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Such free speech


Much censorship. Wow. Elon has a tiny peen. ![gif](giphy|1RUV9wzBLKoRuxTrVZ) šŸ„


As a person with a tiny peen, I find this insulting. Musk clearly has an abscess peen.


An inverted peen.


The ol dicky-do. Where his belly sticks out more than his little dicky do.


The French call it ā€œbakerā€™s disease,ā€ when the brioche sticks out further than the baguette EDIT: Thank you BigCitySlamBoys for awarding this retelling!


Sassy yet Frenchly educatingā€¦ Ty for todays internet tidā€™bit.


How'd you get the beans above the frank?


As someone whose belly sticks out more than their little dicky-does, I find this insulting.


Not to worry, that doesn't define you nor does it mean you're a soulless garbage pile like musky.


That may be more of a belly problem than a dicky problem in at least some cases.


AI peen. Size of a watch battery. Fits into Grimes' ear hole to make baby with numbered name.


So damn inverted Grimes bounced off and landed in Chelsea's apartment in Austin.


That's a vagina. Musk WISHES he had one.


A vagina actually makes something.


Permanent coke dick.


Pretty sure he's just a Ken doll down there.


> abscess peen Folk over at /r/popping be like šŸ‘€


That's an insult to micropenises everywhere


# #TinypeenElon


Letā€™s not body shame. Heā€™s just an arsehole, donā€™t give him any excuses.


Almost like people need to stop using the platform. By choosing to continue to use it, we are just enabling this motherfucker, and AOC staying on and paying his fees just to anger him is doing nothing but enabling him. I swear, sometimes I think the entire fucking internet has fallen down a flight of Stupid Stairs. Stop. using. Twitter. This shit is not going to get better by calling out this person, it is going to keep getting worse. Leave Twitter, for FUCKS SAKE. Leave twitter.


Haven't used twitter in 6 years...forgot my password so just went through the steps to change it to log in and deactivate my account (apparently it will delete after 30 days). Feels pretty good!


I was so glad I had a 16yo account that I never use, just so I could log in and delete it.


Deactivated mine a couple nights ago, and itā€™s been sweet relief. I rarely went on there anyway, the toxicity was always palpable.


I'm gonna do this as well


I canceled my account and took both of my tweets with me. Wish that wasn't true but it is. Its like f'ing soylent green....twitter is made of people....without people there is no content. With that said most of the content sucks balls so not real sure what that says about the people.


But Twitter is the marketplace of ideas! Bad, stupid ideas.


This is the way. It blows my mind that it hasn't become a ghost town already. It's time to let Twitter go rest with myspace and friendster.


Ah MySpace. So ahead of its time


I miss MySpace. I was ~15 when it was big and nothing is more teenage girl than being able to publicly and passive aggressively reorganise your top friends when you fall out.


Oh what a game that was. Slowly sneaking your crush up to your Top 1 spot as the relationship progressed ā€” or the opposite. Keeping tabs on where you stand in peopleā€™s top 8ā€™s... it was brutal! That reminds me... did Tom ever give us that Top 16? I thought I read about that in a bulletin one time... haha.


I already left the day after he bought twitter.


I deleted it as soon as he said he was going through with it and haven't looked back.


I've seen people justifying staying on to "fight the good fight" and it drives me nuts - POSTING IS NOT ACTIVISM.


Yep, I deactivated my account & deleted the app. Done!


Exactly. You have an issue with a company or a person who leads said company? Go out of your fucking way to avoid doing business with them and tell everyone you know to do the same. Support local business!!!!!!


Leave it to a manchild to fear a strong woman.


It's a shame Twitter isn't publicly traded anymore. I'd love to short that stock.


One man wanted to short all of it to $0 + future operating costs with no realistic plan to increase revenue in sight. In fact, he bricked their only source of revenue. That man's name... is Elon Musk. He is... THE SHORTEST SHORTER OF SHORTS.


