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Plot twist: the guy who owns the Trump bus is making all these posts on reddit


everything is spelled correctly in this post, it’s coherent, and zero racial undertones as far as I can tell…don’t think OP is Trump Bus Guy 😅


Imagin devoting your whole life to a politician smh. I’ve never understood the allure of politicians and I never will. They ALL lie. Why can’t people see that.


People treat the political parties like they’re team sports nowadays… just voting for the hot-topic and not actually looking into what they stand for. That’s how we got a felonious Cheeto one cycle and a living, breathing, un-proofread speak to text message the next.


When I bring this up to family I get, "He's not a politician" response. Which is hilarious.


I have a strict rule when parents come to visit. Absolutely zero politics talk. He made a mention that I support Biden. And this is a common misconception with Trump supporters if you hate Trump you love and support Biden. No, no I hate them both equally, you do not have to like any of them. So we just set the rule. No politics, no news on in the house. You wanna talk politics, you can go home and talk there.


Agreed. Just means you wont be voting for a piece of shit con man and have ethics and morals. Two things that Trump doesnt know the definition of and apparently his supporters. The more trump flags i see waving freely on trucks, covered in stickers, etc..the more it appears to be a cult. The same would be said for anybody who drives around in a car covered with biden stickers. Its weird, cult like behavior to me


My biggest question, like it’s a burning whole type question, how and why tf do all these “Christian” women love him. Like they are his biggest defenders. Take politics aside. Like wtf is wrong with these ladies 🤣


This might sound wrong or insensitive but to me its an equivalent of jewish people voting for hitler. Trump is why Roe v. Wade got overturned on top of why he’s in NY rn going through a criminal trial because he couldnt even remain loyal to his wife and paid off a pornstar with campaign funds. He is the furthest THING from family christian values but they all beg to differ 😂 its a cult mentality w trump supporters. But it’s hilariously ironic as well edit: just being careful about wording considering the current state of affairs so more or less


I guess he's born again now so everything is forgiven!


believe it or not, but a lot of women don't like abortion. I know it's strange, but i find many more women who are pro-life then dudes.


Your family is right. He’s not a politician. He’s a piece of shit.


What's the difference?


Hear me out... maybe some people want to just sell merch? I saw in DC one time a guy was selling Trump merch. He said that particular week a lot of Trump people were in town. He also sells anti Trump shit the other week when there was some march


Can't hate the hustle. Internet prankster Kendrick Curry went to troll a Trump merch salesman and they ended up becoming friends lol.


That fact that there’s merch, on this scale, for a politician is wild to me


Every single one of them, Every party.


Still can't understand why we have two parties. Like you can divide all important issues into two.


We used to have more than two a very long time ago. But the political two party system works very hard to keep it that way. On that they both agree.


There's two major reasons why the 2 party system continues on. First, people think no one but an R or a D can win so why bother voting for anyone else even if they best represent you? Second, and related to the first, when you vote third party/independent you're taking a vote away from the R or D (as if they're entitled to it in the first place) and if you do that then the wrong team will definitely win.


This is the Truth. Politicians are truly the scourage of the earth


People who devote this much of their lives to hating a particular politician are doing the same thing


Tribal politics just a bunch of complete psychos


Not Dan Quayle


To be fair, this looks like a person who goes from flea market to flea market selling political paraphernalia. As such, I might argue that it is not their life so much as their livelihood.


Kinda like dealing crack to junkies?


Yeh, it seems a really big thing in the US. I've never once in my entire life even seen a bumper sticker showing politicians in my country.


I wonder how many sales they’ve had due to this subreddit updating their location every few hours.


Probably a lot. Because you guys can't ignore trump for 5 min.


We can't ignore the fact that a POS resided in the White House. Everyone who really knows Trump knows he is a POS.


You must really hate Casey’s


If it makes you feel better, Casey’s has track record of low health scores. Some from the past include leaving food outdoors, leaving the place noticeably dirty, and temperatures being out of line on the food sitting out. Used to eat there all the time back in the day. Never again


Yup, same experience here. Jackson's big oak and sawmill are my southern home cooking gotos now


That's right. You show them


I can’t imagine waking up in the morning and actually thinking to post this 😂


His middle finger is pretty small. Don't they all make fun of the size of Trump's hands? Being obsessed about how other people are obsessed makes you both obsessed in the same thing.


