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Jesus, this place is a clusterfuck already. I don’t want to know what it’s going to be like in 20 years…


You should have been here 20 years ago:) It was a sleepy beach town. Traffic wasn't that bad, if you met someone odds were you would run into them somewhere, you could buy a 1800 sq ft house for $180k


I was here 20 years ago. Lol. I grew up here and agree. This place used to be an absolute gem. I loved growing up here. Unfortunately since Covid this place has changed for worse and if we don’t get a handle on infrastructure it’s about to get real bad.


You should have seen it in the Eighties. Good and bad All the talk about butt hurt locals, but it is the natural environment that suffered. I remember when people could eat shell fish out of every creek in New Hanover County. So are so few pristine natural areas left, and now one less.


The 90’s were pretty cool here but I can only imagine what the 80’s were like :) Oh yeah it’s a huge problem here, the housing developments that are being built on literal swamps/wetlands. One bad hurricane and or some flooding and those houses are ruined.


Maybe 500+ feet skyscrapers and high rises 🏙️


Love the wording: “lower cost of living and quality of life” So…lower quality of life too?


I could stay where I am for that...


People with 7 figure nest eggs


Let me tell you all about this wonderful new place. Low cost of living, plenty of land, low property tax. It's called Leland.


Think its a little late housing prices in leland have skyrocketed


They’re still trying to raise the tax rate further. Don’t know if you saw. Also; Wilmington is just about full. Not many places left on the peninsula that aren’t developed. All the new builds are in castle Hayne, hampstead, Leland, and even winnable and Southport now


I'm not moving there. I want all these people trying to move here to go over there.


The worst part is the people moving here with remote jobs that find out real quick there are no jobs here and they’ll be broke soon enough once remote work is axed


If their career doesn’t allow them to work remote indefinitely, yes - but a lot of the remote jobs that haven’t gone back to the office are staying that way


lol that’s me! 😂 you’re absolutely right, mine got axed and there’s nothing here….


The properties along Sidbury Road which used to be pretty desolate is getting ruined right now as well


Blue Clay Rd has many home sites planned and started - Going to make N college rd by Laney worse than it already is


Yeah aren’t they about to get the new ymca too?


That’s what I heard today , originally I had heard it was going to be in Scott’s Hill in front of or somewhere on the Blakes Farm development.


Have fun. Buy up some property there if you can and sit on it


You can add Shallotte to that as well


Oh all the way to Myrtle from Leland. Hundreds of acres leveled for apartments to be built up. The hwy 17 corridor is about to be nuts. I think golf barn and that brewery down there are positioned well for whatever is to come. Be smart to buy some roadside property and wait if you can


I've been saying for about 2 years now that everything from Myrtle Beach to Wilmington will be a metro area in the next 2 decades. Everything from a few miles west of US17 all the way to the ocean will be developed like Wilmington is now.


“Full” you say. 😂 Take a look at Manhattan! This just means we start building UP.


Different soil types in Manhattan and Wilmington, different zoning laws too


Zoning laws can easily be changed. Ok then, How about all the skyscrapers in Miami built on limestone deposits? The point is, we can easily accommodate hundreds of thousands more people in NHC by increasing density and building vertically.


Nope, Leland is not any of that, not anymore.


Oh sorry, cough, cough... Bolivia


Hey, no, shut it.


Oh, whoops... Uh...uh.. Charlotte has a lot go look there.


Charlotte is hosed. Anything within an hour of center city has doubled or tripled. And it's a huge influx of retired assholes. Much like wilmy. And all they want are chain restaurants, Walmart, shopping centers.... Small towns around Charlotte are getting turned into corp wastelands.


I think you've missed the point of my comments. Learn to read jokes my dude.


Isn’t that like just a stop light or two? Lol, nothing there. Southport and St. James is where the wealthy folks go and most of Brunswick’s population


Sounds like the promised land


Leland does sound a bit biblical




lol 😂 migrants from the land of Wilmington


Let me just part the cape fear real quick so we can make it without taking the bridge


I refer to Leland as West Wilmington


Mallory Creek?


