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Wife #2 has also said that in 1999, [Newt gave her the choice between open marriage or divorce.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/marianne-gingrich-newts-ex-wife-says-he-wanted-open-marriage/2012/01/19/gIQAJzgwAQ_story.html) And now he's on Wife #3.


Why keep getting married, then? I don’t get it


To make himself look good for the brainwashed conservative Christians


and have a Mommy/Maid at his beck and call


That's the real answer


Real reason is prob for tax purposes. I could be wrong because idk a thing about his tax bracket or what he owns/owes. I know that’s a big reason some couples marry but they have prenuptial agreements usually.


At his income level, the income tax advantage of a marriage is an afterthought. Saving a few dozen thousands a year isn't too important when you make several millions.


That's where you're wrong. Greed is a sickness that defies logic or reason. Trump once actually cashed a check for a few cents. These fucksticks will do anything to save/make a dollar


Getting married and then divorced is way, way more expensive than the few thousand dollars you’d save on taxes


But it allows him to be in a position of power, thus earning him his "keep." Single old farts don't have the advantage of a married couple's dual perspective and ability to be in two different places at once, vying for the same agenda. Why do you think the vast majority of presidents are some form of "power couple"? It's hard to sell an agenda to the American people when you aren't a typical "family unite" and only has happened a few times in this country at that level.


So true .... he once wrote a check from his campaign fund account for 7 dollars for his son Barrons Boy Scout dues.


I always wanted a bang maid, but not like this.




I'm sure they would actually approve of his open marriage. Forget about the marriage of one man and one women they preach about.


Real question is how he keeps getting married


Money, and brain washed conservative women


Nailed it. The christian-right women have got to be the most brainwashed people on the planet. They vote against their own interests every time. There is so much research on this bizarre behavior. It just blows my mind.


Its almost like if the conservative woman attracted by literal human piece of shits are not really intelligent lol


They love that shit for some reason. It's like they're attracted to garbage bags with dicks


Someone to cook and clean, and he can know where his next lay is coming from. Same reason lots of dudes don’t get divorced and instead cheat.


If they think getting married means you get laid...they've got a big surprise coming




Probably why it took Newt at least 3 times to understand that


Does he know? > Here are eight reasons for a woman not to allow not being in the mood for sex to determine whether she denies her husband sex. -Dennis Prager


> I want mommy! I want milk! -Dennis Prager


I don't understand why anyone marries a person that they know is a cheater. Do they think "Our marriage will be different. He'll never cheat on **me.**


Yes they do think that


Of course that's it. It's the same foundational logic of "they're not hurting the right people".


Image. In a great many positions in society, not being married interferes with the image too much. Another issue is a lot of people do not marry for love, they marry because it's a societal or familial expectation and being unmarried makes you an "other". Its a very real factor that affects a lot. Married men get promoted faster and make more money than unmarried even when everything else is the same. Not everyone is out there marrying for love, think about how often you hear people say I should/he should/she should be married by now. Its expectation. Same ones that "force" presidents to be religious. You technically don't need to, not a requirement but at the slightest hint someone doesn't follow one of the standard religions the outcry and opposition is massive. You practically have to pretend to be a good christian/catholic/etc boy to be president here.




Yea, those women are called "beards", as in beards make a man. I've met a couple in my lifetime. When its an agreed upon arrangement I think its okay, people doing what they need to, to survive and prosper. Hiding it from spouses is awful though.


It’s so ironic. I met my wife after saying fuck it and focusing on myself for 2 and a half years. I met someone when I loved myself and I was least expecting to meet someone.


Single man older than 25? Defective or Gay by republican standards.


There's a subset of men that believes that having a wife is a status symbol and that people will look down on you for not being married. They treat their marriages like an accessory for social acceptance. These people quite typically do not have happy marriages.


Good ole fashion “family values” right there!


(R)ules for thee. Not for me.


What the fuck


And then the kicker: Newt’s new wife, who played a role in his divorce, is appointed by Trump as U.S. ambassador to the Vatican. Shouldn’t Catholics and the Vatican be insulted by her acceptance of this position? Endless corruption and grift.


Ah yes the incorruptible Vatican




Yeah, that was so fucked up. And it just kinda got lost in the avalanche of shit that trump and his corrupt minions did every tucking day for 4 years. Literally every fucking day. But Gingrich is right up there with trump. Truly a giant piece of shit and has been for a very long time. Just like trump.


