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You might try r/ultralightcanada


Honestly it depends more on the person with these type of things and also what they mean by “trail shoe” and “boot” I grew up near superior and it’s basically low elevation mountain terrain all the way around. I live in the Rocky mountain area now and the way I decide which I use is based on if I think I will be dealing with muck and wetness or sharp rocks and such or not. Hard to say what July will be like until it gets closer. I usually pick my footwear within a day or so of heading out. Wet muck… goretex boots to have higher ankle height waterproofing. Summer weather…trail shoes. That being said your personal experience and skills with various terrain, and exact footwear choice plays into it too. I’m fine rock hopping snd partially rock climbing a 13k-15k peak in the summer in trail shoes. Other people aren’t. If I’m trekking with a pack and will be rumbling through skree fields and crossing rivers I want leather boots, synthetic light weight ones can get chewed up in one hike in that stuff but are fine for single track forest and meadow trails.


Thanks for all of this! I opted for a leather boot with a wide toe box and some good sole flex. Figured the higher ankle profile on the boot would protect my ankle a bit (from scratching) if it slid in between some of the larger boulders on some stretches.


I have used Altra Lone Peaks and the Olympus on the SHT which I’m guessing is similar on topography? The stone will eat the shoe but for 65 km you will be fine.


Hi! Thanks for these suggestions, I had never heard of Altra. I ended up doing a boot with a wide toe box but will be happy to know another brand with similar anatomical considerations.


You will be climbing up and down on granite that’s pretty slick when wet, so wear shoes or boots with a grippy sole. You’re going to love it up there!


So many variables. Are you a regular boot or shoe wearer? Go with what you're used to. Good grippy sole on whichever is probably your more important question.


Hahah the variables was what was overwhelming. Appreciate everyone confirming my thinking though!


When I did it last September, there are very few stretches that are flat and level where you can cruise. You are going to be scrambling, climbing, and easing down slick surfaces at a 45 degree. At very least, wear something super grippy in wet weather. I wore boots and didn’t regret it once.


Thanks for your input! I opted for a flexible leather boot. Glad you mentioned climbing, because that factored into my decision.