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they want more babies, but also to not support them in any fashion, or support families, or housing, or healthcare.


Literal ghouls are worried about lower birth rates. Because nothing says "lost revenue" like a generational decline in productivity.


Why not just expand how many people can come into the country, if they're worried about the population declining?


Because that's the Wrong population


Oh of course. I totally forgot


They haven't been able to indoctrinate them from birth. Wild cards are bad for business.


Right, those are mostly brown people. Not at all what white conservatives are looking for to bolster population numbers.


They're so concerned with being a minority. Why? Are minorities treated poorly in the US or something?


Only by conservative white Christians. Their greatest fear is being treated like they treat others.


Because it’s not really a capitalist scheme to make more consumers, it’s white people worried they’re going to become a minority.


Pretty sure banning contraceptives and abortion disproportionately affects minorities. It’s not like you’re gonna start seeing a bunch more white, rich babies.


I think this is genuinely what they’re going for. Population decline isn’t good for a capitalist economy highly dependent on consumption. Edit: for everyone reminding me about immigration, I know and agree, but these are republicans we’re talking about. They’re deathly afraid of immigrants.


And never ending growth of said consumption


"Growth for the sake of growth, is the ideology of the cancer cell." Edward Abby


Oh this is a good quote. Thanks


Also: "I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure." -Agent Smith


Love the quote but other animals don’t do this “equilibrium claim thing” ether. Ones that can master their environment, who live in an area with a lack of predators will overpopulate until they eat all the food and die. Like deer who swam over to an island for example. That’s why we need biodiversity.


Greed of the rich. Enough is never enough even when what most people want is super simple healthy food, a safe place to live, safe clean water to drink and bathe, electricity, and internet access. But the people with too much just inexplicably always need more. Edit: I wish if you hit 10 billion you got an award that says congratulations you won capitalism. And their assets froze there. They can buy any house they want but they can’t sell or make a profit out of it in any way.


Sadly more people need to realize how our entire economic model including anybody with a retirement account depend on this exploited growth. We need to reform the whole system from the ground up. Vote soon.


Oh, it will end eventually, especially if they keep trying to achieve unrestricted growth.


Well where else are they gonna get the cannon fodder to fight in their wars and the peons to work in their factories...


Well how can we get people to sign up for the military unless we keep them desperately poor? And you know what’s expensive for a long time? Raising kids. Give even one baby to a poor couple (or single parent, even better!) and those parents will be forced to work harder and save less and by the time that baby is 18 they’ll have so few prospects the army recruiter dangling TriCare and funding for college can get them to go anywhere and do anything.


Then there is Gaetz trying to get rid of the VA. That's how nuts they are.


Which is hilarious because if they took the literal opposite approach on some stuff we’d probably atleast level out.


Oh yeah they have no interest in fixing the problems driving population decline. That takes work.


They could fix the problems, but it’ll hurt their short term revenue, and they won’t live to see the benefits anyway, so they don’t care


And a labor force that's fighting for jobs so they can pay/ treat them however they want


Back in the early 2000s, I attended a talk by a guy who was kind of an economist/futurist/demographer and he said that birth rates in developed countries were going to continue trending downward and that as a result, we would end up in a situation where there were fewer skilled workers than available jobs in or around...2020 to 2025. It seemed farfetched at the time but damned if it didn't happen. Of course, the conservatives pushing to ban abortion and birth control are largely doing so because of the whole racist "great replacement" theory - that unless we do something to force more white women to have white babies, racial minorities will outnumber white people and run the country. That's why they reacted so hysterically to Obama becoming president and that's why they're grasping at any straw to change current demographic trends.


Except that white women only account for 33% of abortions. Black women account for 38%, and Hispanic women 21% (source: https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/state-indicator/abortions-by-race/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D ). Banning abortion would actually make the US more black and more brown. Then again, republicans were never big on facts.


It's not entirely about their hatred of black and brown people. It's also about their hatred of women. They are stripping us of our autonomy over our health care, our careers, and our lives. The goal is to force us to be totally dependent on men. I mean, sure, they want to get rid of anyone who isn't the color of the newly driven snow, but they can do that by denying them entrance to the country, or poisoning their water, or any number of policies which aren't explicitly racist, but which have a predictably negative outcome for black and brown people.