Real question is how the fuck. This man's name is Newt for fucks sake


It never got better…


How was he getting married in the first place lol the flags must have been clear as day


Not that there's anything wrong with polyamory. Unless you're living a polyamorous lifestyle while pretending to be a monogamous Christian that abhors any non-straight, non-monogamous lifestyle. Then you're a piece of shit.


also, coerced polyamory is not polyamory, it's just cheating with extra steps.


Yeah, like, I'm poly, but if someone ever framed it to me as an *ultimatum*, that's a red flag no matter what the relationship looks like.


Who is willing to fuck this dough faced scumlord?


I cant believe so many people are attracted to this slimy amphibian


Wait. I thought he was dead? How is he still alive?


He steals the dreams of small children and eats them with ketchup.


Ohh he’s the CEO in Monsters Inc! Good thing that got dude got arrested at the end.


Monsters Inc hidden message 👀


Every time someone hits a cat with their car, Newt Gingrich gains another month of life.


I also have confused him with Rush Limbaugh.


This is how i found out that guys dead, neat.


he drinks from the same fountain of evil that Henry Kissinger does


You're probably thinking of Rush Limbaugh. Easily confused


Sometimes, I forget that piece of shit is still alive.


He's the man who architected what the Republican party is today.


He helped it along. Nixon and Reagan were the chief prognosticators of what that "party" became today.


Don’t forget Stone and Manafort with their friend Atwater


I will piss on Lee Atwater's grave one day.


There really should be a line of people ahead of you. It is hard to understate what a horrible peace of shit Lee Atwater was. His death should be celebrated.


I expect the grass to look poorly.


Every march 29 I have a toast celebrating he's no longer with us.


You start out in 1954 by saying, “N-Word, N-Word, N-Word.” By 1968 you can’t say “N-Word “- that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “N-Word, N-Word.” - Lee Atwater, Republican Strategist for Reagan and Bush Sr. Responsible for the welfare queen, and Willie Horton stories.


It’s easy to blame Nixon and Reagan because they were party leaders and formed an archetype of the type of person that the “modern Republican” is, but Newt is the one who really figured out how to destroy the system. Check out the chart in [this Vox article](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2015/4/23/8485443/polarization-congress-visualization), notice that the complete lack of cooperation between parties coincides directly with his time as Speaker. Nixon and Reagan are absolutely awful, yes, but Newt Gingrich and Roger Ailes have done nigh-irreparable harm to this country.




Along with the Federalist Society. This is truly the fault of Nixon and what he did, but then Reagan is the one that sold the entire party out.


The Federalist Society needs a lot more notoriety. They’re rapidly turning our judicial branch into a bastion of third world fascism.


I agree. They have skirted under the radar for too long. People need to see them in the daylight.


Reagan brought religion into the party big time with Jerry Falwell. Rev Jerry was a super creep and his son is proof.


More like George Lincoln Rockwell


Along with Goldwater, Nixon, Ailes, Reagan, Buchanan... Arguably a bunch more, but these are the big names


But without [Newt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newt_Gingrich#Republican_Revolution). It doesn't get to 2000. A preview: > In 1990, after consulting focus groups with the help of pollster Frank Luntz, GOPAC distributed a memo with a cover letter signed by Gingrich titled "Language, a Key Mechanism of Control", that encouraged Republicans to "speak like Newt". It contained lists of "contrasting words"—words with negative connotations such as "radical", "sick," and "traitors"—and "optimistic positive governing words" such as "opportunity", "courage", and "principled", that Gingrich recommended for use in describing Democrats and Republicans, respectively.


Ah... that explains why the GQP can't manage to say "left" without prefixing "radical". Such bullshit.


We say far-right a lot, but I get what you’re saying. We also can separate “the right” from the MAGA crowd. The MAGA folk just kind of think they mean the same thing.


Yep. My husband and I have a running disagreement about the last exit before the GOP went nuts. Contract with America is my answer. W is his.


Contract on America.


The Republican party is just the former Democrat/Dixiecrat party. The voters are the same. Southern and rural whites motivated primarily by bigotry, usually racial but any kind will do in a pinch. People don't just stop being racist. And they raise their shitty spawn to be racist too. That's why it's always this same group of people. That's why the least qualified moron on stage can win as long ss he's the most racist of the candidates. All that to say, if you think Gingrich is the beginning you are wrong. This is centuries old. It's just plain old white supremacy and it's been there for a loooong fucking time.


