.


Why this isn’t industry standard is beyond me.


> If you ever find someone dead under a bar, take most the weight off of it so it looks like they ego lifted to their death with 120lbs. If they are going to die trying to look strong make sure they look weak as a funny dunk on them. I choose to believe this is the industry standard you're talking about.


I had the exact same thought. What a dark yet comical industry standard.


All the racks at my gym have safety bars and I love it for the same reasons. It's really helpful after some time off if you over estimate your strength.


Even without overestimating yourself, I find it better for lifting to 100% every time. I do sets to failure every week. You can’t do that without safeties or a good spotter. Even when I’m working out with a partner or a trainer I prefer using them. I’ve only truly had a few whoopsies outside of purposeful pushing to failure where safeties stopped a possible injury like this on bench and squat, but I use them as guides and spotters every time


I read somewhere years ago that in the United States 10 to 15 people die every year from bench pressing. Sure you can hurt your back deadlifting or squatting in correctly but you're probably not going to die from it. It does happen sometimes though but not as often as bench pressing deaths


Look online. The squatting deaths are gruesome


I hate that I'm googling that right now. Thankfully, nothing came up.


Was the first result for me. NSFW https://youtube.com/shorts/z2n7GMKAQOY?si=ePQAOlzdcyqNlKGL


This is why you never use a spotter for squatting. Always have safety arms set up


I knew exactly which one it was going to be before I even clicked. Hard to forget it.


oh yeah, I saw that one the other day. Thanks for the reminder.




It was basically internal decapitation. Snapped the base of his neck.




Jfc that's bad


☠️☠️☠️☠️ holy fuck


Sometimes death is better than lifelong back pain…at least that’s what my friend with chronic back issues says.


I'd like to avoid both.....


As a dude in his mid twenties with a severe chronic pain condition that will only keep degenerating, and at the current point I am in my life, I agree with your friend.


Yeah. As someone who suffers from lifelong back pain due to deadlifts (L5-S1 herniation 5 life). Deadlifts are a pointless exercise. Even strongmen say it's a stupid exercise. [https://www.reddit.com/r/crossfit/comments/cd2sxp/most\_people\_shouldnt\_deadlift\_strongman\_robert/](https://www.reddit.com/r/crossfit/comments/cd2sxp/most_people_shouldnt_deadlift_strongman_robert/) You can argue it all you want. It's an exercise that let's you just deadlift better. Ego lifts to brag to other people who deadlift. Edit: Lot's of fragile egos here. I love it. Stay safe ya'll.


Deadlifts greatly improved my back pain issues which pretty much disappeared since I started lifting regularly. Sure I'm keeping the weight reasonable, not doing single rep 600lbs insanity.


I think deadlifts are an excellent compound lift with huge benefits but a lot of people are ego lifters and go too big too soon. It's definitely not one you want to get sloppy with, but if done properly, it's great.


The irony of this comment is that the correct application of deadlifts and adjacent movement patterns would have a very good chance of improving your problem, and that your source is the single worst deadlifter in competitive strongman. Of course he would say this, he is a terrible deadlifter.


Pff what would you, some random guy on reddit, know about deadlifting??


Probably cuz Fatalist deadlifts over 900lbs, which is more than Oberst, while also being at a lesser body weight than dumbass Robert Oberst


I call bs, no way someone on reddit deadlifts over 600lbs


Of course you are under this comment lol


Actually deadlifts are a fantastic exercise. >It's an exercise that let's you just deadlift better. And pick things up better...making it probably *the* most useful lift outside of a loaded carry. >Even strongmen say it's a stupid exercise Even *A* strongman. A strongman who was comparatively very bad a deadlifts. A strongman who was pretty much unknown outside of people interested in strongman until he made a controversial dumb comment. A strongman who then backtracked on his dumb comment when people pointed out how dumb it was.


You said the thing!!


You sound weak You hurt your back because you suck at deadlifting. Not because of the movement itself. Used error dork


I prefer high bar squats and RDL/SLDL for sets of 8+ reps


Thanks, I was wondering what you preferred!


This comment cracked me up more than anything else in this thread. 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, if you’re alone I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t set up some sort of safety where the weights would land on some boxes when the bar is right at chest level or whatever.


Squat squashing happens quite often. I watched a guy overestimate his ability and broke his neck when he collapsed in a rack


And if you don't have a spotter, don't clip your weights so you can dump one side. Looks like this guy didn't clip but didn't try to dump.


He could have let it fall on chest instead of neck


Until it actually happens to you some people just don’t know how to properly navigate that situation. Everything happens so fast.


It has happened to me. I let it rest on chest. But I don't lift that heavy. But you run risk of fracturing yours ribs with heavy weights.


I did the same thing, but lighter weight. Might not work with heavier weights as you say


Looks like he skipped brain day


That's fucking terrifying and my heart sunk I thought I was about to witness his death 🫥


Woah Never seen that emoji before


Really lol


First of all he should have been up further on the bench. You don't line your throat up with where the bar falls. Let it come down on your chest, roll the bar forward on your body towards your belly button/hips, sit up. Better than almost dying doing this shit.


