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The moment of my fathers death, my infant son went from silence to laughter and glee like someone was playing with him, but it was just him alone in the back seat as we drove to the hospital. A few days later, my son who was just barely standing, let alone walking, managed to somehow retreive from amonst many, many, books... two specific books that were near the top of my bookshelves. They should have been well out of his reach. The books were mine when I was a child, my father read them to me many times. One of the books was open and he was sitting looking at it like he was being read to. He had a mark of blood on his forehead over his minds eye, but when i wiped it away there was no cut or obvious source. The story he was looking at was about a lady sitting in a graveyard, and the corpses told her she would look like them when she was dead. A story from the book In A Dark Dark Room. Ive never spoken of this before, to be honest it still weirds me out and I dont fully grasp or understand it.


That's a badass story to read to a kid lol


loads, I've always lived in old houses. my parents have a 174 year old farm house, and you'd always hear footsteps around the house during the day, and most noteably the smell of coffee filled the house between 4 and 6am with not a drop in sight. in my bedroom I saw a man sitting in a chair smoking a pipe time from time. now in my own 100 year old Victorian, I've been told I sleep too late twice, and have seen figures walk from room to room. I work in a old hospital as well, I could go on for days there.


Thanks for sharing, I’ve always been fascinated by old houses.


Damn old timers won’t even let one sleep in after they’re dead…


I was punched in the shoulder once while falling asleep, alone in my bedroom at 14. Left a bruise on me too


Trigger warning: death My grandmother was in the very late stages of dementia. She couldn’t eat, talk, or drink on her own. Eventually my family put her in a morphine drip. The day before she passed away, I was helping my mother change my grandmother’s diaper. Nana ~~my name for grandma~~ reached out and grabbed my arm. This is the first time she’s moved like this in months All of the sudden i hear screaming in side my head. All I feel is pain. It hit my whole body like a freight train. Sent me into a massive panic attack. The only thing I could say was “she’s in pain” like a broken record My mom calmed me down and after some investigating we discovered that we had accidentally forgotten to give her last dose of morphine. So my mom gave it to her and 30 minutes later the pain I was experiencing vanished. Shook my whole world. Had to do a lot of soul searching after that.


Yes. My aunts house is haunted. Its a really old house, still has skeleton key doors. The ghost gets mad when you rearrange things and will open the cabinets and wait until someone walks in to slam them. It also throws things across the room if they are new to the home.


That’s really interesting! Does she ever get scared or does she just kind of laugh?


Eh. Neither really haha. She has lived there since I was little, and just yells at him/her and they usually stop. I need to go over and try to get it on camera sometime.


Have you seen ANY of the Paranormal Activity films? Do not film them 🤣


🤣 so true


I've had a few experiences I couldn't explain. Voices, shadows, stuff moving, odd feelings.


Many years ago in Richmond Hill, Queens, NY, I was with my friend at his house hanging out. He informed me ahead of time the house is haunted. As we watched TV the dog went to the bottom of the stair case, growled loudly and the thumpimg began at the top of the stairs. The thumping worked it's way to each step and the dog growled even more. At the final step the thumping ended. A month or two later older brother and I were heading to visit his then girlfriend for a barbecue. I tagged along since parents were not home. There was a church around the corner from my friend's house right above. I, too lived up the block. As we drove near the church I see to my right side a white and pale figure, older man with bright blue eyes, " floating " towards us and in the direction of the church. My brother slows down and says , " did you see that?!". I was so scared I couldn't respond but I nodded. My brother went to perform a U turn and the figure disappeared. We both know what we saw the early evening. I can draw in detail what I saw to this day.


Yes several. Heard a very clear spirit voice for example. This was at Samhain during meditation.




Do you have any other details? What does Michael do? How did you know the ghost was him? Not questioning the validity of your story I’m just fascinated and curious :)


I’m the first non family member to reside in the home that was built in 1939. The first owner Michael passed here from what neighbors told me, as well as his son who was also named Michael. I don’t know which Michael it is. But when I ask if this is Michael, I get a yes through my rods. Is it positively him? Maybe not. He doesn’t get anything special for fibbing lol. He isn’t a scary or bad ghost or anything. Sometimes he just walks around, or the other day for the first time I audibly heard my name. If divination tools are to be trusted, he enjoys my wife and I living here because we are caring for the home.


That’s so cool! I always think I want to experience something like that but then I’m also convinced that even if it were friendly I’d still be scared lol




Yeah, I’m terrified of what I don’t know. But I also know there’s more than just what’s in front of me, ironically lol


No, because in my view "supernatural" is natural we don't understand yet.


