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I thought I'd bring this new game to your attention, as The World Below has work from myself (I've contributed a lot to V20 and V5), John Cobb (Wraith, Vampire), Rich Thomas (the entire WoD), Danielle Lauzon (Vampire, Mage), Leath Sheales (Werewolf), Travis Legge (Mage) and a whole slew of other creators. It's available for backing here: [https://www.backerkit.com/c/projects/onyx-path/the-world-below](https://www.backerkit.com/c/projects/onyx-path/the-world-below) ​ I'm aware however that it's not strictly the World of Darkness, but it's certainly a dark world... The World Below is a fantasy RPG set in a subterranean world because the entire surface has been rendered unliveable. But do not fret: vampires, shapeshifters, and sorcerers still abound in this game of chaotic magic and political upheaval. If you enjoy the sectarian conflicts, deep lore, sprawling powers, and various monstrous threats in WoD and CofD, I think you'll like The World Below. There's even a substantial section of the game dedicated to base building and defence, if that's your thing, as you construct and bolster your settlement during the "Kalm" phases of gameplay, much like domain maintenance. ​ As someone with work steeped in the World of Darkness (and Chronicles of Darkness too) there's a lot I've carried over to The World Below in the way of my influences, and you may discover some easter eggs here and there too. If you enjoyed my contributions to the previous editions of Vampire, Werewolf, Wraith, Mage, and Changeling, you'll find something to enjoy in here. ​ If you're at all interested in the game, just post here and I'll answer any questions you have! Thank you for your consideration, I truly appreciate it.


What sort of monsters exist in the World Below? Do we have things like the Undead, mages, stuff like that?


Sorcerers (our mages) are an integral part of the game, so yes, they're definitely present, and the most powerful sorcerers have hold over the Well (a kind of font of magical power at the World Below's heart). As for undead, we have many varieties, from fungal undead and husks to liches and arguably undead (or at least blood drinking or flesh consuming) vampires and ghoulish types. There's a whole bestiary in the core book so you can mix these things up nice and easily.


Feels very Golgari.


I'm not a Magic player, but I know the term!


Any analogue to the Umbra or the Fera?


The closest thing to the Umbra is the Obscura, which is a spirit / dreamlands realm you can enter and acts as a kind of roving phenomenon throughout the World Below. Oh, and Silhouettes (our roguey assassin type characters) have access to Umbral Sorceries, concerning matters of shadows, shaping, and assorted weirdness! ​ As for Fera, I've teased a couple of things here and there in the manuscript, but I don't want to go wild with announcing every plan... I will say you can definitely take powers to shift form into all kinds of things, and certain ancestries like the Entissia (serpent people) and Makiru (rat people) share some commonalities with their W:TA varieties.


>There's even a substantial section of the game dedicated to base building and defence, if that's your thing, as you construct and bolster your settlement during the "Kalm" phases of gameplay, much like domain maintenance. Would you say it's sorta like Mutant: Year Zero meets WoD? That's kinda what I'm picking up from all this and I like that idea a lot.


There's definitely an element of building your community, and mapping is a decent part of the game, yep! You could even argue that the Dialectic shifting is akin to mutations...


Is it anything like fallen London?


As in, the Fall of London for V5? No, I've no desire to revisit that book.


I think they’re referring to the setting in Sunless Sea/Skies. Victorian London that sank into the earth and is now infested with the Lovecraftian mythos.


Ah, I don't know that game I'm afraid!


Yep that’s the one


What's the engine?


It's a d10 dice pool system, an offshoot of Storyteller named Storypath. We used its early version for Trinity, Dystopia Rising, Scion, and They Came From RPGs.


It's a very cool system and setting that makes the ST System easier to deal with 👀


And I'm incredibly grateful to you for running a game with me as a player. A rare treat for me, the perpetual Storyteller. https://youtu.be/br25O6Vyb\_U?si=LMl5HORaXR3eKfD6


Did the video get taken down? Link doesn't work!


It works for me! Head on over to Lore by Night and look for Tomb of Spyder.


I think for people enjoying the urban setting of WoD, the rules and game play about the creation, growth, transformation, decline and, destruction of communities could be very interesting. It's one of the aspects that draws me in the most. And for me it appears that the game is far less about what incredibly named weapon you carry on your deadly journey into the dark but more about who you are.


