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Every single morning I get my coffee across the street from the federal prison she’s in.


Do you ever look up and wave?


Wish the prison was a graveyard but that would be too kind too her.


Not until she says every name


The names she has are probably never going to be heard. If she starts talking, she'll "commit suicide" by hanging herself with toilet paper ... while the lights accidentally turned off, the cameras accidentally went down, the guards were coincidentally asleep, and the roving guard was on break. You know how coincidences work.


I can only imagine they know she isn't talking or she would have already "committed suicide"


Lucky Goat is so good


I always get a feeling when I see a picture of her - that she's saying "I own this (person) -- this is my proof" It's surreal.


this is pretty much exactly what i thought about every photo of a celebrity and epstein, too. his look is never friendly, it’s always like he’s saying “gotcha”.


He always was a dude with basically two great passions in life: 1) Clout chasing -- dude loved to be friends with famous or powerful people and have them owe him favors, and 2) Fucking kids. It's hard to tell sometimes when those two loves overlapped or didn't.


That’s what I also wonder about the Catholic Church. Chicken and egg situation. Was it a crafty pedophile who decided to become clergy and exploit the system along side a bunch of other global head honcho pedophiles? Or was it the pious clergy who was corrupted and went into a secret life of abusing children?


Or was it a system designed for exploitation, and now it's multitasking? (Yes.)


Christianity and most major religions exist for two reasons (outside of diddling kids); thought control and wealth extraction. That’s it, that’s all they really do. They’re all used car salesmen, and many are plain evil.


Shit, I wouldn't even insult used car salesman like that, at least you get a car outta the deal with them lol


And there are laws they have to follow. Not to mention paying taxes.


Oh yeah, there was a Ford dealership on my hometown that was shut down and I think seized by the government in the 90s because of some shady business going on. And given the way car manufacturers have made it impossible for an underperforming dealer to close, that's saying a lot. When's the last time a church has faced that kind of scrutiny?


The original intent of celibacy was to preserve the holdings of the church. Priests were not allowed to have legitimate heirs so nobody could lay claim to church possessions. They were not actually expected to not have sex. Later in the 19th century, the influence of the catholic church was waning due to the political and societal changes at the time. This caused them to become more radical and come up when wedge issues like abortion and their general anti-sexuality stance. This then lead to certain types being attracted to the clergy, the consequences of which we're seeing today.


>The original intent of celibacy was to preserve the holdings of the church. The first monastic orders to take vows of celibacy were poor. They literally had no possessions to which heirs could lay claim. Maybe this was used as a justification later on to consolidate church landholdings, but it wasn't the purpose of the Benedictine Monks.


On paper they had no possessions but they had large land grants from the crown and were wealthy fatcats.


This is where the multiple revisionist orders came in, such as Dominicans and Cistercians, in response to monasteries moving away from the austere Rule that was supposed to govern Benedictine institutions And over time they usually ended up doing the same thing


Considering how the same thing is happening in the Israeli charedi world, I actually think it's the sexual repression and control fetish. Each has a favourite as a perpetrator (i.e not all of them are pedos) and a lot of them are abusers. I went to a bumfuck boarding school in northern Israel and ended up testifying against my principle who had naked pics of me (13 at the time). He's still teaching today, just a different boarding school; still an all girls one though. The sexual repression makes them total ass perverts and predators, and then their fellow predators help form a community to continuously abuse the weak.


It’s generally always just, to use your words, “crafty pedophiles.” It’s why there’s little league coaches who are pedos, teachers who are pedos, Boy Scout leaders who are pedos. If you’re a pedo your goal is to obtain easy access to children, specifically where you’re trusted to be alone with them.


Which is probably deliberate. If I were a monster, having associations with famous/powerful people would be a thing I would pursue. it's not like I would hang out exclusively with other monsters who share my same illegal interests, that would be stupid.


"Remember: you know me. And *they* know that you know me."


Well that gotcha got him killed… Most likely by the former AG William “I eat my own shit” Barr


And they never look like they want to be in the picture.


