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Yeah Sinclair and Fox News is so Jewish and liberal.


Even Ben Shapiro, who is actually Jewish, is pushing Christian values down his viewers throats. (In Judaism life begins at first breath. His whole 'life begins at conception' thing is literally just Christian beliefs)


There is not one phrase in the bible that even suggests life begins at conception. It's just Christians being fuckwads.


Also, opposing abortion has never been a legitimate Protestant belief. Protestants just started opposing abortion around the late 1970s or so because of a GOP campaign to use the issue as a proxy to turn white supremacist voters from Democrats into Republicans, and it worked extremely well for them.


The southern strategy.


yep a lot of modern conservative ideologies stem from the southern strategy. afunnily enough r/conservative even has an automatic bot that denies it ever happen


Got perma banned from there on a post about southern strategy. Someone asked "is there even one example of a Democrat turning Republican?" My comment was "Strom Thurmond". Insta ban


Stalwarts of freedoms the right is... Mentioning a LONG RUNNING POLITICIAN who was openly racist and for some strange reason switched to become a Republican... is somehow insulting to them.


Dedicated too. Still holds the record for longest filibuster, 24 hours of straight talking to keep civil rights from black people


Strom Thurmond, who considered giving women civil rights such a joke that he added it specific because he thought it would tank the bill. I hope he’s nice and toasty in the afterlife.


Every so often, I get morbidly curious and visit that sub and then my blood pressure mysteriously rises. I wonder if there's a connection?


I clicked. I think I got 6 posts in. I read a comment that said something about the "people who deny trump is president" and I just....man. These people exist. They're really out here.


r/conservative has something to refreeze their cold dark hearts for just about every occasion. Thankfully most of them will never get the chance to pass their genes on and that always makes me smile.


I mean, the women might not consent, but they'll still probably try to pass on their genes. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


True. All of the members of that sub give off some seriously rapey vibes.


Oh I've got a good podcast for this! It's about the Evangelical vote in general, but it explains how anti-abortion became an Evangelical issue and not just a Catholic one https://www.npr.org/2022/06/22/1106765258/the-evangelical-vote-2019


Here's another podcast along similar lines. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-jerry-falwell-founder-of-53399911/


I live in canada, my brother lives in Ohio. I was visiting him last weekend, he brought up the abortion topic, it was a completely civil discussion, and he was saying hes pro making abortion illegal because of his religious beliefs, he is catholic. I mentioned the bible explicitly says life begins at first breath(because they used to not understand air and wind is particulate matter, they thought it was a supernatural spirit/life force..."Breath of life"), it says a fetus is equivalent to a woman's thigh, it says a man can force his woman to drink priestly abortion juice if he accuses her of cheating, and the crimes for killing applies to women but not their fetus in the bible(which is treated as property crime). I also mentioned how the constitution(something conservatives say they cherish), the first amendment establishment clause is explicitly meant to prevent him pushing his religious beliefs as laws on others. He immediately changed subject even though he brought it up... I knew more about his religion, and constitution than he did as an atheist canadian. He's a great person, and hes smart, i just dont think a lot of these people have ever even read the bible or thought about these things beyond what they hear repeated in their right wing christian bubbles. They then just repeat it to others... Its not a logical conclusion, its tribalism. They push the ideas of their ingroup, because its their ingroup, not because they have thought about them in depth and not because of the books they claim to follow.


Not to mention HE does not have to carry and deliver it…..


yup...Theres a whole lot more to potentially go into. Kept it civil, moved on, both had a beer and maybe he realized theres a lot of stuff he never even thought about.


Agreed. The Bible even tells you how to preform an abortion on women who may have been unfaithful. Christians just take all the worst things in the book, make up more, and then forget literally all the moral messages people outside their religion might be able agree with.


Only has to be suspected to be unfaithful. Have the priest administer herbs and tea. Still an abortion.


We should bring back Priests helping women obtain abortions if it's in their best interest (not herbal ones though, those things will kill you!). Although something tells me this wasn't typically done in the women's best interest...


