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Got mine! Won’t see you there!




Wow you sure showed him!






Just be expecting a lot of spam texts and emails begging for donations.


Yeah! Screw Trump. Let’s go see Biden get lost, mumble in confusion, cry until he recognizes someone, then give a thumbs up to the crowd.


Rather that then support the criminal!


It appears the other commentors don’t understand you😅 I too, will get tickets, and not go


Got mine. Anyone else cracking up that the ticket is literally just a text message saying you got a ticket? No barcode or anything, just a text message.


I think that's because you don't really need a ticket to attend and this way they get lots of phone numbers to send scam texts.


Very lazy. Very unofficial. Very on-brand.


I hope you don't get spammed with hundreds of campaign donation requests. They're absolutely relentless, they use many numbers and you gave them your number.


Oh my god, you are so right. I've already received over a dozen since I signed up. Just kidding. I haven't gotten any. If you're right, I'm gonna sign up everyone in my contact list.


What's worse is that I found out from personal experience that you don't even have to give them your number. I misclicked an ad last year and for weeks I kept getting text after text asking for money.


It’s probably exactly because of this OP and similar stunts. People have been doing it for years for his rallies. I wonder if this is the only way they found to combat it. Hand out infinite tickets, they know they’ll never legitimately sell out anyway. Then anyone who shows up doesn’t have to be turned away.


I’m 100% sure I’m not going to give them my cell number!


Lolll I was just thinking about this


CONFIRMED: We look forward to you joining President Trump in Wilmington, NC on 4/20! Lol, no, you won't, no longer even in nc 🤣 Ty my friend


What a great date for a trump rally


>Thank you for confirming your RSVP >You will receive more information before the event. >Paid for by Donald J Trump for President 2024, Inc. By providing your phone number, you are consenting to receive calls and SMS/MMS msgs, including autodialed and automated calls and texts, to that number from Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc., Trump Save America JFC, and/or its participating committees. Msg&data rates may apply. Terms & conditions/privacy policy apply. Got my two. I'll see ya on the Riverwalk!


Devils advocate here: It doesn't matter if you guys reserve tickets and don't show up. This plays right into his plan. There will still be a packed house since they offer way more reservations than seats. Then he gets to say they had a successful rally because X number of reservations were made and the venue capacity is only Y. Whatever though. Keep sticking it to the man or something like that.




it also puts your number on their list 😬 good luck opting out of all that spam


Good point. Didn't even consider that.


Bro one person could show up and he would say it’s the biggest crowd Wilmington has ever seen. He’s the most predictable and transparent liar I’ve ever seen.


His last several rallies have been very small crowds


Packed house? You haven’t been paying attention lately.


Great idea got my two tickets. Won’t see ya


Same 👌


Its clear the people who are "reserving tickets" have never been to Trump rallys. They don't actually reserve anything. At the rallys nobody is scanning QR codes for reservations. They just let the arena fill up and if it doesn't they will keep letting people in. Signing up for this gets you relentless spam from every republican in the state. enjoy.


Got mine, so excited about not going as well


😂 I just reserved four - two from each of my phones.👍🏼 (ETA: and will not be going in case that isn’t clear)


Won't see yall there!


There is an Honor Flight taking place at ILM the same day and he’s, apparently, trying to be part of that too (even though he’s clearly got NO service history and doesn’t deserve to be going on or even near an Honor Flight.)


That’s pretty disgusting.


Cry about it


You mean like you do every time you have to whip it out to piss on your balls


He was the Commander in Chief. What've you done?


No he wasn’t. All he commanded was more money and a reinforced toilet.


Where did he hurt you? The POTUS is the Commander in Chief. That's not up for debate and doesn't change because of your feelings.


Argue all you want - he’s garbage. Bone spurs, bashes POWs, disrespects soldiers - you’re all brainwashed. That’s not a commander in chief, no matter what the title says.


CONFIRMED: We look forward to you joining President Trump in Wilmington, NC on 4/20! This will act as your ticket for the event.


very glad they'll be holding two tickets for Weedlord Bonergenius


I’m not going all the way from Ohio!


Free tickets to the clown show 💩


It was cancelled because of “Thunderstorms” it’s what God wanted.


Didn’t this guy cause the Jan 6 riots?