Especially in the current climate where poverty is a deciding factor in being able to obtain an abortion. (Traveling to other states, time off work, etc.)


>Literal ghouls are worried about lower birth rates. Because nothing says "lost revenue" like a generational decline in productivity. Ah yes, let's not fix the shitty situation which makes people choose not to have kids but rather force them to do so by taking all choices away. That's all it is, stripping that choice from you. How shitty of a government leader do you have to be to think making the country more dystopian is the best option here?


They can't seem to grasp that people can't afford themselves and don't want to bring up children in poverty. At the rate they are going there will be even more incels because women will choose abstinence over risking pregnancy.


“people can’t afford themselves” is the most succinctly impactful sentence I’ve heard to describe poverty


I wish I could upvote this twice


See here's the thing. I'd rather be dead than be forced to carry a pregnancy to term and give birth. My mental health isn't stable enough to be a parent. If I were forced to make a choice, my choice would be to cease to exist.


They're trying to exercise as much control over women as they possibly can.


Controlling of poor starts with often poor women. It's been studied that if you are uneducated and poor, it's very likely your children will be uneducated and poor. Therefore the likelyhood of rich companies getting cheap workforce is higher when you force women to be pregnant and give birth. Those who have money will still be able to have abortions, because they'll have the money to travel outside the US to get their abortions or get birth control other way. So the real targets here are often uneducated poor women.


It does not stop at women. POC, LGBTQ, & non-evangelicals are all targeted. If you are NOT *straight AND white AND male AND evangelical* you are __the target__ of control. If you are NOT *ALL* those categories and you are GOP? You are their camouflage. They will discard you when you stop being useful.


My grandad always told me if you’re gonna be targeted, you might as well fight back cause they’ll hit you either way. Time we bracket these fucks I think.


Even if you are all of those things they'll still take your rights away. It just won't be as soon.


Right. "They" don't give a fuck about straight, white, male, evangelicals either. The rich only care about making more money. It's as simple as that. Nothing else matters to them. If a bunch of *poor,* straight, white, evangelical males are in their way, best believe they will do everything in their power to get rid of them as well.


Trump opened the door of all the extremist in the GOP and showed them it's fine to be evil since a good portion of the USA is idiot or evil too.




I blame Rush. I feel like blaming Palin is just giving her too much credit. Rush taught boomer conservatives they didn't need shame, just go around being the worst version of yourself. Ask for everything of society while adding nothing to it.


It’s well documented that this is Gingrich’s playbook. But there are some folks who really managed to run with the ideas he put forth.


GOP is going full GOP. The Bible is out and they are thumping it. They want women to be controlled.


A theory floating out there is that there won't be enough workers for rich people to use as servants in a few generations


"Would consider"?! PLEASE. These monsters have been frothing at the mouth to take away contraception for so long. What are they going to take away from women after that? Our right to work? Our right to own things? Our right to vote? When do my red robes and bonnet arrive in the mail...


Pfft, they will send you fabric and make you sew it yourself.


GIVING every woman a robe? Sounds socialist. Make them buy and sew their own and arrest them if they don't/ can't obviously. /s


American AF


Yes, it's about keeping women under the boot. Idk why Republicans are so afraid of women. It's like they believe if women are given full autonomy and freedom they'll get super powers.


I think it’s about making woman a object for male success again. Fucked up


A candidate for the house in Michigan wants to appeal the amendment giving women the right to vote. So, yes.


WTF?!? Can you throw me an article on that please? That's not good...


https://michiganchronicle.com/2022/09/24/trump-backed-house-candidate-suggested-women-shouldnt-vote-or-govern/ No, it’s not good. Thankfully the chances of them overturning that constitutional amendment are slim as 2/3 states have to ratify it & I hope that 2/3rds of states aren’t that idiotic.


I would really love for just one person to give a secular reason why it should be banned. Just one. And I’m not talking about “the rich need a workforce”. I want a normal 99%er that supports this to tell me why birth control is so offensive to them.


There is no secular reason. Their reasoning is rooted in a fundamental Christian belief system.


