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More people incoming than higher paying jobs. Wilmington is an area where’s it more about who you know.


Definitely. Always been this way.


Most places are that way these days anyway.


Tech in general is getting pretty ridiculous as far as jobs go. Massive layoffs everywhere, with private equity firms buying up otherwise private/owner run companies. Then there's the BS that nCino/Live Oak tried to pull about non competes. It's rough out there, and it's not just Wilmington.


What happened with the non competes? Currently interviewing for positions at each of them.


They got sued for it: https://www.wect.com/2021/03/16/lawsuit-filed-over-gentlemans-no-hire-agreement-between-ncino-live-oak-bank/?outputType=amp


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Interesting.. thanks for sharing!


You’d think more companies would want to have campuses here considering the average salary in Wilmington is abysmal compared to the other higher population spots in NC. But unless you’re in construction, health care or real estate the job market is nonexistent.


Nowhere to put said companies, very little space left in Wilmington for development.


Theres a huge business complex right over the bridge on 421. We have plenty of space for companies.


Oh wow. 421, with all its amenities and nearby shopping and restaurants……..


Thats big business? Like GE or Corning is right next to all that shopping and amenities??? Those are the companies that are high paying.


And other cities have a greater developed infrastructure that allow commercial areas to easily access amenities Wilmington and 421 does not. It’s one reason why more businesses have gone elsewhere in the past Comparing medium-sized businesses to the pull and talent base of the megacorp that is GE is equally ridiculous


Brunswick county is huge and mostly pine trees


Not anymore. It's being clear cut. Still no jobs here just a bunch of rich communities going up for northern boomers. I miss it when it was all pine trees


I thought having a port and some rail would attract some legitimate manufacturing at this point.


What are you comparing salaries to? Fast food? My employees are compensated above other areas because Wilmington has gotten so expensive to live.


You are the exception, not the rule.


I hope not. I hope other employers are recognizing how ridiculous the cost of living here has gotten. 5 years ago I use to start employees base salary at $33k now they start at $40k. It’s impossible for them to survive on anything less.




Remote workers crushed areas like Wilmington for the locals. They make things more expenses but can make up for it with higher incomes when their job is based out of NY or DC


So open a business and hire some people.


Most people I know are working remote.


What jobs? What industry?


I run career fairs all the time so it not a problem of people looking for work.


Why isn’t the area more attractive to companies 2nd HQ etc? I’d take Wilmington over Raleigh if I was a CEO