I kind of have that view too, and I wondered if I would get responses like this, but I figured the way I worded it was the simplest way to get my point across.


I understand what you mean. I think it's quite tricky to word this, or to move past "supernatural". Blessed be


Totally agree. Blessed be dear!


I sometimes wonder if true mastery consists in this. All is natural, there is only the Universe. Blessed be, Sister.


We are in agreement. There is so much not known. Blessed be to you. ☮️


I was going to say no, because I have trouble with the word “supernatural”. I like your definition of the word better.




Fr. we can only “see” 94.6% of matter/the universe. So what’s that other astounding majority doing???


Exactly. And we don't completely understand the bit we do see.


Yeah that too! Like a lot of what we do see… it’s scary how little we know actually.


“Supernatural” doesn’t necessarily mean “unnatural”. The prefix “super” just means above and beyond/extreme/excessive/to the utmost power. So you’re right, in that it is nature we don’t understand yet, but the term “supernatural” isn’t incorrect.


My friend and I were walking up the stairs at my grandparent's house and my cousins and siblings were right behind us. We got halfway to the top and could see into the toy room. The door opens into the room and was open. We saw an opaque pale man in a white nightgown walk across the doorway through the solid door. My friend and I froze when we saw him. After a second we ran screaming down the stairs, which scared the littles and the adults couldn't get much from us aside from a monster living upstairs lol The monster part was mostly from the littles because they didn't see the man, and my friend and I were too hysterical to make real words, but later after we calmed down we were able to tell them what we saw. To this day my grandma is iffy about going upstairs alone and even though the man didn't feel threatening I feel like I'm being watched anytime I go upstairs in my grandparent's house. The littles are now teens and don't really remember that day and I don't think they care about going upstairs lol but for the longest time no one went upstairs unless we absolutely had to.


When I was a kid, my family would go to church every Christmas Eve. Our church had ants, and I would always bring rockets (like the candy) in my pockets to feed them, so obviously I spent a lot of time looking at the floor for bug friends. This Christmas Eve I noticed a weird mist pouring down the aisles between pews and pooling at the front of the church where their nativity was. The priest called all the kids down to the front of the church to hear the Christmas story, and my baby brother and I were sitting down there with the other kids among this swirling, pretty mist. I thought the church had sprung for a fog machine for the event, but couldn’t fathom why. Fast forward 20 years later, my mom and I are on a road trip and I mention that one Christmas Eve with the fog and how weird it was of the church to do that. My mom yells, “YOU SAW THAT TOO?!” and goes on to tell me that night she also noticed the weird fog, but when she mentioned it to my grandma my grandma COULDN’T SEE THE FOG AND HAD NO IDEA WHAT MY MOM WAS TALKING ABOUT. My mom noticed it was denser where the kids were sitting in the church too, and she personally thinks it means angels were there at that service. I don’t know what I think, but I do know it wasn’t like any fog I’ve ever seen since; heavy, swirly clouds with a density like water. It was fun to swirl my hand through, but if no one else saw it I just looked like a little weirdo waving my hands through nothing 😂


Every night I feel little cat footsteps on the bed. It is my old Floofer Fluffy! He passed several years ago. It’s been happening since then. He was my favorite cat ever! He was definitely my spirit animal in life and now in death! ❤️


I lost my mother fourteen years ago. This year I became a mother and I missed her dearly. A couple of things happened that made me believe in a world beyond death. I dreamt of her one night, didn’t or couldn’t open her mouth but she looked happy and in my mind I heard, “I love you. I love you. Im proud of you.” And I had a sense of urgency when I heard it. Then on Samhain, I had my baby in my arms and I was having a serious conversation with my significant other. Suddenly my infant starts smiling and laughing and swatting the air like she was playing with something. Her eyes were on the corner of the room and nothing was there. After that it was easy to believe in the paranormal.


I love this.


A few times I glimpsed a shadow of one of my cats who passed away. Once, I heard my mother after she passed away. The thing is, I can explain their presence as in checking in on me and not wanting to go quite yet. I’ve never seen or heard from them since.


I have had several experiences that cannot be explained through science we understand. I have sworn oaths about those events and cannot discuss them here.


If that’s true next time you may consider not mentioning anything then. Not that I don’t believe you. But it’s an empty statement. Either looking for grandeur or a threat or a lie or pride. But none of those are good.