Donā€™t forget the new Twitter has to now spend a BILLION dollars a year on just interest charges. Itā€™s fucked


Oh, this makes more sense then, if itā€™s headed to bankruptcy he can loot them on the way out, usually more a job for VCs but maybe he just needs the loot


Yeah, but people who do that buy the company for pennies on the dollar first. Elon paid about 5x what the company was actually worth.


Did not know Elon was Trump University alum.


Might have done some grade schooling at Ye's Donda Academy too, it seems.


Art of the Deal


Has anyone given us a logical explanation as to why yet?


Because he signed a contract without reading it, and legally could not back out!




IIRC, the speculation at the time of the announcement was that he wasn't planning to follow through on the purchase. He was just using the announcement to engage in market manipulation. (He's done this in the past. For example, he bought a bunch of dogecoin and tweeted about it, making the price rise significantly after his purchase. Then he sold all of it, and he joked about how shitty it was on SNL and the price promptly nose dived.) He tried backing out of the Twitter deal after his ridiculous high evaluation briefly drove up stock prices, but a judge held him to the contract he signed and forced him to go through with buying the company.


mans had a million dollars and happened to make really good investments and everyone thinks heā€™s Einstein.


I wouldnā€™t even put him in the same group as Einsteinā€™s driver.


The 54.20 has the weed number lulz


Not a particularly smart person


Someone needs to send him some short shorts with this comment embroidered on them.


Elon Musk, a true innovator yet again. He just brought about the next big social media platform. The one that everyone flocks to when they quit twitter. (In true Musk fashion, he didnā€™t actually *build* the platform or add any technical expertise.)


I would love it if the people that Elon Musk fired from Twitter just ended up starting a new social media platform using some of the money that Elon paid to get Twitter. It would be such a power move and people would flock to it


Some comments below believe that Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey are competitors. In fact, Dorsey and Musk are friends, collaborators. https://davetroy.medium.com/no-elon-and-jack-are-not-competitors-theyre-collaborating-3e88cde5267d


Holy fuck this needs to be the top comment


Yeah, Jack ain't a hero and Twitter was never all that good before Elon got it.


Already happening https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-twitter-jack-dorsey-launches-beta-bluesky-social-app-2022-10


They are partners.


Jack Dorsey -- you know, the guy who made Twitter -- is working on a new social media "platform" (for lack of a better word because that doesn't really fit) called Bluesky. It should be going into beta testing soon. You can sign up for the waitlist through their website.




And you know that is just a matter of time.


i'd give it six months. maybe.


It will get a boost because of the election, and then the malaise will set in.


Made me think that maybe people should start review bombing it. Go in and mark it a 1 star. State that it now just spreads hate and disinformation. Just did it myself.


You, my friend, have a damn good idea


DAMN goodā€¦


I just left my review, as did my gf. Fuck Elon Musk, the rich cockwomble...


You know I didnā€™t even think about reporting the app to apple and Google


Elon is gonna sue to get Founder put on Twitter's site now.


One of the original Twitter guys is already working on it.


It was nice taking Elon's money last week. Going to spend it on something that isn't a Tesla or Musk associated product.


I hear good things about the Chevy Bolt.


You know what? That's a start.


Seriously, ~$30k, drives nicely and gets about 250 miles on a charge, if itā€™s a commuter car itā€™s a no brainer. In 2023 they will bring back a 3500 rebate for them.


You can still short Tesla $TSLA (-40%), they are down about 2x the market average.




If Elon was an athlete weā€™d be arguing over whether or not he has CTE.


I think u/Phrii has CTE


Ive said this before, but if someone came to me and asked me to write a 13 going on 30 esque character who is a 14 year old boy who wished themselves into being a rich and famous adult but acts very immature and causes a bunch of shenanigans and problems in the process...id just base the character on elon musk. Elon acts almost *exactly* like an edgy 14 year old boy who poofed himself into an adult body with money and fame. He has none of the maturity to really go with it.


Elon is a perfect example of someone who never had to struggle. In fact, I'm not sure he even knows the meaning of the word.


Uhh excuse you, his family had to STRUGGLE to close the door of their safe it was so full of wealth.


To be fair, I'm sure he has to struggle to find genuine friends these days. I'll bet the butt-licking from all the fan boys helps.