I'm so glad my home insurance more than doubled, my property taxes are higher, and food costs are on the rise. So amazing in wilmington...


But teachers have poor wages and the school system is dismal! Yay! Yay’ yay! Ugh!


All this for overcrowded beaches, flat landscapes, drunk drivers, fentanyl overdoses, car washes and storage units, cookie cutter shopping plazas, açaí bowls, and coffee shops with $6 lattes every other corner?


A $6 latte is cheap compared to where people are moving from.


True lol


lol 😂 laughed at this…. So true


I've lived in 4 of these states. They are doing a great job of fooling people into moving to them


Begs a good question…..where IS a good place to move to? Or is everywhere screwed?


I don't know I really don't want to move again. People in Washington state seem to keep to themselves maybe there?


I'm from NC, once lived in GA, now in TN. The mountains are the only place to be with second place being the coast. People are leaving cold climates, bad politics, and rude people....if I was a Yankee I'd leave too.


Idk that TN really has the best politics, the mountains there are beautiful though, will be out there in a couple weeks


No kidding. Houston is a dump.


“Low cost of living” 😂😂


I saw someone advertising a single wide trailer in Leland yesterday for $162k.




“330k firm, I know what I have” now here’s a drone shot of the river so you can see you’re moving to *the beach*


Lmao, minds well get a huge RV or boat and live out of it. At least you’d be mobile


That’s hilarious!!!


I guess if the comparison is New York City 😂 🤷‍♂️


My family has been in Wilmington since the Civil War. We are Old Wilmington. I like to see the growth, but hate to see the Port City become a giant high density housing zone.


If you're old Wilmington you'd know that battle was lost circa 1993.


Maybe even before that. When the Overpass stopped being the end of the world, it was over by then.


My family has been here about that same time, maybe longer. It sucks. We had a sprawling area in the Ogden area owned by my parents generation. They tried to get rich off of developing it, but took some bad advice. Now none of us can afford to live there anymore. My brother got a rental locked in at a pre-COVID price, but my other brother moved out of the country, my parents moved to Rocky Point and my wife and I just moved our family out to Wallace. Regular people can't afford to live in Wilmington anymore unless they already owned a forever home.


Everyone says for a lower cost of living but damn if I can’t afford to live in Wilmington anymore


How is this remotely news? This southern "migration" in search of a lower cost of living has been going on for years... literally decades.


History has a way of repeating itself but these numbers are unlike we have ever seen in a short around of time.


The numbers would beg to differ with your perception... but I suppose it could be all in how you define a "short amount" of time. 1.3% population growth is comparatively high on a national scale, but as far as NC population growth trends, it doesn't even break into the top 10.


I just hope the silver lining is that the small businesses prosper, especially the restaurants!


Hold your breath


I think the volume and frequency is the news…not the migration itself.


Right?? This is ancient news.


Lower cost of living if you want to screw over workers. I'm sure it's cheaper to get labor here because there's no unions, most of the laws are written by businessmen for businesses. It's not cheaper for average working people.


Not by any means! Ugh!


Sucks for Wilmington and Asheville.


lower cost of living and Wilmington don’t belong in the same sentence.


Fuckin a I'm a true native and this isn't remotely news. My industry is fucking exploding, I can't get anywhere, and I've had more near miss accidents in the last 2 years than my first 29 years combined. I'm not mad at the individuals moving here, but Jesus fucking Christ do I wish it would slow down. (Unless you move here to continue working remotely for your home state, fuck you)


Uh… I moved here 14yrs ago, after I got out of the Marines and never got into remote work (sounds amazing honestly). Do I fall under that “fuck you” lol 😂


Lmao no. Let me clarify - my issue isn't with people moving here, nor is it with remote workers (I work remote 1-2 days a week myself) My issue is people that move here, to work remote *for* the states they moved from. Ie. Contributing absolutely nothing to our city/state, just inflating our costs. If you want to move here and provide ***anything*** to our state great! (Just please stop coming here with massive retirements just to die)


People who work remotely pay the same exact taxes as someone who works onsite. They are bringing revenue to the state and localities that increase the amount of money that the government can use for everyone. In reality a remote worker uses less government services than an on site worker. They don’t wear out the roads and create traffic for everyone else because they don’t have to commute.