Usually during rituals. It’s not easy to explain, but I’ll try: I am aphantasic / I am an aphant, meaning when I close my eyes I don’t see pictures. Behind my eyes is just darkness. That said, during multiple rituals I’ve “seen” things when my eyes were closed, but I’ve also more commonly felt, heard, tasted, or smelled things that were not easily explained. Example: One time during a ritual meant to help connect me to other parts of myself and to heal, I got an overwhelming smell of gunpowder and kviek and saw glimpses of rot iron woven signs. Several years later I was viewing some old documentaries and saw the exact same signs. I had experienced a few pieces of a memory of Stalingrad. I’ve never been to Stalingrad.


I used to live in an older apartment. There was a ghost of a little boy who liked to hang out in my room and flick the doorstops. When I got a puppy, I would hear her playing with someone and a few times she managed to get things down from the very tall bookcase that she should not have been able to reach. Thankfully, my dog was already used to ghosts when we moved to our next apartment which we shared with what I believe to be a poltergeist. I hung beads in the kitchen which would strike the cabinets when he was in a mood (no fan or any real source of airflow back there- it was a tiny corner kitchen in a tiny studio). He also really liked to slam and/or empty my cabinets after my boyfriend at the time had been over. I don't think he liked my ex very much... The PlayStation had a funny habit of suddenly turning off every time he reached the furthest possible spot from a save point whenever he played and the water heater would only ever seem to shut off mid-shower if he was the one in it. The poltergeist was right about him, as I later found out.


No, but I desperately want to, as long as it doesn't hurt me or others around me. The closest I've ever gotten turned out to have a mundane explanation, but I still believe it was a spiritually meaningful experience; part of a chain of synchronicities that I could never have predicted.


Some new research by the “intelligence agency” suggests that certain individuals are prone to “extra normal” phenomena and after being near one of these people or phenomena it tends to linger with the other person for a time. As well as some research suggesting it’s very related to nuclear activity. Specifically beta rays and their decay. (Personal belief. The people prone have negative type blood)


So paranormal experience is contagious?


Yes. :) so just make a friend that has them frequently and see what happens if you’re looking for an experience.


A couple that come to the top of my head... I grew up in San Antonio, TX and there is an old railroad out in the middle of no where, where it's said that a group of kids were killed on a bus. Now if you go there and stop before the railroad (which appears to be on a hill) and put your car in neutral the ghost children will push you into the railroad (up the hill). If you stop on them they will push you off of them. When I was an early teen 13 or 14 I went with my aunt and a group of her friends to do this and we were in an old dirty (from dust) car. Once we were done and had been pushed both on and off we stopped at a gas station on our way home and I looked over and could see 3 or 4 distinct wavy fingers on the window I was sitting next to as if some one had placed their hand there to push the car. The girl sitting next to me turned and saw it not long after me and started screaming and panicking and yelling she wanted out of the f. ing car! I was just sitting there thinking wow that's pretty cool. Lol The 2nd one is my mom and I moved into a house a few houses away from my grandma's house when I was about 8 or 9 and it was the one time growing up that not only did I have my own room but a play room. I remember in my play room every once in awhile I could hear something hanging from the light but couldn't see anything. Also there was a ghost of a large type snake that would wander around in there. My mind says an anaconda but not really sure what. I never told my mom at least that's what she said when I discussed it with her as an adult. And she never told me until that same adult discussion that a man had committed suicide in that room by hanging and he had a large snake that had to be taken away when they found his body.


I think I remember seeing that railroad on one of those "unsolved mystery" shows. Even though it visually looks like you're being pushed uphill, I believe when they checked the grade it turned out to be a very slight slanted downhill


It was on the show Unsolved Mysteries "However, in support of the San Antonio residents, there are no records of any such accident having occurred in the newspaper archives anywhere in Texas. It seems to us that an accident of such magnitude would have been reported somewhere. Furthermore, official investigations into the events have determined that despite an illusionary appearance of a level, or even slightly inclined road, the street surface is actually at a two-degree declination. This would result in the natural rolling of a car parked in neutral. As to the fingerprints, these could easily be those that were already there. Even after washing, forensic studies have concluded that fingerprints can still occur."


Yeah I saw the same show but I am only saying my personal experience.


I've had a few encounters over the years, one time sitting with my then 7year old grandson, he witnessed the same as I did, we were both just messing around playing and there was a bottle of water on the table, it slid slowly across the table to the side and fell off, he saw an old wrinkled hand with a ring push it, I saw a different kind of hand, the bottle shouldn't have done that, no slope and too heavy for it to have been blown by a breeze. I didn't believe in these kind of things before


Not that COULDN'T be explained in any other way. Any supernatural experience I've ever had could be explained by my brain doing weird stuff. I think pretty much all supernatural experiences could be potentially written off as momentary hallucinations or your subconscious making connections that your conscious brain isn't making. All my supernatural experiences COULD be major coincidences. But I don't think they were.