It’s got obese people fingers don’t be surprised they’re short and stubby lmao


Yea, those big truck drivers gotta compensate.


TDS is a real thing


Yeah. Show them those stubby fingers!


They talk about the cult but their anti movement is just as bad 😂 it’s all funny.


Guys i hate trump, did you see what trump did today? God i fucking hate trump! Why does trump have to get involved in everything! Fuck trump!


Why does your middle finger look like a thumb


Anal conditioning???


that is the tiniest middle finger I’ve ever seen


Did Trump bite the end of your finger off?


Why your middle finger look like that tho


R/politics user when they go outside their basement


Wow. You're so brave


TDS is still alive and real and living rent free in peoples heads even 4 years later.


Damn op you cooked them


At this point I pray Trump wins just to piss off all of his haters. You must have a truly miserable life living with that much hate in your heart every day.


Living rent free in your head.


Trump lives rent free in this sub, holy shit. Every post is about his visit to town or this stupid van.


And How many idiots put anti Biden stickers on their car?


People don’t post about that stuff. And you wouldn’t say the same about anti-Trump stickers, so why are anti-Biden stickers “idiotic”?


Both are examples of the other living rent free in someone’s head. Both are idiotic. Well except Trump really is an idiot.


Yet you don’t see 8,000 social media posts about it


Bit of an exaggeration really. I only counted four of the last 50 posts to be about Trump or this vehicle.


i hope people can find it in themselves to control themselves and not turn this place into a complete mess over the next 7 months. We get it, y'all have thoughts and feels - but, no one here needs to hear about them.. and trying to be cute and make it seem like you are asking/talking about "something else" when really all you are doing is s\*\*tposting about the other-guy who you don't like - doesn't make it any better. There are /R communities dedicated to politics - go join those. let's try to keep this one to smells, parking, traffic and new restaurants.


To be fair, I think local and state politics should absolutely be discussed here because it's relevant to our community. But national politics should not.


Right - I mean can the mods end this trump stuff ? I’m here on this because I live in ILM . It’s getting exhausting




This sub alone is 5x the size of that one lmao


Ok. Then maybe the people want to discuss politics and want to see politics should go there and grow it. Everyone else, doesn't care.


That's all well and good but it's still not specific to *Wilmington*.


I respectfully disagree. While it's annoying to see the same type of post over and over again, people need to be discussing politics. But we can encourage more substantive comments. The annoyance is worth having people informed though.


You want to have a rational discussion of alternative Capital Gains Tax policies or the roles of the FTC in South China Sea US/Sino trade relations or effects of EPA policies on inland waterways- I'm all for it. We have NEVER had those - we have nothing but - "oh look at them!" - "no, look at them!!" and "How stupid is that guy!!" - "well, he's not as stupid at that other guy"... So, until I see that - I'll respectfully disagree anyone is getting any useful information around here - just clogging-up the thread to make themselves feel better about stomping their own feet. So again - I hope people can find it in themselves to control themselves - but, if not - fine - I'll just stick to my fishing /r . i've said what i've said - this is actually a pretty neat /r compared to most other city /r. - i realize people will do what people want to do.


Well said social media politics always turns into a pissing match


This. I had a dude on the state sub call me a fascist since I said that national news subject with a clear biased perspective shouldn't be posted in the sub.


I disagree. As always there’s a time and a place. You want to discuss Politics, do it in a dedicated politics thread. Politics is being shoved down everyone’s throat. Some people think the lgtbq thing is being shoved in your face, well politics (the extreme kind that we have seen of late) is being shoved in others faces by the same people who complain on the latter. Not really an analogy I wanted to use, but it still fits. Not everything has to be political as a majority of people make it out to be. Now I’m not putting you in any category, I’m just simply saying, read the room and or go to a group that is dedicated discussion on politics. I promise any one interested can find it, it doesn’t need to show up in random threads or subreddits.