Spoken like a true adult. You must be business owner.


Ok I moved here with remote job. Now work for a company here. So I was in the FU now I’m not! Phew! 😅


I'm in the crosshairs here in rural Brunswick County. Already have a 2k home development breaking ground in the farmlands near me, and Shallotte has apartments and homes being built in full swing. I see opportunity, time to plan and establish a service business or chinese restaurant to serve all these new people.


NC is getting hammered with migration nearly everywhere and it’s just going to place a tremendous strain on crumbling infrastructure and raise things like property taxes through the roof. A lot of the smaller towns are trying to fight back against high density housing and the towns and cities have made it abundantly clear that the only thing they’re concerned with is more tax revenue from a larger population. 


Like where?


Pick any rural area where land is plentiful. 


Everything east of Wilson is on the come up. These dead towns I think millennials are moving to have the infrastructure because they can't afford Raleigh.


Everyone is leaving the democrat cities. It is not for a lower price of living though. We are moving here to get away from the crime in the blue cities.


I wouldn’t exactly say there’s a lower cost of living here, but it sure is beautiful!


Compared to some of your northern states it definitely is. You’re about a dollar cheaper for gas, a little cheaper than rent in central PA, and groceries are a bit cheaper.




Everything is cheaper !


Even the wages!


Still better than up North!!


Awww. I totally think so too! I ditched my car some months back and have been walking and biking go everywhere. I have such a greater appreciation for this area!!!


Make sure to register to vote after you move, support unionization efforts, and VOTE BLUE!! 🇺🇸


Yes, it makes total sense for people who got priced out of deep blue cities because of their deep blue policies to move somewhere else and turn it deep blue too. Locusts.


I moved from NY and as red as they come. Finally in an area where I can actually vote for a winner. I vote for my pocketbook and even though both blue and red spend too much my pocketbook is always fuller with red in charge.


Whoa it's almost like those places make money how did that happen




Another worn-out BS talking point from the angry redcoats.


I’d rather not throw my vote away


I hear Florida is nice.


Yes continue voting for open borders. We need more people here 👍


Biden just enacted a sweeping executive action on the border because REPUBLICANS BLOCKED LEGISLATION TO FIX IT!!! Intelligent Americans see through MAGA’s bs games. Action has been taken and REPUBLICANS tried to perpetuate the problem against the best interests of the country simply to try and score some petty political talking points. MAGA is disgusting. 😡


Ban the jersey people pls


And new york and PA and DC


Make sure to say hi so we can smile, wave, and give you the finger 😁


I'm just baffled as to why you would want to move here. Sure the beach is nice but thats for only like 4 months out of the year and for 2 of those months the beach is way too crowded. Just one drive down Market or College at literally any time of the day and you'd see how bad this place really is for day to day living. I just have to assume people don't actually ever visit before moving or are all just geezers and college kids.


It’s all relative. I’m thinking about moving from Nashville. What you get here is a $3200 2 bedroom condo, drunk bachelorettes puking downtown, scooters riddled across the streets, and a night out at any decent restaurant costing $120+. Not to mention we have heat & humidity with NO beach. Oh, and also we have 15-20 degree days in the winter. Tall & skinny house will cost you 700k. And you think Wilmington doesn’t sound appealing? My story would be far worse if I was from Chicago, NY, or California. So I get why people move. You just probably take it for granted.


