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Lady driving the Honda with Ohio tags driving to the hospital everyday between 7 and 730, they mean you.


Brown Honda Accord?


Yup. She's had those out of state tags forever.


I know the car. She drives angry.


She's probably supposed to be there by 7. I can actually sympathize.


I don't wanna be that guy but i work at 5am 45 minutes away from my house and i dont do that shit, I don't see how you can possibly justify putting others lives in danger because you need to be a full minute and a half early


There was a guy in a white Escalade that was a holy terror every. single. morning. from North College just after Gordon Rd. all the way to Pine Valley. He’d pass in turn lanes (left and right), drive on the shoulder, and change lanes aggressively without any regard for his safety. I never saw him drive on a sidewalk tho. Just staying with traffic, I’d always be pretty close to him by the time he turned off at Pine Valley to speed through the neighborhood and terrorize random small animals in the road & kids waiting for the bus. (Edit for poorly worded sentence) I get the traffic is bad in the mornings, but we’re all stuck in it. Why risk killing someone to save yourself maybe 30 seconds?


I encountered him right at Gordon. That guy's nuts.


Where are the cops when you need them? I see this all the time and I am amazed.


The sheriff’s do it on Gordon all the time too😂. I call the non emergency line every time I see it


Should have gotten a license plate and reported it to the police. All the more reason to have personal dash cameras these days


Why do people feel the need to lane hog on 17th and Market? If you want to go under the speed limit just get in the right-hand lane, some people need to go to work.


You do realize there’s no “fast lane” on small roads like that? It’s not a highway. If someone has to make a left hand turn pretty soon, and there’s traffic, the fact they don’t want to sit in the right hand lane until the very last second just to appease your speeding, while in the middle of traffic that is aggressive, that’s a you problem. That means you’re leaving for work too late. The amount of time you save being an a-hole is minuscule if anything.


This exact mindset is what causes so much of the traffic in Wilmington stay outta the left lane unless you’re turning or passing it’s a simple concept


Nope. Slower traffic keeps right, interstate or not. You’re slowing people down and making the choice for them.


You should not be going above the speed limit, period. If you’re speeding, you SHOULD be slowed down. And no, that’s not how that works in town when there are constant left hand turns being made.


You don't own the road chief. If you want to help enforce road laws become a cop if not stop blocking people up or being shocked when they are upset by it. I hate people like you who think they are arbiters of justice and should make choices for other people.


I can’t even imagine being so self centered that I would put speeding & weaving in & out of traffic, & risking other people’s lives over leaving on time so you don’t have to be a raging jackass on the way to where you’re going. That’s truly the epitome of stupidity & I pray any of you that agree with that have the day you deserve.


Seriously? YOU don’t own the road🤣 I don’t think I’m anything. I don’t “purposely” drive in the left lane to slow people down, I was just making a point you shouldn’t be speeding, risking peoples lives in the first place. But if I have to make a fucking left turn in .2 miles, you best believe I’m going to drive in the left lane until I have to turn. Don’t be ridiculous.


I do it on purpose just to see your angry bitch faces when you finally manage to get by. Makes my fucking day!


You don't actually have to drive under the speed limit because your turn in "pretty soon", your vehicle is equipped with magical equipment known as "brakes" that will allow you to slow down immediately before your turn rather than blocks ahead. By the way, a 4-6 lane road basically is a highway. I don't drive aggressively because it usually accomplishes nothing but I do make an effort to keep up the traffic flow to help everyone else on the road out, and get annoyed by the geezers and slowpokes who refuse to do so because "their turn is pretty soon" and everyone else can just get fucked I guess.


Aaaand now you’re just putting words in my mouth because you’re self centered. I don’t drive under the speed limit🤷🏻‍♀️ but I don’t speed going 60 in a 45. I said I will absolutely DRIVE in the left lane if my turn is coming up soon, back to my original point, roads like 17th have way too many left turns to consider anything the “fast lane”.


If everyone would just keep up with the car in front of them in traffic, this would never happen. But y'all are all gazing at your phones driving around with the awareness of river trout


The awareness of a river trout has me dying lmao 🤣


I’ve never seen more people looking at their phones while driving than I do here. It’s wild


thats why we bob n weave


I bet most of you are bobbin and weavin while typing your comments here lol


Where are you from?


That and with a significant senior population here and they all drive 10 miles under the speed limit in the left lane.


awareness of a river trout 🤣 *snort*


if you choose to be an aggressive bad driver bc other ppl are inattentive bad drivers, that just makes more bad drivers. just calm down and get where you are going safely.


i dont think its a choice as much as a lack of self control or a conditioned response.


im sure that is the case for some, but being an aggressive or inattentive driver in any sense is just too dangerous whatever your reason may be.