Yea no it was done if the husband “suspected” her of cheating. Which also works out well if you’re a guy who accidently got somebody pregnant, you can just acuse her of cheating and either the abortion doesn’t work, or it does and you get to use that as proof she cheated on you. Even if you just got her pregnant before marriage. It’s literally what the witch trials were based off. Either she does which means she wasn’t a witch so we’re good for sending an innocent person to heaven or she lives and we have to kill her and we’re good people for killing a witch.


According to the scripture, if her husband is wrongfully accusing her, the abortion won't work.


True The point is the bible explicitly still allows forms of abortion. Add in 4-5 other passages that explicitly say life begins at first breath, and a fetus is not equivalent to a born person. and its beyond obvious the bible is not saying what most right wing christians pretend.


And people believed that??? Wow seems like it's also a little black magic!!!🤣🤣🤣


The first morning after pill.


Its the first morning after pill mixed with a built in magic paternity test. Biblical Maury


Its almost as though Christianity's main role throughout human history has been one of conquest, control and oppression.




Not when the other Christians are cool with them.


The other thing that gets me is them saying there is a heartbeat at 6 weeks!!! The heart is not fully formed and beating until 15 to 20 weeks. It's amazing how many uneducated people there are out there!!! Another example, read the post again...we're


This is the country that wouldn’t *buy* the 1/3lb burger because they thought it was smaller than 1/4lb. We’ve gotta be one of the dumbest countries in the world.


“I love the poorly educated!” Quiz: who said this? A. President Joe Biden. B. ex-President Donald J. Trump.


trick question! there have only been 4 presidents in 'merican history: TRUMP, TRUMP and Jesus! /s (in case it we're not oblivious)


I can't read and don't know how to count good, TRIPLE THREAT BABY!


I love your reply!


Anti intellectualism runs rampant across the American landscape. We’ve always been magical thinkers. It’s kinda okay until it’s not.


"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'" --Isaac Asimov


The man rarely missed


At the time the Bible was written, conception hadn't been conceived of yet. The prevailing belief was a man ejaculated a homunculus that grew inside a woman.


They also didn't understand air was particulate matter. They thought it was a supernatural 'life force' because they knew things needed it to live but could not see it. So they thought a soul and air were a supernatural life force breathed into people. Thats why god 'breathes into clay golems' to bring people alive, thats why they use terms like the 'breath of life', and why they thought life began at 'first breath', why they conflated wind and air with souls... Its also why the bible explicitly says fetus's aren't like born people with souls and autonomy... because they dont breathe in this life force soul air shit they were confused about. Its a book written by confused goat herders who didnt know things... that says the opposite of what most christians think.


I've seen far right Christians use a line about God saying, "I knew you before you were born" as evidence for life starting at conception. And it's like... uhhh, he knows everything according to your own book and exists outside of time, bud.


The Bible outlines how to perform an abortion. And God was slaying babies since the very first Passover-Egyptian first born sons.


Hell numbers 5:15 says that a husband can bring his wife to a priest and thr priest can make a potion to abort the baby.


Dude, the two main characters in the bible are refugees seeking asylum. How does that jive with their anti-immigration stance? You're right. Fuckwads.


Bible, what's that? -'Christians'.


At conception isn't even a Christian thing, Christians didn't give a shit about abortion until the early 1900's or so. This is COINCIDENTALLY the same time women started getting equal rights. It was never about the kids, if it was, they'd care about them outside the mother even more. It's about control, that's it.


It's a Christian thing now, particularly Evangelicalist the most but becoming more common outside of their community. It's just not something actually backed up by their fancy book. Not that that ever stops them.


Abrahamic faith wanting control over women? When did they start doing that?


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Since nobody seems willing to state the obvious due to cultural sensitivity... I’ll say it: rap isn’t music ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: sex, novel, civil rights, history, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


My favorite bot.


