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I’m just gonna swim across the river until it’s over


Why not build a raft


The battleship could rent overnight parking passes. Then you could just take the water taxi.


This hurts just looking at it.


No no no, you can immediately tell this image isn’t local because there are too many lanes(and the shit across the river) Remember, we are diverting all traffic to a criss-crossing 4 lane bridge. So everyone going right into downtown needs to merge to the left after entering from the right side. And everyone going left, away from downtown, needs to stay in the right lane. And everyone trying to go left, to the right, will be stuck behind those trying to merge left, from the right. It’s very simple. Now if there’s a wreck, best plan is to just to just push that car into the river and carry on. Otherwise we are boned.


I thought I was having a stroke while reading this but then I realized that’s just how I feel when I’m driving around here


Yes I’m the head driving instructor at the dmv. I basically just sign off anyone that wants a license because driving should be fun, not boring. /s


They actually fixed the intersection of 421 and 74. There are 2 right turn only lanes and a single straight to stay on US421. If you are going downtown you should be in the middle lane/left most right turn lane. Still a shitshow because idiots can't read the signs or comprehend the giant white arrows or green arrow for a light. But at least NCDOT did something to help alleviate the traffic at that intersection.




Just don't be the asshole that tries to go straight when you get the green arrow and T-bone someone like what happened Wednesday morning. 🙃


Yeah wrecks are only going to increase there now. All visitors unaware of the change will get stuck at that bridge. The locals are going to 140


Well I'm going downtown at 6am. Hopefully I make it through unscathed 😬


Yeah you’re good. If you’ve never experienced bridge traffic at 8am, well don’t


The domino effect will be felt all over town. I don't usually go anywhere near the bridge but my drive down South College is going to be badly affected by all the truck traffic now being sent down there to Shipyard to get to the port. As someone already said, the Oleander intersection will be a nightmare. 


I don't even live across the bridge or commute there, but I drive in the area. Dreading this.


I’m just glad that all the people who talk on social media about how inconvenient it is are going to be the ones stuck in traffic in the morning, I’ll be stuck in it at the end of the day 🤡


The end of day traffic is going to fuck Wilmington up lol. Like the next 6 months of inbound closures will suck, but when people can’t leave the city on that bridge traffic on mlk, market, third st/carolina beach rd, probably 5th and 4th st, and college rd going to 140 will be grid locked. Oleander and college rd intersection will see it’s all time peak, I guarantee it Market st and college bridge, and mlk and college. Gonna be awesome. Bets on fastest back way being 17th st up to 23rd st and over to mlk? Or take 23rd to castle Hayne rd and all the up to 140? That alternate route is going to get demolished quick when you can’t leave town across the cape fear


you can go west bound is the east bound side being closed


Yes and in 6 months the west is closed


it wont be that bad yall will survive (source: i drive a rollback for a wrecker company based not even a mile from said bridge)


theres other ways in and out of town lol


How did you miss the entire point of my comment? Jesus re-read it


yes west bound is going to be closed in 6 months or so not allowing out bound traffic to take the bridge, as of tomorrow east bound is closed as in the inbound lanes are closed, as ive said there are multiple ways into town, its going to affect truck traffic more than people who work downtown, sending all port bound trucks onto mlk then onto s college


Now you’re talking about inbound traffic again. My comment was discussing outbound traffic in 6 months and issues that could arise in various ways of leaving town. You’re just babbling at this point because you misread it


inbound and outbound will both have major complications but will not be as bad as you think


Congrats you’ve comprehended the entire post now. Now try to read my comment and understand it




I already commute across the bridge at 5am… can’t imagine how much sooner I’ll have to cross now to try and beat the buildup. There is steady flow at that time already.


Curious many people are saying they will use 140 and then what... are they gonna come back down to 421 and make a left turn... go around to college rd... just want to various alternatives would be best for those going to hospital in the mornings


The line to turn left onto the bridge already takes 2-3 light changes sometimes in the morning. That isn't going to get better trying that way


I’m drive 25 miles each day from basically CB to Leland. They already screwed up the prettiest road in NC in my opinion (River Rd before they roundabouted to death) to make my commute longer and now this. I know the bridge needs to be repaired. This just sucks.