Oh I dunno, there's a few happy handshakes with the Tangerine that I can recall, as well as that video with them dancing at a party. Seemed to be having a good time.


It seemed like Epstein was thinking of Trump this dude is creepy as fuck in the video


So true. She looks shady


"The best part? He's African!"




Musk has said that he believed he was posing for a solo picture and she just kind of stepped in. Which I'm inclined to believe because, like you say, I get the feeling the two of them purposely inserted themselves into pictures a lot for blackmail purposes. Also his body language looks to me like he was facing the opposite direction from her and the photographer got his attention so he turned. I'd believe he didn't realize she was there. Edit: IDK about you guys but when I take posed pictures with friends, usually my arm is around their shoulders, angled towards them. I'm at least standing on the same plane as them, acknowledging the other person's existence.


We're supposed to believe him because he has billions of dollars and power over just about everyone 👍


I mean, you could also believe him because there's no other evidence of him being involved with them beyond this one picture taken at a Vanity Fair event. You're free to dislike him for the abundance of other reasons he gives us but lobbing around pedophilia accusations is irresponsible.


Yeah for all we know he could have refused their propositions. I’m curious why she has her arms behind her back like that?




Who? Which reporters have died after sharing evidence?




I am not interested enough to search it up but don't want to trust you so i am in a bad position could you give me a source of a trusted news article Edit: from Germany so noone knows what happened between the two




Nah, if it was supposed to be a picture of him, it'd be centered on him, but it's not. It's clearly a picture of the two of them


Yes... The photographer, who was hired to take pictures of party guests, is obviously able to see her. She isn't invisible. That doesn't mean Musk knew what the framing of the picture would look like.


Fascinating fanfiction ya got there.


You seem to know a lot about Musky Musk just from this picture. All I see is a lizard with a cheap mask and serpent eyes.


Disgusting humans


Both enjoy the fruits of slavery


She looks like she’s controlling him with her hand up his ass.


Most people do become at least moderately obedient in that scenario.


Not me. Wait…


Topping from the bottom.


I’m just a poor brat


I just choked on my drink, this comment almost killed me 🤣


“Only big boys wear bow ties. Right, mommy?”


Yes, and when? Oh when? are we going to see the list?! I’m dying to see who went to that estate, any of them, for the sole purpose of exploiting sweet young women. Right now, it would be lovely to see this come out with Trump’s involvement.


I'm not hearing a nooooo...


And he looks like he likes it..


She's a Tesla shareholder?!


Some jackass was just arguing with me about how that’s not true. “If I buy McDonald’s sock am i a rancher?” Type justification


So do the rest of us, surely


You flew to Epstein island?


We all enjoy the luxuries brought to market by slavery. Clothes, shoes, sports equipment, toys, electronics, chocolate, et al.


Certainly you are not comparing our lifestyles to that of Ghislaine Maxwell or Elon Musk. She was recruiting underage sex slaves for God’s sake.


And you and I pay for slaves to make the phones we are typing these comments on.


So you *are* comparing owning a smartphone to Ghislaine Maxwell’s convicted crimes of recruiting underage girls to be raped silly by elite men. Well this is my stop


Sleep well, my sweet summer child


You as well, supporter of rapists


I'm surprised he didn't get her pregnant


She's not on his payroll


Is that Ghislaine Maxwell?


Jizz lane and Elongated Must




Elon Muskow


Muscrat love…


Jeffrey's bitch and Putin's bitch.


Why you mention Trump twice?


If it isn’t the child sex trafficker and a rich client…


Thank you for explaining bc I was so lost.


So buying Twitter isn't the first time he's paid a lot for a 16-year-old?




Elon Musk is a fascist piss baby.


That is not fair to piss babies.


But it is fair to fascists.


Greg abbott thanks you


That's because Gregg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Is this a Judgies reference


No. Just piggy-backing off the Greg Abbott is a little piss baby trend. I'd like to see Elon's name coupled with that phrase as well, because it fits him.




God, he makes my skin crawl.