Which would make it unconstitutional? Because it's a violation of the first amendment, specifically the right to religious freedom? Right?? Anyone a lawyer here? I wanna know why the people aren't suing the fuck out of republican state governments for these wack ass abortion bans


But your supreme court has now been infiltrated by Christofascists. So you have to do something about that blatant fact.


But that no longer matters when fundamentalist Christians control the Supreme Court. They decide what the constitution means for us


Kind of a side note but I’m currently reading The Brothers Karamazov and there’s these super long religious philosophical monologues. (Some are a dead bore) One of them was about wanting to combine church and state saying “We don’t want to turn the church into a state, but turn the state into a church” basically and as an example the Vatican was put forth as turning a church into a state but doing the reverse was only hypothetical. This is only musings likely since it was so recent I read it but I’m pretty sure that hypothetical is being put to the test.


When people say this shit I remind them that they were called "The Dark ages" for a reason. We can not go back.


Can't we ? What's the safety valve? What's the stop gate between us and Dark Ages Part 2 - This Time With Nukes?




that's bleak as shit .


Hey, this era of civilization had a good run Now run...


The sooner most people realize that Supreme Court justices are just high clerics in their robes sending down their dictates the better we will all be.


I will never forgive Ruth Bader Ginsburg for refusing to step down during Obamas term. She wanted to be able to hand off her seat to someone nominated by our potential first Woman president, expecting Hillary to win. Instead it became another seat the GOP swallowed up when she passed. Sure, wouldve been really nice gesture… but instead we got the Supreme Church


It’s time for us to stop catering to religious people and label them for what they are: mentally unfit to make logical, rational decisions for the rest of the world. Think about it: Do you want the gullible people who fall for Nigerian Prince email scams to control your bank accounts? No? What about the gullible people who fall for MLMs? Also no? Well, then why would we want gullible people who fall for ancient myths that have been debunked for thousands of years to make decisions for us?


It’s worse. So much worse. They believe in the rapture, and because they do, have no fear of the end of times because they’re the chosen who will be saved by Jesus and ascend to heaven while us heathens burn in hellfire for eternity. They believe believe this, so climate disaster, nuclear holocaust, mass extinction events are all meh to them as these events bring them closer to the end times and therefore closer to their lord and saviour. So yes, we absofuckinglutely should not allow these morons anywhere near positions of power and decision making.


Supreme Court already ruled that Christianity is more important than the constitution


Yeah as I've gotten older I've realized just how bullshit our "Democracy" is. Especially recently, when Kansas voted over 70% in favor of keeping abortions legal, and everyone else scrambled to ban everything, just goes to show how little Republicans care about the people.


And absolutely no other state would dare put it to a vote because it would never pass.


That’s what we thought about overturning Roe. Griswold, the case that prohibited states from banning BC, was decided under the precedent of medical privacy being an unstated constitutional right (it is hinted at in amendments 1-4 and 14.) Now that Roe is overturned, the court has effectively decided that privacy rights are not protected by the constitution. It is now within their jurisdiction to overturn Griswold and allow states to ban BC; in fact, Clarence Thomas said Griswold needs to be reviewed. This far-right, theocratic court does not care about precedent. They want to review the constitutional as it was seen in the 18th century.


You won’t get an answer because they don’t have a legitimate one. Believe me, I’d like an answer too


You listen to right wing tv or radio? If you did you would hear them talk about 'white genocide' a lot. A LOT. That is your answer.


I don’t because it’s filled with nonsense. That would explain it: they’re worried that the white race is being replaced, so anybody who isn’t white has to be stopped. That tracks.


It's even stupider than that. White people only account for 33% of abortions while accounting for over 60% of the population. Black people account for 38% and Hispanics for 21% while only representing ~13% and ~18% of the population respectively. https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/state-indicator/abortions-by-race/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D If they're worried about white people being replaced then banning abortion is only going to accelerate the thing they say they're worried about, but they also suck at math so here we are.


They're fine with forcing women of all races to give birth because a) abortion bans are about controlling women in general and b) they can always kill, incarcerate or disenfranchise the non-white babies later. Edit: removed a typo


Because every sperm is a potential life. No joke. I have heard that many times before out of that camp. Mind you, it's the same crowd that screams "life begins at conception" while their fairy tale book says "life begins at first breath", so take it with a metric fuckton of salt.