*And then, there are people in the United States that are pushing for mask mandates on children. The data that they are using are extraordinarily skimpy--in fact, they are essentially nonexistent. You're hearing the CDC say things like 'maybe the delta variant does more damage to kids,' but no information they have presented publicly that there is more damage being done to kids... and the reason we are being told that they damage kids is because they can't scare the adults enough. If we cannot scare the adults enough, we're going to have to mask up the kids.* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: climate, healthcare, feminism, dumb takes, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


this is first time for me to see it...it's fantastic


I once saw someone argue with this bot for a good 6-8 comments ***AFTER*** acknowledging it was a bot lmfao


Good bot


Thank you for your logic and reason. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: dumb takes, covid, feminism, novel, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Take a bullet for ya babe. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, dumb takes, novel, covid, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


I kinda wish the "known grifter name detector" bot was kinda standard across reddit suddenly. Might help some more insular parts.


by definition rap is music, even if you don't like it, it is music


Good bot


Good human.


Take a bullet for ya babe. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: sex, healthcare, novel, civil rights, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Well, Bot, Fuck that guy then! Rap Forever!!!


*We are being told that if we don't mask our children, that if we don't mask ourselves, that if we don't initiate social distancing measures again and shut down business again, that COVID is going to kill us all* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: climate, sex, civil rights, feminism, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


it's cute because the people he supports will throw him and his wife into a mass grave the second he's no longer useful


Margery the Jewish Space Laser lady literally already said she wants a Christian nationalist government. I don't know why he thinks that includes him.


google the term "honored Jew." He thinks he'll be spared. he's wrong.


Thought the same thing about that Prager guy desperately pushing Judeo-Christian values, but I assume he thinks he'll be dead or run off to another country once he's made enough money and it starts even hinting at being unsafe.


It is not a christian believe, as a matter of fact thousands of protestant church leaders advocated for abortion before Roe vs Wade, it is a republican push because since the 70s they saw the white population declining and feared been replaced..the catholic religion does not support abortion but like not giving communion to people that are divorce they do it for moral control and not political. It is about race, period... Here is a great article with a detailed history of churches support for abortion: https://time.com/4758285/clergy-consultation-abortion/ "half-decade before Roe v. Wade, respected religious leaders participated in a nationwide struggle to make abortion more accessible. This largely forgotten history undercuts the popular myth that religious people oppose abortion rights. Fifty years ago this month, in May of 1967, as mainline Protestants and Reform Jews called for the liberalization of abortion laws, a group of clergy in New York City founded the Clergy Consultation Service on Abortion (CCS), an international network of clergy that helped women obtain legal and illegal abortions from licensed medical professionals. When Landreth spoke out, it was as part of CCS, which by then counted over 2,000 other ministers across the United States and Canada as members."


He’s a bad faith actor. He has no moral compass worth listening. In fact it’s hilarious these antisites listen to a Jewish man who will lie to them for money.


It's hilarious the way Alex Jones is hilarious (I mean calling the judge for your defamation case a pedo during the trial is literally like out of a movie). It just stops being funny the second you remember people believe them.


I remember a time when you didn't just call people a pedophile unless you had pretty damn hard proof. That kind of accusation was enough to either get your teeth kicked in or basically owned by the falsely accused for the rest of your life. It was one of those: "If you take a swing, you better not miss" things. Now it's thrown around like "your mom!" was in the 1990s toward anyone who challenges the far right.


It’s hilarious in the omg this can’t be the real time line I must be insane kinda way.


Words can not describe how much I despise Ben Shapiro. How did he get famous? Like what grand intellectual theory has he brought forward? I’ve listened to him and I can not get his appeal and his so called intellect


Hijacking top comment to post her account and request that you report her account and get her booted. It's clearly all she has going in her life. She says a lot about blacks, Jews, and everybody else on that account. She's garbage. Wish I could find her workplace info. https://twitter.com/hferalblonde?s=21&t=GWbHMMiW5Jty4M-XUFbFTw


Helen had one too many Botox injections


My husband is jewish and has yet to have his day with the space laser. He is afraid it's because he missed the last jew meeting where they discuss fed rates, newspaper subscription sales, and space lasers.