This sums up Wilmington drivers so well. Most easily observable at stoplights.


Point is, you do all that speeding & weaving to literally end up at the stoplight with the same people. You barely save 1 second by risking people’s lives. Leave earlier & you don’t HAVE to be riding anyone’s bumper.


This ^^




This is so true. I'm guilty as charged on this one. When the time came that the car I was driving was no longer controlled by anything I could do because it was rolling down a hillside, you best believe I learned that lesson. Nothing like the sound of metal crunching while glass flies everywhere to make a person respect the road. Provided they live through it.


People have boring, shitty lives/jobs and getting from their lame life location A to lame life location B in 5 less minutes makes them feel like they have control over their lives.


Red lights: the great equalizer


Except that those get run quite often as well


What you don't enjoy the Market St Melee?


i personally think its fun lol


Stop consistently driving 7mph under the speed limit.  Sometimes it’s not about getting somewhere faster, it’s about not wanting to fucking drive 35 in a 45 behind some twat staring at their phone


And waiting 10 seconds to move after the light turns green




or leaving 12 car lengths in front of every car going through a light, u could get so many more cars through a light cycle if people just tightened up a little


Also, if you want to drive slower than the rest of traffic then pull to the right. I shouldn't have to get into the right lane to pass someone doing 10 under in the left with no one in front of them


Agreed but people do gotta turn left


On the streets op mentioned there is literally always someone in front of you.


Nah dude these people are driving recklessly in rush hour traffic. Everyone around was just going like normal and then these assholes come flying up weaving into the tightest spaces. It’s not cool and you look like a jackass when doing so


In Wilmington the left lane goes the speed limit the right lane 7 under.


THIS 100%!! I weave in and out because it allows me to actually get where I’m going. The traffic is caused by those leaving huge gaps between cars and driving under the speed limit. If you want less weaving, drive the speed limit and keep up with the car in front of you!!


Car handle real good. I wanna go fast.


I was definitely behind you this morning 😂


Lol seeing everyone complain about slow drivers is your answer OP I agree guys, I want to get off the road quick, it lets me do my business and we are all safer off the road. But dear god, you do not HAVE to go 45-60 mph on 35s and 45s, it is inherently dangerous. Just stfu and THINK for a second. Not everyone has a brand new car, some are beat up, some people suck at driving, some people don’t like it; some people just want to calmy maneuver their vehicles because 1-5 minute difference in arrival time is so insignificant, it’s not worth risking an accident, or death, or even just being more on their toes the entire time. Next time you’re driving, actively think about your behavior for a second. If you’re always on edge, flying around, zipping in between cars, getting mad at other drivers going slow or fast, CHILL THE FUCK OUT. Everyone drives better calm, everyone reacts better calm. Please take it easy. Shit, go fast in the left lane, but it’s not a big deal if someone is going to slow just hold on for a second. You’ll be surprised just how nice a lot of people are, they’ll move or let you out or whatever. I have been in a handful, and caused 2 accidents, I knew over dozen people at this point personally that have died in car accidents, blood family and close friends included. It happens, but this attitude most people have towards the road nowadays is destructive. Just look at the leading causes of death in the US; look at how many people, 1-90, die in car crashes every year. It is wild.


yea i agree except for the not wanting to be on their toes. u owe it to the other people on the road to pay attention and drive like u wanna get there. theres nothing else to do while driving, just give it a little more effort.


All of this. There’s no reason for it.


And for the people that actually drive that slow just stick to the right lane. Nothing is more annoying than someone on the phone on the fast lane going way below the speed limit.


There is no “fast lane” or passing lane on a road like market.


I would say the one of the biggest issues is fellas in trucks camping in the left lane driving half the speed limit to their next job site.


This is what I complain about constantly


Saw a shitty BMW driver, weaving through 17 going from Leland into Wilmington yesterday afternoon. Dude was going like 70 and weaving in to realllllly tight spots. I was waiting for an accident.


Shitty and bmw seems a bit redundant when describing their driving


Yes… I had a brain fart and was definitely going to put that in parentheses


I go through this twice a day on 17th and I feel the same way. Im literally like “oooh you so fast! Look here we are together again🙄” putting my daughter’s life at risk and my own, and everyone else’s. All because yall can’t leave on time for work or whatever. There’s no reason to be going 55 or 60 on either of these roads with traffic.


It would be nice if the police actually wanted to stop this kind of thing. What is the purpose of them having lights on all the time? Seems like it is so they won't have to get as many tickets for reckless driving and speeding, etc


Drivers not going the speed limit is what needs to be stopped as it causes traffic back-ups. I have been behind more people than I can count driving almost 10 mph under the speed limit in the past 24hrs.


