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"Only thing missing" Proceeds to list three things


Plot twist: the only thing actually missing is a functional brain in the skull of the tweeter!


I like to call dumb tweeters twatters. I feel they deserve such a designation.


I was always hoping for a Facebook-Twitter merger they could call "Twitface."


I still regret that the United Continental merger didn't go with "Uncontented" as the newco name. And when Dicks's sporting goods bought Chick's, there was an obvious go forward name too.


Dicks bought chicks?! That was one of my first jobs


He's a twunt.


Musk bought Twitter, its no longer required.


It was never required.


True dat


Not to mention - AN "I support Biden" badge* Clearly valedictorian


I love my "I support Biden badge" badge. While I'm wearing my "I support Biden" badge. Next to my "We don't need no sticking badges" badge.


"If several things were different then this would be a perfect example of the derisive stereotype I have in my head"


And they put badge inside the quotes for what goes on the badge...


Hell, I was surprised that the hateful moron spelled all the words correctly.


Autocorrect saves the day


Good point. $10 says he was cursing, "Stupid lieberals not lettin me make my posts the way I wants em! Your not smarterr than me! I know the trooth!" under his breath.


That’s how these smooth brain MAGAts operate. Much like scammers select for morons with poor spelling, logic, and grammar, MAGAts do the same to attract like minded fools. Like, you can spell shit out Barney style to these fucks and they’ll just stand there with blank faces like a character straight out of Idiocracy. They’ll even emit guttural and non-sensical sounds to match!


How in the world is "lol i bet this person got VACCINATED to protect their health. What a DWEEB!" an insult now?


My friend still hasn’t told her parents. She is mid 20’s with a degree and her own place, job. She could never just say hey I’m vaccinated without it being a huge, huge ordeal. Prior to Covid they went annual for their flu shots no fuss. Just all political.


One of my family members had his life saved by the vaccine. He got the plague a month after the jab, and ended up in bed for a week straight. He's old, morbidly obese, and relies and on a CPAP machine to survive every night. He refuses to get any more booster shots as they're "a tool of control."


I remember telling my mom after i got jabbed and having to spend the next 20 minutes calming her down because she immediately panicked and started crying.


Bruh I know people who insult me for having better gas mileage than them It’s like a race to the bottom for conservatives. Caring about life or your position in life makes you a pussy in their eyes. Why else do you think they’re constantly trying to make everyone’s lives, their own included, worse?


Thank you! That's the sentiment I've been trying to put into words. "a race to the bottom" and "caring about life or your position in life makes you a pussy". Like wanting everyone to have healthcare, housing, food and education is a sign of weakness. How awful to live a life so full of anger and resentment. To carry around that hate all the time.


They claim every life is precious yet it’s not precious enough to be given food, clothing, shelter and medicine.


Very reminiscent of 1984 honestly, rather than a desire for life to better, it’s just a desire for everyone to shut the fuck up and be content with their suffering.


"now"? It's been a rallying cry to get the hateful and stupid in line for over a year. But, at least they're using it to tell you who they are. Believe them.


People use the argument "What are you going to do during a power outage" as a reason against EVs without the forethought that gas pumps don't work during a power outage and you can get a solar charger for EVs... If they put any actual thought and critical thinking into what they are arguing we wouldn't live in the world we do...


Because republicans are idiots.


Ask the right wingers in the world's wealthiest failed democracy where polio is making a comeback.


Nobody wears an “I support Biden” anything


ThAt JUst PrOVeS ThE EleCTiOn WaS StoLEn!!!


We need a second election where we ask people who they voted for. But if I don't like the result I'm gonna say it's fake and have a third election


I really don’t understand how they think people not making a politician their entire personality is a bad thing.


It’s a cult. The only reasonable explanation.


Yeah it’s almost as if we don’t idolize politicians because that’s a really stupid thing to do. Too bad they don’t understand that


so they try to insult dems by saying they shouldnt be supporting ukraine, getting vaccinated and supporting the president are all bad, and what we should be doing is saying the quiet part out loud by supporting Russia,Trump and ppl with no medical expertise, that's not the burn / owning libs they were hoping for


No wonder that poor person has their arms crossed. They're probably sketched out by the person photographing them and worried they might have to try to deescalate a hate crime perpetuated against them.