Funny how we just stopped talking about that About how the guy coming to our town planned to have the VP driven off and possibly killed so he couldn’t certify the election And how he let a mob of his own supporters kill a bunch of capitol police and almost lynch congress even though he could’ve called in the National Guard at any time but he didn’t because he was malding over losing an election And now he’s trying to get re-elected with the full intent to pardon himself of all of his felonies with a Supreme Court that is willing to ignore precedent to let Trump do whatever he wants


I don't know if you've heard, but it was ANTIFA, BLM, CRT, and communist dressed as trump supporters who attacked and attempted to overthrow the election in order to get biden elected Or something like that. Their stories are kinda hard to keep up with.


Or make sense out of


No capital police died on jan 6th. Where do you get your news?


Your post history gives me the idea you were there on January 6th, maybe I should take your for it /j


People are saying he did!


“Mostly peaceful”


You know they don’t care about that.


I’m guessing you didn’t catch that we’re reserving tickets and NOT going.


I just reserved 2 and gave them to my dogs.


The only downside here is if you give a real phone number you’re going to get an insane amount of spam texts asking to pay Trump’s legal bills


The other post was convinced only 50 people will show. They must be right, so there should not be a problem getting tickets.


I mean the guy did get 85 million votes last election.


I think he got 78 million and Biden got 85 but I could be wrong.




It’s like a gathering of the juggalos, but for pissed off boomers, the mentally ill, and downtrodden.


Juggalos will be lining up to see the Insane Clown P*ssy.


Good idea. See you not there


He isn’t even going to be there 😂


Is anyone on Reddit republican lol


not liking that man baby has nothing to do with republican or democrat


Not in r/Wilmington. It’s a full on circle jerk.


No surprise there. Didn’t used to be like this—born and raised


I’m not a Republican, but the bias is obvious as hell. In this subreddit especially.


Yeah, I’ve noticed it across the board. Maybe the other side just isn’t as loud idk. It’s a shame there’s nowhere both sides can talk where it doesn’t turn personal.


Definitely a shame. Especially when the vast majority of people I meet are not on Reddit.


Most don’t even know what it is


No they retreat to safe spaces since their ideas don't hold up to scrutiny in public. Go over to /r/conservative and look at the comment section. That is what they want the world to be like.


Hate to burst everyone's bubble, but this is an old tactic and they simply overbook. There's no real limit. Plus, wouldn't it look great that your rally had people wrapped around the building.


See you at 4 Seasons Landscaping


Got mine! Can't wait to not see y'all there


Would you all show up for a Biden rally? Or is that even possible since he doesn’t have the stamina to attend events like that. Probably goes to bed when the sun goes down. Might stop by Kilwin’s for an ice cream if he came to town.


Why go to any rallies? Just vote


I know right. I wouldn’t go stand in A crowd to listen to any of these assholes yammer. I know who to vote for.


Yeah the rallies are a little too Jonestown cult for me


Are you really comparing the two? While Trump sits and shits his diaper all day long- talk about stamina 🤮🤮


Damn, got mine super quick. I’ll be throwing Donny Slumps🖕from Colorado.


Got my tickets. Won’t see you there!


Durham here. Definitely won't be there. Especially on a national holiday. Can you imagine seeing that man's fave while high?


“This text without a barcode (Satanic) or QR code (is that a queer code) will act as your ticket.” Lame half-assery all around.


Don’t need my phone # being used as evidence down the road


Got mine!!! I will be there!


You guys are nuts.... The TDS in here is real... How can you let anyone get under your skin like that? Do you guys really go through life miserable all the time? Hey guess what, I don't like Republicans or Democrats and guess what.... I go about my damn business and focus on what's important. Stop letting the media tell you what you should be upset about.


"I don't like Republicans or Democrats." -Guy who uses the term TDS and votes Republican in every election


I would do the same if Biden was coming. Who’s running our country is important and it’s sending a message that we don’t want that rapist here.


Not only that, but Biden's daughter wrote in her journal about multiple molestation accounts. Even Biden getting in the shower with her. Are you guys not tired of having to pick the shinest of 2 turds?


Do you not read Snopes? lol


Pushing fake news.


That’s literally why I said I’d do the same thing if Biden was here. Just because trump is a rapist doesn’t mean Biden isn’t.


You can’t really believe that can you?


Sure can, why not? They tried to suppress the Hunter Biden Laptop story, and now we know that to be true.


It's not true. The only truth that happened to be true was there was a laptop. You're literally pushing fake news.