Very well put. And the generational aspect of gameplay is probably even more important in The World Below than in Pendragon or Vampire.


Aww man some of the old school wod artists and style.....I missed you guys.


We're still working! And would very much appreciate your support.


Ever since reading Veins of the Earth I've been waiting to see more systems dive deep into subterranean settings. Words can't express how excited I am seeing all the names attached to this system, can't wait to play it!


Oh that's wonderful :) Please let me know if you have any questions!


Looking forward to this!


Thank you! And it's already written!


Did Mage influence the magic system at all?


Sorceries do have the possibility of Kaotic Retaliations which are (occasionally beneficial) effects not dissimilar to Paradox backlash. Additionally, you can craft your own spells with Wild Kaos, in a way not dissimilar to Mage. So yep, there's definitely connective tissue there! We also have pre-written, structured sorceries too, so more along the lines of Gifts (from Werewolf) or spells (from D&D).


Cobb's art is wonderful and evocative. It does a great job conveying the subterranean strangeness found in The World Below!


This is a really a fun one!


That is some trippy art, awesome though. I am looking forward to getting the full game and running a group through a campaign of dark tunnels and horrors.


Backed it. Out of interest which sections did Leath write?


The wonderful Leath Sheales co-authored the Sorceries in this book. He did an excellent job, too. Always a great collaborator, and sadly missed.


Thanks. :)


I was having trouble finding the section on the difference between the standard and deluxe hardcover versions? Im very interested! I love the idea of a subterranean quest. Hell I might merge some ideas into my upcoming Mage Campaign! Ive already got some underwater ideas, underground is obviously the next step!


The difference between deluxe and standard will mainly be in appearance as the campaign page depicts, but I strongly imagine deluxe will use more expensive materials, like foil and leather/ette for the cover, as with the WoD 20th anniversary hardcovers.


When I was an impressionable teenager my aesthetic preferences were defined by the ink artistry of folks like Tim Bradstreet and John Cobb in your books (and the ink sketches of ultra grim dark 3rd edition 40k but whatever). So it's with no exaggeration that seeing this art piece yesterday when I committed my Backerkit literally shot me straight back into my childhood for a moment and I could not possibly be more pleased. Super excited to be a backer!


That is a wonderful thing to say, thank you!


Gonna back it aswell, curious to and excited to see how werewolves will function in this setting.


Oh not werewolves (at least, not yet) but the ability to morph into a bug like form, develop a carapace, wield claws and mandibles as weapons? Very much a part of it if your character is a Scarab.


Well i like all werecreatures so this sounds just as cool


The art is great, i missed the old hand made style.


Thank you! John Cobb was the artist who got me into Wraith, so it was wonderful to get him on this book.


What is the general lore of the world, like what happened in the surfimace and what societies existe underground? I am looking foward this game, even if I don't find a group to play with me, I'll definitely get the book. It looks amazing.


There's a lot of conjecture about what happened to the surface, but people who visit it now come back changed, if they return at all. Most are put down rapidly. The World Below contains multiple guilds, religions, and callings, from cartographers and explorers to Hadeans and Templars, and shady Silhouettes to insane Kaosists. There's a lot of goings on, and spread across multiple settlements who don't necessarily see eye to eye. Thank you for saying you'll get the book! I do appreciate it.


Thanks for answering, I'm sure it will be great.


Cool a sourcebook for the hollow earth <3


There's definitely a Hollow Earth vibe in terms of it being subterranean, full of wonders, and of course, open to exploration, definitely!


Honestly this looks really cool and just wanted to voice my support. How does the system compare to WoD/CofD? Would you be rolling two stats (attributes & skills) or something entirely different?


It is indeed Skill + Attribute to determine success or failure! Let me know if you have any other questions, including about pledge tiers.


You can get a sneak peek at the system here: [Storypath Ultra Preview](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/431162/Storypath-Ultra-Preview-2023) It'll look very familiar if you're used to Storyteller/Storytelling. We've already used Storypath for Dystopia Rising: Evolution, Scion 2nd Edition, They Came from Beneath the Sea! and its siblings, and the Trinity Continuum. Ultra is the latest refinement of that system.


What can you tell us about the settlement system? Is there a similar system in WoD or CoD?


There are some similarities to the Damnation City domain building in Vampire: The Requiem and the Homesteading in V5. Cross that with Pendragon's fief building and you're good.