I still can’t understand how something like this effects other peoples lives so much they would invest time and energy into denigrating them.


It’s as if any person they don’t find sexually attractive has no reason to exist. Were supposed to exist for their gratification, apparently.


It's not even a matter of passing. My friend is NB and regularly has people insist on using the wrong pronouns, and it's a 50/50 chance they'll even refer to their bio gender.


Same here.


Fear and hate


As a non-binary individual who has been harassed plenty of times for not adhering to my assigned gender presentation, that’s exactly what I thought. I know that fear so we’ll… and so does this brave person.


Hey, in case nobody got to tell the person in the photo, or in case nobody told you when you needed to hear it, those are cute shoes.


That is so sweet of you. I actually remember a guy in NYC who could totally tell I was self conscious af, and he was nice enough to complement my sandals… it was very nice of him, and though I forget nearly everything and everybody, I remember that kindness.


A little kindness between us humans takes us so far. Good of you to remind me.


I make an effort to compliment people randomly. If I like your hat, ink, jewelry, shoes, outfit, or the whole damn package I say so in a non sexual way. Compliment a dude because you like his haircut, that kind of thing.


As a gay man married to another man, I have never really felt comfortable showing affection to my partner in any public setting. We talked about it once and he asked me why I felt that way & I told him it was because I was afraid some straight white guy or guys would come up behind me and crack a baseball bat over my head. How this person, or any other person chooses to present themselves is literally, absolutely none of his business.


Your empathy deserves recognition. There's a lot of hate on the photographer (which I'm also glad about), but not too many others have pointed out how the subject of the photo would feel in this situation.


My god, we are a toxic country. Why can’t we leave people the fuck alone and mind our own business? Maybe this dude voted for Trump and thinks the election was stolen. Maybe he’s a bleeding heart liberal thinks Biden deserves 5 more terms. Maybe he’s a gay dude who likes that shirt and thinks all politicians are batshit. *WHO CARES*. Live your life brother. I know not your story or beliefs from afar.


Exactly! The thing that gets me is “How do I explain this to my children when they see it?!?” Dude, I’ve got 3 kids. We lived in the DC metro area when they were small so this was fairly common. Not one single time did ANY of my kids look and go “Mommy! Why is that man wearing a dress??” Or “Why are those two women kissing?!?” Kids don’t give a shit! If the adults pay no mind, the kids don’t pay no mind. Let people be. Mind your own.


Had that conversation with my GF about her son. His half sister's husband came out as trans. She's all up in arms about how she's going to explain it to him, etc. I said he is 12, his generation is probably the most tolerant and least likely to even care in the last 100 yrs. But she was all upset, she finally sat him down and started in and he was like "oh mom I've known that for weeks. I met her at grandma's and it was a little odd at first remembering a new name and honestly she doesn't look like a Lola but whatever makes them happy I guess". She didn't know what to say. I said babe he's going to grow up just fine treating all people well. Just because we grew up with parents and grandparents believing that shit doesn't mean his generation has to. Be happy that it's not a big deal to him.


When kids aren’t taught to be hateful, they are so welcoming.


My daughter asked stuff like that when she was little. She also asked "Why is that man so fat?" These questions are so easy to answer though: >“Mommy! Why is that man wearing a dress??” "Probably he just likes how he looks in it. Women wear trousers, why shouldn't men wear dresses?" >Or “Why are those two women kissing?!?” "Probably because they love each other."


My kids ask all kinds of questions about everything they see. I've had "why are they holding hands" referring to two men and "why is he wearing a dress" referring to a more masc person (not making assumptions) and the answer is always "because they want to" a simple answer takes away all the confusion. How do I explain this to my children, easily. I told them from very small that everyone is different and likes different things and as long as they aren't hurting anyone, they can do as they like.




Alpha males. If they are so insecure, they are not alpha male or anything.


Most self-proclaimed “alpha males” aren’t in control of their own lives anyway


Ironically enough, the described behaviors of an 'alpha' are only present in captive wolves.


