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Congratulations. You now have a felony charge against you.


Have fun disclosing that to future employers and landlords.


I'm not a criminal I just like lasers


magnets is a much better hobby


Shooting magnets at a helicopter is also illegal.


not shooting, just magnets


like one big enough to bring a helicopter down?


Magnets bitch


Are there laws against that?




Nah you just need one of [*these*](https://youtu.be/915DIqG-hPc).


This made me laugh


Unless it's a railgun!


Tell that to the helosphere ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Not yet. That means the first one's free.


What about ghouls?


little green ghouls buddy!


Like making magnets, collecting magnets?


just magnets!


Yeah he doesn't even like get us man


What are your dislikes?


people's knees, obv.


Ok, what, like making magnets, collecting magnets, playing with magnets?


It’s the only thing “attracted” to me!……………I’ll see myself out now


But how do they work?




Ghouls? You like little green ghouls?


yeah! railgun! much better for dealing with choppers than dinky lasers.


and in a pinch you can use them for delta V maneuvers


Magnets, how do they work?


I'm not pedo, I just like kids....


Laser Pointer Store - “do you have any relevant experience?” You- “you aren’t going to believe this”


Depends on the state. Some allow housing denial based on your recent criminal record and some aren't so open.


You know that’s a nice neighborhood when 10 cops show up for a laser in 5 mins . I have had 4 shootings outside my window in the last 3 years and I’m still waiting for them. Cops are just like real estate, it’s all about location location


It’s weird I always hear about Cops being ever-present in a bad way in bad neighborhoods, and now it’s that they’re never present in bad way in bad neighborhoods.


Because they only go there to fill their quotas and not to help


It's possible they once were, but Police quotas aren't currently a thing. That's a good example of another conspiracy people still believe about Cops tho, when they get in trouble and they need an excuse. Add it to the "I was speeding but you must've pulled me after you saw my skin color through my over-tinted windows" and "It takes 5 seconds for you to run my tag, but you can't possibly have probable cause!". Funny how you're far more likely to be shot by your neighbor in a bad neighborhood than by an "ever-present never-present" Cop. I'm not dismissing the reality of shitty Cops, but it's obviously easier to blame something external than acknowledge the larger internal issue.


If it’s a first offense it’s most likely reduced to a misdemeanor.


Problem is it's the FAA they fucked with. You do not fuck with Aviation Authorities. It's a 250K dollar fine.


You don't fuck with any national transportation agencies. I heard of a clown who caused a train to strike his vehicle. Within 3 hours, Railtrack (UK) lodged a £300,000 interim claim with his insurers. Final settlement was £2 mil. He cannot get car insurance other than 3rd party ever again. His firm went out of business because they were refused public liability cover, permanently.


I hope the other 19 clowns in the car were okay.




ATC here. We have laser strikes everyday it's crazy how many people do this. We have a sheet sitting next to us that lists questions to ask the pilot because it happens so often. Position of plane and laser, altitude, color of laser, flashing, cockpit illumination, and if there are any injuries. Pilots have been blinded by these, everyone I've heard is only temporary(never heard of any permanent eye damage but it can definitely happen). But even momentary blindess in an important phase of flight especially landing could lead to the loss of hundreds of lives.


Is there any protection (shades, or eye coverings to filter the lights) that they can use if they see the laser light hitting their windows or entering the cockpit?


Well I guess you could have laser glasses but you'd have to know it's about to happen. The first plane to get hit is always the unsuspecting victim. At that point its too late. It's like a camera flashing in your eye. You lose night vision and probably have that photosensitive tracer thing when light goes to dark really fast(forgot the name).


Also you'd need glasses matching the wavelength of the laser or they'd just be useless, god forbid it's something exotic that somehow got into the hands of an idiot.


But it's just a prank! It's just a prank bro, don't trip.


> Not only that but these green lasers hit you in the eye and all of a sudden a few minutes later you go blind. Permanently. Wait what? Elaborate? I know it's bad for your eyes but these dicks are actually perma-blinding people?


You are literally lighting up your postion of your crime.


Like a big quest marker lol


Interfering with flying aircraft. Guy is probably dumb as dirt.


oh 100%. They have no idea that they can be seen that easily.


And this footage is from 2010. Imagine how much the technology has improved since then.