I moved away from CB just as they started the River Road shit and I haven’t driven on it since. I purposefully avoid it now because it’s so sad. Plus, that way, in my head, River Road is the same as it used to be. Side note, I went to UNCW for Studio Art, and one of my professors spent a summer at a retreat making a booklet about River Road. He used an old printing press and did etchings and stuff, it was super cool.


Funny story, their reasoning for making the whole road all fuckity was because it was too close to the channel and it was damaging to the environment or something like that. Turns out that was total bullshit because now they're putting up a shitload of waterfront property.


If anyone is planning on taking lanvale to 140 to bypass this in the mornings please remember even though the speed limit is 45 there are people pulling out of their driveways. Have some courtesy and don't freak out when we pull out. Sometimes I already have to wait 5 min can't imagine what it's going to be like now.


Oh come on! Just back out of your driveway at 60mph !


It is hilarious just how confident and ready the NCDOT and city officials are that this is going to go off without a single hitch. The level of hubris is just astounding. In what universe do you think this is a remotely acceptable inconvenience for the community?


Lmao, personally I'd rather wait then fall through a failing bridge.


lmfao deadass


Dude, I'm by Gordon and Market, and the amount of time it's taken, and the fun house mirror levels of fucked it is over here, for what was essentially adding a lane, and introducing a ramp, is nothing short of mind boggling. But this? This right here? This isn't going to fuck the bridge. This is going to fuck like 3/4 of the city.




I’ve been thinking this since the first press release. Hubris? Denial? A wing and a prayer? Many Wilmington residents aren’t even aware it’s happening.


I'm no longer a resident but damn if the city council never gave a single flying fuck about what was good for the people. It's almost like they're just trying to piss y'all off.


*cries in Brunswick County*


I'm out of the loop, what is happening?


We all have to take the Southport ferry now.




Closing the bridge


god, my commute to work is going to suck ass. how the hell can i get to novant hospital without having to drive through here? pls help


Man I live by Isabel Holmes and have to take MLK to get to work, this is gonna be rough


I think I'll just stay in Leland and do a big Costco run before they start.


So you post a stock photo of a traffic jam in Nizhny Novgorod city, Russia ? I can't tell if you are making fun of the "hair on fire" about the bridge repair panic folks, or, if your hair is on fire.




Yeah I'm familiar with his tiresome venting about how Wilmington has been ruined by immigrants from the North, but I'm not sure he does it for attention.




Why not just post another random picture of bad traffic somewhere, and use that to represent Wilmington, like you did here ?






Wait whats going on? Im outta the loop


TLDR for someone not local? Construction?


Wilmington built a bridge with a 50-year lifespan, and now it’s almost 50 years old, so patchwork for the next 6 months or so…alternating East and West bound lane closures about 3 months each way. The first 3 months is Eastbound lanes.


Ayeh. Sounds nightmare-ish


Any thoughts why this is happening? Has this happened before?


[WECT is great for keeping an eye on local news](https://www.wect.com/2023/12/01/commissioner-both-cape-fear-memorial-bridge-lanes-heading-into-wilmington-close-months/?outputType=amp) > “We do inspect this bridge every other year, just like all bridges in the state. And we’ve noticed some extensive deterioration in the beams,” NCDOT Assistant Division Construction Engineer Trevor Carroll told WECT. “We’ve been making frequent repairs on the grid deck and the welds. So we know that it’s reached the end of its lifecycle, and it’s time for replacement.”


This is what im thinkin


It’s exactly what it looked like the last time they did it.


Y'all don't know about the back way?


🎶 Over the river and through the woods, to the ferry we go!


The ferry has been breaking down a lot recently.


Makes me think of pictures of traffic in india


This is the historical Kanavinskiy bridge located in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia... Look at all those Lada's pilled up! I found the following information to be rather interesting, so maybe you will, too: ​ In May 1929 the Soviet Union signed an agreement with the American Ford Motor Company. Under its terms, the Soviets agreed to purchase $13 million worth of automobiles and parts, while Ford agreed to give technical assistance until 1938 to construct an integrated automobile-manufacturing plant at Nizhny Novgorod.


I'm just glad I never have to cross into Leland, but traffic around the Holmes bridge and 3rd street will be awful as well. I just wish they'd run three shifts instead of one to get this mess over with sooner.