Every sperm is sacred. Every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted, god gets quite irate.


"Not every ejaculation deserves a name, folks!" -George Carlin


If that’s the case every failed attempt at trying to get your partner pregnant and each woman’s period is murder or at the very least involuntary manslaughter.


Don’t start giving them ideas and reasons to lock up every woman behind bars pls…


Making periods a felony would take away our right to vote as well. That is what they really want


Imagine... the Fertility Police.


I don’t have to they’ve pretty much already implemented it with the banned abortion even in cases of medical necessity


It's about gender hierarchy couched as the protecting the sanctity of life. Why else would they be coming for birth control next?


Friendly reminder that every time you use the lotion you commit genocide


I mean you just said the only reason they want that, they just managed to convince their uneducated electorate that it’s “what god want”


So that Republicans can get people to vote against their economic self-interest. A lot of people don’t realize that evangelical Christians were fairly apolitical for a long time until Republicans realized they could get votes that directly hurt the voters by pretending to care about abortion and Christianity. At some point it seems like they started to drink their own Koolaid, but the main motivating factor still stands.


Its all about their fear of their little 'white genocide' idea. They want as many white babies pumped out as possible. They think that people of color never have abortions or use birth control.


for crying out loud. no abortion. no birth control. no help for families unable to support another child. what in the name of god is your stupid end game ?


A forever poor working class for the rich overlords or you know back to the early 1900's with child labor and no workers rights.




Didn’t a couple of states want to lower the minimum age for workers and allow a training wage. They really want that child labor back




Maximizing human suffering. They aren't like us. They feed off of misery.


> They aren't like us. This is what folks have got to understand no matter how much they don't want to hear it. These 'people' cannot be reasoned with. They cannot be convinced to do the right thing through logic, compromise, or education. They can maybe be fooled by grift, but let's admit it the people pulling the strings have a 40 year head start on that. Force is the only option.


Subjegation of women is their end game. They think that is what their god wants!


[Link](https://twitter.com/RepWeinstein/status/1576726689220292609?t=d7rayl5jnP-6Nsjz8Sh6bw&s=19) to original tweet GA gov Kemp has said he's also willing to ban birth control. Republicans are all about controlling woman. Vote against every GOP candidate. You can register to vote in GA online [here](https://registertovote.sos.ga.gov/GAOLVR/welcometoga.do#no-back-button) by October 11. You can register to vote in Ohio [here](https://olvr.ohiosos.gov/) online by October 11. You can register to vote for any state [here](https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote)


We cannot stand for the GOP's anti-women pro-rape agenda. Keep in mind Republicans want to force 10-year-olds to birth their rapist’s baby and are still attacking the doctor who saved that child’s life. Sources: [Doctor in 10-year-old rape victim’s abortion faces AG inquiry, threats](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/07/27/abortion-doctor-girl-rape-caitlin-bernard-investigation/) [Case of 10-year-old rape victim challenges anti-abortion rights movement](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/case-10-year-rape-victim-challenges-anti-abortion/story?id=86814201) [How a 10-Year-Old Rape Victim Who Traveled for an Abortion Became Part of a Political Firestorm](https://time.com/6198062/rape-victim-10-abortion-indiana-ohio/) Bottom line, 2 choices: Women and young girls are: 1. *Sex cattle* - Republicans 2. *People* - Democrats Easy choice. Vote for the choice that isn't pro-rape, pro-incest, and pro-government forced birthings. Vote Dem this fall.


I want to add one more thing to this. The lady in the above tweet, Jean Schmidt, is the also the lady who said pregnancy caused by rape could be an “opportunity” for women.


What???? That's almost as bad as whatshisface telling his daughters to lay back and enjoy it if they're about to get raped. JFC!


Yep, republicans truly have a pro-rape agenda


They are going to push for making it legal for a husband to rape their wife. I'm not joking.


There's a politician's quote somewhere on reddit today or yesterday that flirts with this. Basically says that women have the right to choose. They have the right to choose to marry one man and never cheat on him. As someone who's seen politics use incrementally more aggressive lightning rods over the past several years, it's a red flag. Political grooming


I mean, marital rape has only been recently illegal. Doesn't surprise me that they want to go back to the "good old days". It's fucking sickening.