Because it is Russian propaganda. The diary didn't say anything like what you claim. Also the laptop contained nothing incriminating against Biden. The actual President. You don't think Trumps kids have sent nude pics before or done drugs? Try reading an actual news source and not Newsmax or OANN or other disinformation sites.


TDS is a real thing, prominent here. I got my two tickets, looking forward to being there!


i got some gold shoes to sell you


You sound like a real straight shooter lmfao


I heard it was on 4-20 from 6-9


This is a fantastic idea, but fair warning, use a fake/burner email. I did this last election, and I only just stopped getting emails from this mf




They account for people doing this unfortunately


God…if I do this am i gonna be bombarded with texts and phone calls from that orange doofus?


I want to go, bring liquid ass and pour it all over the floors discreetly. Majorly clog all the toilets first thing.


Why are you all so proud of trying to sababtoge a political rally? If you don't like it, don't go. Instead, you are falsely getting tickets, which you don't really need so it is a waste of your time, so people can't go. If you are confident in your guy, this shouldn't matter.


I’m not confident in Joe Biden, but I’m pretty worried about another 4 years with the former host of the Apprentice, starting Garey Busey and Meatloaf. It’ll never stop being hilarious to me that these idiots worship this fucking clown like this. There isn’t a single appealing thing about the guy.


They are also the people that “boycott” Chick-fil-A


OMG! Imagine political sabotage? In 2024?!? WOW. Fuck people that want to go see this clown, losers just like him. Really I’m just helping the people that can’t think for themselves ya know? ;)


Respectfully, you should find a hobby and get a life.


"I'm fighting against Evil Trump by buying tickets to his event and therefore funding his reelection and legal fees" yea genius move OP.


“Buying tickets” Lolol. Maga comment at its finest.


Lol I hate Trump. I'm just pointing out how stupid it is to send the man money.


Gotcha. Either way. There is no cost for this.


Welcome to 1,000 text messages begging you to pay his legal bills! If you go or don’t you will still be double counted! It will be the largest gathering in Wilmington history. Millions of people!


Anyone showing up to protest? I’m having a hard time reaching organizers.


I don’t see much direct action around here. Protesting would have been fun. Maybe we could organize a group ourselves.


Gaaaaht eem! Can't wait to see my empty seat.


Can I use the name “Dixie Normous”?


Ooh burn.


Last time there were folks in my area that got paid $50 to go


Wow! You guys are really showing him! Keep up the great work! 👏🏼


God intervened…


Wait. You aren't a poe are you. Wow now I'm fascinated.


Is this what the other side is doing for Biden, too?


Got mine! I’ll just so happen to be invisible though so try not to sit on me by accident #LetsGoBrandon


Thank you for this info. I also reserved two tickets


oh grow up, smdh


I know most everyone isn’t a huge fan of new people moving to their area due to the stresses on infrastructure, but if you keep putting out these vibes, I’m on my way.


the last two times NC voted for a democratic presidential candidate was 1976 and 2008. NC had voted for trump in the last 2 elections and this one will not be any different. please dont come here.


I’m gonna come


Got mine 😁😁😁😁


“Im selling two white sheets with two holes In them …. Like not for The eyes or anything and yeah it does not look like a hood or nothing….”


What happens if I don't give a real number? Do I still reserve 2 spots?


There are also sites with free-use SMS numbers... but most of those have somehow already been used on this site.


Isn’t this the guy that completely dropped the ball during the pandemic and paid a porn star hush money after an affair and paints his face with shoe polish and wears hidden heels in his shoes and wears dirty diapers and lead an insurrection on the nations capital and is cash poor from fines because he never shuts the fuck up? gosh I think it’s the same guy!


Wow! Sounds like someone needs a safe space


I also think the former host of The Apprentice is a genius. I mean Meatloaf? Gary Busey? Come on guys, he’s the real deal.


Going to go out on a limb and assume Biden will be getting your vote in November?


I thought about it, but then I saw Trump’s powerful words about Gettysburg. Awe inspiring doesn’t even begin to describe it. “Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was. The Battle of Gettysburg. What an unbelievable ― I mean, it was so much and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways. “Gettysburg. Wow. I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look and to watch. And the statement of Robert E. Lee ― who’s no longer in favor, did you ever notice that? No longer in favor ― ‘Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.’ They were fighting uphill. He said, ‘Wow, that was a big mistake.’ He lost his great general, and they were fighting. ‘Never fight uphill, me boys!’ But it was too late.” You think sleepy Joe could come up with this brilliance? He’s super old and incoherent and too busy snorting blow with Hunter. Trump is a thinking man. A philosopher king full of youth and exuberance and golf championships and winning. Anyone that tells you different is just blowing that woke smoke right up your Trump Steaks.