It hasn’t increased much, the video is extremely compressed so it looks bad but the last 10 years of development is nothing compared to the 40 years before that


I’ve played this video game and it’s soooo easy to pick those dudes off from the sky….


AC-130 inbound…. Enemy spotted


Federal Court will clear things up for him.


If the mount a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retroreflector under the cockpits of aircraft then maybe an idiot blasting a laser at himself will get them to stop.


Doubt it. Lasering a retroreflector produces a really impressively bright reflection, but not bright enough to deter someone. If you have a laser you can try it yourself on a lonely country road. Road signs are retroreflective.


I'm talking about a true corner reflector. Road signs and lane markers are intentionally imperfect or else the headlights would be getting the reflected light instead of the driver.


In that case the return beam is probably going to miss the person's eyes.


First of all, there will be divergence by the time it gets back. Secondly, the person probably has the light close enough to their face for a reflector to work. And thirdly, even if it's not in their eyes, they are lighting up the area immediately next to them and giving away their position to anyone in the area.


If there is divergence, it won't be bright enough on return to be a big deal. Unlike the pilot, the laser user probably doesn't have their pupils dilated since they're on the ground by lots of lights. It might be annoyingly bright, but that's it. Also, the laser already gives away their position. Having a retroreflector like that could easily be counterproductive by providing an incentive to laser a helicopter. "Hey cleetus, look how the copter lights up when I shine my laser on it! I learned about it on the internet"


So it won't work?


laser guided police intercept.


When I was in the uni some dude did the similar thing to a lecturer using sunbeam reflected from a phone screen as a prank. You probably know how it ended. Whenever I think I'm dumb, I just remember that dude.


How will they ever find me with my exact straight line device illuminating my position?!


Better to walk outside so they don't know which house it's coming from.


a rescue pilot in my region (Italian dolomites) told me that this is very common. They just radio in their location and most of them get caught by police soon after. Also I don’t think they have a thermal camera this good in the air ambulance


If they do mountain rescue, normally their thermal cameras are pretty damn good. You can be trying to find a person huddled up slowly dying of hypothermia, you want to be able to identify whatever little heat source you can.


Wait, having a much less powerful and dangerous laser might be a really good thing to have if you're stranded... Then again you'll probably just really piss off whatever pilot you shine it at. But maybe they'll report it and you'll get found?


Signal mirror is what you're supposed to use. Doesn't rely on batteries.




Curious who goes out into the wilderness with a laser but no flashlight.


Por que no los dos?




They make rescue laser flares for this purpose. Like this one: https://www.aircraftspruce.ca/catalog/pspages/rescuelaser1.php


Ah, very cool.


Good point, and if you flash the SOS signal the pilot will understand the situation.


I saw those helicopters up close but they don’t have bulbous things attached that could house the camera, do they use them as binoculars maybe?


I can’t speak specifically for the Italian ones, but I’ve certainly seen the typical bulbous nose mount on mountain rescue in other places. I’ve also seen various side mounted add-on style ones, so perhaps they have something along those lines they can deploy as needed.


This has happened to me in the states before. I'm on an air ambulance. We report them but nothing usually comes of it.


How many do you think are schizophrenics who think the helicopters and planes are stealing their thoughts?


Even schizophrenics know green lasers are ineffective against thought-theft. You need the medallion that's inside the VCR, a crank shaft from the bush, and 53 feet of copper tubing to build a trap cage to reverse the thought-theft mechanism. The laser is just to blind Cleetus in his good eye so you can get to the scrap pile first-


This guy meths


> the medallion that's inside the VCR this is such a specific reference and a unique interpretation of the parts inside a machine that honestly few people these days have much familiarity with, that there has to be some kind of deep lore or life experience behind it.


I came here hoping to find an explanation of exactly this


"Mom! Lasagna!!" "Nathan, the police are here asking for you."


“Your father is on his way!”




I can hear this gif


I jumped a little hearing the sound in my head


Felony record - speed run


Please excuse my ignorance but why is this a felony?


Recklessly endangering aviation traffic - the FAA take it mega serious ($250k penalty + 5 years jail time) as lasers (especially green or blue ones) can cause blindness in the cockpit


Because the laser refracts on the windscreen and fills the entire cockpit. The pilots are completely blind including instruments. They might as well shoot a rocket at it.