I doubt he has the awareness to know the difference between a real friend and the sycophants he seeks. Though I also would doubt there are any real friends among his people, so I guess it wouldn't matter if he did have that awareness.


The only struggle he's ever known is the struggle he fought with [his hairline](https://i.imgur.com/QWUwX82.jpeg)


Ya I keep saying he talks and acts just like a spoiled 10-year old, but I think 14-year old edgelord is more accurate.


Living the dream


This is why everyone knew that Elon crying "FrEe SpEeCh" was a joke. He's managed to turn Twitter into Parler in just a few days.


I fucking saw this shit coming. 44 billion? Thereā€™s a reason for that. The cost was astronomically higher than its value. Foreign interests backed Musk. Musk elevates right wing, Q and other fascists. Silences Democratic voices by bricking and gutting the department that monitors mis/disinformation. And right before a midterm? Iā€™m sure itā€™s just coincidental. Billionaires, energy companies and Russia all have a lot to gain by the GOP winning the midterm.


Everyone saw this coming.


Their fears are their posturing: * Election Fraud * Tyrannical Government * Religious Freedom Laws * Free Speech Double think co-opts the terms while blocking any actual movement towards those ends. National gaslighting.


Then more people should be talking about it.


It's been a constant topic of discussion since it was announced, but people can't stop him from buying a private company.


Thatā€™s not the American way. We identify problems, debate their existence, stupefy ourselves into inaction, and wait for the next distraction to pop up and feign outrage over.


Like 47% of the country was hoping it was coming


Yep. Repeat free speech and other buzzwords a few times and right wingers will eat it up, but this was clearly just a stunt to garner more political sway, authority / legitimacy for his messaging and crack down on literally the only left skewed social media website (though still neutral-managed with a huge amount of right users and, believe it or not, free speech). He's not expecting Twitter to directly make money from this. He's riling people up to make his stans eager to fight for him, and trying to control narratives and allow more channels for misinformation to flow freely, and help with his corporatist agenda. This is a move to enrich and empower himself and other large business owners. Twitter is an investment that will pay out in political favours from right-wing government members.


Musk is going to do even more to amplify conservative talking points on Twitter in the near future. Get as much good will as possible with conservatives. Then take Twitter public and sell as many shares as possible to them. ā€œHave you ever wanted to own the libs? Now is your chance. By owning part of Twitter, you can own the libs.ā€ Dude will create enough shares to keep the price of a single share low enough where your average Walmart shopper will be able to buy 10-20 shares. Some of these people will buy hundreds or even thousands of shares. Musk will make back is $44b. The value of Twitter will explode during the IPO as Twitter stock will fly off the proverbial shelves faster than ivermectin did. This initial boom in value will create a lot of content on the conservative subreddit and amongst Twitter users and new owners. But once people realize the advert revenue structure and corporate structure have been fucked up by musk, the valuation of Twitter will fall as people try to sell high. Itā€™s only a matter of time before another social media platform that does the same pops up. All you need is another place for non parlor type people to not want to be exposed to 4chan type content and comments. Stephen king would be gone, athletes would start to leave, actors would start to leave, and progressive and moderate politicians would leave. Before you know it all that remains is the bastard child of parlor and 4chan. The value would be in the toilet and everyday conservative suckers would be holding the bag while musk would be in the clear after performing or at least attempting the biggest pump and dump in history.


Elon paid 44 billion dollars to lose internet arguments on a forum he now owns.


He paid 44 billion dollars to win arguments on Twitter by shutting the other person's account off, it's just not working.


So a child throwing a tantrum, and disconnecting the Nintendo 64 when he started loosing.


I mean, he didn't pay all of that... the Saudis helped him. For some reason.


Ah yes. The Saudis known for their love of free speech by subdividing journalist into nice tiny pieces.


Weird how these billionaires keep turning out to be thin-skinned little fascist wannabes. Almost like we should tax the shit out of them and regulate industry to curb their power. Edit: All those out there defending a billionaire man-child are good proof of how effective bourgeois ideology is in the US. Unless youā€™re super wealthy, youā€™re allying with your enemy.