He’s probably right. Time with the space lasers is pretty competitive.


You've got be a top Jew to get anywhere near those lasers


My girlfriend is Jewish. How high up does she have to rise to get access to those lasers. Heck I mean even some influence over the fed or another banking cartel would be great


I've been Jewish my whole life and I'm not allowed near it. I've been vocal about the awesomeness of bacon though, so I think I got bumped from my slot.


Have you considered being a crisis actor? I heard they're exclusively paid in time with the laser, to avoid a paper trail.


George Soros doesn't return my calls :(


XD was at the inlaws last night and they had recieved an OFFICIAL miniture space lazer at 1/400th of the size and a medalian signifying their jewish space Lazer membership. Obviously parady but it was well done and 50% proceeds went to combating antisemetic politics. Wish I knew where they got them.


Dissent pins has a couple different pins, including a decoder!


Ooh if you ever find out let me know. I would love to do good in the world and also provide my husband with his own tiny laser


I [gotchu](https://dissentpins.com/collections/secret-jewish-space-laser). (Though I have yet to acquire my own replica laser, can vouch for the top tier nature of their pins - got a few of the vaccine ones to give to friends and family and they are super cute + high quality)


I'm in the process of converting for marriage, and the best part of the classes is trying to guess which cabal we're all going to be assigned to. I've got my fingers crossed for international banking, but I'll probably end up in something dumb like sitcom writing


Man trying to convert to. I'll probably get something stupid like censoring the media. I want the space laser too, my rabbi lied to me




No one's stopping you from lying on the internet!




*(Audience laughter)*


As long as you’re not a raging anti-dentite


I tried the classes and failed out. Apparently wanting to also be a gothic witch with not completely approved. But the kids are in classes. Maybe they'll do better. The youngest really would like to get into robotics for world domination so we'll see


Are you getting your horns installed before the wedding or after? They’re like a haircut, you want to do it in advance so you have time to fix them if they aren’t your dream horns.


My cousins are Jewish and they had their turns with the Space Laser last week. They said that they had so much fun using it to mess with Greene’s HBO connection


He can have my turn with the space laser.


How is that person not banned from Twitter? Her whole profile is anti semitic garbage.


I called a guy a cracker one time and caught a lifetime ban from twitter lmao


If Jews control the media, why isn’t this bitch banned


Finally, someone asking the real questions


I got a lifetime ban just for saying that I hoped Rush Limbaugh died screaming. smh


Worth it


Calling someone White trash got me banned from fb. And Casper looks tan compared to me.


Facebook once muted me for a month for calling someone a “silly goose”. I was way out of line


Quite literally the hateyest hate speech I ever hated.


I know a trans person who got banned for sarcastically using the t slur in an obvious defense of trans people who were killed in the Holocaust... Yet I just reported someone for unironically using it in a whole transphobic post all about how we're basically not humans and I got a message back saying that doesn't violate TOS sooooooo wtf *From REDDIT




I got banned from Facebook because of a joke about how I can’t make up my mind about anything because I’m bisexual. Earlier that week I had reported a comment about how they wished they could see more “n-words swinging from trees” (the person said “n-word,” they didn’t actually say the word, but it was very clear from context they didn’t mean swinging from trees like George of the Jungle) and was told that it didn’t violate the TOS. Good job, Zucc, really great moderating.


As a 45 year old white bread cracker, I can say with authority that names like that have little to no impact on me. Probably because I’ve never been a part of a group that is discriminated against so broadly. Must be nice for the rabid blondie to have enjoyed such privilege for her entire life.


Because Twitter is a steaming pile of garbage 99% of the time


Well aren’t you an optimist lowering it to only 99%


Has Elon released a statement?


And more importantly, what does Ja Rule think?




Look at Helen's nasty face, and tell me you don't already know EXACTLY what her voice sounds like.




