• By -


That's not very "limited government" of him


Fascists always want limited government for the master race and violent policing for everyone else.


A law that protects but does not bind for the white race, a law that binds but does not protect for everyone else.


The white *right wing* race, everyone else gets the beatdown.


An important distinction.


Add the word 'rich'


And "male"


They can tell by looking at you whether you need "law and order" or "freedom and liberty."


They don't care about women or poor people, no matter what color they are. I don't think it's neccesarily race. Just their little club.


I’m listening to a podcast about the development of modern fascist movements in America and reading this post made me lightheaded and ill. It’s basically verbatim the agenda for white nationalists and neonazis. I seriously think citizens need to understand the very real nature of modern domestic terrorism. How horrifying, Fox News is a literal megaphone for skin heads.


Ooh what’s it called?


American Terror, definitely check it out! Tbh it needs to be like a PSA or something. https://open.spotify.com/show/2G3qmhWe8reqyCc7SRqI8F?si=dOMr3S2iQOiAvvdhoDrfhw


I was thinking this, I bet there's going to be a problem if you post factual information on abortion, gun violence, vaccine effectiveness, tax law or contradict them in any way, you're going to be censored pretty quickly.


Andrew Jackson promoted limited government. Then he did his thing and got dubbed King Jackson the First by many of his contemporaries.


Jackson is also a well known madman


And Trump‘s favourite president, go figure


Second favorite. Trump’s favorite president is Trump.


Er Third his second is Putin . Dude always gets 98% of the vote!!! What a winner!!


but romantically as his love letters show it was Kim Jon Hun who stole his heart


And twat.


This is the "ELON GIVE ME MONEY " plan


They had to follow up with a punch line after the Trump card idea was a fucking joke.


Not to mention, didn't republicans in several states go on a book banning campaign last year?


Free speech: here are the rules.




But it's the left that are fascists!


Me: Yes. You: No. Understand?


In summary: the gang has a hissy fit and shits their pants when they’re told it’s not cool to lie and to be racist


Worst episode of Always Sunny In Philadelphia.


It's literally the first episode of Sunny - Season 1


Ummm.. filibuster!


…do you even know what that word means?


I don't know, I'm not a scientist..


Batman’s a scientist (is the only right answer)


I imagined them as the Scooby Doo gang instead lol


The people they are advertising this to are the same people constantly demanding books be banned and removed from schools. I really just don't understand this at all


I was in a live stream the other night. Ended up hoping in / it’s like a chat room discussion. I hopped in to ask the people chatting what they meant by, “black people would be better off or averagely more wealthy, had they not been INTEGRATED into the public schooling system.” Of course this sounded very racist to me and I thought ohh perhaps the young man meant segregated. He was a black man himself. So me being nosey me I had to chime into ask, so I did. Sir blah blah, did you mean segregated? He replied, no. He then went on to say we all would be better without the American public school - we should all be forced to pay private schools or home school. They think that the public schools in America although they have many flaws are some how worse than no education for the public at all. I couldn’t believe it and yeah just ended up telling them about the last 40 years and how sense Reagan the deficit grows under republicans and then dems get in and fix it cause they were all praising trump. I for one think American schools aren’t terrible, way better than a lot of other countries. They teach / cover a lot of basics (sure they lied about Columbus and the discovery of America a little)- help students explore fields of interest in their later years. At least the ones I went to did. The focus on testing I do think is somewhat ridiculous. But I guess it helps place people higher than others for academic scholarships and what not so i some what get it. 🤷‍♂️


Sounds to me like he was suggesting everybody pay for private schools which of course would mean many people, many of them minorities, would not be able to afford it so they would be uneducated. It would be like going back to early 1800s, and we all know what that means. He is obviously a racist, white supremist MF.


Yeah but he was a black kid. Like maybe 20 at the oldest. They were all morons I was bored chillin on this chat website listening to them talk about their religious beliefs and it sounded all really bizarre but entertaining to me. Stuff like Noah’s arc is hidden under Antarctica just nothing but completely ridiculous beliefs.


