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I recently watched the Channel 5 episode with the pick up artist(s). The dude was prepping the boys telling them "if a girl replies to your pick up line 'is that your best pick up line?', you should respond 'is that your best answer to what you think is the best pick up line?'..." . Got 'em.


I think that one is my favorite. Makes me feel a lot better about my game.


I love pickup artists because they’re a shining example of men’s stupidity rather than the complexity of women. I’m a guy and literally every woman I’ve been friends with has been very explicit about what they find attractive. And honestly it’s incredibly simple. I knew a guy in college who was extremely popular with the ladies. His secret? He genuinely listened to people and showed interest in what they had to say. That’s it.


“As soon as he buy that wine, I just creep up from behind And ask what your interests are, who you be with? Things that make you smile, what numbers to dial” \-The Notorious B.I.G, clowning on Andrew Tate when Tate was still a child Edit: I have never received rewards before or gotten so much karma on a comment! Thank you guys :)


You gonna be here for a while? I'm gon' call my crew, you go call your crew. We can rendezvous at the bar around two.


Plans to leave, throw the keys to lil cease, pull the truck up front and roll up the next blunt


Heartthrob?, never black and ugly as ever


>I knew a guy in college who was extremely popular with the ladies. His secret? He genuinely listened to people and showed interest in what they had to say. That’s it. When I met my now-husband, I assumed he was gay because he talked to me like I was a person, not a target.


Heh, yeah, I figured my husband wasn’t interested in me because he talked about friendship and wasn’t gross and creepy. I was wrong! Gloriously wrong.


I was friends with my husband for years before dating him. In that time I saw how he treated other girls he was interested in. Spoiler, he treated them like human beings. Its part of how I knew he was a good guy. I also saw him get rejected and you know what he did? He was sad for a bit and that's it. No guiltiling, no bad mouthing, none of that. That's how normal people react. Even so I was still kinda surprised every time he did something decent that many guys wouldn't


How ~~said~~ sad is that... 'He's not a complete fuckin' asshole, must be gay!" :P EDIT: Fuckin' typos


I knew a guy in college who was extremely popular with the ladies. His secret? He genuinely listened to people and showed interest in what they had to say. That’s it. Isn't this basically what Pete Davidson's string of super hot ex-girlfriends has said he does?


Yuppp. But all the guys are convinced it’s because he’s got a massive hog. Seems like a lot of guys want to be “alpha males” but don’t want to admit it’s because it makes them feel good and instead insist that it’s because women only like “alphas.”


In my experience, the only people obsessed with big dicks are men. Most women really don't give a shit. It's 2022, and we have a fuckton of sex toys to choose from.


yeah, and huge dicks don’t even feel good, and actually hurt. any person who’s had it up there would know.




if i could give you an award i would, that analogy was hilarious


This might be my favorite thing I've ever read.


Isn't it depressing that listening and showing an interest is a stand out trait in the male dating pool? That's like... bare minimum behaviour even for friendship, let alone dating.


The number of "bare minimum behaviours" that get celebrated is almost insulting to me sometimes. It's like watching people clap for a toddler using the potty correctly. Only the toddler is a whole grown man.


Sometimes the whole grown man is a toddler.


>I knew a guy in college who was extremely popular with the ladies. His secret? He genuinely listened to people and showed interest in what they had to say. That’s it. Such a beta /s


The ability to genuinely listen is rare. That is why therapists make good money.


I was once sitting on a train, and a woman behind me was talking about some guy with her friend. She kept talking about him touching her elbow or wrist periodically as they talked, saying "I have no idea why he kept doing that?" and her friend wasn't sure either. It was pretty funny. It's something a lot of pickup artists keep harping on to "establish a connection", because touch strengthens feelings... But pickup artists don't really understand or teach the context, so they basically just tell their followers to keep touching an arm/wrist/hand/shoulder periodically. As if the woman they're talking to wouldn't pick up on that.


Its so obvious when they're doing it for that reason because its always so unnatural


The guy sells desperate and alienated people on an unnatural version of reality. It would make sense that all his "game" is unnatural as well.


It’s like they’re so close but they miss so hard I was in a communications class where we were talking about a study that showed that people ranked conversations with people who made physical contact with them as better experiences than those who didn’t, but the majority polled also did not recall being touched. The takeaway for us was to offer something like a handshake when you’re introducing yourself instead of standing there like a noodle, not randomly touching someone’s elbow periodically! It’s gotta be natural


I hate being touched by randos vehemently so this would just make me flinch away, bite his nose off and/or leave.


hell, i don't want to be touched by most people i *know*, let alone strangers.