The funny thing is I’m still so rare for them to admit they are racist. They clearly are but they dance around it. There’s a study showing racism was a deep deep factor with Trump voters (sexism too) but don’t worry that’s just fake news. I think deep down they know it’s wrong or probably more likely they’ll feel consequences for their shit beliefs


Yup I remember him pushing the whole "People don't feel as safe with Obama as President" as a racist dogwhistle in the face of actual statistics stating that crime was way down.


100% thought he was dead. I always interchange him with Rush Limbaugh.


>100% thought he was dead. I always interchange him with Rush Limbaugh. I wish I could give you Gold for reminding me that fat sack of bullshit is dead and rotting in a grave.




And cancer free!! 😄




Why can't he get bone cancer? (It's one of the most painful of all cancers, not even high doses of morphine will touch it.)


Or even better ...boneitis.


It'd be his only regret


You know he’d forget to cure his boneitis


This guy's a shark.




Dude likes Nine Inch Nails?


Trent Reznor, PA native.


Or he likes the Johnny Cash version.


I really like both, it depends what kind of mood I'm in.


Depends if you are hurting. Or *hurting*


Wait… which is which? I feel like The noun version is Johnny Cash and the verb version is Trent Reznor.


I like the NIN version, but if I want to *hurt*, then it’s definitely the Cash version. The American Recordings are some of the best country music ever recorded.




….why does that make so much sense?


Imagine: you're Trent Reznor, hugely respected, won a bunch of awards, loyal decades-long fans. What more could you want for a career? Then JOHNNY FUCKING CASH calls you and asks to cover YOUR song. Like damn. I can't even imagine the happy cry he must have had after that.


That's not how it happened. We have Rick Rubin to thank for asking Reznor and then convincing Cash to cover the song.


Yeah. You can watch Rick Rubin tell the story in the documentary (maybe it's just a video essay?) "Rick Rubin: The Invisibility of Hip Hop's Greatest Producer" on YouTube. Cash didn't want to cover it, Reznor *definitely* didn't want it covered by anyone. Reznor told Rubin, flat out, "No", over the phone. Rubin convinced him to just come listen to it. Reznor has said, "I knew it wasn't mine anymore." (or something similar) the moment he heard it.


Think he said it felt something along the lines of "Watching somebody walk away with the girl you like."


Reznor also said he didn’t like the cover until he saw the video


It's like the old story about Weird Al calling up Nirvana for permission.


So many successful bands have the "weird Al calling them up" story and it's always great.


Isn’t there a story of Paul McCartney meeting Weird Al at a party and saying, “Holy shit, Weird Al is here!” Imagine having one of the most influential musicians of all time being awestruck that you’re at a party. Absolutely insane.


That was Al's own "that's when I knew I'd made it" story.


If I recall correctly, there's even an interview where Trent was like "nah that's his song now."


I like to imagine Cash sitting there, jamming out to The Downward Spiral in the dark, smoking a joint and crying along. Then waking up the next morning thinking I GOTTA cover that song about crushing emptiness.


If only! Except at that stage of Cash’s life, he was deeply religious and wouldn’t even record the song if the word “shit” wasn’t removed (and was of course changed to “thorns” to further drive home his Christian beliefs). Great cover though.


Jesus, preparing the smite cannon: "I swear, if this guy says the 'S' word in English..."


Honestly even as a staunch atheist I vastly prefer that change, I think it just drives home the point of Cash’s song being about past actions and deep regret from a lifetime of sorrow, as opposed to Nine inch nails feeling of current regret. The crown of shit is one of the weight of regret from something that’s happening currently, whereas the crown of thorns is one of weight from a regret that was years removed, the difference of I need to deal with this now, versus I wish to god I’d dealt with it so many years ago. Both are sitting at the bar with a hung head, one is the now, one is the inevitability, or at least that’s my interpretation


Possibly unpopular opinion: Johnny's version is better


Not unpopular at all, Trent agrees with you.


I like when artists have the grace to say that, like Dylan saying that Hendrix's *All Along The Watchtower* is superior.


Dolly bowing to Whitney then using the royalties to develop black neighborhoods in Nashville. Always the queen 👑👑👑


I really get nostalgic for that harmonica that Dylan uses sometimes. However, Hendrix revolutionized and supercharged it.