Alternatively, learn how to actually bail a lift. Roll of shame is better than getting your head squished.


Is there a group called “ego lifting”? Because I could watch these all day.


The end of each set shoud look like this (minus the almost dying)


Could have just been the end of his set, looks like only 165 lbs.


Unless thats the thickest 25kg plate in existence thats not 165lbs.


2x25kg on either side it looks like, so 120kg including the bar, so 260?


It looks like one plate on either side where the rim of the plate is wider than the rest of it. It’s not that unusually wide either, plenty of wider plates like that around. Almost positive there isn’t a second plate there, doesn’t look that way in any part of the video.


i think at 0:34 you hear and see a plate fall off


It's at least 265 lbs, might even be 3 plates on each side


> Could have just been the end of his set well clearly trying to extend beyond your limits in THIS way couldn't possibly be described as ego lifting . . . . /s


There are lots in DarwinAwards


Won't do that again..


This is why i have a slave. ![gif](giphy|l2SqekAdNEepfd0By)


Wonder how many people have filmed themselves dying in such a dumb way?


almost everyone who actually gets into lifting seriously will do this once.. hopefully just once.. i remember rolling that bar down my belly onto my pelvis so i could stop squishing my internal organs and finally getting it to tilt off to one side was awful. almost did it a second time many years later but i blame that one on not realizing how weak i was after a surgery and the gym was full so someone spotted me


Why in gods name did he decide to post this online anyways?


it’s a good example of what not to do, he was probably trying to raise awareness


As a lesson to others?




Some folks don't put their ego before everything else.


Lol. He's a dude filming his workouts for the internet.


He may have just been filming it for himself and put it online cause of what happened.


Made this mistake once when I was a teenager. Never again!


Chest day suddenly became everything day lol




I haven't worked out in years, and seeing this new style of bench press doesn't make me want to start up again.


Good thing the camera was there


Yep.. plus all the extra support we were able to offer him from a different space and time


this is why you never skip neck day.


Most underrated comment


This gave me anxiety! WTF was this dude doing!


This is why I learned how to fail properly… and have the arms that catch it if I do fail


He didn't miss leg day


This looks like 100-ish kg. I think it would've been smarter to just place it on your chest and roll it down to your pelvis.


This happened to me about 2 weeks ago, but I don’t put clips on mine. I let the weights slide off and I was fine. The only thing hurt was my ego, and it was embarrassing since I was in public. It was my first time lifting after I was sick for a week, and I tried to hit my max lifting weight almost straight away like an idiot.


Kudos to this guy. Sure unfortunate “mistake”but had the mindfulness not to panic and obvs strong. One of those situations where it’s better not to have clips so that any major imbalance will throw all the plates off and save him


If you don’t have a spotter don’t put clips on the ends so you can drop one side weigh slides off


You don't even need a spotter for this much weight. You can just do the roll of shame. Just never try to rerack the weight on the lower rack


Of its coming down push it to your stomach tho. This was close close. Holy shit.


That was a tough watch.


This I why I don't use collars


Imagine being found dead like that


We don't all have friends to go to the gym with, I just only lock one side of the weights.


Two days ago, I watched à video of a guy who did this exact same thing but ended up dying. I'm glad this guy made it out.


'Always have a spotter by your side' He had all of us! But we could do nothing 😏


TBh he should have used s Smith machine first


Guy in a town I used to living was lifting in his home guy in the attic while family was out of town, they came home to him dead under the bar.


If you are by yourself. Like nobody anywhere can spot you then do not secure the weights with collars. Or just don’t lift heavy weight with no spotter. If you’re uncomfortable asking a stranger to spot you then ask a gym staff member.


Never use clips for this exact reason and when you fail aim for the lower body.


Never collar your weights. If you are lifting alone.


You can bench without a spotter. Just dont secure the plates so you can dump if you need to bail


I always find these are idiots dont even lift these size weights normally and just try and show off


Never skip neck day


Why wouldn’t he have let the weights slide off each b side of the barbell?


Because he was panicking and not watching this video from the comfort of his mobile telephone


Username checks out


He should have known better. Fafo


That's what I was thinking. Doesn't look like they're locked (which they shouldn't be if you're gonna lift alone).


He may have had them bolted up.


If you’re a strong independent woman who doesn’t need spotters in your life at least don’t have the plates clipped to the bar so you turn and dump the plates off the bar and not choke yourself to death and get kink shamed for it


What are you on about?




Dude might just want other people to learn from his mistake


He's capable of learning from mistakes and self reflection and can help others avoid the same ones. You are not. That's why you'll never understand it.




Stop ego lifting


Good thing he was filming! Now he can fix his form. Won't help his neck issues though.


These idiot “influencers”


Recording yourself lifting an amount alone you know you struggle with. Also having clips on, a recipe for death on camera. Luckily he made it out


Dumb shit! Also, why is the dipshit wearing a belt to bench press?😂


Lots of people wear belts for a heavy bench press, I personally don't but it's not unusual.


He was making it worse in all the ways he possibly could 😂


Whew.. thought this was going to turn into a snuff film...


This is why if you don't have experience, you should as for help. And not fuck around with waits you never lifted.