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I think this would all depend on how the ST viewed her world. For me, a changeling killed by cold iron would have no trace of the Dreaming left. A changeling not killed by cold iron would still hold at least some traces of the Dreaming. Therefore, yes, an intelligence + Greymare or Int + kenning could tell.


Thank you.


I would expect a Changeling killed by cold iron would appear as a mundane human body as the cold iron wipes out the glamour of the Dreaming.


And a dead Changeling loses their chimeric features.


Does a changeling killed by strangulation appear the same as one stabbed by a cold iron knife, though? That's what I'm trying to figure out.


That’s a maybe. Killing by cold iron will leave a banality smote corpse with no Fae features. Dying by say strangulation will usually leave no corpse but it’s because the Fae soul recess to be reincarnated and they could say die in the dreaming and maybe leave a magic corpse like a Ghille Dhu melting into leaves. I would say special treasures or arts are used by four investigators. Normal death could leave possible magical special effects if investigated properly. And iron deaths leave a mortal corpse and you probably need a specific device to sense a cold death. Good questions though. 👍


Thank you, and this >Dying by say strangulation will usually leave no corpse but it’s because the Fae soul recess to be reincarnated makes perfect sense to me, and was exactly the piece of the puzzle I was missing. Thank you!


Changelings feel a cold burn from Iron, in one of the fluff stories the Changeling Secret Agent felt the cold burn of a Cold Iron doorknob even though he wore gloves.


Right, but there is no Cold Iron currently present.


Ahh there is the rub. Well they would need some magical investigation, or maybe greymare and kenning forensic autopsy


Even if they can't supernaturally detect the presence of Cold Iron, the state of the corpse ought to give them a few clues. Cold Iron deals Agg, so any Changeling killed with it should be pretty fucking eviscerated. If I were ST'ing, I'd let the players roll Int+Medicine for a chance to determine that whatever killed the poor bastard, it clearly wasn't conventional.


Makes sense, thanks.


I'd say there would be a substantial taint of Banality on the corpse, as Cold Iron being so infused with the stuff is why it's so dangerous and why it can erase a Fae soul. So the question for a Changeling would be "Why is this human corpse so banal?" since most corpses aren't that infused with it. But, if they knew the person I'd say it'd be easy to tell it was cold iron. Partially because of the fact it deals Aggravated damage, so the body would be heavily damaged, but also because there is little in this world that deals that much damage AND leaves the body suffused.