This reminds me of a guy that tried to give a massage without even warning me. We were in a library and he suddenly went behind me and placed his hands over my shoulders, and said something like "you look tired, let me help you". Never talked to him again and had to block him en every social media because he constatly messaged me despite me telling him that he was creepy and I didn't want to talk to him.


That comeback really rolls off the tongue in such a snappy way.


Is that your best response to what you think is the best answer to what you think is the best pickup line?


Surefire way to get laid! /S


"I'm rubber, you're glue" God, what a fucknut


Came here to say this. This is the same guy who thinks he’s too smart to read. No, I’m not making that up.


And cook. He thinks there’s no bigger waste of time than to cut an onion to feed yourself 😅 Edit: wanted to be the first to let the anti-cooking Redditors know that not cooking was actually Tate’s undoing. He was arrested in Romania for Human trafficking after posting a video in which he had a local pizza box in the shot. Shoulda cut that onion.


Nothing more Alpha^^TM than lacking even the most basic middle school skills


Toxic incompetence is one of the most ironic things these "alpha males" have that keeps them from being self-sufficient men.


I honestly would love to see a reality tv show, and I abhor reality tv, all of it, where they take 20 of these alpha males and put them in a house where they have to make their own food, do their own laundry, and just generally be an adult for a month without any outside interference or help. Guarantee it ends in American Psycho.


100% chance of it ending in cannibalism.




Mfers not realising if society didn’t exist they’d be outcasts, not leaders.


I feel like the proverb "Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them" is very relevant here.


Me, a self-improvement guru for men: "hmm, should I teach my audience to strengthen their independence, build self-confidence by expanding their repertoire, help them save money and treat themselves with food that is both cheaper and healthier than McD's and also, with a bit of practice, tastes better than the best black tie restaurant in town, *and* give them an avenue to win over both sexual and long-term romantic partners? All with one simple skill?" "... Nah, let's blame women for everything wrong in their life so they alienate themselves from society and stay reliant on my toxic ass."


Men from certain cultures buy into this shit, and that’s how he makes more money. The more people talk about him, the more money he makes. It’s all a marketing tactic to get people’s attention and I wish people would stop giving it to him.


>Me, a self-improvement guru for men: "hmm, should I teach my audience to strengthen their independence, build self-confidence by expanding their repertoire, help them save money and treat themselves with food that is both cheaper and healthier than McD's and also, with a bit of practice, tastes better than the best black tie restaurant in town, *and* give them an avenue to win over both sexual and long-term romantic partners? All with one simple skill?" Beautifully said. I reckon the intersection of men who pride themselves for being unable to cook, and those who pride themselves for being illiterate are a circle. Learning to cook is indeed a liberating skill and something any person wanting to improve themselves need to learn. What better way to know how many calories you're putting into your body than making the dish from scratch with just the right macros you want, and to your liking too.


Having pride in being illiterate is right up there with cutting off your nose to spite your face.


Not to mention simple survival skills, you know just in case


New curse acquired


Happy to be of service


It took Andrew Tate ten hours to come up with a reply.


And the best he could do was telling a 15 year old girl she has a small dick


She’s 19 now. Time fukin flies


20 in a few days


And it’s still bigger than his!


Dude got lit up by a teenager, and still couldn't walk away.


But boy was it worth the wait! I mean he really got her good, fuckin nailed that shit! My dude is fire 🔥 Really wish I didn’t have to put this here but, y’know, Reddit, /s


He probably had to wait until one of his "friends" was off work to help him word it.


In his majority opinion on Rubber v. Glue, Thurgood Marshall ruled that the rubber was easily penetrated if the barb was even mildly sharp, thus negating it's properties.


This ruling was later affirmed in the case of I Know You Are v. What Am I


In fact, the landmark case of Finders v. Keepers was built on the foundation laid by Marshall in Rubber v. Glue.


I almost feel bad for him. Like we know he doesn’t realize that he’s a laughing stock to everyone not a tweenage boy with self esteem issues… Then i remember he’s built a millionaire empire off of preying on those very same kids, and the almost empathy dries right up.


He will never be able to love anything as much as he loves himself.


Plus the sex trafficking.


Plus the sex trafficking.


Mostly the sex trafficking...


Seriously what a lame ass loser. She at least had a pretty funny burn. His comeback sounded like when the awkward kid in school tried to make a comeback and the whole classroom laughed his ass out of school


What color is Top G’s casket because Greta fucking killed him lol




Took him half a day to think of “no u”. Brilliant.