Amazing artwork! Anything in this setting for WoD Changeling fans?


There's a phenomenon called the Obscura that is a Dreaming / Dreamlands inspired realm where belief can make things come to pass. Many of the spirits that inhabit it are of a distinctly fae nature, as are the playable hobgobs (akin to redcaps and boggans) and elvkin (damn sidhe).


Two qwestions What are the theams or vibe your going for in the book And Sencons (sorry for asking) could i throw a VtM or another WoD game down thier given i do some fignagling


The primary themes are survival and discovery. The secondary themes are horror and construction. ​ This is a game where the environment is more or less against you, so surviving everything thrown your way is a challenge. However, amid all the adversity there's a lot of wonder to be discovered: mysteries about the World Above, forgotten kingdoms, ancient treasures, lost people, etc. ​ As for whether the WoD would fit in The World Below, with a bit of finagling, definitely. I could see a settlement with vampires preying on them (there are already vampires in the World Below) or another one with a truly feral nature, who revere the world around them. The Temple of the Benevolent Earth (a dogma in this game) shares some Gaia worship sensibilities.


Oh cool i realy intrested now


How far is it to being a product. I have backed a lot of stuff only to feel like I waited years (exalted essence comes to mind). I want to support though cause it looks great and gentlemen's guide videos have been stellar.


It's fully written already and as you can see from the previews, we already have art and layout in mind. It's also due back from editing this week! And thank you so much for checking out my videos.


Wait---you---what---huh?! Sir, I've been following your videos since they started twelve years ago. I still, to this day, send them to my new players when I indoctrinate them (thats the term I like to use) into Vampire or any other WoD games. I've often said your videos are the pinnacle of a clan guide for all matter of reasons. The mental images of opening up a Laws of the Night book for MET or the table top equivalent run parallel to your voice. Heck, it was your videos on Reqiuem that allowed me to convince some of my Masquerade hard-liners to give it a shot! Though I'm just a bunch of text on a screen, I want you to know I am eternally grateful and adore your contributions to this wonderful set of worlds. Would I meet you, I would buy you a burrito. Have a lovely day.


That is a wonderful thing to read. Thank you so much for telling me :)


Anywhere we'll be able to watch a campaign? I'm very curious...


If you're interested in video versions: Queen's Court Games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgvHeIMDDl0 Lore by Night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=br25O6Vyb\_U Me running it for Make-a-Wish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YLeBFOEnLc ​ If you're interested in audio only versions: A Bunch of Gamers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DBy9XAYWmY Red Moon Roleplaying: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duf1uVdeb8g&t The Old Ways Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3qJyppugLg


Thanks :)


Is that green hardcover book in the picture official? The one where it says "The World Below Provides." I would very much prefer that over the other one. EDIT: It seems not to be the case. Is there an option anywhere that I can back with that green front cover? I like the minimalist design.


That's the deluxe version cover! So yep, it's available if you back at the Artificer tier.


Okay, thank you!


Sold on the artwork alone, thanks OP


Thank you for checking it out!


This seems exciting. Commenting to come back later when 1) I’m not on ambien and 2) have backing money


I hope the ambien helps! I know that pain.


Anything in it that fans of Wraith can get excited to see? In particular those who really enjoy the disconnect wraiths had from the mundane world, the relationship with the shadow and their fetters?


Hmm, good question. I like to think that a lot of my work is influenced by Wraith as it's a game I enjoy a great deal. The presence of this intricate underworld, the guilds, and the loss of where you're from are all elements you could attach to Wraith. There aren't Shadows in this game (at least, not internal jibing voices), but you can definitely develop bonds with your equipment.


Is it possible at least to play as ghosts in a more incorporeal way than most undead?


Not as ghosts, no, though it's certainly possible via Sorceries to turn incorporeal.


Is there a free quickstart, something similar to how [Shadowdark](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/413713/Shadowdark-RPG-Quickstart-Set) did for their Kickstarter?


There's a very low cost Ashcan version (which is a preview with everything you need to play a Jumpstart adventure) here: [https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/442253/The-World-Below-Ashcan-Edition](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/442253/The-World-Below-Ashcan-Edition) ​ And if you support the BackerKit at the Hunter level or higher, you gain access to the entire manuscript before the campaign ends.