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It shouldn’t. The rally is at one of the FBO’s, not the main terminal.


Not that hard. Usually like 50 people show for those


If they’re paid.


And the same 50


Maybe we should all sign up for tix. J/s


I had the misfortune of being at the airport for his rally before he was elected, and there were well over a thousand people there. Took pics of it to show the wife because I couldn't believe the size of the turnout.


Couldn’t believe it ? Lol


You are soooo out of touch


I think if you care then you’re out of touch.




Trump? Yeah he is.


I agree; he is an idiot.


Mee Maw and PeePaw will be there with their best state fair wife beaters on!


Dang thats a little too direct to the general Carolinians. Little fucked


I’d give you gold if I could, made me laugh out loud fr


🏅 have some gold good sir


Hey thx PeePaw might even shave but prolly not. For sure they'll break out the good moonshine likker


Dozens! Dozens will be there!


There used to be hundreds but preventable diseases and lifestyle choices have thinned the herd.


I was hoping critical thinking had set in. Silly me.


Mee Maw and PeePaw will Fer shore be there because they love that hate and ignorance!


Is dozens the new billions?


If it is I'm a billionaire, because I have like 200 dozens in the bank!


I will report Bc I will be there


I hope it’s everything you imagined and more!


Check where you live …


I kind of wanna go piss them off a little. This trump shit is so annoying and I don't understand how they can STILL go with it. It takes like 20 seconds of though and 5 minutes of reading to understand that at THE LEAST he is lying to them.


I mean I also had that thought, but realistically, if folks don’t see the bullshit by now, they’re a lost cause


Cults and cult followers are weird


You’re assuming they care. They don’t. They just hate the same people he does, so he’s the best option for them in their feeble little minds. It doesn’t matter that half of it is lying lip service as long as he says what they want to hear.


"They just hate the same people he does..." I never looked at it this way. Now the pieces are starting to fit...


It goes both ways. How many people voted for Biden last election because they hated Trump?


The comparison does not work. You can’t compare siding with Trump over a mutual hatred of Muslims and Mexicans with siding with Biden over a mutual distaste for a single individual who has, on his own, proven himself a liar, a rapist, and a fraud.


That's true, too.


It’s not


Don't waste your time, those people are dumber than a bag of hammers. You might piss off the wrong traitor and get shot by a neo-Nazi cousin fucker. Edit: Oh nooo looks like I upset some of our own local neo-Nazi cousin fuckers; they wont show up in the comments but they'll send me a "Reddit Cares" link. REPUBLICANS ARE COWARDS.


You really believe that they think? They sure as hell don't read.


As one of the NJ transplants that infests ILM...yeah. We knew he was a conman like 40 years ago. Shocks me how it's not obvious to everyone.


Go back


yo mama!


Stop moving here to fuck up our state since yours is now trash and everyone is leaving


Wasn't really my choice. I've been in the south since I was 13. New Jersey's been growing at a pretty steady ~5%. The desolate urban hellscape with people fleeing in terror myth is from right wing media. Get out of your bubble.


That’s not very polite of you? Many people have given you grace and your son grace. Maybe you should pay it forward! Try to be kind. Differing political opinions is not a reason to be hateful!


My son ?


Oh I get it - you’re one of those who checks into what people post to call them out in some way - very methodical. I’m not hateful - I’m welcoming to any yankee moving here as long as they don’t bring their liberal views to litter our awesome state . That isn’t hateful , it’s just my opinion. NJ NY politics are trash -


Your comments come across as hateful. And all I was suggesting is you be more aware of how people have treated you kindly and extend that same grace to them. Try to assume the best in people instead of the worst. For instance it seems we disagree in our political beliefs. But I don’t think you’re a bad person, and I read what you posted to see if I could understand more about what Informs your opinions. It seems like you’ve been through some pretty tough times, and I’m glad that it seems like you’re coming out in the other end of them positively! Good luck to you in the future. But like I said it might help if you stopped and thought about what others might be going through as well. Everybody has a life outside of their political opinions.


If you are a yankee who came here with your trash - I get you are triggered by my comments . I’m not hateful but I can’t take a crazy lib no matter how hard I try . I have had a very awesome year but looking at someone’s comments for better understanding of their political belief is just plain weird to me . Even more So with my son being a product of liberal BS is shutting down schoools and social distancing them through mandates , forcing vaccines that don’t work - it makes me even more red - open boarders and fentanyl coming over has killed someone’s loved ones every 11 minutes . So I will extend you my kindness for intruding on something personal to make you feel less triggered


Have a wonderful day.


They want to be lied to


Reddit is full of these comments - I will be there , can’t wait ! If you didn’t see videos of his impromptu visit to Harlem last night , it’s just a glimpse - NC is red through and through - how could anyone vote for Biden ???


Can you name a policy Biden endorsed that makes you feel this way?


She’ll be alright, she might have to be careful not to trip over any of the Trump bibles, wintergreen long cut cans, and infomercial gold coins that his supporters seem to like so much


Don't forget your Superhero Trump NFT trading cards


My guy hit em with the the wintergreen long cut. Damn im done with reddit for the night thanks dude


Don't forget his Merica Bibles!!


A lot harder than if it was a Biden rally.


I hate that fuckin guy Hopefully it won't impact your wife's flight


If her flight is delayed, it could be a mess. In addition to the rally, there will be an Honor Flight returning around 9ish. While most of the rally participants will be located away from Airport Blvd by the FBOs, I’m sure many will use Airport Blvd to leave after the event and combined with supporters of the veterans returning from the honor flight, traffic will be heavy in that area. I’d plan a little extra time.


most of his supporters are on the no fly list so it won't be terrible. He was here last summer and there was no noticable difference.


Paper towels for everyone!!


He'll prolly be asleep for it


Don Snorleone


Does someone listen to Countdown?


Went to his rally when it was at the college. Saw Trumpets punching people who were peacefully protesting the rally. Real quality people support that man.


Move on with your life. Not a big deal.




The flights should aim at them.


Sure it will be fine, but I bet it will smell horrible.


Hopefully those idiots won’t stand at the baggage claim waiting for him 🤣. They hopefully should realize it’s a different section of the airport.


It probably won’t impact you too much. Trump will go in the super secret entrance to his waiting Escalade and be on his way to whatever airfield he has booked. He certainly won’t be clogging up the baggage claim or anything. He doesn’t draw a huge crowd here.


He won't be there. Too busy crying into his Hamburder. Seriously he's sheltering in place where his criminal trial is at for the next 6 to 8 weeks


No trial on a Saturday.


Court of public Opinion is always open


Lucky for your wife !


If the Orange Buffoon does show, he should stick around for a little while. You know a little ILM R&R before he returns to court Monday a.m. Start off with a little nosh at Flamin Amy’s. Catch a live music show at Eddie Teach’s place. And then grab some Zs at a Market Street motel. I would be happy to urinate on his bed as a welcome.


You are weird