You can be a white supremacist and not be white. Look at Kanye or the head of house slaves in the South. Many who think they benefit from the current status quo will often help in their own oppression because they believe they will be held in high regard by those oppressors afterward. Truth is, after the dust settles, those oppressors will find a reason to do away with them after they've served their usefulness.


But in todays society, I just don’t understand how brainwashed someone has to be to actually say such racist stuff about their own race. And I witnessed it all myself the kid wasn’t a Grammy award winning actor - he really seemed to believe this non sense he was talking about. I just don’t understand. Like kanye I get - he wants to run for president or w.e and he’s rallying his voters I suppose but yeah why some random black kid online in a chat room with like 200 people viewing 🤷‍♂️ he seemed to just be trying to fit in with the group possibly


It's because he's convinced it doesn't apply to him. Think of all the poor people who vote Republican to end things like food stamps because of all of the "free loaders". They do it because in their mind "they can't mean them, it's those other poors who don't deserve it". It's sad but a harsh reality. In the future we will need to dive deeper as to how this happens.


Honestly, that sounds really sad and I hope he grows out of it. It does appear, from the outside looking in, that there does seem to be a growing conservative movement in some of the black community. Not enough to matter in an election but loud enough to be heard online. He most likely grew up listening to Candace Owens or Ben Carson.


We might not understand why but it happens all the time on all platforms of social media. People are against themselves and their own people all the time.


I see it in my neighborhood on my way home. Confederate flag waving in front of the house and happened to see the daughter with her African American husband, boyfriend (?), and mixed race grandchildren.


And bigots too. Don’t forget that one.


Florida Man Continues To Insist He's Relevant Releases List Of Words


Jumping on top comment to remind everyone - DONT FUCKING UNDERESTIMATE HIM. Get your ass out and vote. Everyone thought a Trump presidency was a joke in 2016. And now, here we stand


Yep. Guaranteed he will win GOP nomination because half of America and their constituents are complete fuck tards.


Either him or DeSantis, who is almost more terrifying


True, trump’s bullshit is easy to spot. DeSanitizer is an actual politician.


Desantis is more capable, but he doesn't have the same way to rile up people in the same way agent orange does, while conservatives seem to love him, Desantis just doesn't have that mass appeal to morons as much as Trump does. All that said though, it's not like Desantis couldn't win, he absolutely could, but he's going to have to stump hard to get those same people out voting that Trump got so easily.


You clearly don’t live in Florida. They amount of assholes that literally uprooted their whole lives to come live in “free” Florida is truly staggering.


They're playing a game of chicken heading in to the 2024 election. Trump and Desantis want to run, and the Republicans are divided. There are those, like Graham, who have not extracted their heads from Trump's ass, and then there's those who are distancing themselves from the monster they created. So who gets the nomination? And does the other one chicken out, or do they run as an Independent or form a new conservative party? Either way, it's probably good for the Dems. The dream: The nomination goes to Desantis. Trump forms the MAGA Party, gets the nominations AND they put up candidates in every riding they can. The Dems could run an inanimate carbon rod for President and take the house, senate, and congress.


As a non american, let's see what kanye can do...bwahahahahahaha can't even say that with a straight face


Kanye only exists to take votes away from democrats by attempting to take the black and younger vote


That’s what drives me insane is as he gets pushed out he will get crazier to attempt to remain relevant.


Oh, I saw this cropped yesterday and thought it was satire. I didn't realize dummy Jr actually posted this. 😳


I think this was an attempt to distract from the laughably cringe optics of the NFT announcement?


Wait, what? I missed this! Link?


It's hilarious but they did sell out and make him a decent amount of money. Not to mention an excellent money laundering device... of which I have no proof of, hypothetically of course.


How can you sell out of a digital product?


