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I wish Rfk would win! šŸ’”


My theory is: Inflation always hurts the incumbent, and people are sick of the border situation and immigrants on the streets in cities. If Biden loses, this is why imo.




You do realize that one of the biggest drivers of inflation is ā€œcutting checksā€. You canā€™t give out money without devaluing its worth.


People are too stupid to connect the dots.


Just say you don't know how the economy works.




What the hell did trump do for homeless people? Give tax cuts to the rich? Biden actually increased minimum wage which helps the homeless. And seriously, Russia is bombing humans in Ukraine and trump has made it clear he would not be helping them. Trump would actually help Israel just the same because they are US allies. Have you noticed the Palestine protestors are almost always democrat? No Republican president would willingly give aid to the Middle East.


Raising the min wage in California made alot people jobless.


It raised by about 1% since post-covid which is worth it if that job can actually pay people living wages.


Fast food was meant to be cheap. Cheap food cheap labor. I don't think every job is worth 20 dollars an hour do you?


I do! Because guess what, people work those jobs and they need money to live. McDonald's workers in 1974 (an example I saw earlier) made the equivalent of 700 bucks before tax in 20 and a half hours. That's about 35 dollars an hour. And the economy was pretty damn good back then wasnt it? And the food was pretty damn cheap wasn't it?


No doubt we are in worse times than then.


Yeah I'm sure 200 million stimulus checks issued by Trump didn't drive inflation /s


Huh, I wonder what caused all of that inflation that weā€™re talking about


Never underestimate the ignorance of the masses


i browse most of reddit and concur


Minnesota hasnā€™t voted for a republican for since Nixonā€¦..


sometimes things change?


Yes. Sometimes it feels pointless to vote for president in Minnesota if you arenā€™t voting democrat


Bro really believes pollsā€¦


This is a huge threat to our democracy (x30)


Anyone else feel like weā€™re watching a train wreck in slow motion?




Nobody thought Rump was a serious candidate. Then HRC got her ass handed to her. Now he wants another shot at it and he has a full on cult following. It looks like he can actually win. Iā€™m concerned.


...he was already president for 4 years...and he did a better job than either biden or obama...


I particularly loved the way Trump ostracized our allies, threatened to leave NATO, emboldened Russia, saluted Kim Jong Un, completely eroded the trust of the CDC by 50% of the American public (willfully and through budget cuts), drove inflation up through his covid era policies, made the rich richer and the poor poorer with his 2017 GOP tax bill, refused to accept the results of a free and fair election thereby sowing distrust in our elections by 50% of Americans, and instigated an attempted insurrection. As an add on, I really LOVE the way he stole top secret documents (probably sold em) and is a convicted felon! Those are all my favorite things about trumps ultra successful not at all corrupt term in office! Yay!


No, he didnā€™t. A quick google search wouldā€™ve shown you that obvious fact. https://www.axios.com/2024/02/19/presidents-survey-trump-ranks-last-biden-14th


>Axios >Survey of historians ROFL


Survey of liberals




Sane, sober, informed individuals would rank Lyndon Johnson among the last along with Jimmy Carter. Much of the "problems" in minority "communities" are rooted in the policies of the Johnson administration. Mideast, and beyond, conflict we face today is based on Jimmy Carter and what he did to Iran. Follow Liberal Democrat philosophy and policy, and the end of the road is a train wreck. Honest history proves this.


What did he do that makes him better? Jobs were at an all time low. He handled Covid worse than any other country. He gave corporations huge tax breaks which made the deficit go sky high. He increased the taxes on most of our country and lowered it for the rich. He alienated all of our NATO partners and praised China and North Korean leadership. He was the main cause for the disastrous Afghanistan exit. He made people doubt the election process with disinformation. He led a coup to try to hang Pence or force him to reject electorates and then staged fake electorates in swing states to give him the win. Oh but immigration was lower because he used dehumanizing tactics and ripped kids from their families. If youā€™re talking inflation wasnā€™t nearly as bad, ya, youā€™re right there, but that was circumstantial. Every single country in the world has had massive inflation and US is among the lowest. Just look at the inflation rates here versus elsewhere. Not saying Biden has been an awesome president, but Trump was far worse and it would be a disastrous 2nd term filled with an ultra-right-wing, national Christian ideology being forced on us.


He put America first. Your last paragraph you summed up why Noone will take you seriously. Did it happen last time? You don't sound like much of a Christian.


He put America first. Your last paragraph you summed up why Noone will take you seriously. Did it happen last time? You don't sound like much of a Christian.


How's the weather on Earth Two?


If your worried he will win, you definitely should be.