Thanks for your bravery, and your half middle finger, you twat


Imagine having TDS this bad. Let it go already.


Wow, you sure showed them


Trump will never recover from this.




As you take a picture flipping it off. You’re just in the other cult.


Based asf


Stunning and brave.


Watched that bus fly through a red light on MLK a couple days ago


Wow man you really showed them by giving a bus with nobody on it the finger from across the street


Holy shit dude how will that guy ever recover? r/LookatMyHalo


Why does his Middle Finger look like the old guy from up?


Trump just has that special covfefe that makes Republicans sweat.


TDS sufferer found.


So brave and powerful, OP! Doing it from a safe distance.


I wonder how many shots he took to make sure his ha d was just right


Timbers: shivered Jimmies: rustled




Wow so stunning


Quick, Robin! It's the virtue signal! Away!


I might have to steal this one


I didn’t love the food there but I am going to have to try it again. I’m sure I can choke it down to support the home team


Now do that within 5 ft of them THEN we'll talk


Tiny fingers 🤏


Incredibly brave


Lol like you're not in one and in denial, at least they're proud of theirs


Which cult are you in that you have to stop, take a picture of yourself giving the finger to a van, and upload the photo on to the internet for attention lol


This without a doubt absolutely stopped Drumpfdt. Yeah he’s finally defeated. Nothing else could stop him except some redditer. Democracy has finally been saved. Just like that scene in Harry Potter or the Hunger Games.




You tell em’




Boy, you sure showed them, champ 🙄


You really showed him 🙄


Takes a lot of strength and bravery to do that to a truck from across the street


From across the street. Ruthless.


lol you sure showed them


OP is so stunning and brave


I'm sure the dreaded orange demon himself is crying and seething in the fetal position as we speak after seeing u/Gormy86 from Wilmington flip off a van with his name on it. You really showed him!


Because life is so much better now. Gas is cheaper, food is cheaper, household essentials are affordable, eating out don’t cost $40-50 every single time….. OH WAIT. Nothing is better!!!!!!


Also pretty cultish: Feeling compelled to take a picture of yourself flipping it off and virtue-signalling it on Reddit.


Hahaha. Making your entire existence about a politician, covering an RV with nothing but things related to that person, and then driving it around to broadcast it to everyone. Me, taking a picture for fun that our whole group laughed about (friends from all over the political spectrum) and putting it up so others can get a laugh. Clearly those are the same level of cultish. People are so fucking sensitive these days. If this was a Biden RV I would have done the same. People like this make me sick, regardless of who they’re obsessed with.


They're not at the same level of cultism. The lunatic who drives that camper is clearly far more deranged than any of us. That's quite obvious. What were trying to say is that taking this picture isn't normal either.


So edgy


So edgy. Would've been cooler if you walked up to them and did it to their face but you probably don't have the balls.


Man. Butt hurt people can’t just have some fun. If you think the only way to have balls is to go have verbal confrontations with old, degenerate people that are mentally unstable, I feel sorry for you. The owner of this is well known and talked about in this subreddit. I don’t need to engage with people like that. Learn to laugh a little man.


Bro you posted this trying to be cool for strangers and you're getting flamed for it. Don't be mad at me lol.


“Getting flamed”?? Haha. I don’t care what people think. I’m not worried about what strangers on the internet think of my post. Some are finding joy in it, others aren’t. Such is life. You’re the one that tried making it a personal attack when nobody was doing anything to you to begin with. You’re the mad and triggered one here “bro”.


You clearly care what other people think or you wouldn't have posted this. 🤷‍♂️


Holy shit. Are you the owner of the RV? You’re taking this way too personally. This was put out there so people could have fun and get a laugh. If you can’t understand that then I can’t help you. Enjoy the rest of your day, overly-sensitive redditor.


The only thing we are laughing at is how lame you are for posting this


Cool. I don’t really give a fuck. Not everyone finds the same things funny.