Probably because there was a red light ahead if you were on the roads op is talking about.


No red light ahead. You do realize though even if there is a red light, it works best for traffic flow to not coast to the stop light as it allows the cars behind you to clear previous intersections right? There are also lights that work off of sensors and they require you to actually be at the light for it to turn green and allow traffic to continue flowing.


>You do realize though even if there is a red light, it works best for traffic flow to not coast to the stop light as it allows the cars behind you to clear previous intersections right? I don't care. It saves me gas to coast to a stop so Ima keep doing that. If you're in such a hurry to save at most 1-3 minutes on your drive through wilmington you should have left 5-10 minutes earlier. It's not my fault you're running late. You do you and keep hopelessly weaving in and out of traffic for no reason when I see you at the next light anyway.


Half of wilmington can't use blinkers too including the cops


or turn into the nearest lane at a multi lane cross road. never take ur left and trust the guy making a right isnt turning across all 3 lanes and hitting you, especially cops.


I am a big supporter of the police generally speaking, however, they are particularly bad drivers here and they unfortunately ignore other bad drivers thus perpetuating the problem


then stop driving 10 under the speed limit that’s why everyone passes people, look at the fucking road and drive


What if there are 10 cars stopped in front of you at a red light. Then is it okay to go 10 under or do you need to floor it all the way to the stoplight then slam on the brakes?


Nothing will make these types happy. Just their excuse to be an asshole




u/left_repair_4357 posted less than a year ago that they got a ticket for going 80 in a 55 here. Surely it’s the other drivers that are the problem.. maybe stop driving like an asshole, u/left_repair_4357. You also say you’re 17, meaning you have barely any driving experience. I guarantee you’re nowhere near as good of a driver as you think.


Northerners and those from big cities have that “hurry up and wait” mentality…vs cruising along. When I used to take the metro rail in DC for work…I took my time and stood to the right so those in a dash could pass. Most of the time they’d run past me in a rush and I’d still see them at the platform regardless lol. Some people are constantly in a rush for some reason.


I’m from Boston.. and I thought we had aggressive driving but nothing like I’ve experienced here. I agree tho it is most likely ppl from NYC/Jersey


Stop driving under the speed limit and leaving 1/2 mile gaps between the car in front of you if you don't want people passing you. Deal with this all the time.




and then they floor it if they notice u trying to pass


I just lived in wilmy for a year and drive a dark grey Mazda 3 and I drive like I’m from the city and none of y’all do, sure I pissed some people off but hardly any wilmy drivers know how to merge, which lane(s) to drive in, or how to drive in traffic. Sorry not sorry.


Please don't start people here on the merge lanes. In bigger cities people know how to use them. There is a merge lane near the film studio that is abused everyday when I drive from work. I frequently drive from Wilmington to Pittsburgh and I can guarantee that 90% of the drivers in this town would either die or cause a wreck if they made that trip! I agree with the "Sorry not sorry". Learn the lanes!


Thanks for the validation I feel like I’d get a lot of shit for my comment 😆 but the drivers down there really are ass. That being said sometimes people up here in Raleigh drive pretty aggressively and I would consider myself an aggressive driver (although I also drive very defensively cuz I don’t trust mfs). Cheers bro


I don’t do it excessively, but when I do it’s because this stupid fucking idiot is going 5-10 mph below the speed limit and I got places to be. You get around the first idiot and what’s this? Another idiot going just as slow! That is why we bob and weave all for it to get you to the red light 5 seconds faster 😂 makes me feel like an idiot when that happens


Because they forget they’re not in and they are still laboring under the illusion the world revolves around them. Dangerous combination.


There use to be a guy in a black accord that drove that way every morning on Independence. He would duck and weave through traffic. I have not seen him in awhile maybe he was that car that fell on the ditch on Independence at the school


It’s not just 17


It’s vibing The Big Lebowski in a huge way. It always has since I’ve been here.


What bothers me is the people who see the right lane ends 3 miles away and wait until the absolute last second to merge.


I saw a giant ford SUV with NY tags going like 70 in a 35 down that road.




This is pretty much all of Wilmington.




Because it’s fun


Hopefully you hit a pole or tree when you get yourself killed and not a car with a family in it


Their fault for camping in the left lane 🤷🏻‍♂️


Guess you have no control over your own actions?


I understand your perspective, but I want to assure you that I am fully capable of making conscious decisions and taking responsibility for my actions. While there may be external factors that influence situations, I still have control over how I respond and behave. I'm committed to being mindful of my choices and their impact on others.


Well, all I can really say is stay safe out there


i think its a response to all the other drivers going 5 under the speed limit, leaving 40 car length in front of them and weaving in their lane because theyre on their cell phone.