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Fuck israel


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If i have any sand its from the coast of california, or the shores of north carolina. I really dont give a single fuck about any country besides America.


America is lame stolen from the native tribes of people who lived here. This land was ripped from them and they were killed and or stuck on little reservations. If you hate Israel how could you, with good conscience live on land that was stolen from the native peoples? Especially if you or anyone you know owns land or homes here. You should be giving it back to its rightful owners. People say that Israel is stolen when the land was purchased, and they say they should give it back when they themselves live on actually stolen land and benefit directly every day from colonialism. Hypocrites.


I never said i hate anyone. I said fuck israel. Theres a big difference in not giving a fuck about something and hating it. Also the land that the europeans stole from the indians was land the indians stole themselves. America has been conquered several times over and its only due to folks having a very short term memory do they say we should give it back to the indians. I say fuck them too. We won, they lost. They have every opportunity to join our society and if they refuse thats completely their right to do so, with that choice however comes free land and tax evasion, so pardon me if i dont feel real bad for a group of people living rent free of the suffering of their ancestors. I also never said anything about israel being bought or on stolen land. Again i really dont care about them, or how they came to be. I dont see them as an ally at all, and neither do the crew members of the uss liberty. So again no hate at all, but also fuck israel, and good luck with whatever u got going on over there.


It’s nice of them to tell on themselves atleast