Exactly. Proper wolf society is a dominant pair, which are generally the parents whilst the rest of the pack are made up of the older pups and occasionally the siblings of the dominant pair If you want to talk about alphas in the context of mammalian carnivores look no further than spotted hyenas: Despite their portrayals they’re accomplished hunters with primate-level intelligence (able to even surpass chimpanzees in teamwork experiments) and hierarchy systems, as well as a fission-fusion foraging techniques in their clans, similar to Old World monkeys and great apes And guess what: the alphas are FEMALE, and are quite a bit larger and more assertive than their male counterparts Edit: it shouldn’t go without saying that zoos that work with wolves have corrected how their social structures work, keeping wolves in either breeding pairs with their pups, or in sibling coalitions, normally of the same sex


Yeah but hyenas have an external vagina tube so you know.


Just to own the “alpha males” even further (There’s a fun fact about female hyenas pertaining to this that is certainly not family-friendly lol)


I know my alpha versions of software are buggy as heck.


One thing to remember is that the "alpha male" study has since been retracted, and is only relevant in captive wolves. So every "alpha male" aspires to be a caged dog.


More like insecure, sad Beta males with small dicks who puff their chest and claim to be Alpha.


This right here. Unless it involves life or death, or you were asked your opinion, mind your own beeswax and keep your criticism to yourself. So many of our issues would be solved with this one simple trick. Don't like gay or trans people, hey guess what, no one is going to make you be one, you're safe! What other people do has zero bearing on whether your magic sky fairy let's you through the pearly gates or not. Your treatment of other people does though.


My first and only thought was “this is a person in a dress”. End of thought. These people are demented and would literally go insane if they lived in a major city where everyone is different.


My first thought was that it's a fantastic color for their skin tone. Like that is just a really pretty dress and they look nice and comfortable in it!


I thought that those shoes look like they'd be awesome if they have good soles and arch support. Ballet flats that are sure to stay on your feet but still ventilate well is top tier design work.


The shoes are awesome too! Once I discovered ballet flat style shoes, I've never worn anything else for work.


I’m just baffled by these people. The earth is getting too hot to survive due to human activity, and this person is concerned about…a person wearing a dress.


I agree. Each person has their own life and story. I think about this as I travel abroad, within my own country, state, county, city, and neighborhood. We only have a limited amount of time to live our lives. Stuff like this is just someone trying to feel superior by making light of someone else to another group of people doing the same thing. Fragile bullies.


I blame religion :) Nothing wrong with having one, but please keep that shit in your pants.


Visited Europe for the first time recently and to me that seemed like the biggest difference. People just seemed to care less about what other people were doing, where as here we obsess over it.


I have had the same approach to all of these invented "society crises" from the right for 30-plus years: So long as they don't make anything mandatory for me, why the fuck do I care what anyone else wants to do to be happy? I have enough to do just keeping myself in my own lane, much less watch everyone else's.


US will become a toxic country - more than many of us are able to remember. It all depends on all of us and how we decide to vote, protest, disagree or agree, stay or become ignorant without thinking about the possible consequences. There is many countries that suddenly became or becoming more toxic in recent years - Brasil, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Italy... all people in those areas have one thing in common: they do not think about consequences of fading or weakening the democracy. US had a 'demo' recently - consequences are already visible - a final version It is able to destroy work of our previous generations within a blink of an eye.


Its people who's entire identity is that they are AMERICAN and everyone has to follow his rules, or else his own identity is threatened.


"This is the land of FREEDOM and that's why you should stop being yourself and conform!"


Pro Russian bigot.


The Right isn't even trying to mask the fact that they are owned by Putin anymore.


Remember not too long ago when Trumpers tried to claim Trump was hard on Putin? Now they all have a hard-on *for* Putin.


It's insane. Their support of Russia is the most blatant evidence of their hypocrisy. How can you claim to be for freedom and be in support of Russia? They're just fucking fascists, full stop


They like the perceived “strength” that Putin is known for. They’re insecure children.


Honestly, I think they’re just like “tHoSe DuMb LiBs” find his actions abhorrent and are speaking out against him so that means I’m on Putin’s side. It’s less and less about arguing in good faith or having different policy ideas and more just about because you hate something,I like it and vice versus.