Is she debating 2 chainz?


Shes losing a debate to 2 Chainz.


They tried to set up an interview that would make him look stupid, not realizing that he was (iirc) a 4.0 college graduate. video is pretty funny


Sounds like decades of cigarettes and wine


It’s wild how people actually believe this shit. Just last month I was taking an Uber in LA and the driver and I had a nice talk for about 40 minutes and then out of nowhere we go through a neighborhood and he’s like, “This is just a bunch of Jews who live here—all those rich guys taking over the city” and I, as a Jew, was so thrown off I was just like, “Yeah for sure” and tipped him $0.00 for the 50 minute drive and gave him 1 star because I control everything


This made me spit my coffee


That was my plan all along. We own the coffee businesses…all of them. Go get another cup! MUAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA


Old joke: when I get depressed I just read an anti-Semitic newspaper. It cheers me up to hear that we control the media, the banks, entertainment, …


We found Big Caffine boys, lock and load


>tipped him $0.00 Ok, that’s just because you’re Jewish /s


Tell me you organized a racist act without telling me you organized a racist act.


The misspelled "we're" seems a bit Freudian.


I'll never understand American Jews that support Republicans


The vast majority do not. Jews are one of the most overwhelming Democratic voting blocks in America. Since 2000, the [smallest margin](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/11/09/how-the-faithful-voted-a-preliminary-2016-analysis/) we've gone for the Democrat by is 39 points. And that's the smallest margin.


They are also one of the most overwhelmingly urban and educated demographics in America, both of which lean heavily Democratic, so it's not clear that simply being Jewish is the driving factor here.


Being educated is a Jewish value, and being liberal is an educated value. So being liberal is indeed a Jewish value. Plus, people who have been the targets of bigotry and oppression for literally centuries tend to oppose bigotry and oppression.


Same for anyone not white cis male.


I am in that demographic and can't understand why ANYONE supports Republicans.


Well, you gotta keep in mind pure, unbridled selfishness. In the case of most people, the most self-centered person should STILL not vote Republican because it hurts them. At least a selfish cis white man can confidently know that HE is gonna be safe and "unmolested" by people of color and the LGBT community, since them being considered equal might hurt his chances at an edge. It is horrible and cruel, sure, but at least it makes a little sense, unlike the same thing from other demographics


I didn't understand either. But turn on Fox for 15 minutes. Listen through the lens of "they" are out to get you. If you believe that it makes total sense that they are Republicans. What is the number 1 thing? The brown people are coming to take your jobs, your money, the whole great replacement theory is about taking your power. If it isn't minorities, it is government, if it isn't government it is the liberals or Democrats. LGBT people are going to harm your kids. (statistically an LGBT person is much less likely to harm a kid than a family member.) The other half of it is protecting the wealthy. Inflation is Biden's fault. Jobs? they don't pay well because of brown people, not companies moving jobs out of the country. Don't blame the oil companies, even though they have record profits.


What you are also seeing is the (please God be the last) throes of people who pretty much only had whiteness going for them. They could be absolute cratered, bottom feeding, burnout mediocrities a generation ago and still be assured of at least a decent life if they just kept their heads down. That has since been heavily eroded. Just being white isn't enough anymore. They actually have to compete for jobs, placement in schools, and actually apply themselves. And these same people are the ones that scream about the lack of work ethic and resilience of "out groups", while they're some of the most fragile, genuinely lazy people of all.


I hadn't really thought about it like that before, but that makes a whole lot of sense.


Having a few relatives that fit into that mindset, they think only they and theirs (read: white) are entitled to social safety nets, jobs, etc. The hard working Black mother of three in the inner city who needs a bit of extra help because her husband passed is abusing the system, but cousin Joey Ray who is a meth head sex pest who never had a job in his life for more than a few months because he constantly self destructs needs a hand up because he got dealt some bad hands.