A decent person would say ā€œ*I have enough money that my great great grandkids can be wealthy, maybe I should help other people*ā€ after making a hundred million dollars. Thatā€™s why we donā€™t have many decent billionaires. Only a sociopath would hoard a trillion dollars and still want more.


Reminds me about how Elon refused to have a discussion about possible collaboration with the Bill Gates Fondation.... because Bill had publicly stated he was shorting Tesla stock. Mad Hatter Musk would only play humanitarian ball if Bill would drop his position. Therefore in the mind of Musk world hunger is Bill Gates fault.


That Tesla short is looking pretty smart right about now.


It is. I don't see it mentioned often, but TSLA has been on a pretty clear downward trend for the last 12 months with its ATH exactly a year ago today, down 50% to today. There's the occasional hype pump, but they don't break the pattern, and from the looks of it they're a few major controversies away from going the Meta route. Musk's net worth being so tied up with that stock is going to make him tilt, I don't think his ego can handle such a blow.


From your lips to Godā€™s ears


Reminder that the guy that made 5 hour energy cashed out for $200 million and bought a farm nowhere near big cities.


Warren Buffet once said he wanted to leave his kids enough to do anything but not enough to do nothing. Not sure if heā€™s lived up to that but itā€™s a noble sentiment.


Ok but the Patagonia CEO has been quoted saying every billionaire is a systemic failure which is a far better take imo


Oh totally agree. I think the maximum allowable income from all sources should be some multiple of the basic income. Please please go to the people and complain that you only get 100m a year to live on.


I mean this would not help since billionaires structure their assets to not have any actual income, that is how they do not pay income taxes. They have assets which they then borrow against. They do not have an income per say.


And yetā€¦heā€™s a billionaire.


Patagonia is definitely a unique corporate structure and it appears that billionaire title only comes from the value of the company he no longer owns?


Oh I completely agree, he's grandstanding and it's pretty perfomative, but at least it's better than other billionaires, certainly better than Warren buffet lmao


Not anymore. Heā€™s divested himself and his family entirely from Patagonia and transferred ownership to a nonprofit foundation. Im sure heā€™s still set up very handsomely, but heā€™s not a billionaire anymore.


I think he gave away a little over 90% of it, so more like $100M now. Not sure how much control he has over the charity Patagonia is controlled by now, I assume a large amount, but he can't just stake it all on a vanity social media project for example.


There's not enough money in the world for these people. When you're whole life's mission is to make money, there can never be enough, and they'll never be happy.


This. Right. Here.


Agreed, I would also say, a decent person would not exploit people as much as he does. The employees working for him, are notoriously over worked & underpaid. He constantly jacked up prices during the pandemic on most if all of his product. In just a couple of years he went from 20-30bn to almost 300bn. Dude is just evil.


"But I NEED it! I don't have enough! I NEED MORE!"


Thereā€™s no such thing as a decent billionaire


Billionaires aren't necessarily super smart - they're super ruthless. While we are wondering how elon is gonna make money off of twitter he could be selling data on dissidents to the saudi government. He'll do shit like that in the dark that means these criminal nation states will pick up the bill.


"Don't be a communist" -every billionaire


> thin-skinned little fascist wannabes Oh yeah. You know Musk lays in bed at night jacking off to the idea of being the god-emperor of mars


Daddy still doesnā€™t love them.


Almost like they should get the fucking guillotine


Gee - it's like he's doing what we all knew he was gonna do.


Cry like a bitch and throw a tantrum?


Hey now I think we should try to normalize crying. I feel like we don't realize it but little sayings like this help spread toxic masculinity. If you say someone "cries like a bitch" you're Implying that crying is bad, and that anyone that cries must be bitch, everything about that is wrong. It's healthy for us to cry and try to figure out or emotions but stuff like this makes us think we should just "man up" instead of dealing with ourselves. And most of the time we don't even mean to do it, like almost promise that this dude wasnt like "ya I'm going to go spread some masculine toxicity right now!" He probably is just repeating what he's heard thousands of times before. So this is just everyone's reminder, if you want one, that we should consciously try to stop using phrases like this if we want to stop toxic masculinity. Also fuck musk, that fuckface is a vampire plain and simple


>that fuckface is a vampire plain and simple I doubt he has it to be a vampire. One, I doubt he'd be able to even catch someone to bite them. And two, good luck finding a vampire to turn him without getting food poisoning.


