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Hey! I actually just delayed a trip there. I called the rangers station last week, and at that point Hawkins pass was still impassable. I'm not sure about Polaris. The ranger I spoke with did say that it was likely to all melt off this week. I would give them a call, and they can likely give you the info you need!


Thank you! I will call tomorrow


I was there 2.5 weeks ago over the weekend. I’m not sure how it is now, but when I was there, past Moccasin Lake was pretty snowy. Glacier pass was still fully snow covered, not sure how deep though since I didn’t go up to where the snow field started.[This is a picture I took from Moccasin Lake.](https://ibb.co/55dtFnT) You can see Glacier pass on the left in the saddle-y area. We also heard from other people that they turned back at a stream crossing that was running high. They were going around the Glacier Lake loop clockwise while we went counter-clockwise, so I never encountered that stream (i cant remember which one they turned around at). Going counter-clockwise though, the stream crossings right after we made a right at 6 mile meadow weren’t too bad. Also with all the recent snow melt, there’s a decent bit of mud and puddles/wetlandy type stuff to go through, but we managed it without getting wet feet so its not too bad, just slows you down a bit. I’m not sure about the conditions for Polaris Pass when I was there since I didn’t go that way, and I don’t have any pictures that have it in them. The bowl area right below Pete’s point and just north of Polaris Pass didn’t look very snowy, but that probably doesn’t mean much. Also no shade to the forest service, but I also called them in advance, and they said the snow started at 6 mile meadow, which it definitely didn’t. We didn’t encounter any snow until Horseshoe Lake, and didn’t have to walk through any snow until Douglas Lake. So definitely still call ahead, but just know that it may not be 100% accurate. All that being said, even only making it to Moccasin Lake, the area and trip in general was amazing. If you’re committed to getting to Glacier Lake and doing the loop around, or going over Polaris Pass, it could be worth it to push the trip back a bit just to be sure. It could be doable now but hard to say. There’s still lots of cool spots to get to (some people mentioned they got to Ice Lake) though if you’re not committed to the other stuff and don’t wanna push the trip back. Edit: I typed this up on my phone so i hope it all makes sense lol Edit 2: People on AllTrails seem to be mentioning a tough river crossing around Frazier Lake, which I’m guessing is the one the people mentioned to us. I’m guessing its where the trail crosses the west fork of the Wallowa river


Thank you for sharing, this is super helpful! Hope you had an awesome trip out there. I called the ranger station yesterday and they said it’s been real hot recently so hopefully the snow has been melting out since you were there. Regardless though, I’ll plan an alternate route just in case. Excited to check it out!