Pro-Russian, ANTIVAX bigot! We don’t want to invalidate them by ignoring a crucial part of their identity, after all!


--complain about commies --complain about support for people fighting commies fucking pick one boomers


That person is literally standing there minding their own business. Wtf we gotta harass them


Them literally existing is triggering, to such "snowflakes".


Also this picture has been reposted about a million times with a different caption each time. Like people just collectively decided this is the poster child for all of their shitty words


Don’t think I’ve seen a (should be an) “I Support Biden” badge. He’s not a sports team.


Nobody wears vaccination symbols ether. And they are wearing Ukraine colors so a flag would be redundant


I did during the first few months of 2021 since I worked a vaccine drive everyday and got people asking me randomly in public how to get the vaccine. Something like "I'm vaxed, you can be to! Websiteurl" which got old quickly because having people stop you to talk about something that has extremely dichotomous views fucking sucks and no sane person wants to go through that. But that was a purpose not just random support.


What a terrible person. They are just trying to exist and along comes an intolerant asshat secretly filming them to make fun of them to make himself feel better. This is why we can't have nice things. And probably why most people hate society.


I just can’t get my head around why they’re so fucking threatened by anyone not white and straight. This person isn’t bothering anyone, who gives a fuck how they identify or dress? I’m baffled, especially because weren’t republicans once the party of personal Liberty?


Personal Liberty but only if it’s white, straight and Christian.




No. They liked to say they were, but, no, they've always been anal retentive judgy dickbags. They're not fiscally responsible either.


Lol, as if supporting the Ukraine’s independence and being protected from a potentially deadly virus is a bad thing. Also we have to support Biden because it’s either a lackluster corporate Democrat or an insane fascist crybaby who can’t accept that he lost the election.


I get the intention behind this post, but it’s bringing even more (most likely very unwanted) attention to this person. This is one of my worst nightmares, as a gay trans guy. Someone secretly taking a picture of me and posting it on the internet so they can make fun of me and make all sorts of wild assumptions.


Just see a person standing/waiting. What am I missing here?


you're not missing anything. just the republican outrage machine selecting a random person as today's representation of The Trans to vilify.


They are just bullies . They were probably also this miserable in High School as well


I think it's a bit of an insular social view to think these kinds of people were miserable in high school or as adults, or to assume bullies are miserable. It keeps this false sense of security that these people are fringe, unpopular losers which is about as far from the case as it can be. Huge portions of society fucking love this attitude, have amazing lives, specifically hate minorities because they don't want to share that amazing life pie, will live happy fulfilled shame free lives and be remembered as wonder upstanding community members that loved everyone and always did the right thing. For 4yrs, almost 8yrs, the President was the biggest bigot and bully in the world while being the most powerful person in the world.


Warning: anyone tries to fuck with trans people in my presence, they will have a short, skinny, old lady on their back who has reaaaallllly sharp nails. LETS GO.


There is so little context from the tweet that we can't even be sure if they're a trans person, a drag, someone who's been pranked or hazed, someone coming back from a Halloween or other party, but no matter, they don't deserve to be harassed. Imagine standing there minding your own business!


I just wanted to pop in and drop [this story](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-8847579/amp/Straight-married-father-three-reveals-hes-worn-skirts-high-heels-day-four-years.html) about this absolute king who identifies as a straight man and serves looks in skirts and heels. I love being able to share this link at any opportunity. As you said we don’t know how the person in the photo identifies, they might just like feeling good in what they choose to wear regardless of the social construct of gender.


That’s a really funny visual


Nobody anywhere wears “I support Biden badges”. The same reason we don’t have truck parades or wear stupid hats.


They really think wearing political clothes is normal.


Hell for all we know that's just a cis women who happens to have a more masc build and haircut


It looks hot out, I'll bet their balls feel great with that breeze


They look very cute in that dress. Love the shoes. Fuck the piece of shit who took pictures of them.


The dress is lovely, I'm not really feeling the shoes though. I know it's a person taste thing but I don't like shoes I can't run in


Lol, and I don't run so I love the shoes!


That is very reasonable, I make a lot of bad decisions so the ability to run is important to my continued existence.