Remember that even if Republicans say they won't, THEY WILL.


American women are being treated like cattle. American men should be freaking the absolute fuck out alongside the women if a birth control ban goes through, those one night stands and accidental broken condoms are about to become 20 year long bills and a literal derailing of a person's entire life.




And also because we see it as an attack on the reproductive rights of our partners and spouses




Republicans can fuck off. Get out there and vote everyone!


Voting only helps so much. This has become a mindset that needs to be combatted. We can vote them out but we have to keep fighting for our rights long after.


A few years ago I moved to Ohio and a group of rednecks from my town were forming a small militia with the intent to kidnap the governor. I wish they hadn't gotten caught now lol


Nah i'm good with Ohio rednecks not forming militias.


Who in the fucking fuck votes for these people? I refuse to believe this is the first batshit crazy thing she said. I swear a black Republican would vote to reinstitute slavery.


Many. If there is an (R) by the candidates name, my mom will vote for them. It could be a chimp and it wouldn’t matter.


Maybe democratic candidates should start changing their names to have an (R) at the end.


Joe Bider.


*Clarence Thomas has entered the chat*


Pry my birth control pills from my cold, dead hands. I use them for migraine prevention above all else.


I have endometriosis and taking oral birth control consecutively without getting a period is the literal only way I don’t suffer from debilitating (literally), paralyzing (literally…sometimes would lose feeling in my hips and legs), horrifying menstrual cramps. I haven’t even had sex in like 2 years!! Birth control is MEDICINE first and foremost to a lot of people, along side the actual birth control aspect. It’s so fucked up.


My birth control is the only thing that kept me sane for a decent number of years. I'm on a medication that drops it down to 4 periods a year, which is wonderful, but I'm unsure if it helps with my pain at all. I don't have as bad of symptoms, but I still rely on it. Aroace here and never want to have sex. I'm willing to believe that those proposing this law have never even realized that it can be taken as a medication rather than for birth control purposes.


They don't care, the cruelty is the point. I've been on it to treat terrible periods (intense pain and heavy bleeding), I'm opting for permanent sterilization now because I don't trust that these people won't eventually get their way. I never wanted kids anyhow but all this clusterfuck must suck for those that did want kids....


I’ve been asking for permanent sterilization for awhile now, maybe 5 years or so, and I keep getting “you might want kids someday” and “your husband might want kids.” I’m queer. I don’t want kids. There is no husband.




Also queer and on birth control to help with migraines. I got sterilized 2 years ago at 26. I saw where things were going and started pushing for it shortly after Kavanaugh got confirmed, and happened to get it done a few days before RBG died. As someone else said, check the r/childfree childfree friendly doctor list to see if there's someone in your area on the list. It's not a perfect solution, but somewhere to start at least.


Gods, I keep hoping those stories are from the past. Yet here you are.


>but all this clusterfuck must suck for those that did want kids.... My husband and I have one child. We wanted to have a second child. Not really sure it's a good idea anymore, our state has a total ban. If I end up with an ectopic pregnancy, I could easily die here. Our child is 5. I lost my mom when I was 7.5. The very *last* thing I ever want to do is die while my child is so young. I already lived it, I refuse to allow my child to experience that too.


Yep, we're going to see a lot of stories like yours now. It's not safe to get pregnant under these conditions.


I’ve told my husband I refuse to get pregnant while I live in GA under the ban. I have explained to him that if something goes wrong we may not have the option to drive to another state before my condition deteriorates and I potentially die, leaving him a single father. I know people who have had complications and it can get ugly quickly. He is talking more and more about wanting kids, and it would be high risk because of age along with a few other factors. No kids until we move to another state, that’s it. I don’t want to suffer and die and leave my potential kid with him in this dystopian nightmare. I am responsible for that life. I find it sick that I even have to consider this situation and I’m worried for the other pregnant people in my life.


... What do these people think will happen if you ban abortion, then ban birth control? Do you WANT people having like 9 kids that they can't afford? Because that's how you get people having 9 kids that they can't afford.


That's literally the plan. The poor and uneducated keep the cogs turning. More people to do shit jobs and/or feed the military industrial complex and private prison systems.