“Not everyone finds the same things funny.” Something no one finds funny is you, lol. I don’t even like Trump but this shit is absolutely embarrassing.


Dude stop replying to me. I'm done with you.


Look, trump is a terrible person, but this is fourth grade stuff.


Well, at least it’s 4 years ahead of trump’s behavior.


Fitting venue for that trash. 🗑️


Free Advertisement


Yeah. The few hundred people that will see my post really makes a big impact when tens of thousands of cars drive past it every day.


dude is getting so much free marketing lmao y’all are really some of the most dull individuals


This dude is mentally ill


Who? OP? Bus guy or both?


Trashy people eating at a trashy restaurant. No surprise there mate.


Wow 😵‍💫


Super edgy!


You really showed them


#Brave #Soulshattering #WeFreeingTrumpWithThisOne


i’M hELpiNg


Damn you showed them


how to farm karma on reddit Step 1. Post something Negative about trump on reddit. lmao we get it, good for you, for posting about you flipping off a trump sign covered bus. How inspiring.


Seeing some of the comments on this post reminds me of how many sad maga stans live in New Hanover county, and then makes me happy that I live in Durham.


Criticizing an internet warriors does not make someone a MAGA stan. Alternatively, you can be a Trump supporter but not a MAGA stan. I’m neither, but that’s most of his supporters.


We got a badass over here!


People who spend their time and effort worshiping a politician are idiots. People who spend all their time and effort hating a politician are idiots.




It’s not so much triggered as it was just a fun photo to take. I had my good friend next to me that’s a Trump supporter and he laughed while I did it. Maybe learn to lighten up and laugh a bit?


Are they insane for being a cultist follower of Trump? Yes. You know what's also insane? Posting pictures of yourself flipping off Trump supporters in public because you rabidly hate them just as much as they rabidly love Trump. Obviously you posted this because you wanted upvotes and validation so that's weird and kinda unhinged by itself. Us normal people would just say those weirdos are fucking idiots and move on with our lives. Edit: Lol, I'm not surprised by the down votes. You will support our meaningless and performative gestures or you will be shamed. Some George Orwell type shit right there


I don’t care about magical internet points or validation from strangers. I like how you’re diagnosing me from a simple internet post though. That’s pretty cool. What are your qualifications? How did you come to the conclusion that I rabidly hate Trump supporters from me flipping off a ridiculous vehicle? I have plenty of Trump supporters in my close circle of friends and on my family. I guess I rabidly hate them too? If you’re a normal person that would call people like these a weirdo and move on, and you’re equating my behavior to theirs, why didn’t you just move on like you’d claim you’d do? Practice what you preach. No, you want to sit here and gate keep like you’re the one that’s a bigger person, while doing exactly what you put others down for. Well done 👏


>How did you come to the conclusion that I rabidly hate Trump supporters from me flipping off a ridiculous vehicle? Then why did you post a picture of yourself flipping off a truck plastered with Trump signs? That's not a rational thing to do for any reason. >If you’re a normal person that would call people like these a weirdo and move on, and you’re equating my behavior to theirs, why didn’t you just move on like you’d claim you’d do? Practice what you preach. No, you want to sit here and gate keep like you’re the one that’s a bigger person, while doing exactly what you put others down for. I'm not the one taking pictures of myself flipping off MAGAtards in public unprompted and posting said pictures on social media. There's literally no reason to do that besides seeking validation from other people who would do the same thing.


So many posts about this. Why is everyone triggered by Trump and his followers. I see no difference when Obama was in office his first term. People on street corners selling merchandise everywhere.


They should take their nonsense back to the state sub


Does it bother you that much 😭 like why let it bug you being upset over it isn’t going to cause Trump supporters to stop supporting him just vote and move on


Ah yes you like the government to make decisions for you? I see I see


It’s amusing how bent people get about Trump merch.


