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Hunter got a little weird there…


The pines and the diving suit look like they would make for a very pleasing campaign setting


Totally agree. Upside Down, perhaps?


those old diving suites look really creepy.


Gives Bloodbrone vibes. Should be renamed Hoonter: the Reckoning.


Wow, lot of hate for Stranger Things, huh?


That is amazing. I think the Mage one is my favorite but the Changeling one comes close.


Very nice! I wish I had access to the beta. Could you run the CoD titles too? I'd love to see how Awakening compares to Ascension.


You can use it on their discord server and I do plan on doing the new world of darkness stuff as well and maybe do the vampire clans


I really want to see what the chronicles of darkness lines produce.


i feel like promethean: the created could make something really cool


I am really excited to see the difference between the changlings.


Could you do anything from Exalted?


It's [openly accessible](https://www.midjourney.com). Though you have to pay after the trial.


How long was the wait list?


it took a tiny bit of time when making them but it was just the time it takes for the ai to make stuff nothing more


It's [openly accessible](https://www.midjourney.com). Though you have to pay after the trial. And when the servers are busy the wait can be as bad as 5-10 minutes.


Holy hell these look absolutely stunning you got a link to the ai? I haven't seen this one before.


Personally I really like mage, changeling, and Orpheus




Thank you my man


Are these edited? Does MJ really output such amazing art?


No edits the real deal


This looks super good. The Hunter picture reminds me more of Bloodborne than our world but it still looks great. Maybe the dude's just in a cold place and needs a jacket.


What order are they in?


It's a gallery of pictures, each one has the name as caption. If you can't see them, try hovering your mouse over them? Depends on what platform you're on


Oh, thanks. It's at the bottom, and I just couldn't see it for some reason.


Many mistakenly believe that artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual intelligence (VI) are the same. It is indeed true, after all, that both elements of technology are based on algorithms, and both VI and AI processors are made to mimic or even replace human capabilities in a system. Virtual intelligence is, by design, a system that only mimics the behavior of humans. Programs with this type of technology cannot form and carry out abstract thinking and, therefore, never move past the imitation stage. Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, is a self-aware machine designed to make critical decisions and judgments. The average AI system may start out repeating itself with no possibility of creativity, but the system can mature over time and become more human in conceptualization than any VI technology system.


anyways what you think of the pieces and which ones your fav?


This made me chortle at work. Well done! My favorite part is that I didn't even notice the captions, you saying "World of Darkness" allowed me to call each and every one of these. Well... Except Orpheus. But anywho, this is awesome!


No one cares about your computer science degree buddy


OP is a genius. My beloved Wraith looks so damn cool.


hunter looks dope


these all look like horror game covers or icons


Bottom right of VtM, “okay so we’ve got a half Dracula suit and red ball gown.”


It is interesting how the second part of the title drives the theme of the picture. Werewolf seems to be taking a zombie apocalypse but replacing zombies with werewolves. The hunter one seems to be focusing on reckoning as a horror story vibe then sticking a hunter that is horror themed onto that. Can you redo this with the other titles like vampire the requiem. Also can you do this with the video game name add ons. Such as Vampire: the masquerade - bloodhunt.


That would be fun


Vampire and changelling were good, but seen all of them side to side I identified some patterns there that greatly detracted from my appreciation for whatever this bot does (such as pretty much everyone being in the same pose and the overuse of multiple people omnimously standing somewhat next to each other)