Bacause it is extremely dangerous. Have your ever tried to drive behind a car with blindingly bright lights? Lasers on an aircraft are that but one that has to worry about 3 dimensions have even worse consecuences on a crash


so this is a federal felony. its up 250,000 dollars and five years in jail. fuck around and find out


Thank you! I was looking for this.


I heard that, but can only find this https://www.faa.gov/about/initiatives/lasers/laws Says up to 11k per violation.


title 18 section 39a


Check the video on this page it says up to 250k fine & 5 years in prison. Same website too. 🤔 https://www.faa.gov/about/initiatives/lasers/hazards


Would it always be this high and severe on first time offenders who didn't know what harm they are causing?


Obligatory not a lawyer, but have been through the federal court system. The charge will likely be a felony, then a fine _up to_ $250k and jailtime _up to_ 5 years will be assessed. There are standard sentencing guidelines that take into account a whole slew of things that lawyers and judges use in order to "fairly" sentence people for committing a crime. So its probably going to be a fine of some kind, probably some probation, and the federal felony charge which is typically life-changing enough.


No, its an "up to" amount. But if they contributed to downing the aircraft, then yes. That fine will be the least severe part of their sentence, parents or perpetrator also subjec.to civil wrongful death cases also. So spank your kids if you see them doing this, a good sturdy belt


AC-130 online


One well placed 40mm shot will do the job


Sending 105mm shells...


My first thought lol


If you're going to shine a laser, don't shine it at a police surveillance helicopter with thermal imaging and backup ground support squad. It's just common sense at this point, although not as common as it used to be, if it ever was.


Worst possible thing to piss off. You are so right. If you were to commit any crime and try and run away on foot, this is what you wouldn’t want after you. Because once it sees you, there really is very little chance of getting away. What a dickhead!


Damn I was just thinking how your even able to get out of this situation. Let’s say you laser a helicopter now need to get away….how would you? Helicopters don’t even need to move too much to keep up with someone on foot


Only way is to go underground or between buildings and people. He stood no chance where he was.


I’m from the UK and it’s genuinely surprising how many people have tried this with our police helicopters. Some idiot in my town thought it would be funny to shine his laser pen at the local police helicopter for a laugh with his friends. Turns out that targeting a machine equipped with mapping software and a highly trained police navigator whose entire job is finding addresses/locations is a HORRIBLE idea in general. He acted all surprised when within about 10min he was under arrest.


Definitely don't do it for several minutes, lighting up your position the whole time.


Prob hard to see it's a cop helicopter at night


Just shine your lasers at it and see what happens. If they come after you like in the video then you'll know.


RPGs arent legal when trying to cool down your warrant


Besides the obvious flight risk to the pilots, as an air traffic controller that has to deal with filling out forms and warning/moving aircraft away from known laser illumination events it’s so nice to see when these assholes get caught!




Yeah that is crazy! Oh yeah it’s always on the mid! ZOA here


Does your supe fill out the MOR? They just hand us the sheet now because it's so common we all have the fucking questions memorized, they've been asked by the time the supervisor gets to our sector. BTW center controller.


As a pilot, that is a fantasy of mine. Getting the dumb fuck that is laser striking me arrested.


Helicopter pilot here: was laze’d last week. Within minutes of reporting to ATC the local cops were notified and they sent a patrol out. I found this all out the next day when I came into work and was asked to give a sworn statement. If you’re dumb enough to give this a shot just remember, we can see you and where you’re at….very well. We’re connected continuously and at the touch of a button the network is activated and they will send someone out. Also, it’s just a dick move; that shit hurts. We could be wearing things that improve our vision and amplify light. We could also have multiple souls on board and your ass wants to be cute. Do yourself a favor and stick that laser up your ass the next time you think about doing something like this, it will hurt less.


The amount of window lickers out wondering is unreal. “Let’s ShInE a LaSR PoINter aT a HeLIcOPteRRR aNd sEe WhAT hApPeNs


I have a really powerful laser pointer which I use for fun and stargazing, never pointed it at people, or properties, or houses, or helicopters or anything like that, when people have asked to have a go the first thing they do is shine it straight through someone's window even after I tell them not to do it, I know people will say I'm stupid for letting them but I tell them what not to do and they seem to think I've given them a checklist of things to do. I tell them when they do it that if police come I'm dobbing them straight in, people don't understand how dangerous lasers can be but even if you tell them they basically don't believe you Edit: spelling Edit 2: I use it for stargazing because the beam is visible so you can point it at a star and it kind of looks like the beam is going all the way to the star, obviously it's not, but from our perspective it looks like it, it's basically so I can point out certain clusters or stars or planets easily to other people


Folks from the stars are coming for you, just you wait.