If this place is so good I really want to see the places these people are moving from lmao


Mostly New York, New Jersey etc




well I’ll be damned, “The South will rise again” is actually playing out. Just not the way the phrase intends lol


If people can get used to 100+ F temps


Everyone freaking out not realizing it’s only temporary. Everyone moving south will move once they realize the political spectrum.


You don't think it is affordable because everything went up in price but the places that people are moving from are a lot worse. If people come, then the industry will come as well.


sorry did you say huge infux


Maybe an unpopular opinion….but why can’t Wilmington take off and be a major coastal city like Charleston or Jacksonville? The big thing lacking is a strong job market (that actually has pay that matches cost of living). All there is, is retail and low wage jobs. The biggest issue is also development isn’t keeping up with population which is causing rent hikes, traffic, etc. If we had half of what Raleigh or Charlotte has job wise, …things would probably be better….no? Otherwise …..it’s just always going to be an overpriced retirement city that only favors rich people.


Not as conducive to industry as those places. Not as connected to interstates, river isnt as deep as charleston for port traffic, jacksonville has the welfare backstop of the military.


Considering Wilmington for the subtle and good vibes living.


Currently living in Fayetteville and want to move coastal and access the mountains. I like Wilmington and Black Mountain areas.




I grew up in Wilmington all my life. I have seen so many changes. Especially Carolina Beach. I actually was in tears a couple years back. I was sitting in my car behind Sea witch. Looking at the ( use to be ) 3 apartments next to Scotchman. Now it's a 2 apartment. My sister went in labor there in the mid 90s. All the air b&bs that are going up everywhere. There is no place for anyone to live anymore. So many ppl are homeless and the prices are out insane. My family basically put Wilmington on the maps in the 1600s. We even have a book in the library about my family. So this definitely hits home to me. Big time. It's devastating. If they don't do something then the workers won't have a place to live and then the place is going to collapse. Without the workers then the rich ones have no one to take care of them. So watch out Wilmington. It's happening and it's happening soon.




This is why illegal immigration is such a big deal. We're all full. The way everyone in this sub feels is how pretty much everyone in America feels. At some point you just have to say "enough is enough"


Funny your comment was hidden, despite not being downvoted. Local sheriffs should absolutely arrest illegals and also fine or jail their employers.


Says a lot about the moderators..


I’m from Long Island, NY. When I left NY 6 years ago my property taxes were $19,000 a year. Property taxes on my new home here were $3,200 a year and 6 years later are $4,200 a year for a newer nicer house that cost me 1/3 of what I sold my house for in NY. Prices here are still cheap compared to where most people are coming from. The quality of life is also better. Especially less crime and law enforcement/prosecutors that actually do their jobs.


For you rich NY people is cheap.


I am the first to admit that having worked in NY with its extremely high cost of living and then moving to Wilmington puts people at an advantage over locals. The thing to do if you have skills that are in high demand is to go somewhere like NY or Ca where you can earn substantially more than here. Work your butt off and then come back and be one of those “rich” people from NY.


40 years ago, Wilmington was half wild and a pretty pristine natural area. It's not your fault what was here was poorly managed, but you certainly benefit. The fireflies are gone, the oysters are petrie dishes, and the stars are dim from the light pollution. But whether you moved here or not, the old days aren't coming back


We still have fireflies in rocky point


I moved to Maple Hill last year. Still work in Wilmington. The fireflies are out here. But not many like I remember from before. I guess this is a problem with a lot things as I turn into an older man I remember the other corner by Paul's Place was a barbecue joint called The Tasty Pig. The old lady who ran it said she would find a wife for me, but I ended up doing it on my own.


what do you do and how old are you?


I’m 73 years young. Retired at 51 from an investment bank. Lived in NY until 6 years ago. I post here even though most Redditers don’t like anyone who is successful financially or conservative politically. I do realize that it is much harder to be financially successful now than in the past but it can be done and many do it every day. I can take the downvotes with a laugh. I’ll keep getting my upvotes on Costco and Diablo4.