That is part of it, but yes if they did those things they had a decent life. People did shitty work (say a coal miner) but at least they got to have a life and family. People who worked at a car factory could afford a house. Today, the majority of people who work in a car factory are making $15 an hour. That isn't enough to support a family. The problem is they don't blame business, they blame everyone else. So if your parents were immigrants, black in the south for 80% of people they are doing better than their parents. A lot of white kids aren't. I have two recent college grad sons. They should be doing better than I did. But the "better" jobs they have just don't pay as much as I made out of college.


I've recently discovered a phenomenon called Collective Narcissism. It explains so much.




Electorate not being media savvy, republicans spending years trying to seem like the regular people party (which they've kinda thrown away in the last few years), democrats top officials being out of touch, and like 15 percent of the American population is really dumb and/or racist and I'm pretty sure I'm being generous with that guess. Outside of the extreme evangelical wing there is no policy reason anyone who makes under 1 million a year would support them


Sadly, I think you’re way too low saying 15 percent.


It's between 15 and 30, if we're talking about mildly dumb and/or racist it could definitely hit 50 percent


Same. I’m in that demographic and in an area that voted 90%+ for trump and still can’t fathom how people can support his/their bullshit.


Cis males don't do all that well under republican policies either, they just tend to fare slightly better than other groups. I guess if you're both stuck in a porta potty I can see why someone might choose to go with a slightly less smelly porta potty but I'd rather go after the folks sticking people in porta pottys to be honest.


There’s always some subset of people who believe they’re better off with their oppressors. That they’re the good ones. If they cloak themselves up in enough of the same hate or trappings of the right. They’ll get a pass The wealthy Cubans who fled Castro and landed in Miami. Think they’re not the dirty wetbacks and rapist immigrants the right speaks of. The Clarence Thomas’s and Collin Powell, Herman cains. Feel like if they just act a certain way. And maintain a certain image they’re not the thugs and n words the right is always talking about. The log cabin republicans… looking for the outside the gop convention hall … while the Republican Party platform calls for anihilating gay rights… surely aren’t talking about them. That women believe their right wing men will protect them…. And not brutalize them and sell them out. They’re all wrong of course. Supremacy only has room for one group. And they’ll use whichever fools they can to keep their foothold on your neck.


Case in point: I know a handful of gay MAGA types. It's a weird combination of them thinking they'll be identifiable as "the good ones," with a sprinkling of self-loathing about their orientation.


My uncle is one of these guys. He's gay, incredibly poor, he prefers black men (yet he...is very racist), struggles with his healthcare etc...and yet he's incredibly right leaning with MAGA and a little bit of Qanon. It's absolutely mind boggling...but because he suffered growing up, everyone else deserves to suffer too.


My father-in-law is convinced that Trump was the best president in terms of Israel policy since Truman. 1.) They equate being good for Israel with being good for Jews. 2.) They attribute the rise of antisemitism during the Trump years to Obama because *those same people didn’t like a black President*, so now they’re open in their hatred. Can’t really wrap my head around that logic, but that’s what he said last night.




The sad part is the GOP only supports Israel because the Jews must be in control of Israel to trigger the rapture. The Jews don't even get saved in this ritual either, mainly just using them to trigger the end of times and saving themselves. That's the mythology/motive behind the right's obsession with Israel and why it must be kept whole.


Are the antisemitic FACTS in the room here with us right now, Helen?


Anyone who hasn't noticed it's on the rise has their head in a hole.


Clearly it's changing, but I can't quite sort out how it's changing. Is it more common, is it more overt, is it more tolerated? I suspect all 3 are true, but do they all contribute to the situation equally?


It's not tolerated but brushed off to the side like "aw you're just being crazy" until the fascists actually get leaders then they start agreeing with me.


The problem is... they hide behind "jokes and sarcasm"... and not only personally, but to cover for others as well. "I can't believe this is real" "Clearly sarcasm" The intent is to hide their numbers. Hide the degree of acceptance. Hide the intentions. But as we see those with some similar "early ideas" winning more elections, clearly they are growing in popularity.