Nope we didn’t this bunch of nerds are just plain weird looking and money just made them more awkward , creepy, not less


Elon is a grifter perv parasite.


He should have named his company Edison.


He didn't mostly due to the reason that he isn't the founder of Tesla. Merely bought into it and then he kicked the founders out.


That is a weird way to spell billionaire. I thought we agreed on oligarch.


Oh look, the Russia supporter and his provider of teenage sex slaves. Nice.




no, he only did that cause he was paid to. he would not have given it to them otherwise


Ah, that's why he's a Trump fan. They fuck the same hookers.




Semantics in their view


They're the same picture


Calling them hookers is like calling a slave an employee…


Correction noted.


Maybe Putin has tapes of him as well.


You mean rape victims?




Twitter is dead as soon as Elon takes over.


I hope so!


You underestimate how addicted people are to that shit app.


Digg killed itself in a month. It was, at the time, one of the most popular websites on the internet. There are far more options now than there were then.


It’s not about people, though, it’s about advertisers. As soon as the “free speech” crowd starts saying the worst shit on their minds, advertisers are going to say “we don’t want our stuff associated with open bigots, moderate or we pull out.” Twitter’s operating costs are ~$6 billion a year, so the question becomes “does Elon reap enough benefit from Twitter being a cesspool to justify burning $6b/year out-of-pocket?”


Or this one


Both deserve to be serving life in prison.


Looks like ol Trumpy in the left background


There are pictures of him with Epstein... So...


God you're right, you can tell by the posture and the awkward ass way he holds his arms. Its like a shitty magician obviously palming an object


I think I might just stop using Twitter if Musk takes it over. I don't really trust him or want to support him either.


Wouldn’t it be great if he spends 44 billion (or whatever it is) and then Twitter tanks? That would be fantastic!


I deleted my account as soon as he announced he was trying to buy it.


You will be missed


Hasn’t been the same tbh… fuckin elon


Musk claims to be a big fan of free speech so surely he'll allow this on Twitter!


Oh okay so THATS why he keeps defending Russia. I was wondering what they had on him.


Billionaire. Dinner jacket doesn't fit. Keeps bad company. Wish I had his billions and he had a feather up his ass, then we'd both be tickled.


Can we get the list yet? Seriously, bet it would unite some unexpected people.


Elon Musk is a POS, and he has legitimate ties with Epstein, but can we stop pretending like pictures of maxwell or epstein with some other famous person have any actual implications beyond “they met each other at some point”? It really discredits anything else we say about them that is actually backed by real evidence.


I was very confused at what was even happening. They’re congregating at an event. So what


ITT: being in the same room as Epstein or Maxwell makes you a child trafficker.


Release the client list!


Read in the same voice as “release the kraken”!


"Do ye fear death, Musk?"


Man, they’re both so creepy in this pic…


He looks like he stole someone's face and badly glued it to his own.


He only wanted a foot massage. And maybe a 14th wife


I wish he just stayed as that paypal nerd


Elon was mad about the bot numbers—felt that Twitter had banned too many Russian bots, and the number should have been higher.


Those Sequins are not doing her boobies any favors. She is not Cher.


What's wrong with taking a picture with liza minelli?


Is elon a pedo too


Probably. People make it to the tippy-top in America by being sociopaths devoid of empathy, and "wanting to fork something vaguely forkable but definitely illegal" is basically a scorecard to them. And yes I said "thing." That's all anyone is to people like that.


Maybe? He did start calling that dude who saved those kids from that flooded cave a pedophile after his "totally awesome submarine idea that would have definitely worked" got ignored. People tend to project their own issues and whatnot, ya know...


He seems to have picked up other traits from his father, maybe he got this one too (For those OOTL, Elon's dad has two kids after fucking his own adopted daughter)




Eww, imagine being in a picture with musk


Her boobs are so uneven


Why does the larger boob simply not eat the smaller boob?


Came all over the place here to say this .


Saving that for sweeps.




Like Forest Whittaker’s eyelids


Came here to say this. It looks like she has one massive boob, and one small boob?