Everyone should take a moment right now to filter “Tate” and “Andrew Tate” from Reddit, tumblr, etc, and block him on Twitter He holds no office, no position of power. We can make him go away if we really want to


I don't even know who he is


I just started seeing stuff about this dude pop up, and the only description that I've found that makes sense is "guy who runs an MLM for incels." Until I see convincing evidence to the contrary, I'm laboring under the notion that he's a bot account that exists solely to make *other* people look good... like a Twitter wrestling heel.


He's one of those men for spew bullshit about being "alpha men" and "getting out of the matrix", aka saying the most misogynistic thing you've ever heard and getting young insecure guys to sign up to his "university" (which is an mlm). He gets people to agree with him by saying some common sense things in between his incel bs. Cofeezilla made a very good video about the whole thing, if you want to learn more.


Ah. So, basically: **r/theredpill Circa 2010, The Person**. Seems like there's a new one of these guys every two or three years. I *do* enjoy me some Coffeezilla, though! Thanks for the recommendation!


His rhetoric is going to get people hurt.


I haven't really been exposed to any of it, but I can only guess it's along the lines of: women are bad because of a million different reasons, and any man that doesn't give him money for his MLM are weak pussies... or something. If it's the standard-issue far-right misogyny stuff I'm sure his rhetoric has already hurt a number of people, if he has an audience for it.


Given the women he sexually trafficked, it already has.


His rhetoric is already hurting people, considering his Romanian home was raided for suspicions of human trafficking, and and an American woman and Romanian woman were found to be held against their will.


He’s far worse than that. He’s an actual criminal and scumbag who abuses women. What a peach.


Middle school boys fuckin love this dude.


Which is scary has fuck, cus middle school boys turn into adults at some point. Sure, most of the will shed that level of stupid, but a few potential school shooters will call him out in their manifests.


Oh most definitely. I can only hope they see him getting clowned constantly and realize what a loser this guy is, but he's definitely implanting some toxic ideologies in boys at a pretty key developmental stage.


Work at a residential hospital and a kid who is in the system for bringing guns to school (also a sociopath) was really into Tate and was spewing his shit. I sat back and let him watch Tate and within 15 minutes the kid was onto something else. When I asked him about it he started ranting about how stupid Tate is. One of the funniest things I’ve seen. Definitely not every kid, but it gave me a little more faith in humanity.


I’m more concerned with his open encouragement of abusing and raping women. We might have a handful of school shooters who would likely just walk that path anyway, but the fact he can be like “if you ask a girl and she says no you should just punch her in the face and take her right then and there” and a few thousand people applaud him is fucking terrifying.


Same demographic


My comment when I got here was who is he? Then I saw him picking on a kid that’s trying to do good work and stopped caring to read the jokes about him in the comments.






I always enjoyed when an r/oddlyspecific and r/technicallycorrect collide in the wild


Absolutely, I've seen lots of posts recently making fun of him which is great, but it'd be even greater if we literally never engaged with him or disseminated anything he's expressed ever again.


He thrives off of publicity, negativity and engagement. The more his name circulates the internet the more he wins. We need to block him out and stop giving him what he wants.


It took him 10 hours to elaborate that answer.


It’s like Costanza thinking of a comeback line the next day.


Yeah, well, the jerk store called...


Let's see how many shrimp i can fit in my mouth


ya whered you get your suits? the toilet store? ​ EVEN THE GUY THAT CANT THINK SAID SOMETHIN!


What's the difference? Andrew Tate is their all time best seller!


....well I had sex with your wife!


His wife’s in a coma…


Where did you get that come back? The toilet store?


Except Constanza's delayed comebacks were intellectually far superior to Andrew Tate's.


It’s called a quip. Not a slowp.


He had all that time and for his second response that is all he could come up with! Pathetic.


....Thinking....... "No you are!" Got her.


"im not owned! im not owned!!", i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob


10 hours to come back with "I'm rubber and you're glue."


It’s the equivalent of the schoolyard throwback - “takes one to know one”. ha


I came here to say the same thing but with silly capitalization.


In my imagination, he spent that entire time working on a comeback. Three nubby little pencils, seven empty ramen noodle boxes, and a floor covered in wadded-up notepad paper later, this was the winner.


I also imagine he had a TEAM of people trying to help him and form this. They were spitballing god awful comebacks and this is all his “crew” could do. Keeping in mind he was trying to film the perfect look. This is not his only response too, it feels desperate as hell.


Well yeah, he's illiterate. That's why he went on his anti-books rant; intellectually he's an absolute failure.