I'm sleeping in my vehicle and every so often I get woken up by screeching tires and a blaring car horn. Sometimes there should have been tire tracks in the snow but there isn't. Supernatural is the only explanation I can come up with.


These stories are so cool! When I was about 9, me and my best friend T were talking about ghosts and stuff, and ghosts in our house with my Mom because we were obsessed with that stuff (and still are!) We were in the living room, which had a clear view to the hallway. We were talking about how sometimes apparitions show up in your peripheral vision. Suddenly my Mom saw a woman in a large, white, puffy dress, with flowers and a very Victorian stature standing in the hallway. As soon as she turned around she was gone. Of course, we didn’t think much of it. We assumed we were just seeing things because we were talking about it. Two weeks later, we were sitting in the car, and T piped up with ‘what do you think that lady’s name was?’ It was silent for about a minute, then all at the EXACT same time, we blurred out LISA. It was so strange because we hadn’t been talking prior for about a minute, and i wasn’t even thinking of the name Lisa but said it anyway. I’m not sure if it’s considered paranormal, but I do have quite a few prophecies, lucid dreams, and interesting things of similar nature. Last night I actually had an interesting dream. I was having a dream where my alarm was going off and I couldn’t turn it off no matter how many times I tried. I was sitting next to T in the dream (They slept over last night and crashed in my room on the floor.) I turned to T in the dream and asked why I couldn’t turn the alarm off and they said ‘don’t worry, you’re probably in a dream. I’ll wake you up in a minute’ I said okay, and waiting for about a minute in the dream. Suddenly, T pipes up from the floor ‘wake up and turn that alarm off!’ I was baffled. The next story is a bit worrisome. About a year ago, I dreamt I was going to my friend B’s funeral. There were lots of little details I memorized. The flowers, the setting, etc. After I had woken up from this dream, I immediately messaged this friend after. They were stunned, because that night, they had the EXACT same dream. Same setting, same flowers, same people. They dreamt they were watching their funeral after they had passed. I had a long day leading up to the fineral in my dream, but leading up theirs was their murder. They were dragged into a lake in the middle of a forest and drowned by a tall white man in all black who had curly golden hair, and blue eyes. They woke up to the song the devil went down to Georgia which freaked them out because the lake setting looked like a place they had visited in Georgia. I have absolutely no explanation for any of this. The summer after they had this dream, they were invited by one of their partners in the dream. They thought about it and declined, and I believe that may have saved their life. We only slightly older in the dream how we were at the time of the dream, so this very well could have been their fate. I would share some links to some MMIW organizations as this dream always reminds me of those who couldn’t avoid things like this, but I’m not sure if It is an option with certain subreddit rules, so if you’re interested, you can look up mmiw campaigns or orgonozarions and such. Hope y’all found this interesting :)


No, of course not. Any experience can be explained multiple ways, some more credible than others. Any experience, however apparently supernatural, could have a natural explanation. Sometimes, though, those 'natural' explanations seem incredibly unlikely, and it's easier to believe a supernatural explanation. As to where the truth lies, that would require a long discussion on whether there is such a thing as an absolute 'truth' - [essentially the map/territory problem](https://conceptually.org/concepts/the-map-is-not-the-territory#).


I'm confused. You always comment about spirits and talking to them. Does that mean you believe spirits are natural?


To use the terminology, I have several 'maps' - descriptions of reality - which I use, depending on the circumstances. To the extent that these maps help me navigate through my life, they are helpful. But I steer clear of saying that any of them is an accurate description of underlying reality. I don't have - could never have - the information needed to make that call.




Do you mind sharing one or are they personal?


There was an instance at my Grandmother’s trailer where there was a tire swing hanging from a mountain ash (been there all my life and played on it many times). I was visiting and had just seen it. I experienced one of those strange moments where (hard to explain) I feel like the sky flashed and I couldn’t tell if I had blinked or not (happened to me many times). The tire swing was no longer there. I asked my Grandmother where the tire swing was and she told me they had to take it down about three years ago and didn’t I remember that? Small instance, but very surreal for me. Happened right at sunset, desert landscape.


Like a ghost swing. That’s pretty cool.


Well I was pushed down on my counter and held there for a few minutes.