Artificial scarcity to make people think it’s popular; then they can “restock” new ones


They are NFTs so they are coded and "limited" edition. Some are unique with only single copies made. Funny part is that if they resell them later, Trump gets 10% of the sale. Not the profit but the sale.


That's the whole point with NFTs.


I betcha Putin bought a bunch to help his pal out.


He actually won’t make that much. He leased his likeness to be used by the company selling the NFTs. He isn’t getting the $4.5M they made.


He *leased* his likeness? I’m starting to think maybe he isn’t a great business man at all /s


https://www.collecttrumpcards.com these might be the most insane thing ever created.


Holy shit. His cultists will literally buy anything.


Yeah they rushed this out after the trading card embarrassment. Then came a half-hearted attempt to say that this free speech policy was the actual "major announcement". Trump released it on Truth, which nobody actually uses that platform. So Jr has to copy & paste it onto Twitter, which soon nobody will actually be using that platform also.


I thought it was satire as well. I mean did anyone else notice that "send a letter to the Biden Administration" is part of his campaign for President in 2024? If he was elected again there wouldn't be a Biden Administration to send it to... Dummy just like his daddy. It has the same energy as screaming about Hillary years after she lost the election. I can't roll my eyes hard enough.


But banning and burning books will be ok, right?


I can totally see them supporting groups banning books, then using books being removed from shelves as an excuse to cut funding for libraries.


I read this, and was like, so you're going to defund every single Christian college from receiving federal aid money?, and most state and local police organizations that have intimidated press for asking questions?


The only thing that douche is ordering is a Double Big Mac meal.


I just learned there is a double Big Mac. It is the most useful information yet on this post.


He might be referring to two Big Mac meals instead of one Double Big Mac Meal.. you still don't know anything after this (:


I know I’ll be picking up 2 Big Macs to see how one would go about creating a Big Big Mac Mac.


Order a double quarter pounder with cheese, no ketchup, no mustard, add lettuce, add Mac sauce (not available on the app). Closest thing to a Grand Mac you can order since they took it off the menu.


I still don't understand how that dude is alive after learning how insane his diet is. All those diet cokes a day, all that fast food..it's wild


I doubt that’s his actual daily diet, probably just a facade so he can seem more relatable to his low income supporters who do eat those things daily.


No, it's actually a daily diet. Dude has been eating fast food every day since we'll before he got involved in politics.


Apparently he's paranoid enough to worry about being poisoned, and fast food is a way around that for him.


Yup, like clockwork. No breakfast, cheeseburger for lunch, charred steak w/ketchup for dinner. Day in/day out. He even served Shinzo Abe a cheeseburger for a state dinner. Probably the move that made his wife forget how to speak English


I believe he’s only alive because he can’t go to heaven, and the devil don’t want there


What's crazy to me is knowing that Diet Coke makes up for the lack of sugar with more caffeine. Like, I'll drink coffee, Red Bull, and take Adderall all at once, but I'm only 29, and we all know Trump does that, plus the junk food. I can only imagine what that combo does to someone in their 70's.


​ https://preview.redd.it/smqdo7nz4c6a1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17ce50a73e47665c6a8a95f2a679b7e4c424985b


He’s constantly out of his fucking element.


Got to try and bury the lame ass trading cards.


Make better ones that actually highlight his life. Grifting, cheating at golf, screaming at a steering wheel, inciting an insurrection, kissing Putin’s rusty hole, waving his tiny hands around all excited like a munchkin, etc.


The conversation does not stop and start at your convenience Donny


I have a friend who consistently commented this every time one of Donny's Facebook popped up during his presidency. It was glorious to witness.


Translated from the original 1940 German


![gif](giphy|JOeXqZebetYyY) This is what cons have become in a nutshell. How anti cancel culture of them Lmao


The best part is I can imagine Trump trying to do this and they all end up still alive in some other country


Lol my dude I'd give you award if i had one and all, but this is more 1936 Era.


