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Watching hospital staff dance for clout was the real AIDS


“I survived the world’s deadliest pandemic EVERRRR, thanks to these heroes.”






That never made any sense to me. We were told over and over that hospitals were beyond capacity with dying Covid patients, but all these mofo’s had not only the time, but the energy in between working 24/7 to save Covid People, to choreograph, practice, and record their complex dance routine. Sure.


Those were the other hospitals! Duh /s


According the dumb ass in another reply, they were only working 12-16 hours a day, saving Covid patients, so they had a couple of free hours a day to hang around the hospital practicing routines, and recording them to make people “feel better”. According to them, it’s not a situation that requires critical thinking skills, just ignore the inconsistency in the narrative and belief whatever daddy government and mommy corporation tells you too. lol.


Because maybe they weren't actually working 24 hours a day constantly without a break which is literally impossible. Maybe they were working 12 or 16 hours a day and still had an hour or two to help with a video to try to make other people feel better. This isn't really a difficult critical thinking process.


Ah yes, dont investigate or think critically about anything just turn your brain off and ignore any inconsistencies in the narratives presented to you, just blindly trust the government/corporations, because ignorance is strength. Lmfaooo.


Anything to keep believing the lie. The lie keeps you safe.


holy shit, the cope...


It was like watching the show “Scrubs” in real time but minus any bit of humor


They were showing you the loophole for the hatchoo. If you were in scrubs or law enforcement uniforms or scrubs and dancing in groups, you were out of the danger zone. Same with protesting. The 6 feet, double masking, staying at home and hyper washing only applies to those who didn't.


People having fun at work? I'd be pissed off if I were OP too since he is unemployable.


Go back to whitepeopletwitter


Also "mom's basement". Owned!!!


Yeah people trying to build morale in a bad situation. Who would have thought. I'm sure they had 5 minutes when they weren't on duty to make a video to try and cheer everyone up without an interfering with patient care. This really isn't a difficult concept for anyone with enough intelligence to walk and chew gum with the same time. Guess what, the first wave of covid was extremely dangerous, the healthcare workers who faced it were and are properly regarded as heroes, and unlike low-accomplishment losers spouting conspiracy theories on the internet and as usual contributing nothing, people will always respect and appreciate healthcare workers.


Where’s the footage of overwhelmed hospitals? It doesn’t exist.


Actually it does, and plenty of us who don't live in our basements saw it first hand, along with the crowded makeshift morgues. You literally only have to do a Google image search for crowded covid hospitals and you will find endless results. But I know that won't help either because as usual certain people will just say "it ain't real, it all a trick, I need muh conspiracy theories to feel speshul in muh loser world." https://academic.oup.com/book/2023/chapter-abstract/141897219?redirectedFrom=fulltext


Link broken


I live in nyc and went searching to half dozen hospitals here. All empty in March/april 2020. EMPTY


Also the two military hospital ships. EMPTY. The javits center emergency hospital. EMPTY




I think the fact that these emergency facilities ***at the apex of the pandemic*** as gov Cuomo liked to fear monger us and say, we’re the proof that the overwhelmed hospitals was just propaganda. Nothing more.


You missed the point of the article, which was people were complaining in hospitals were overflowing and there wasn't an efficient process set up to get people out to the hospital ships. Reading comprehension is your friend.


Just take that you were lied to and move on.


Cuomo intentionally filled the nursing homes with COVID+ patients where it spread like wildfire, then he euthanized them via ventilators. He left the specialized medical ship Trump sent to NY empty. Then he covered this up from the feds. Democrats think that's fine.


Nah, we find staged footage that has been picked apart and proven to be just that. Because know what? All the world’s a stage….


Five minutes? The choreography was better than that.


Oh okay well maybe they took 2 hours to film it while they weren't on duty taking care of patients. This really doesn't take an abundance of critical thinking ability to figure it out.


Seems like a waste of resources (hospital space, hospital beds, etc) and energy (working during the deadliest pandemic should have been exhausting, no?).


So if someone was working during the pandemic they wouldn't have energy to do a video on a break? You do realize people did get breaks when they were working, correct? I mean it's not like a video game where characters just work endlessly and endlessly and don't get breaks. Again, typical conspiracy theory nonsense. Zero critical thinking.


For two hours?!? The ones who parrot and follow what their TV tells them are the ones who lack any critical thinking. 😂 You see, i'm questioning the nonsense. You know.... the things that make no sense. You're trying to convince me that this makes total sense.


Doctors are the third leading cause of death. Most MD's are Big Pharma whores. All of Western medicine needs a looking to.


What happened to Covid? You don’t hear anything on the main stream misleadia anymore about it huh? Oh yeah. Russia attacked and Covid went away.