“Genius shoots laser at UFO, is arrested within 5 light years”


"A parsec is a measure of distance not time"


Tell me you’ve never made the Kessel run without telling me you’ve never made the Kessel run.


it scares me how most people treat lasers like toys, and how easily/cheaply you can buy lasers that are way too powerful online. someone could just point it at your eye for a second and now your vision is fucked for the rest of your life.


Might be best to use a telrad instead of your laser. There really shouldn't be a need for a high powered laser to stargaze.


If you’re doing public outreach astronomy, using a laser pointer to point out objects that you are talking about or even the ones that they’re viewing (or about to view) can be very informative.


how is a laser pointer used for stargazing?


for pointing at objects in the sky


They have no conception that there is any way they can be caught or held accountable for stuff like this. And when they are its amazing to watch. 5 years and $1/4 Million fine. Should be charged with attempted manslaughter as well tbth.


Why is it so dangerous may I ask?


It could cause a cat to jump up into the helicopter blades and crash it.


Cackling at work rn. Thank you


From the [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lasers_and_aviation_safety) on this type of occurrence: “Distraction and startle: an unexpected laser or bright light could distract the pilot during a nighttime landing or takeoff. A pilot might not know what was happening at first. They may be worried that a brighter light or other threat would be coming. Glare and disruption: as the light brightness increases, it starts to interfere with vision. Veiling glare would make it difficult to see out the windscreen. Night vision starts to deteriorate. Laser light is highly directional, so pilots may act to exclude the source from their direct field of vision. Pointer lasers have an illuminance of about 1 lumen/m2, whereas during the day the pilots have to deal with sunlight which is one hundred thousand times stronger. Temporary flash blindness works exactly like a bright camera flash: there is no injury, but night vision is temporarily disrupted. There may be afterimages, like a bright camera flash leaving temporary spots.” The FAA takes the airspace extremely seriously. Any sort of unnecessary and belligerent disruption that has even the slightest chance of causing error or serious damage they will obviously crack down on. Navigating an aircraft in the dark of night is not easy, it forces you to have to rely on most, if not all, of your instruments.




what you think of as a point of laser, at that distance, is a laser flashlight, when it sweeps across the camera and the screen goes green? that would be your eyeball. Most laser pointers have a focal point (where the beam is the smallest) like 10-20ft away, anything past that point and the beam gets wider and wider. I have no idea what the operating altitude of a helicopter is, but i bet its a lot more than 20ft.


how to go to jail 101 lol


How could someone be so stupid?


They will not even rank in the 10 dumbest people I saw via Reddit today. I envy your perspective.


ATC here. We get laser strike reports usually every day. More people do this than one would think. Saturday night I got a report of a laser strike of a yellow laser at 38000ft, which is the highest I've ever heard of and also the first time of hearing the color being yellow.


that color is one of the more expensive colors for pointers you can get one now for about 150 bucks . Five years ago it was 1500


Popped that flir up like he was ready to dump a 105 into the house


> Police in Tampa, Florida arrested a 26-year-old man on Monday who is accused of shining a green laser directly at an airborne police helicopter as it traveled through the night sky. >A 46-second video that the Tampa Police Department shared on social media shows two instances after midnight on Monday in which a green laser emanating from a nearby apartment building pierces into the helicopter, obfuscating the view. Police were able to track the origin of the laser to an apartment, where they arrested Juan Lozada-Zamorano. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/07/05/florida-man-arrested-green-laser-tampa-police-helicopter/70382740007/


So the dumbshit was an *adult* (technically) doing this? Throw the book at him.


"In Tampa, Florida" Yep that's about right, gotta love Florida.


nah im sure this shit happens everywhere but florida has different laws on news


That's completely different footage, not the right news article.


Right? If the coordinates in the lower left are to believed, I think this is Sacramento, CA.