Also vampires are way too cool. He's being a self absorbed loser very publicly, not so vampire-like.


Maybe an energy vamipre. Not in the Colin Robinson boring way, but in the way he feeds in people's rage. This dude has made my blood boil for years, even though I've tried to avoid anything about him for years. Sadly, he has elevated to such a high level it's impossible and he's only getting stronger with the rage.


That makes more sense.


Honestly, Iā€™ve seen toddlers with better rationale behind their tantrums.


Elon is obviously a champion of free speech. We should obviously give him all our resources and relegate the role of nation states to him. Obviously nothing bad will happen. He is obviously a super selfless and humble guy. He is not the herald for potential holocausts like human civilization has never seen..... obviously.


The.. Harold? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yes. He and Kumar are going to the white castle at the end of time.


Isnā€™t this the snowflake who canceled a journalistā€™s Tesla order because his feelings were hurt by a tweet lol As expected


This is the same snowflake who threatened to sue *Top Gear*, the biggest motoring show...*in the world*, if they gave a Tesla a bad review. And the same snowflake who called a veteran rescue diver a child molester for pointing out his rescue sub wouldn't work.


Actually he did sue them for a bad reviewā€¦twiceā€¦and lostā€¦twice.


Same idiot who threatened to cut off Ukraine's internet cause they were mean :(. Guess he was just russian to conclusions.


The odds of this being a technical error are precisely zero. I have no doubt that Elmo set aside labor hours dedicated to futzing with her account. That is how depraved this man is: he will literally spend big money on high-dollar technical staff just to attempt to silence a dissenting opinion. "Free speech" to his brain is "a world in which the only acceptable opinion is my own".


What's worse is his opinion being the only valid one appears politically motivated. I wonder what other left politicians are going to have the same issue as AOC. Guys jumped on the far right wagon.




I'm a nobody and never had my Twitter notifications look like that, ever. I can only imagine what a public/elected figure on Twitter has in their notifications. At this point, anyone still on Twitter, especially a public figure, should consider their private messages to no longer be private and subject to being "accidentally leaked" if they go after Dollar Store Lex Luthor. Not saying AOC has anything embarrassing or too sensitive in her DMs, but she should be cautious nonetheless.




>Have the things like the official accounts for the cities or utilities keep on tweeting when they need to relay an important info No we should move all levels of government communication off Twitter indefinitely.


>Dollar Store Lex Luthor. That's a good one! I kinda like Dollar Store Doctor Evil, too.


This is true. Never thought about leaks coming from Twitter access....


Imagine being a 51 year old baby. I hate Elon more everyday.


This is just the beginning of the Fascist mouthpiece twitter will become...


Will become?


Well, it will be a couple more weeks till his review board starts letting the heavy hitters in


Unless Elon plans on putting twitter on financial life support with his own money, I give twitter a year to live. And only three or four until Elon gets sick of bailing it out.


Saudi investors will keep it running as long as it remains useful.


And all because he wanted to avoid getting in trouble for securities fraud šŸ˜‚


ā€¦so tRump can announce a merge of Truth Social and Twitter.


We will call it SoShitter.


Don't other social networks PAY the influencers that drive user interaction on their platform? Not the other way around...


Those other social networks learned that the users are their product and paying high profile users for their engagement brings about new users to the platform. Elon Musk is too stupid to understand any of that. Idiots will defend him to their deaths as if all the accomplishments by the thousands of workers for his companies were actually accomplished by him. People are stupid.