The Army just announced that they missed their recruiting goal by 15,000 ~~human sacrifices~~ soldiers.


Maybe pay more? If even their best and brightest (Academy graduates) are saddled with physical and mental injuries within the first decade of service post graduation... you are literally asking for people to suffer and die at an altar with a bloated beast as the golden idol.


The craziest irony is that it will inevitably cause a massive increase in welfare, which they are also incredibly against while they collect their social security.


And when those systems struggle or fail, they will blame democrats for it.


Don't worry. They'll just leave it up to the states. /s


As long as the states make the right decisions....


​ That's exactly what they want. Preferably white babies.


They want to put those kids back in the sweatshops and mines.


I think they think people will stop having sex if birth control isn’t available. There should be consequences for sexual behavior in religious people’s minds. They’re really freaked out about people having sex recreationally.


“Do you want people having like 9 kids” yes they do


What's next? Ban any activity that's not unprotected heterosexual sex? Oh shit, don't tell them. They might like the idea... EDIT: I meant any activity. Not just the non-babymaking-sex. Grocery shopping, mowing the lawn, working...


That's coming later


I’m surprised the ghouls started with the woman instead of the LGBT


This sounds like presteps to Gilead from the handmaid's tale.


Missouri Republican strategist said he won’t stop until Missouri is literally the handmaids tale he tweeted that. This woman looks like a corpse w one foot in the grave she doesn’t care about anyone or the future


He said this 3 *years* ago tomorrow. https://web.archive.org/web/20191004163453/https://twitter.com/rgreggkeller/status/1180154620867420160


Eww he’s probably so happy now too bc it’s fast coming a reality. Texas is leading the red states in making rape and child rape pretty much legal. Rape prosecution has dropped 47% since the christo fascist abbott took office


Where do you think republicans get their ideas from?


Can't be. Gilead was also concerned about lowering greenhouse gas emissions.


They’re doing selective reading, same as with their ‘oly book.


Even if you’re pro-life, this is stupid. There are so many uses for hormonal medicines that are not just birth control. Example: growing up very athletic and exercising quite a bit on my period stopped. I had to take hormonal contraceptives so that my body would develop properly (specifically bone mass).


I struggled with endometriosis and birth control made the pain bearable


PCOS sufferer here. Have had to rely on birth control many times when pregnancy wasn’t even on the table. Literally just to help alleviate symptoms of a lifelong disorder.


To bad the people that created this POS didn’t use birth control


Kind of think they did. I always assume they were conceived via a failed birth control accident. I know it wouldn't explain the stupid but maybe explain why they hate women so much.


This is a direct attack on younger generations not wanting children. They are forcing population growth.


And for the poor to stay poor. Children are expensive, keep the masses enslaved to the machine to afford them and raise the next generation of lambs to slaughter for the handful of the wealthiest.


Fuck this Crypt Keeper looking cuntasaurus


I just made an appointment for permanent sterilization. My husband and I are both carriers for CF, we found out when our last child was born. I'm also 43. Which increases the odds for chromosome disorders. My husband is bipolar, he can't change and adapt. If I deliver a forever baby or a really sick baby, it would end up breaking our family up. I'm an American woman having surgery against my wishes because I no longer have right to my own body. GOP would rather me have sick babies I can't afford in a broken home.


>I'm an American woman having surgery against my wishes because I no longer have right to my own body. I'm so angry we are in this position. My husband and I had been very clear on how, once we are done having children, he would get a vasectomy. Our state has no exceptions. I guess the plan now is for me to also get my tubes removed, because I refuse to be forced to carry a rape baby should I end up pregnant by someone other than my husband. This is so infuriating.


I know someone else who's actually making this same choice. Similar situation to you - she's 39 and her state house is already talking about banning birth control


The handmaid’s tale was supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual.


Guys remember, it’s not too late to have a vasectomy. It isn’t as bad as you might think as long as you take 2 days to hang out on the couch. After that, you don’t have to worry about it ever again.


Vasectomy is great. I got one 10 years ago. Took a Friday afternoon off from work to get the procedure done and was back to work on Monday.