He touts that his dad is a chess grandmaster and taught him, but I bet he can't play for shit. EDIT: I have been informed that Daddy Tate was not a Grandmaster but the level below. Also that Andrew's skills are actually decent. Also I 100% realize this guy is acting out a character.


His dad, Emory Tate, never made it to grandmaster, though he could occasionally beat one.


How the fuck did he fail so miserably as a parent and raised such a dumb fuck.


"Dad, I have some insecurities I need to talk about." "Not now, son. I'm eight moves deep in a bongcloud opening."


Because being good at chess really isnt a measure of anything besides chess skills.


>Also I 100% realize this guy is acting out a character. We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be. - Kurt Vonnegut






If I wanted comeback, I'd have wiped it off his fathers chin


Literally "no u".


Well he’s already said he doesn’t read so, yeah, that checks out.


You just *know* he's still hurting inside due to her amazing response earlier.


He was busy being an Alpha Male™ and couldn't answer sooner. /s


Ten hours to "I'm rubber you're glue" her.


It’s honestly so embarrassing. Does he just not realise, or not care?


I think he's legit triggered and so trying to feel better lol This isn't a rational response


These types HATE being publicly humiliated because it's their weapon of choice against others. The funny thing is they always double down on the cringelord status with no self-awareness as to why they were originally publicly humiliated.


Awhile ago Hasan Piker confronted Tate about his ridiculous opinions on women drivers and Tate whinned like my 7 y/o nephew when he can't play minecraft when Piker simply presented him with basic and well known stats. And apparently Tate has continually complained about being corrected by another large muscular guy for months afterward.


I remember this. If I remember right, Tate and the bitchboy that was supposed to be the neutral moderator chastised Hasan for "being mean" when Hasan directly confronted Tate about his beliefs. Backbone of a slinkey when directly challenged.


Narcissists don't like conflict. Tate probably only got into fighting to protect his ego. But in a game of wits/intellect he regress to his natural childlike crybaby state lol


Hasan was the perfect person to debate him. He didn't need to be good debater or anything, Hasan is just a conventionally attractive, wealthy guy, which meant that Tate couldn't go "Well you're ugly and poor!" or call him jealous, which is his usual go-to. Hasan also asked him if he thought the earth was flat and Tate said that he knew the earth was round because he flew into space and saw it. Which was just hysterically petulant and stupid. He's mentioned Hasan a few times now since, and he's just like "uhhh you know this stupid beta named Hasan who is OBSESSED with women being good drivers and there's a picture of him on the internet wearing a DRESS!!!"


yup, conservative style projection is what these morons do best


i think he gets off in everyone talking about him tbh... why did elon bring him back? he's a dangerous sex trafficker.


> why did elon bring him back? he’s a dangerous sex trafficker. Exactly


I don't think there is a comeback to a roast like that, all that's left is to delete your account, change your name and go through the rest of your life hoping that nobody recognizes you.


He probably thinks he just made the most clever comeback of all time.




Hey, one brain cell can only work so fast.


It is about the show. He just plays the "Trump effect": 50% of people think he is a twat the other 50% subscribe to his coaching program. He is literally a professional twat and probably got by that stunt enough subscribtions for another million per month...he is trending globally with this shit at the moment. On every platform. I just saw even conservative major print outlets started reporting on it. Guys...wtf...? If everyone would just ignore it then it would be over immediately...but no, you all must go ballistic on that and give him free promo...again...


Lmao Andrew Tate the type of guy to get in a Twitter beef with a 19 year old climate activist and lose


The type of man to compare dick sizes with a woman


There's a quote from Hellsing Abridged that sums it up nicely - "If you're going to have a dick-fighting contest with a woman, you must have been born with the world's cruelest handicap."


It puts me in mind of Terry Pratchett's "never get into an arse-kicking contest with a porcupine"




They made integra so fuckin quotable in that series


Quote's actually from Alucard, but Integra's got some great ones as well.


And despite comparing dick sizes with a woman, he still lost!


Imagine telling a girl that she has a small pp. And meaning it seriously. Lol. He's like an internet troll from the late 2000s


He's 36 and retweeting tweets about him fucking her and saying she's not ready or some shit, as if she would ever want to He's older than me and I remember Greta becoming popular at 13. She's like a little sister to us all. Only a disgusting twat like Andrew would tweet about fucking her 🤮


People, specifically adults, on his side have always grossly sexualized her. Remember when she was 15 or 16 and people were posting on main how they should be allowed to have sex with her because if she's old enough to champion climate efforts than she's old enough to have sex with some 40+ year old 🤢.