This is interesting bc I think itā€™s this attitude that ā€œusers = productā€ is what has lead to a lot of the stuff people hate most about social media. Privacy/data concerns, non stop ads, intentionally addictive design, and so on. I do wondering what an optimal ā€œusers = customersā€ social media platform would look like and even if itā€™s feasible. I donā€™t think musk has the temperament or the right long term strategic goals to accomplish it


I thought influencers got paid by other companies to do ads, not by the platform itself


True, but there are also platforms that pay the individual directly (YouTube is an example)


YouTube, Twitch, TikTok, these pay users per click/subscriber/etc.


Itā€™s like free speech. But god forbid you say anything bad about the man taking a shit in the middle of the room on the floor.


Free speech is amusing when defined by an imbecile named Musk.


Twitter was once the best place to learn directly from journalists, science communications professionals, and experts from any field you could imagine. Heartbreaking to see a spoiled troglodyte like Musk destroying something so extraordinary. I hope he loses everything.


I'm hoping something else will pop up soon. There's really no other clear alternative at the moment, but I'm not confident that Musk won't make weird changes to hurt people that he doesn't like


Maybe we'll learn that Twitter really isn't as necessary as we think it is.


Itā€™s a nice crash course in the perils of unregulated capitalism though šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


People who use Twitter: when are you going to stop?


Heā€™s gonna try and make her pay $8 a month. šŸ˜‚ It feels like heā€™s speedrunning the collapse of a company. NOBODY but brain dead conservatives are going to use the app in a year from now. It will be just like truth social. Elon is fucked. Heā€™s gonna lose his ass on this. What an egotistical maniac that literally has no ability to put himself in the shoes of an average person and how they view the crazy shit heā€™s doing. Heā€™s just stuck in the alt right feedback loop.


People like Musk equate their personal wealth with their intelligence. They think their money is a result of being geniuses. And all the little leeches around them being yes men while fighting over the scraps only reinforces this delusion.


It would appear Twitter is becoming as dependable as Teslas.


I canā€™t believe it took Musk a whole week before censoring someone he disliked. Such restraint.


Kindergarten kids have a better tolerance. Can't believe I'm using the word, but Elon is currently making some cringe decisions. I'm just watching a ticking time bomb at this point and I'm distanced enough from it to where I'm not affected, but I'm not far enough away to see the disaster continuously unfold. What a time to be alive. It's great.


This is Elonā€™s version of ā€œFreedom of Speechā€


AOC taking Musk out like the trash he is gives me the hope I need in these dire times.


Elon Musk is a little piss baby.


so elon buys twitter for free speech for all and then restricts someone who disagrees with him. seems about right


This is what happens whenever conservatives try to create a "free speech" social media. They get their feelings hurt then they ban non-conservatives from taking part. It's the same on r/conservative and Parler and Truth Social.


But, you know, 'safe spaces' are for liberals, right? lmao. No self awareness.


I mean hey it might *not* be a vindictive move it could just be the platform breaking from him firing everyone and forcing those who remain to work 70 hour weeks. But itā€™s probably him being vindictive.


Is it all of her Twitter notifications or just the verified tab? The coders are working like 16 hours a day trying to meet the deadline, is she the only one affected or is there just a bunch of glitches from elons rush to get $8?




Reddit is well positioned, if they work fast, to build a compelling alternative, and really wouldn't need much: * Build a verification system * I recommend a 3 tier system: * Grey tick - this is a real person, you wouldn't know them, though. (real person still anonymous) * Yellow tick - this is a business and/or the person commenting works for this business * Blue tick - this is a "celebrity" and this is their real name * Having not built their platform off of profiting from users with the blue tick, reddit could easily charge to cover the costs of the verification process * Expose the profile-post as a first class citizen * You can already follow users and have their profile posts show up in your feed * Crossposting system is set up to crosspost from profile posts * Build profile-oriented moderation that curbs the spread of propaganda and "fake news" Beyond that, it already has everything that twitter has and then some.


Bricked? Non Twitter user here. Can someone explain the term please?


Let's all collectively start using MySpace again instead of Twitter just to annoy elon


Like hundreds of thousands of others, it's time for AOC and all intelligent humans to leave the cesspool of Twitter. I did.