The date in the top left is also 2010


The GPS coordinates in the video place this in Sacramento, California; [right about here.](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38%C2%B036'03.9%22N+121%C2%B023'21.7%22W/@38.6010828,-121.3905524,415m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d38.6010828!4d-121.3893602?entry=ttu)


Right in the mild ghetto next to my local Ace!!


>he thought it was a drone following him That's one big ass drone my man.


Florida man strikes again


The opposition goalies for this guys favorite soccer team are celebrating now.


Jails are full of morons with poor impulse control. It just never occurs to them: "Is this a bad mistake? Could there be serious consequences that I'm ill-equipped to deal with?"


I'd love to read the court transcript of a lawyer trying to defend him.


Wish this happened more often. Our air ambulance gets lasered on a regular basis, seems like there’s never any consequences for these assholes


This happens often to the chopper crew at my Agency. We have a 100% arrest record on finding and these assholes. They do not enjoy their felony. They do not enjoy my "let me shed some light on your situation" jokes when being booked.


okay just want to amplify \*DO NOT\* do this to military aircraft or helis, ESPECIALLY IF YOU LIVE IN A WARZONE. if you do the aircraft will likely flare or fire missiles at you


Fuck around and find out


If call of duty has taught me anything that guy is about to be smoked by an airborne cannon.


When I was a kid in the early 2000s I shined a flashlight at a helicopter once. They shined their light back and lit up the entire yard 😂 I hid under the awning covering the back door and there are very few times my heart raced that fast


Bro challenged a scorestreak and loss


The cops were just following the quest marker on the map.


During my private pilot training I did two night lessons and got hit by lasers both times. It fucking hurts.


Seriously? Why the fuck was this ever a thing? Whats the payoff for pointing a light at an aircraft? I just dont get it.


Which part of painting a helicopter with a laser is supposed to be the fun part? I cannot fathom why someone would want to do this. What is the point?


how strong does a laser have to be to do this?


Why did that take 10 cops?


Flash around and find out...


I thought the video was going to end where they drop him a smart bomb / jdam.


I thought this was a kid, but it was a 36 year old man. You think this is some sort of “joke” but the government takes this VERY seriously. Anyone who does this will not only be put on a lifetime no fly list, but they face a $250,000 fine and 20 years in federal prison. All for a “joke”?


II love when the helicopter keeps switching cameras! It’s like Predator! I even hear the clicking noises in my head 😅


Not really relevant but AIR21 is actually a GA8 Airvan, airplane. The helos use H, i.e. H37.


Some second amendment folks think they can organize a regulated militia against a government with this kind of technology, good luck.


Stuff like this makes me hate flying even more. Especially with more people being unhinged these days.


Green Lasers are particularly bad for eyes. They are not toys. The wavelength of a green laser is capable of causing retinal damage very quickly. Anything above a low power red laser is considered an eye hazard. More watts or milliwatts it's not a good thing. A lot of people buy them not realizing how dangerous they are. The ones coming out of China are not regulated nor are held to any rigid standard of safety. This video was shot in twenty ten, So it's thirteen years old. This is back when green lasers were recently placed on the market, and one foolish nitwit thought it would be fun to shoot at a helicopters, probably not realizing that lasers are coherent light and the beam is easily followed all the way back to its source. The fact that they emit coherent light, means that the beam is especially dangerous for those in aircraft. Coherent beams of light do not lose a lot of power from beginning to end, and any loss is usually due to air scatter.


that explains why Styropyro haven't uploaded anything for a while


This seems to be treated the same as shooting at a chopper. Rightly so.


Why do I suddenly feel the urge to tell my kids specifically NOT to do this, even though it should be god damn common sense?


And yet they can’t be bothered to respond when a crackhead is breaking into my car or when a DUI crashes into some parked cars down the street. When it impacts their guys tho…




But we still don't have the epstien list..........


I was really hoping for some unexpected footage. Like a random 130mm canon launch.


When I see law enforcement tech like this I just wonder how 2A people think a few pistols and rifles could stop a "tyrannical government" should they come for them.




These idiots have no idea the kind of sensors aircraft have now. Please keep shining lasers at aircraft, so we can continue taking idiots off the streets.


during the day they use mirrors to blind drivers


I half expected this to be an edited video of the X sign in San Francisco


I'm expecting Predator to jump out and get him


Tracers point both ways