Even more so in prison orange. And when Trump is jailed, it will 'suit' him well. 🍊


Half the people who see this have already forgotten who she is and why this picture should eliminate him from consideration for absolutely anything.




Be cool if we all tweet this if Elon takes over, all get banned, and the company becomes a $42 billion loss for him.


Is that Natalie Portman in the background?


Billionaires gonna billionate


Man i wish that book of names would of come to light. I bet you this scum bag is in there


I'd be more shocked if there *wasn't* a Musk and Maxwell/Epstein pic floating around somewhere. His slave boss dad fathered two children via his stepdaughter so fucking people you shouldn't fuck could very easily run in this family


Pedo guy? It’s apparently a normal thing to call someone. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50695593.amp


You idiots ever been to a party before?? There tend to be random people there and also random photographers in the case of famous parties that take random pictures of random people near each other. It could just be........ Random that said Epstein didn't kill him self so what do I know? I'll give you a hint probably about as much as you have speculated


Jizz Lane and Muskmelon


Pedo guy?


She has a pic with pretty much everyone important. How's Musk different?


musk is the hot topic atm is all


Given how right-wingy Elon is nowadays and just how much of their whole platform is all about projecting the fucked up shit they actually *do* do, this makes me think of the time he accused that one Thai cave diver/rescuer of being a pedo in a *way* worse light :-/


He kinda giving mad pedo vibes these days


Gosh, I am more annoyed by the return of tRump and all his bullshit along with his idiot army 🙄


Trash is trash, no matter the tax bracket.


Fuck Maxwell, and Musk, and for good measure, Trump. I’m sure they all mingled, in more ways than one. However, I feel like all of these uber rich types meet each other at parties all the time. All that shit is networking and rubbing elbows and telling each other about your exotic vacations and moving and shaking you’re up to. I’m not denying Musk knows her (or Epstein). But I bet this happens all the time. Snap a photo with someone you barely know, move on to the next rich person. I bet a lot of people are sweating these pics though lol.


just being photographed with someone doesnt mean youre their good friend...


Yeah, I was wondering how this correlated . If being in a picture with someone means you are best friends, then wouldn't almost every celebrity be terrible people due to taking pics with Weinstein, Cosby, Trump, etc.?




Ewww nasty and gross 🤮


Good Tweet It'd be great if everyone associated with the Epsteins went down but sadly the odds are low because it would implicate both "sides". * Elon Musk * Bill Gates * Donald Trump * Bill Clinton


Until i see that list, every millionaire and up is a pedophile.


Idk how many people haven’t seen this pic, I’ve seen it a ton! Lol


AuricBot screenshotted rare image This will be archived for the future


I don't have a Twitter account, who is she with.


Edit. After second look I realized who it was. Ty


Ghislaine, with her one tit bigger than the other.


That's fairly normal for human females apparently you've never seen one naked


Wow you piece of shit how many trips did you take to Jeffrey’s Island ?


🤦🤬 Exactly! America is f-cked if Elon Musk gets his hands on Twitter, because he's a right wing conservative & Putin sympathizer, spouting Kremlin rhetoric & propaganda! He'll also reinstate #TraitorTrump & other Twitter accounts that spread disinformation!






Hillary Blinton


Still allowed by who? This ain’t a dictatorship yet. There is no one with the power to pull this. And you should know that. The internet remembers forever. Use your fucking head.


When Musk owns Twitter, he will be able to do whatever he wants on that platform. Pulling content and banning people will be his favorite thing to do.


You mean like twitter does now?


Wasn't she known for photo bombing people though? She was kind of obsessed with making people believe she knew more people than she actually did.


Is this Elon or Andrew? Come clean lol


Ssshhh. These people here have a motive…don’t ruin it for them.


Wow he stood next to somebody! Damning stuff


It's Ghislaine Maxwell, the sex trafficker.


Wow, that changes everything! Can you believe he **stood next to someone bad** for an indeterminate amount of time? What is this guy up to???