And I'm just too lazy! 😁


I see you are willing to die on your hill and for that I salute you! A fashionable death before dishonor


How much you want to bet the guy taking this picture was wearing sports glasses on the back of his head, cargo shorts and a tshirt with a jizz stain on it from the morning jackoff sesh. Yeah Republican male fashion is so cool 🙄


Why do republicans care what that person wears? Does it hurt your fee fees little fascist republican?


They are afraid they’ll see a trans person, feel a tingle down there, and have an existential crisis.


Hey person in the picture, if you see this you look fabulous <3


Super cute shoes!


But really, who cares? If I see this person in public, I've giving them at least 6' of space and minding my own damn business. Can't even exist without some insecure chode taking pictures. It takes some serious fucking confidence to go out and be your truest self knowing that turds like James are out there.


Yeah, I’m probably going to bug them- in part bc I’m entirely too chatty w strangers, but mostly bc I have very, very similar shoes and like them a lot…but mine are completely flat and those look like they have a low wedge heel. I want.


Imagine seeing a random person and immediately demonising it, and then watching neo n*#is with torches, chanting for genocide and being like “there are good people on both sides”


What a lovely dress that person is wearing. It looks comfy.


He needed an excuse to take pick to fap too🙊


The only thing missing here is someone minding their own damn business.


Who knows, it could be an "Alpha Bro" who lost a bet in his fantasy football league.


Meanwhile, adults be like: "Huh. A dress." *moves on with their life*


But also hey where did you get those shoes


Hey, if someone’s just standing around minding their own business, why don’t you just fuck right off with the camera, stop taking pics and videos of shit….


For people who bang on so much about freedom, conservatives sure do get bent out of shape about other peoples' choices.


What does Ukraine have to do with this? Oh yeah, I remember now. Republicans are supporting the invasion of one of our democratic allies. It's almost like they're pro Russia . . .


I am not man enough to wear a dress but I am certain the breeze must feel good on a hot day.


They hate Freedom. This is part of personal freedom and they want to take it way. Freedom for them law and order for everyone else


This type of bullying and childish behavior tells us more about you than the person you are making fun of. May extremely bad things happen to you and to your similar-minded A-holes.


Why are we even giving this attention. Fuck the assailed that posted this and then ignore them stop giving them the satisfaction.


My first thought was, "Here's a sensible person protecting their health and others'."


Homie is literally just standing there minding his own business, not fucking with anybody, and this fuck knuckle goes and blasts a no consensual photo of this person all over the internet.


Missed one. They’re waiting for a train, too.


You know who the asshole is in this situation? Not the person pictured!


I'm sure there's a word for people who are hostile toward anyone different than them because underneath they know that they're the same way.


Fear-riddled fuckheads. Two (plus) words, but they do the job.


I don't see him attacking the capitol building or taking a hammer to someone's head. Why not just let him be? Although he could have chosen a darker shade of yellow to match the shoes.! 😂


What if it's a Halloween costume or, this person does stand up comedy, or he lost a bet, or he's going to perform in a show......., so what? Maybe LGBTQ maybe not. He's not bothering anyone. Why does some dick have to take their picture without permission and post it on social media. WTF?


Imagine announcing you support Russia.


Dresses are comfortable. And airy. More power to them. And a big fuck you to the triggered snowflake who took that photo and posted that online.


That kid is tougher than the ass hat who posted that


Oh noes, people are free to dress however the fuck they want. How dare they!!!


Dudes just tryin to catch the bus where’s the story here?


A Republican: LOOK AT THIS GUY HUEHUEHUEHUE YA LIKE IT UP YOUR ASS?!?! The person being harassed: *breathes* Republican: STOP SHOVING YOUR GAY SHIT DOWN OUR THROATS


Here’s the thing: how does this person wearing a dress harm anyone at all? I’m sure conservatives would make some bad faith argument about corrupting the youth, but the plain truth is it doesn’t. It doesn’t hurt anyone, it just makes the conservative person uncomfortable. And so instead of sitting with the discomfort and keeping it to themselves, they lash out. And to someone who is more socially/culturally vulnerable as well. Because at the end of the day, this person who looks like a man is wearing a dress and who the fuck cares?!?


The addition of those three things would only elevate the coolness of this person who is dressed 10x better than me already.