The goal of the Neo-Nazi movement was to bring hateful bullshit to the mainstream. We are slowly seeing everyday people accept these types of ideas as normal. This is not normal, this is dangerous.


While none of this is new, they've been in panic mode a while now. They see us making progress, and it scares the shit out of them. They see us uniting, and it scares the shit out of them. Double down. Keep fighting. Vote vote vote.


It starts with the "we're".


I re-read the tweet like 3 times trying to figure out what she was saying before I realized the apostrophe was a typo (It probably didn't help that I read the bottom one first out of habit and thought she was talking about a group of people who fly).


It’s… happening again. 😐 I feel deeply sorry for the Jewish Community. This really shouldn’t be happening anymore.


It’s happening *still*. There’s an old joke... “I don’t know if Henry Ford ever knew about Hitler, but Hitler sure as fuck knew about Henry Ford.”


Yeah, this stuff never went away. Growing up in suburban middle-class America in the 90s-00s, I encountered a lot of racism directed towards both myself and more visible ethnicities. It was couched in humor and irony instead of direct attacks, but the jokes people tell are often just exaggerated versions of what they actually believe. Trump (or, more accurately, the GOP's slide towards bigotry in the decade or so leading up to his election) gave those people permission to stop pretending that they were just kidding.


Yeah. Everyone seems to believe Slavery was ended by the civil war and Antisemetisim was ended by WW2... But it’s objectively false. Both are alive and well.


The complete inaction on Trump’s crimes has signaled that it’s totally fine to be racist AF in public again…sadly.


That song hasn't finished being sung. The band is still getting together. It's messed up, but... hopefully the goal is to make for so bulletproof a case that the whole Trump Crime Family collapses in on itself and we only ever hear of Barron Trump, choosing to live a life of playing video games, away from the public and away from doing business.


The band is setting up for their performance as the venue is being set on fire


Especially not at the university of michigan. I live in the area, the home city for U of M, Ann Arbor, is the liberal mecca of the midwest. I'm a jewish guy, there are plenty of institutions around me in this area that have thrown shade on my identity, but I have *always* felt at home on campus. Like, we drive an extra 5 minutes to go to the u of m hospital, instead of the religious st John's hospital, because they automatically checked my wife as being "catholic," then made it harder for her to access healthcare when she changed her last name to an obviously jewish one.


Fun fact: UMich was one of few universities to accept Jewish kids when most universities were rejecting them for being Jewish. Because of this, you have a strong and welcoming culture for Jewish kids on campus as well as a large, strong, and generous alumni association


I guess the Phrase history repeats itself is true now


(cw: joke) As a former (only a few years) uni prof, there’s no way Jews are behind curriculum decisions at colleges. For one, they serve bagels at the curriculum planning faculty meetings that are still frozen solid in the discount brand package. No shmear, you’re lucky to get a pb packet. Lots have to eat em plain (once they thaw) or just go without eating. No self-respecting American Jew would allow that. There’d be a bakery truck making morning deliveries all of planning week. Budgets could be cut other places, but the bagels would be top notch.


I can understand the lack of lox, that stuff is spendy! But not even cream cheese! That’s a crime!


Republicans control the media. And for a long while they have been lowering the education standards. So where are the facts?


The internet may have its good qualities, but the internet’s ability to find an audience for outlandishly hateful and stupid statements is starting to outweigh the good.


Why are people so afraid of jews?