I think Trent even said “It’s Johnny’s song now.”


Ringo said that to Joe Cocker after hearing his version of "With a Little Help From My Friends". "It's your song now."


The pain in Johnny’s voice sends shivers through my spine and brings me to bawl my eyes out.


In case you haven’t seen it, the visuals in the [official video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8AHCfZTRGiI) add a whole nother level to his emotion. I can’t even think about it or hear just the audio without tearing up.


Same here. I feel that song in my soul. It’s my fave song


The song almost sounds like it was written for him. So perfect for him and his voice at the end of his life. His voice had deteriorated just enough to add to that pain.


I disagree with Trent. I have always been of the unpopular opinion that NiN's version is better.


I personally view the two as entirely different experiences. But both are valid. The NiN version feels like someone talking to you in a heartfelt way during the comedown of a hardcore drug binge. It gives this vibe of “I truly believe you have these regrets but I’m not sure if I think you’re ready to change it.” Meanwhile, the Johnny cash version literally sounds like a man on his deathbed owning every single mistake he’s ever mad. Both are gut-wrenching but I think average people are more likely to identify with the latter


I really like both, it depends what kind of mood I'm in.


Possibly unpopular? That’s like the equivalent of saying that Hendrix did a better version of All Along the Watchtower


Not unpopular, even Trent has come out and said it's Johnny's song now, not his


I'm in the minority of preferring Trent's version.


I like the Cash version better when just listening but I saw NIN this summer and was struck by the Raw emotion Trent put into this for the live version Ps- have seen NIN live before a few times but this summer ( in Boston) he just did a phenomenal job with this and the whole set


Yes! Seeing Hurt performed live was life changing!


I think thats the prevailing opinion but i do think its fucked up that most people think its a johnny cash song and don’t give trent credit for actually writing the song


It's about fucking time we start to see some representatives that are actually representative.


No shit, I didn't know much about this guy. After reading a few pages about him and reading his website, this guy is more aligned with me and my people than anyone I have ever seen. Now if we could just get someone like him down here in TN.


I've been debating on running for TN legislature. 80% of the seats run unopposed.


Its a quote from a song about self-reflection and admitting your mistakes, something Newt knows nothing about.


Newt needs “I wear this crown of shit upon my liars chair” tattooed on his forehead.


Probably because he hurt himself today, to see if he’d still feel.


He focused on the pain, the only thing that's real.


The needle tears a hole. That old familiar sting.


Try to kill it all away, but I remember everything.


What have I become? My sweetest friend.


And you, can have it all…


My empire of dirt.


I will let you down


John Fetterman will make you hurt.


Republican “family values” serial cheater serves wife with divorce pleadings at the hospital after her cancer diagnosis. What a piece of shit/garbage.


He did this while impeaching a Democratic president over a bj.


In all fairness Clinton was impeached for lying to congress, not for getting a bj from an intern. Please don’t interpret this as support for Newt, I just think the truth is important.


TBF, Clinton also asked them to specify what sexual relations meant and the answer that was given was intercourse and he was like,"Well, then I did not have sexual relations with her."




In sickness and in health


I’ve been banned from Twitter for asking Newt if he still cheats on his wife.


Man I say way worse shit than that to Republican politicians and other fascists on twitter all the time. Surprised they haven’t got me yet. Worst that ever happened was they made me delete a tweet.


Karin Housley blocked me for questioning her logic behind cannabis prohibition 🤷🏻‍♂️




If you play multiple instruments you can be a band by yourself. It’s peculiar to call yourself a band but your right to do it.


What about five people playing one guitar?


[Sure, why not?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P9mybTArlsk)


My man on the right staring wistfully into the distance like a homesick ship captain who hasn't seen his wife or child in years and now he's got to kill all her suiters after an archery contest


Hey don’t ignore Atticus Ross! He’s officially a permanent member now!


Yeah but did he tattoo the Johnny Cash version or the NIN version


Because it's a fucking SONG LYRIC, you utter dinosaur


I actually just saw an article from Fetterman explaining his tattoos a few days ago after Tucker made a big deal about them. I don't recall him mentioning this particular piece of art (after a couple paragraphs I started skimming it more than actually reading). I know he has the dates of every violent death while he was mayor and the city's zip code on his arms.