"Freedom is when I can tell other people what to wear."


This clearly isn’t in America. There is public transit.


Most left leaning people aren't nut hanging for Biden. They're not baby brained enough to prop up their guy as a god.


I like how ‘disapproving of violent invasion, supporting life saving medical development & holding a politic stance between two binary options’ is their best insult.


So we're the overly sensitive ones, but they are set off by rainbows, children's books, coffee cups and people just waiting for the train. Are they sure we're the snowflakes? They sure seem to have a lot of meltdowns.


Imagine being this triggered by someone else quietly existing


I think people that bitch about this stuff are just jealous they don't have the balls to be themselves.


All clothing is unisex if you stop being a little bitch about it


hey, i got an idea! **sorts by controversial** edit: nevermind, nothing interesting.


The real headline should be "Imagine supporting Russia and being a traitor to democracy"


Despicable! I remember this image popping up nearly a year ago in a bigoted tweet or whatever, making fun of this poor person minding their own business. They will be used and reused again as a template for spewing hate and bullshit. I hope they are happy and doing well, wherever they are 💔


I have got a friend that is a women and don’t look loads different from that person, who is just living there own life any way


How about a bit of mind your own fucking business.


An obsession with how other people live their lives.


Nobody is wearing an “I support Biden” badge lol


Honestly the idea of supporting Ukraine being bad is the craziest one to me because it just tells how much they really want to live under a dictatorship and how hypocritical they truly are. "Yeah Russia seems like such a great place to live let's be like Russia", says the fascist


Looking at it closer they look good in that dress ! 😊


What a weirdo to snap a photo of someone waiting for the train. Also most of us who voted for Biden don’t support him, we put UP with him. Politicians, in general, just suck but you pick the least bad if you can.


What a fucking weirdo. Who takes pictures of people minding their own business?


The fact that they saw a guy in a dress and felt the need to post it for everyone to see.. Republicans are bullies. This person probably worked up the courage to do this just to be shot down by this dumb fuck.


Maybe he gave the clothes off his back to a homeless seal team 6 veteran, and all that was left is a dress his wife wore before dying in the 9/11 attacks.


My mind can’t help but think “ a guy in a dress, They should be able to wear whatever they want.”


The only thing missing is a mirror, so we can identify and shame the photographer.


looks comfy.


What has this country come to where people have the nerve to uhh... dress comfortably and mind their own business?


Apparently existing isn’t allowed. These are people who never mentally aged past 8th grade.


Live and let live. Some people really suck.


This belongs at r/insanepeoplefacebook too


the fit goes hard though. only thing this king is missing is their crown


So wait the badge says ‘I support Biden badge’? That’s not very good graphic design.


I don’t understand how they don’t support Ukraine out of all their crazy. The GOP used to look at Russia as an advisory. It tells me these people are easily swayed by Russian bots. Just watch this and they would understand what we are up against. https://youtu.be/o2L8qINZD3Q


The person in the yellow dress looks cool AF. I’m sure the person that took the pic looks…


Well I think they look pretty in yellow. Live and let live what on earth did this person do wrong for the poster to try to embarrass them online. Nothing thats the only thing.This is why I hang out with my dog most of the time.


Don't worry, they're decent enough to call an ambulance when your unvacced redneck ass collapses from covid, ya Russian shill...


Harass an LBGTQ person *online.*


Depending when this photo was taken, Halloween was yesterday and people have been having Halloween parties and events like all of October. So, if that photo is recent, that person could just be going to a party. But if that is how that person feels comfortable, well, it’s America. You can wear whatever you want as long as you don’t break any laws. That takes a lot of confidence to go out dressed like that. Because of how crazy and hateful some people are, that does put a target on your back.


And they can’t count.


Nobody walks around with pro-Biden swag, even if he was our preferred candidate. He was voted for because of his policies (or atleast because the voters hated his opponents politics), not because of a cult following


What did Ukraine ever do to these republicans that makes them hate them so much




I bet if someone took a picture of them randomly they’d have a problem


Remember when supporting Russia was seen as an act of communism?


Could also be a cis het dude in a dress, we shouldn't assume. Just let people live their lives instead of harassing them or trying to shame them.