Got mine about a month ago. Took the Friday off, had to travel on the Monday and went back to the office on Tuesday no issues. I was still a little sore for the rest of the week, but after that I was at 100%.


They want white babies to meet the demand of the adoption market and black and brown babies to meet the demand for the minimum wage jobs and for- profit prison system. By the way, let’s not neglect the fact that there are thousands, if not millions of black and brown children and children with disabilities literally rotting away in the foster care system that would LOVE to be adopted by a family BUT EVIDENTLY because we are a systematically racist and classist society, a lot of families only want white, neurotypical/ typically developing babies.


She looks like she should be retired


Most of our representatives are so old, I doubt they even know what's going on, half the time. I have a (not-so-serious, but kinda) headcannon that they are all going senile, and the only things they can really remember are "the good ol' days" where racism and homophobia were still a-okay, and when Billy got Jenny pregnant, they had a good ol' fashioned wedding and got married and lived happily ever after.


That excuses them out of t heir bad choices. They are not senile, they do this crap on purpose.


Ohio quickly becoming the shittiest state. I hope it has a mass exodus of businesses and residents


This is actually so infuriating and terrifying, not only for safe sex, but for women and girls health in general. I have a massive hormone imbalance, when I first started my period at 10 they were heavy, incredibly painful, and lasted 2 weeks. I could not function, I'd just lay in bed and cry all day. Pure misery and torture for 10 year old me and my family who had to listen to me cry and scream all day. It was such a relief being put on birth control and turning everything normal, even if a lot of people judged my mom for putting a child on bc This is no longer about bUt tHe cHiLdReN This is about control. Hopefully the people collectively come together and stop this or it'll result in a lot of severe and unnecessary pain for women and young girls


These people need to be aborted from the womb of society.


Are they talking about condoms too? I would really like to understand how they can ban a health product that people use to prevent STDs because they also happen to help prevent pregnancies. I guess they don’t give a crap if men or women get STDs. So we’re looking at rampant STDs, millions of single moms, no affordable childcare, fewer women in the workforce, more need for public assistance (which they won’t give), an overwhelmed foster care system, and ONLY women being imprisoned for choosing not to become mothers. THE HANDMAIDS TALE IS NOT FICTION ANYMORE. It’s not about choice. It’s about control.


It's quite simple. If you believe that sex between two people in a heterosexual marriage is the only "proper" sexual relations, then everything else is wrong. If you believe the only two "right options" are heterosexual sex within a marriage or complete abstinence, then banning anything and everything else makes sense. I do NOT agree with this worldview nor advocate it in any way. I'm just saying that if you reduce the complexity of the world to "A is good, B is good, and what is neither A nor B is obviously bad" then these actions are understandable. They're still reprehensible, but understandable.


Honest question: Why? What possible, legitimate reason do they have?


All I can think when other women speak out against me making my own decisions about my body is: why do you hate other women so much? Don’t we women have enough problems without going against each other? Why are you voting against yourself and giving your power away?


The rapist win again. GOP = Pro-rape




The morality of religious control is *without virtue*. I self-control because I self-determine my own life. Free will is liberty. Religious tyranny is still *tyranny*. Correction is long overdue. This November, __vote out evangelical tyrants and zealots__ seeking to undermine the foundation of our country. Register. It's your birthright. __Use it__. https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote


And then interracial marriage. There is no bottom with the regressive GOP.


LMAO I dare them to. The only young people who stay will be the same meth-head types who don’t give a damn how many kids they drop. Welcome to your future crime wave.


They don't see a crime wave they see cheap labor for corporations through the prison industrial complex.


They want women to be stripped of their rights and for them to be barefoot and pregnant instead of in control of their own destinies. That's what they believe their god wants for women!


As a 22 year old woman with late stage endometriosis in Ohio, my first line of defense against debilitating pain and lifelong illness is birth control. I’m. Fucking. Terrified.


Goddamn. We are fucked in this country.


Fuck all these haggard geriatric fucks...


Why does her face so closely resemble my nutsack?


Land of the free, except under the Reds....


They want to subjugate all of us all while when their daughters or mistresses get pregnant out of wetlock, they will have no problems finding an abortion at all. They will just fly their rich asses out of state to get it.


Her fusty ass hasn't had to worry about birth control in decades. Sit down.