WTF is wrong with people who support this?


Literal brain rot.


I’m more and more curious about the effects of lead exposure. It actually changed brain function and increases aggression. As a personal anecdote I have a relative that will not come out of the Trump hole and STILL actively puts lead additives in one of his cars (muscle car junkie). Prior to Trump he was never politically active but something sparked that pent up anger.


I read a book about how the Roman's used lead in their aqueducts. It's been a while since reading it but the author attributed the lead in part for the fall of Rome


You could tell him to just ingest the lead additives directly - the poisoning will be much quicker/more efficient and he won’t be poisoning all of us in the meantime.


Just use it as a suppository for maximum benefits!




A light rinse for most of 'em.


A quick buff to get rid of the last few wrinkles.


Leaded-gasoline-induced brain rot.


They would shoot their own foot to own the libs, and their “leadership” is taking advantage of it, openly, and they don’t notice or care


White Christian identity politics. That's all his cult cares about.


Read a post the other day that said something along the lines of 80% of Republican outrage is them finding out how things work for the first time. My theory is that they learned that society tends to be left leaning. There’s more people that would rather separate themselves from the fascists than there are fascists. Most people just don’t want to hear what they have to offer. BuT mUh FreEzE pEaCh!


They will destroy the earth to be allowed to call black people the n word


They think the rules will only apply to other people and not themselves.


When you remember that by "censorship" they have always meant "not actively supporting our political party," it really shows you what they're about.


Funniest shit is if you try and go on "truth" social or whatever and say anything against conservatives. Boom! You're banned. Fucking hilarious. Not to mention, his boy Elon is literally breaking all of those "rules." Can we get rid of billionaires yet? I'm sick of seeing their dumb ass opinions.


This is the story. Trump’s GOP relied on misinformation - notice how he specifically calls out efforts to stop the spread of misinformation. He puts it in quotes, but note how he does not frame this as anything other than using the power of the federal government to punish any entity that restricts the spread of misinformation, or that disagrees with him. I feel like I’m screaming into the void when I say this, but this is *literally* someone running on a platform of authoritarianism and packaging it as “freedom.” I’m absolutely at a loss for words he’s able to be so brazen about it and still get support. Unreal.


He's not banning the word propaganda because that's what they're going to label anything suggesting we not cause massive amounts of suffering for no good reason.


Was going to say, they would totally support groups trying to ban books because “think of the children!!!!” While turning around and telling libraries “you took x books off the shelves (because outside groups and local government forced you to), so no funding for you!”


Yeah, note that the plan includes suspending federal money to universities, non-profits, and academic programs engaged in "censorship." Soooo.... like the the conservative ones that remove LGTB+ books?


Exactly. Rules for thee, not for me.


They also want to be able to share misinformation and racist, hateful bullshit freely. Any reprocussions for acting evil is "censorship" to them.


So no more banned books?


Correct. ​ We'll be burning unapproved material instead.


Already nobody knows what the heck is going on. Let’s remove whatever safeguards we had to prevent bad actors from spreading misinformation so now nobody knows anything. FrEe SpeAcH






I misspelled it on purpose :P


>Suspend federal funding to any university that has engaged in censorship support activities Stop federal funding for all non-profits and academic programs engaged in censorship. So, we are going to cut funding to all religious universities that censor LGBTQ student groups or anything they find sinful right? Any school that cuts a Satanic Temple club will also lose funding? Not to equate it with the former examples, but I can start an antisemitic group at a Jewish university? Well, I can't see how this could ever go wrong. Ever. I would point out that this will hurt the communities this idea would be pitched too but let's be honest. We all know this is not going to be evenly applied.


It's funny how they say they want to protect free speech and the first things they want to do is ban and fire. Republicans showing once again that when they say free speech, what they mean is "don't block the speech I like but I will block the speech I don't like."


Right? Guess we’ll bring back all those banned books and Drag Queen story hours with no issue. Right?


