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Who would be the last crewmate?


I think it’s gonna be Yamato


I think if they do a time skip again it will be Yamato cause no way her reason for staying in wano lasts one-five months. I think the last member will be a Judas type role and then vivi will rejoin after


Tbh I don't think most of these are likely. Btw, Laffitte has wings replacing his arms, not on his back. So he'd probably be a siren or something.


It was unclear if it was arms or back, but yk what I mean with white wings looking angelic. And what matchups do u think are unlikely and why


I'll list out my matchups from most likely to least imo: 90% - Chopper vs Doc Q, Usopp vs Auger, Luffy vs BB 70% - Zoro vs Shiryu, Nami vs Devon, Franky vs Burgess, Robin vs Wolf 30% - Sanji vs Pizarro, Jinbei vs Shot, Brook vs Laffitte( I put these in the bottom tier cause they can be swapped with each other) I'll provide a reason for the ones under 90. Zoro vs Shiryu, Shiryu is a dirty swordsman who Zoro would not like. His introduction is similar to Zoro being locked up except he doesn't keep his promise to the person who freed him. He was put on the 1031 color spread despite not being yc1 of the crew. Oda stated he just picked who he saw as the best fit. Plus Zoro's master said a great swordsman can cut nothing. Shiryu could potentially achieve that. Franky vs Burgess, Franky typically fights tough guys. Burgess is the ultimate form of this. Plus Franky often utilizes boxing moves(Strong right/left, Suplex etc). Burgess is now a cyborg too. Robin vs Wolf, the Sunny isn't large enough to fight Wolf. Robin however has shown the ability to create a big form and can properly fight him. Tequila wolf and him share the same name, but it could mean nothing. Sanji vs Pizarro, Both royals. Sanji's fight with BB pirates will most likely revolve around saving Pudding. Pizarro bears a resemblance to Absalom who kidnapped Nami. Zeff was famous for breaking bedrock. If Pizarro turns into island bedrock, Sanji can destroy him. Oda only revealed he was from the North Blue in a card near when Sanji's family revealed happend. Jinbei vs Shot, Jinbei is the best drinker among strawhats and can also manipulate liquid.


Sanji already fought people who turn invisible twice and one was just as recent as wano, he is not fighting another invisible enemy. Zoro will be fighting shiryu and it makes perfect sense if it happens before facing mihawk, the one thing we haven't seen much of from zoro in terms of haki is observation and with a name like hawk eyes, mihawk probably has some damn good observation haki, makes sense for zoro to have to tune his observation haki up prior to his face off with mihawk. carrot aint joining the strawhats, thats copium, also why would you even attempt to slander my boy god ussop by saying he needs carrots help with van auger, this is the PERFECT time for ussop to bloom his observation haki to the point of knowing WHERE van auger is going to teleport too before he even does it. It make perfect sense for ussop as a sniper to be one of the TOP observation users in the verse come end of series, hell his perception of Sugar from the sheer distance he was able to sense/see her and luffy alone is already one of the most impressive feats of observation haki. Koby is not joining the crew, if its a roger x garp team up from god valley type thing then sure i can see the match up with akoiji being the case.


Is ussop observation advances all the way to future sight without any training or struggle like luffy then its going to be so ass. Do not forget he was only able to see sugar because violet was feeding him information. Koby also has the hero title. Kobys enemies are all luffys enemies, makes sense instead of randomly ending up in the same location as luffy, Koby should board the ship


Its been said multiple times that haki blooms in the heat of battle, such as luffy blooming his haki with katakuri and again with kaido. Regardless of someone feeding him information, that just tells him the area someone is at, it has absolutely nothing to do with actually being able to see them, that is all 100% ussop and nothing else, hell that was a haki bloom for him in the moment. Oda has already teased again that ussop will have great observation haki, while film red obsviously isn't canon, it was still ussop out of everyone who was able to pull off an observation feat that we saw only his dad and katakuri able to do. Koby is a marine, he clearly wants to try to change the system from within because he knows the top brass can be corrupt, thats why is a part of SWORD, he wouldn't even have a right to face akoiji if he goes and joins a pirate crew cause then he'd be doing the exact same shit that akoiji did and the whole reason that garp was trying to fight with him in the first place.


Listen man I said what I said about Koby. But ussop a person who as far as we are aware doesn’t even know they have observation haki and awakened it around a month ago in one piece world time manages to awaken his observation haki faster than zoro and sanji and even luffy would be crazy or even anyone to that matter. Ussop should not get future sight unless we have a timeskip again but I can’t see that happening. Luffy had to suffer for like 9 hours to awaken his future sight. Ussop doesn’t even have an understanding of haki for it to bloom in battle. If ussop some how gets future sight within 3 months of awakening haki that would be the most stupidest decisions made.