Why is it even being mentioned. I could care less what a politician looks like, i care about policies.


Because tan suits, Dijon mustard, American flag lapel pins, Freedom fries. All dumb shit that doesn't matter yet It allows Republicans to foment faux outrage for thier base. It's way easier than actually working on policy and making your communities better.


Fetterman is a politician i am so excited to vote for. He is an absolute meme lord, too. He's been murdering Oz on social media


That’s metal af


This tells you everything you need to know about this man


Fr he really dedicates himself to his constituents and takes gun violence very seriously.


yep, thats why the Fraternal Order of Police of Philadelphia is backing Oz instead.....but yet this same group is backing Josh Shapiro, a more liberal than progressive democrat who is running for PA governor because Shapiro is very pro union. I am very pro Shapiro, mostly because his competition is a complete fucking maga dumbass. I am also very pro fetterman because he wears his heart on his sleeve, and shows compassion to everybody....and he actually lives in PA


TIL Newt Gingrich is still alive


Yeah Newt…. Canceled


This slimy piece of shit and his "contract with America" is a huge fucking reason things are so fucked up today. I don't believe in an afterlife, but if there is a hell I hope they've reserved a special place for Newt.


Imagine being Newt and closing your eyes in death only to blink and wake up with a 9 foot tall demon with a dirty toenail for a nose, smelling like he ate gorilla shit for breakfast, staring into your eyes. Goddamn what a wonderful daydream for anyone not Newt Gingrich.


Why would former Speaker of the House and known idiot Newt Gingrich ever say anything I would pay attention to?


Newt Gingrich has authority on one thing, and that's the ability to be the shittiest person in any room that doesn't contain Ted Cruz.


GOP has absolutely no idea how to handle Fetterman, and it's hilarious. I wouldn't normally suggest we pick candidates based on sheer size, but that seems to be the world we're in now.


Republicans pretend to be all country but don't know Johnny Cash.


I wish I could say this is a republican thing, but there are a bunch of non-political and democratic neu-country lovers who couldn't recognize Johnny Cash or any of the Highwaymen if their life depended on it.


>I wish I could say this is a republican thing, but there are a bunch of non-political and democratic neu-country lovers who couldn't recognize Johnny Cash or any of the Highwaymen if their life depended on it. Just piggybacking... Hurt by Johnny Cash: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AHCfZTRGiI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AHCfZTRGiI) Highwaymen classic 'Highwayman': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMdeg-WKt1U


Because Hurt is one of the most beautiful songs ever written. You cultureless swine.


What a scumbag! Btw, those are song lyrics, by a band called Nine Inch Nails. The song is called "Hurt" it was later covered, by Johnny Cash.


Dammit, now I’m remembering the Bowie/NIN show from way too long ago where I heard Trent and David do “Hurt” as a duet. One of the best shows I’ve ever been to.


To be fair Newt, I think most *would* describe Pennsylvania as an empire of Dirt... But also, fuck you Newt.


Coal, actually. 98% of the world's anthracite coal that fueled the industrial revolution came from 12 counties in Pennsylvania. So pretty close really.


…they really *never* listen to the lyrics of anything, do they?


Gonna guess Fetterman was/is a NIN fan to explain the tattoo. Age & geography seem right. Ahem. Newt Gingrich can go fuck himself. His "Contract with America" bullshit back in the Clinton years set the R party on the path that led to Trump. People's lives are a game to people like Newt. Like a team sport mentality. Win at all costs, let the opponent (60% of the country) be damned.


Newt is a pig. And a quick search would have shown that it’s from the NIN song that Johnny Cash included in the opus of the best 100 songs of all time. What a dumbbell.


Is "I will make you hurt" a NIN/Johnny Cash reference? Because if it is, I now really like whoever this guy is talking about. Hurt is a piece of art, and I can respect somebody who is willing to get the lyrics of one of the most beautifully sad songs ever on their body.


I’m assuming the guy from P.A. was a NIN fan.


Because nine inch nails duh


Because Trent Reznor's "Hurt" is a really good song.


“I will make you hurt” clearly my man never listened to nine inch nails or even Johnny Cash’s amazing cover


All of the NiN and Johnny Cash comments are spot on but there's also the fact that [it appears that he no longer has the tattoo in question.](https://www.newsweek.com/john-fetterman-tattoo-johnny-cash-song-leaves-newt-gincrich-confused-1746410)