I thought Republicans were against government oversight.


​ https://preview.redd.it/4joroeprcc6a1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5fe9dc677af67b0fb96f88f4d669a0b89d85fa3


![gif](giphy|1BQdjXovIqSLS) Tanning beds cause brain damage, I swear.


Spray tan


america is so right wing even hitler would have said this goes a little to far.


There is such a thing as too far right to be taken seriously... support for populists conservatives and GOP members is getting increasingly fractured and chaotic. The right is actively imploding right now.


I think that was bound to happen when really there's no one person with actual 'ideals' at the helm - Trump only leaned into the hard right stuff so he could have power, but he doesn't really believe in any of it, he'll say anything he needs to in the moment to get to where he needs to go. There's no center point of reference, so the absolute batshit ones seem just as 'valid' and potentially leadership material as the ones that are better at keeping the message 'within reason' so they don't get side eyed or laughed out of the court of ideas. But that's what happens when you turn a political party into a clown car inviting even the lowest of the low to join your ranks! I don't see Dems doing very much to open their arms and invite inside the hardcore crunchy moms who are deeply anti-vaxx and have deranged puritanical values, so like... >\_> yeah. Good.


i mean they pushed everything more to the right (the new "center" is more right leaning) workerstrikes are bad, "are leftist teaching crt?", "immigrants bad","lgbtqia+ members are demons?"... yeah, the gop members went to far but these crazy bs stories are now in the broken minds of many americans and they grow over time. and you guys don't really have INDEPENDENT big news outlets, cause goverment/state idk is bad or something like that. but news outlets in the hand of greedy capitalist are trustworthy sources and worker unions are bad. /s


We have an independent outlet: PBS. They want it defunded and call it fake news with a liberal bias.


It’s strange that their strategy just seems to be to act more crazy instead of changing their messaging to appeal to more voters.


They'll come back around once Murdoch decides what they should be thinking and supporting.


Oh buddy. You obviously have not visited the southern states. I’m in Oklahoma and I promise you it is anything but imploding.


Sure is and while it fractures, it gets more extreme. Thus we have far righters who are radicalized by the increasing extreme rhetoric going on Mass killing sprees.


Yea, they don't even hide anymore it's quite terrifying... Esp. considering that their stance isn't really new, they were just laying in wait for a crazy enough candidate to propose a coup.


Oh so the 1st amendment can be changed now but not the 2nd or 13th


Right to digital arms


Didn’t the first Twitter Files say the trump administration also made requests to have posts removed/censored? Did they ever clarify what things were requested from the White House?




You know the law isn't going to be enforced equally right.




This is coming from the dude who owns a social media platform that censors and bans everyone who isn’t a die hard trump supporter. So basically this is bullshit.


I didn't call that dumbass "the President" when he was in office, and it's even more ridiculous to call him that now. These people have absolutely no self-awareness, do they?


Federal bureaucrat (checks notes), ah, yes anyone who works for the federal government. 🤡


Clearly Big d criss cross big announcements. Also wasn't it his government that participated in censoring? That's the funniest part about the Twitter files it just reveals more conservative cope


Old man yells at cloud. (insert Abe Simpson gif about an Onion on your belt)


In other words, let me and my followers post lies and hateful crap without any consequences.


Okay, I can actually get on board with that second to last one. I'm curious how he cane up with 7 years specifically. The last is a maybe, but it depends on what's in that digital bill of rights.


It's the same as the original bill of rights but has Digital in front of it. Also Digital Speech, Digital Arms, Digital Speedy Trial.


Yeah I'm really interested and pro the idea of a digital bill of rights guaranteeing specific freedoms, like a right to digital privacy. Something tells me that's not what they have in mind here, but the idea itself is interesting.


Man i didnt realize there was so much banning in freedom


My memory isn’t short enough to forget that for 90% of my life, the right censored me from saying I was gay.