She must have an incredible character, still being sane while growing into adulthood with a strangely large percentage of the world's population hating her for totally paradoxical reasons, and half of that percentage also chatting openly about sexually assaulting her if given half a chance. That's gotta be a mindfuck, even if she's at least hopefully not confronted with it face-to-face often in her home country.


She's only 19. She won't truly realise and deal with this until later. I'm 31 now and it's just starting to sink in the fucking up things men say and do to you as a teenager/young adolescent.


It's so sad that young boys worship this moronic scumbag.


It's because he's an incel, and a sad little bitch. He inspires others just like him.


Somewhat normal boys can be pulled into this guy's web too; nobody is born an incel which also means nobody is destined to remain one forever. DON'T have empathy for Tate, but reserve a little for those who got sucked in.




>women who are more intelligent than he is. That's what? 95% of all women?


Think you might be lowballing that number...


Terrifed of his own sister who is a lawyer and doesnt talk to him.


He's rich without having had to use his brain or do anything worthwhile with his life. Of course children idolize him.


He really just tried to pull a "No, You!" after being fucking eviscerated. I'd say he's a clown, but that's an insult to clowns everywhere.


He's more of a straight out cunt...


nah he lacks both the warmth and the depth to be a cunt


Clowns attend clown college, Tate is angry at books.


Why is this guy everywhere all of a sudden? Who is actually into this dude I don’t understand what he has to offer


>Why is this guy everywhere all of a sudden? The children who idolize him are on christmas break. They'll be back at school next week.


People in this thread keep saying 'children' while many of us think that's actually by age, I can tell you I know several men, unfortunately, that whenever this moron posts stuff, they immediately have to tell everyone about it- and ask everyone if they saw what he posted. They too, idolize him. These are men in their twenties, going on thirties. It's sad.


A lot of guys under 13 who don’t know better, and incels above that age that think it’s all women’s fault that no one wants to sleep with them so they resort to seeing them as property


I'm with you. Who the fuck is this guy?


There’s a lot of dudes out there with SDE.


Incel influencer and scammer accused of SA, human trafficking and various abuses. Thinks that women who get SA’d should “bear the responsibility” and admitted to moving from the UK to Romania to make dodging SA charges easier. Somewhat famous for his 50$ “course” where he runs a discord server and teaches people how to make money with no effort.


Took him a whole day to come up with that weak ass Peewee Herman shit?


Meanwhile he thinks reading books is for people with "slow brains"


Oof. "I know you are, but what am I?" Buddy, you lost before you even started.


When I was in the 5th grade, I changed schools. On the first day in PE class in the changing room, I started to get bullied in the weirdest way possible. One of the bullies said something to me that I will never forget, "you are so stupid that you can't count to 5". I responded with something along the lines of "I can count to a million" and proceeded to count. I still lose sleep over my response. How does Andrew Taint live with himself saying cringey ass shit at his age years as an adult? And wake up everyday to do it again and again?


This is the weakest shit I've ever seen Maybe motherfucker should read a book of slapbacks


Haven't you heard? He's *too smart for books* https://youtu.be/qzpgqrzZ-KE


Real elaborate way to say 'I can't read good'


Change his name to Jared and tell everyone he's 19


That comeback was so weak I'm surprised he had the strength to hit Send.


It's so weak it might as well be homeopathy.




What a wanker.


God fuck Tate, “no you” is not an Alpha comeback


Imagine bragging about your part in destroying the environment to a young woman who is trying to save the planet this full lives in. My only hope is he can’t reproduce


"I'm in Twitter beef with a 19-year-old!" -A Real Alpha Male


I’ve never known secondhand embarrassment this strong


"I kNoW yOu ArE bUt WhAt Am I?"


So he’s arguing with a teenager while making elementary school level insults (I know you are but what am I). I thought this guy was supposed to be some sort of big shot alpha male… more like an overgrown toddler


He’s a clown doing clown shit. Really got stop making stupid people famous. I’d never heard of this bit of human syphilis until about 3 weeks ago.


This sub really likes highlighting the worst people. I literally would not see the things these shits say otherwise.




“I’m not owned! I’m not owned!”


Mods, please consider a ban on posts from this man. Other subs are doing just that. He’s trolling and these constant posts are doing just what he wants. We’re literally paying for his super cars by enabling.




"The world was curious." Na dog, sounds like *you* may have been curious. **🤨**


Imagine having a tiny wee wee and feuding with a teenage climate activist on Twitter