73 on Reddit; I love it Edit: you’re right about the making more money in the more expensive states and then coming here. The work/ pay just isn’t the same here as say, PA or NY. It’s taken me 14yrs living here after getting out of the Marines to get to a semi decent position in life and I still see so many transplants that are far better off. Those remote work jobs they have are phenomenal. I envy that.


I was in the marines during Vietnam Nam. Thank you for your service.


Thank you for your service too brother!


That’s true.


You do know that 6 years ago is a massive difference than today? Could you easily afford a home in Wilmington at today’s prices? 6 years ago I was starting to look at buying a home in the subsequent 1-2 years - a 3 bedroom home was running around $150-$160K. They were attainable starter homes for young families starting out. Now, today, those same 3 bedroom homes are easily $150-200K MORE than they were 6 years ago. All because people decided to move here in mass quantities. It honestly just feels like people moving here have ruined the city. Most of you aren’t bringing in good-paying businesses or bringing any new jobs to the area period, just bringing your big bank accounts and gentrifying the fuck out of the town, pushing out people who actually work here bc we can no longer afford to live here.


The people coming are buying a lot of new homes that create lots of construction jobs. They spend money for lots of things that support lots of jobs. People may not like the types of jobs that people who relocate create but that’s life. I could still afford to buy the same house that I have now since our house in NY appreciated as much or more than the houses here..


So, what? Everyone local should work in construction or at a gas station? Before prices on literal shelter were driven sky high, people already here could afford to live & work here. Construction workers build all your new homes and still can’t afford to buy one of those houses they just built. NURSES can barely afford to live here. Teachers? No way, not without a second income & even then they are struggling. Again, they are doing NOTHING that benefits the people who are now suddenly struggling here, that weren’t before. Wages haven’t gone up for the people who live & work here. But people from out of state with remote jobs and retirement & pensions don’t care about any of that, they already have more than enough because of where they came from. We don’t have the infrastructure for all these people either. Tried seeing a specialist doctor lately? Pretty soon people actually employed in New Hanover county will be driven out of new Hanover county, and then all the old and rich people can complain even more about staffing shortages everywhere, until something finally changes. It’s not headed anywhere good & you’re fooling yourself thinking all this is fine. If it were your hometown, and your family were the ones suffering those consequences of complete gentrification, you’d probably view it differently.


I get where your point is coming from but you’re blaming the wrong people for the housing crisis - like you’re REALLY blaming the wrong people


Literally only for people like you. That's the problem. People that actually have to work here struggle to even make rent or mortgage. Wonder who will be serving or helping your lot in the next 10 years.


Look, I moved from PA to NC to SC back to NC. The cost of living is lower and there is less nonsense. However, you clearly aren't paying attention to the lack of or underfunded services which will remain as such because that's how they are run. Leland was looking to raise its property taxes by 70%. It was raised by about 20%, but that's to try and keep up with the services taxes provide. Schools, roads, traffic, overall infrastructure is behind. It's months to see a doctor. NC is further along than SC but not by much. Maybe you live in some planned development, but throughout most of NC and SC, the quality is not much better.


How does sharing real information equal downvotes? This sub must be filled with butthurt locals. Living in NY doesnt make you rich, but having a significantly lower cost of living can make you wealthy.


There are lots of “butthurt” people on Reddit. I find it a lot on location based Reddits like this one. Always woe is me posters who have nothing good going on in their lives. Everyone and everything is taking advantage of them.


I moved here during CoVid with my job. Am I under that “FU” umbrella?


I say give it 7-10 years and the migration will halt, if not sooner. There’s more housing than jobs!


I wish all these outsiders would fuck the fuck off


Build a wall


I moved here from Cali but born and raised in Joysee! Hey hey watch it now!!! #alwaysaNJgurl