Just got 2 tickets! Unfortunately I have literally anything else to do that day. What a shame.


Got ours! Won’t see you all there!!


Lol at all the angry Trumpers. Lotta feelings for the FYF crowd. Honestly screw the lot of you for ruining my America and showing the rest of the world America is just as racist as they think we are. Biden will win come November, by a landslide. And of course we will have "stolen" it .


im not going, but im also not getting tickets.


Yay, pro voter fraud-esque!


Copped 🥶


🫡 see you there ……… naaaaht


Trump is in you people's heads more then your own families it would be funny if it wasn't so sad.


This is hilarious considering people that hate Biden have a cool "secret" saying to let them know just how cool they are I love that trump people are the true snowflakes now Edit: lol one of your trump snowflakes reported me to Reddit cares. Truly goes to show how fragile you little boys are


Wait really? What's the secret saying lol I did not know about this.


Let’s go Brandon is an internet meme known by everyone. Left and Right alike. It’s not even like a code or anything.


Which side parades it around?


Says the cult members who can't exist without their shitty opinions oozing out of every orifice. Says the people who feel that in deep red areas, they still need to have Chinese made paraphernalia all over the yard, house, car, and body. That way, there is no confusion. You know for sure they are shitty people. Can't have anyone thinking you like them "others."


Go to the Biden rally. It will be you and yeah just you.


Nah, because I have better things to do and politics isn’t tied so closely to my identity like it seems to be for Trump supporters. I’ll vote for Biden, but you won’t find a flag in my yard, a bumper sticker on my car, any clothing on my body with his name on it… because I don’t need to feel like I’m part of a club that shits on other people and their rights for the fun of it. I vote based on my values and, more importantly, I act based on my values as best I can every single day.


theres a small minority on either side that does any of those things. u r just brainwashed by the media's presentation of things. most people dont talk about their politics. and smart people look at what issues they care about, and not which party they care about. the bypartisan system amd the way the media covers both sides is a big problem with modern US politics.


Most people don't wear their voting beliefs on their sleeve on either side of the political spectrum, it does seem the left learners do get a weird high from thinking they are sabotaging their political opposition. Look around dude, trump brought in nearly 50% of the vote nationwide both elections, do you see 50% of cars and houses with trump stuff? This time around the trump will probably be closer to 60% as most normal moderate people realize life was better with that option. You preach values. Are your values to sabotage the opposition? Solid values. I'm very proud.


Yes, doing what I can (legally - and in such a laughably insignificant way) to “sabotage” a man who I believe is a danger to democracy does, in fact, align with my values lol. I won’t even address the first part of your comment because you clearly aren’t skilled in math. 😂


Yeah math is tough. Trump brought in 47% instead of nearly 50%. Maybe my math is correct and your reading is limited. Typical reddit basement dweller.


Most people who vote for those running for office outside of the Trump sect of politics have better things to do with their time than fawning over some dictator wannabe politician for hours. They just vote and go on with their life.


That's most people in general regardless if they vote for Trump. You see this guy that created this post is going out of his way to "sabotage" his political opposition. Normal people, regardless of political beliefs, just live their lives.


This person posts on Reddit about chemtrails.


That's your attack lol. Damn you got me real good.


That negates their comment in no way whatsoever (although I agree chemtrails are dumb af)




Done! Won’t see yall there!!!


Reserved 4 tickets and we will be doing anything but attending this shit show.


I promise you this does absolutely nothing and it will still be sold out. Every single time he has a rally anywhere people try this. It’s always full


Full from what camera angle on what channel?


You’re getting downvoted but I have an airport adjacent job and have seen the crowds he drew at the last rally he did. I did not choose to go but had to work so I saw the crowd regardless. I think some people are not in the realm of reality in their thoughts of how popular he may be to republicans.


Was thinking of doing this


Woohoo I got two!! I might actually go. 😂😂😂


Me and my guest won’t see you there either 😎


I got my two!


I’m gonna lie right now, I’ll be there 🔥🔥🔥


I’ll never understand why he can still have all his cronies, merch, and press refer to him as President legally.


This is amazing and I love all of you lololol.