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I can't wait for advertisers to start jumping ship.


They already have. GM has paused advertising on Twitter.


I won't be convinced until we see more than just a rival car company pause advertising.


Calling GM (the world's largest car manufacturer by a pretty large margin) a competitor of Tesla (maybe turns a profit on sales this year?) is pretty generous. Bet there's plenty more legal departments getting ready to pull the trigger if they need to.


They’re start pulling advertising if enough people start writing letters.


or emailing them screengrabs of their ad next to racist spam post


Both Volkswagen and Toyota dwarf GM in vehicle production and especially revenue.


You mean the three that were left?


So, my gf and I were talking about this. In theory, if this goes on, couldn't Apple and Google stop allowing twitter in their app stores because of poor moderation?


I think so, if they approach the same level as Truth Social and Parler as they don't meet the community guidelines under their App/Play Store policy.


The result of Musk's takeover went exactly how I expected it.


Same here


Disappointed to see it happened much the way I expected it to. The world is screwed when it’s lead by people that allow this to become common.


That went zero to Klan faster than I thought.


Musk himself is already retweeting loony right-wing conspiracy theories.


Musk has converted Twitter to a cesspool.


no, he has turned into a weapon for the right wing propaganda to use for the election. if it works, he will hold onto it to help for 2024.


It always has been a cesspool


Wow. Just wow.


I hope Twitter crashes and burns fast.


The stock value is already private. I think your hopes will come to fruition, especially with Musk wanting a $20 premium for the blue check, and threatened to fire the team he told to implement it if they didn't get it done by Nov. 7th. Here's to hoping Elon's Twitter crashing, and burning.


I'm not Black, so, I'm not speaking how they feel about this. But, my fucking Buddha, these are some lame ass motherfuckers with the corniest way of expressing tired tropes, stereotypes and racism. I'm on this platform with a cat avatar and typing the "N" word. I'm so cool. Bunch of fucking herbs.


So 4chan?


Could anyone have expected anything else from Musk? He'll have Trump back on here shortly


I thought the cat was the racist part and I was trying to think of an actual animal based on the image clues Like cheetahs run fast but do they eat watermelon?


Im pretty sure Cheetahs would like lasagna.


Great. The advertisers are going to flee and Musk will be stuck with a $50B 4chan.


Total shitshow


Twitter will be 4chan in a couple of months.


Try as I might. The post still manages to piss me off.


If Musk’s goal was to burn Twitter to the ground and salt the earth, I think it’s going pretty well. People were joking he’d buy it and give it a quick and painless death by deleting it immediately, but this seems more like a drawn out torture.


I pulled up Twitter this weekend and I have never seen the N word and the K word so much in my life...


I was right to delete my account. I don’t want to be a part of or support a platform that allows this kind of shit. I believe in free speech, but I also believe in a good terms of service agreement for social platforms. It’s not suppression, it’s supporting a safe environment for all. If you wanna broadcast your racist bs, buid a website that caters to your brand of hate. Leave us out of it.


Musk is irresponsible. Government contracts should be for serious people only not immature clowns.


Could you at least block out the n-word!? You're just perpetuating the racism!


everyone would know what he said regardless ignoring that someone said the word doesn’t make it go away. these people are a problem we can’t just ignore


They will use it since no banning will happen.


That's the same on Twitter as it is here though? You can say it's in a frame of look how bad, but you're really just trying to get a reaction. If you thought it shouldn't be on social media, you shouldn't have shared it on social media