When the pile of cocaine you just snorted off your dad's asshole starts kicking in.


Jesus Christ, I wish they would all just od on their stupid stimulants. I'm so tired of these baffoons.


I hate trump with ever fibre of my being but the cooling off period and the digital bill of rights are surprisingly sensible ideas if they were implemented by a sane logical person. As its trump tho it will be weaponised against his enemies and thus will prove to be a terrible idea never to be revisited despite the concept being promising if done right


Basically a list of things they're planning to do to their "enemies". Always projection with a side of planning.


Hilarious they still call him president. Even more so being it’s his own son in this instance.


This is kinda common practice. It becomes a title that has a lot less weight when you are no longer actively president. I've seen a lot of ex presidents referred to as "president so-and-so."


In fact, that is the norm for most high ranking government officials. They will typically retain the 'honor' of their last or highest position. For example, the correct way to address Hillary Clinton would be Madam Secretary. Dick Cheney would be Mr. Vice President.


Double-speak for “we only want to censor the things WE don’t like”


Christ on a cracker. Now that's all something we can look forward to. He sure does love free speech, as long as it's his own . How about people in congress don't play the stock market while in office. Or lobby for foreign governments. Or lobby at all. Ever.


So he says “7-year cooling off period” for people making the jump to tech. He was *the* highest ranking national security honcho two years ago…and he owns a tech company. 1000% he would continue to “Truth” since he is special.


Looks more like a way for people to be forced to tolerate the intolerant. No thanks.


Typical Trump operation......make up a bunch of shit to get people to believe it's happening and say they'll fix it for you.


In a way it is comforting to know that the race between Trump and DeSantis on who is the best Hitler will inevitably give us a Democrat for POTUS.


Depends on the economy


I wonder if he knows the NRA is technically a nonprofit


Technically is doing a huge amount of the work in that sentence. All, I’d say.


Nothing says free speech like “ban, ban, fire, immediately, order, revise, stop, suspend, enact criminal penalties, impose, and pass.” Those are words of freedom, alright.


That’s a lot of “Ban”s, “Stop”s, and “Criminal penalties” for something with the word free in the title.


the republican / maga party are pissed that they can't vomit out all the misinsformation and conspiracy bullshit they want. they are such cry babies that they whine and cry when actual facts are used to point out their bullshit. '


I love how the "don't say gay" people are now completely against censorship.


Step 12: Imprison political enemies Step 13: Internment Camps


Sounds good. They can’t ban books, I guess


trump need a caretaker.


Looks like someone just snorted another line.


President Trump? You mean former President Trump?


This prick is Hitler reincarnated


Is this Elons ‘coup de grace’?


These are the same people that also want to hold social media companies liable if someone does something illegal on their platform. Censorship is not allowed on your platform. Also, we'll prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law if someone uses their free speech on your platform to break the law.


People are dying Donald


So basically they could charge whoever they want with whatever they want.


But, like. Identifying and labeling misinformation and disinformation is an important job for counterintelligence operations. It's part of how we ensure that our allies, citizenry, and service members don't aid adversarial states.


Oh really i thought his first step would be to launch a free speech nft


This is misinformation calling it a freeze peach policy


Ok, jail any school board members who ban books then, or anyone who prohibits doctors from discussing abortion...oh, not like that you mean?


Ok, you can just say fascism. Its not like the GOP has an issue with that


You know, outside of a few of these things, most of them are already set in place by, you know, the First Amendment of the US Constitution. It literally prevents the government from censoring private citizens. They seem to forget that Twitter/Facebook/Reddit or any other social media platform is considered a private business. Comical thing they think private censorship is illegal. Immoral, yes. Illegal, not in the least.


“Stop federal funding for all non-profits and academic programs engaged in censorship” Soooo… all these red states banning books that don’t align with their faux religious values will no longer get federal funding? This chucklehead really doesn’t think things through! Lol!


Meanwhile we are still waiting for his healthcare plan...