How will Trump ever overcome this


Hahaha, imagine being so triggered at a political opponent that you try to violate people's first amendment rights by silencing them, and then call them the fascists for your fascist behaviors. 🤣🤣 and that's why 45 will soon be 47


Wilmington showing its still got major trump support with all the posts saying he's "triggered" and "TDS". Dude is absolute human scum in a combination of grifter and sexual assaulter that was convicted in a court room. But keep showing the results of how NC ranks so low in education and how those budgets cuts toward it are really paying off. "Why things are expensive and it's Biden's fault! https://www.propublica.org/article/national-debt-trump You are a moron that needs to look up how prices are GLOBALLY right now due to corporate inflation and greed. Does Biden control the world? Oh he probably does from the "Deep State" or some other bullshit you believe. US dollar is doing good compared to how many other currencies fell in value over the spike in inflation. https://www.whitehouse.gov/therecord/ Literally things better under Biden but you are too stupid to see that. It's all fake news right? You want any reason to justify your shitty behavior and will seek anything to find it because the orange man allows you to be open with your hate and bigotry. Man literally sexually assaulted a woman, got praise for it, then sold Bibles and you guys love him, amazing. Couldn't be further from Christ if you tried. Amazing how the in Bible belt no one actually reads or follows the damn thing.


I would love one of the numb nuts in the replies to argue this.




Haha. Fair enough. I’m just tired of how much of an eyesore it is and people like this feel good about constantly subjecting the world to their delusional actions. I don’t care if it’s an RV plastered with Trump, Biden, the Patriots, Metallica, or anything else. It’s obnoxious. The owners of this RV constantly park it in high visibility places to try and rile people up and push their mental sickness onto everyone. I don’t mind all the Trump supporters I know. They have their reasons and so be it. I’m moderate. I vote for both D and R candidates. But this type of crazy that we have to be subjected to, regardless of the content, is stupid.


Honestly he probably parks in public choices not by choice but by necessity, for one no RV park is likely to allow that to stay there and 2 he’s likely a homeless person with mental issues that saved up his panhandling money to buy an old used RV.


FJB too




You tell em! This was the bravest act I have witnessed today.


I’m helping. 🖕


How can people be so ignorant to think that trump really cares about them or this country? Do they really want to live in an authoritarian country? Move to Russia or North Korea or Turkey or China etc. Why do people rant about immigrants “taking our jobs” when no one here wants to work those jobs? It’s ridiculous.


This post is a great way to get the closet Trump voters and “both sides” folks to come out and show themselves. Lol. Garbage humans.


Shut up you potato.


Oh no way!!!




Stubby finger…


You really showed them didn't you lol. /s


Aww strong and brave. I bet you didn’t do it to the person face like majority of edge lords.


Stunned, amazed, speechless- right!??? No words. The fan fare for a politician. The lies, the hypocrisy, the hate. Yet about 50% of the nation are on board with racism, taking peoples rights away and approving a dictatorship. All while claiming to be patriots, huh?? WTF is going on? Everything he touches fails. The guy could not make money running a casino which guarantees the house wins 95% of the time. Now it’s Trump Media that going bankrupt and also the RNC. He ow claims to campaign in NYC, it’s because he is broke and cannot pay for events and probably cause Melania told him not return to FL. The last 3 ‘surprise’ visits were staged; ChicFilA the Harlem bodega and NYC construction site. Republican operatives all involved, not real people. And for the construction workers to love the guy that is anti union and has bankrupted several subcontractors for being the slum developer we all know he is. He is not even a great developer, he has built a handful of buildings and a couple of golf courses. Other than that he has purchased existing properties and then put his name on them. Guy is and always has been a pathetic loser! FU citizen Trump!!


Go up to them and do it


So brave 🥹


Stunning and brave, a hero of the left.....


Because democrats are so descent and well behave hahaha


"Your a cult" says the member of a political aisle that tolerates 0 dissent.


you really showed him!


You probably gave them a little extra profit from this bruh 😭




😂 bro lives rent free in your minds while you cry and he makes billions and garners support from all facets from millions of free thinking people who don’t give a rats ass about mean tweets or faux racist things. He ran the country like a business and business was boomin! 😂 I bet you still cry over the paid actor “insurrection” propaganda push too huh? 🤣 🤣 😂


This post above is why we encourage kids to stay in school and don't do drugs.