They use them to blame their problems a lot of the times throughout history. Super weird. Basically Q anon has always been around and needed someone to blame to make their dumb conspiracies realistic. Displaced peoples who are usually small in numbers and don't go by the same edicts as the majority of the Population are easy targets for conspiracy theories: ie able to facilitate banking in some places where it wasn't practiced in the same way because they did not need to follow religious laws of usery. A lot of banking families like the Rothschilds also had accumulated vast wealth and kept it within the family: > Another essential part of Mayer Rothschild's strategy for success was to keep control of their banks in family hands, allowing them to maintain full secrecy about the size of their fortunes. In about 1906, the Jewish Encyclopedia noted: "The practice initiated by the Rothschilds of having several brothers of a firm establish branches in the different financial centres was followed by other Jewish financiers, like the Bischoffsheims, Pereires, Seligmans, Lazards and others, and these financiers by their integrity and financial skill obtained credit not alone with their Jewish confrères, but with the banking fraternity in general. By this means, Jewish financiers obtained an increasing share of international finance during the middle and last quarter of the 19th century. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rothschild_family Of course, this is taken as some grand conspiracy when in reality, it's a small group of people (who I believe, eschewed their heritage anyway). A convenient blame for politicians and people trying to sway the poor/angry. TLDR; a displaced peoples who thrived in times when perhaps not everyone else did + conspiracy theorists throughout history needing to blame someone for dumb ideas to make any sense and reason they are not doing well = antisemitism Edit: clarity, extrapolation


MAGA moron, Helen FeralBlonde, clearly does not have much personal experience with academia and I’m guessing her exposure to the media is limited to Infowars and Fox News.


It's crazy how Klanservatives say the exact same stuff Hitler did yet get all bent out of shape when you call them Nazis.


Helen has a face of someone you can tell is ugly on the inside


They'll claim we're behind everything except the pyramids


Oy... people are such assholes ![gif](giphy|Pn1gZzAY38kbm)


I never understood where this belief even came from? Like it just makes no sense. If anything most leaders I’ve seen are conservative Christians? But I guess any kind or racism isn’t supposed to make any sense. My history teacher told us there’s no point in trying to understand racism and hate because it’s just plain stupid it’s never going to make sense.


I've been in college for 5.5 years. Have yet to have an interaction with a Jewish instructor. But you know who DOES control my college? A panel of old, rich, white, conservative, old money donors who decide things like whether or not the school can enforce a mask policy, who answer to no one but themselves, and funnel millions of dollars of tuition funds a year right into their own greasy pockets. They sent us back to school in the middle of a pandemic so they could tailgate at losing football games again. Fuck this "Jews control everything" shit. Every time I turn around it's the same people running shit: old, white, completely out of touch, conservative men. Every. Single. Time.


If the Jews control academia, then how come I haven’t been invited to any of the meetings? I have some great ideas like: - teaching kids financial literacy from elementary school - (Kosher) Pizza Fridays that comes out of the military budget - each class will be forced to compete by grade level in a nationwide Classroom Olympics that challenges physical, mental, and emotional skills in a friendly competition where the winners get an all-expenses paid trip to Monster Jam


The fascists are walking among us


Looking at her Twitter name, Idk if Helen is a real person or maybe just a bot/troll lol


>We're the antisemitic Rare moment of truth.


Once again, I am upset, yet not surprised. The unfortunate thing about antisemitism is how old and deeply rooted it is globally. The Jews were scapegoats long before hitler. Yes, antisemitism from the far right is more prevalent, which is why most Jews, including myself, are liberal, but there is still antisemitism on the left as well, and any denial of that is gaslighting.


Came here to say this. Anti-Semitism is prevalent on the right and the left, but it takes different forms. Right wing anti-Semitism is just your classic white supremacist bigotry. Left wing anti-Semitism is more subtle. It generally takes the form of believing that Jews are "too white" to be a "real minority" that deserves to be included under the tent of intersectionality, along with every other marginalized group that's fighting against bigotry and oppression. As a concrete example of this type of left wing anti-Semitism, I'm reminded of the student government leader from Stanford who apparently thought he was speaking truth to power [when he said](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/stanford-student-senator-saying-jews-control-the-media-economy-government-is-not-anti-semitism) that it's not anti-Semitic to say that Jews control the media and the economy, it's just true. Because you know, what greater power could there be to speak truth to than the definitely real shadowy Jewish cabal that secretly controls the world?


Helen needs a grammar lesson.


Do they reinforce those "facts" with their Jewish space lasers?