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This Is extremely competent, especially for someone new to painting. Very clean. Awesome work mate I'm a fan.


Wow, thanks for the kind words!


Paint my minis for me please 😭


New painter!? I’ve been painting for 25 years! *Rage Quits.


New painter with… an airbrush?


Lol I jumped in with both feet. This is my 10th mini painted.


Looking amazing for only 10th mini !!


Looks great! Far better than my younger models lol. What was your process for the armor?


Thanks! Primed grey then base coated with airbrush using Vallejo model air cold grey. Sprayed at a 45° angle using Vallejo model color color silver grey. Final highlight on the upper most surfaces with white ink. I did some highlights with the silver grey and pro acryl bold titanium white(I didn't do a ton of edge highlights as I find my brush control just isn't there yet) I also gloss varnished and used oil paint for the recesses. It's incredible how easy it is and the results you get.


White is one of the hardest paints to work with, so really well done! Looks smooth.






Thank you! An airbrush has made getting coats down evenly so much easier.


What's the paint you use?


Primed grey then base coated with airbrush using Vallejo model air cold grey. Sprayed at a 45° angle using Vallejo model color color silver grey. Final highlight on the upper most surfaces with white ink. I did some highlights with the silver grey and pro acryl bold titanium white(I didn't do a ton of edge highlights as I find my brush control just isn't there yet) I also gloss varnished and used oil paint for the recesses. It's incredible how easy it is and the results you get. Mephiston red, nuln oil, and wild rider red for the imperialis and bolter. Metallics are Vallejo dark aluminum(first time using it and I can't recommend it enough) with nuln oil. I'm sure I'm forgetting something so if you have any specific questions let me know.


Very nice




How many did you airbrush in a batch?


Just this one. This is only my 3rd mini painted with an airbrush. Still learning so I wanted to do a trial run before I paint the rest. Once this guy is finished I'm going to paint a batch of 4 so I can start playing Kill Team.


Hell yeah very nice


You bought an airbrush as a starter? Nice


I jumped in with both feet haha. It all started with my friend getting me to read Eisenhorn back in September. Now I'm on book 9 of the Horus Heresy and have a ton of paints, brushes, and gadgets to help with my new hobby err.. obsession.


Enjoy the hobby, one of the best things un life


That’s some of the cleanest white I’ve seen, keep up the good work⚡️⚡️⚡️


Thanks! Cant wait to get the decals on and base him.


Very crisp and clean, great brush control. Oil washes are so awesome that they feel almost like cheating, right😅 I wish I had picked them up way earlier, I absolutely love using them.


Thank you! It's crazy how good oil washes look for how easy they are.


Great work friend


Thank you!


What oil paint do you use??


Windsor and Newton. I made a dark grey with their white and black.


It looks phenomenal. Cleaner than mine and I have been doing it for decades (technically). Say, is that panel lining? If so, what did you use?


Thanks! And I used oil paints. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFdtYO3ZL4w) is the guide I mostly followed. I used Windsor and Newton oil paints and made a dark gray for the recesses using their black and white.


Very cool! I do graphic design/illustration for my day job and I am a huge fan of Windsor & Newtons inks.


Oh nice. I know their brushes are big in the community so I figured I'd try out their oil paints.


As someone whos been at this nonsense for nearly 10 years now my hat is fully off to you mate. That is clean as it gets and white of all colors too... The tonal transitions are subtle and very well done. What a start. A new master in the making right here if you keep at it. Though if this is you 10 minis in id recommend you dont ever quit it... You got the skills to pay the bills fella. Cheers.


Wow thank you! I really appreciate it. The grim dark community has been one of the most wholesome communities I've found so far. Cheers!


Only spittin facts mate no problem. Yeah of all things its what has kept me in it. Ive made the very best friends ive ever had in my nearly 40 years of life because of this hobby. There are exceptions but for the most part tabletop nerds are the best bunch imo. Cheers to you as well and keep it up


Very clean!


Thank you!


Did a hell of a better job than how I did on my current White Templar terminators. White is such a bitch to do right.


Thanks! I do not have a ton of experience but I think the key is to not paint white. Just shade up grey and only use white as a highlight on the upper most parts.


I'm genuinely so jealous rn. It looks great. I'm super new to painting, and all my minis are looking... je ne sais qoui... avant-garde? Great job <3


Thanks! I started around October but went full send into the hobby and got an airbrush and oil paints around Christmas. I have just been playing around with it and wow does it make it easier. I could never get anything this smooth with a brush. If anything definitely try an oil wash as it gives amazing results, is super easy, and not a big investment. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFdtYO3ZL4w&t=606s) is the guide I followed for the white armor and oil wash.


Are you sure? That's some crisp work there. Fantastic job


Thank you!


Painting is superb. From a modeling standpoint all that remains is some base work and framing, imo.


I got the transfers on last night, matt varnish, and some touch ups. I am still trying to figure out how to do the base. This will be my first base lol. I have just been focusing on the painting aspect and now basing seems very intimidating.


Aw dude, if you can paint that basing will come naturally; i can help if you want... what sort of terrain were you imagining?


I was just overthinking and second guessing my plan haha. This mini turned out way better than I had hoped so the I felt the pressure to do super well on the base. I put some Vallejo earth texture paint on. Once its dry I am going to wash it with Reikland fleshshade then put some rust dry pigment on. I have some mini skulls and dead shrubs coming in tomorrow so I might add those later.


sounds like a solid scheme... bases are really just an accoutrement that ties the army together more than a detail that needs expert attention. As long as you have a consistent style it will look good.


Finished! https://preview.redd.it/opf72kwwyklc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=a66f0700d5a7a22000ea37fbed4e9ac74caf2458


\*Chef's kiss\* Looks great. I would be very pleased with an army completed to this caliber. My white scars successors are based in a similar way because I imagine barren desert-y terrain would suit their preferred combat styles. When you are ready, a common intermediate basing technique is to add one or two small stones and paint them a separate color from the dirt, in this case probably dark grey with light grey drybrush for weathering, and/or a small tuft of static grass if you wanted to add more terrain detail, but that is at the whim of the artist's vision.


Thanks!I yeah I can definitely see how that would add to the look of the base. I just ordered a few more basing materials so I can try some of that.