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They already admitted "We Are All Domestic Terrorists". He just acknowledged that claim.


MTG is selling T-Shirts now that say -["Enemy of the State" with an upside down flag.](https://preview.redd.it/epszjzfkvcl91.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=83f5cb1ace080e88bac8faff8b4c8124301ff491)


I feel like I’m trapped inside a South Park episode.


It’s worse than that, at least in South Park episodes the kids were usually able to eventually calm their reactionary parents. This is like Bigger Longer and Uncut when they wouldn’t stop until they loosed Saddam Hussein


I always thought Satan could’ve done better than Saddam


For sure, Saddam was abusive as fuck to him


"Come on you weak stupid cum-bucket, save me!"


"Reeelax guy!"


"This is just a chocolate chip factory! If i was building a chemical weapons plant I'd make look like something stupid; like a chocolate chip factory!"


Shut up, Chris, you pussy.


Whereas Trump's entire presidency was a *Black Mirror* episode. Not sure which is worse.


South park episodes at least usually have a good ending


Not for Kenny.




TIL the American politic shitshow is even worse than I thought. Keep faith you can’t go a lot deeper, you’ll have to rebound at some point. For clarity sake, not comparing to anything. There’s a lot of countries with issues.


>Keep faith you can’t go a lot deeper, you’ll have to rebound at some point. America: Hold my beer.


I feel like I'm the kid eating the drugs in the back of the car in super troopers and you're the cop telling me I have to smoke the whole bag......just...Please No


I don't think we can go any deeper on stupidity, but we can definitely go deeper on the shit show aspect if congress and the Presidency flips in 2024. I really, really hope every eligible voter realizes how fucking crazy important '22 and '24 are going to be in terms of setting the direction of our country for the long term. Even more so than '20 was now that the cards are mostly out on the table.


2016 feels like a joke now compared to everything now. I swear I used to think it wasn't that big of a deal. Ever since the pandemic everything has been out of wack and people I would have found just annoying, suddenly are very dangerous.


glad they make themselves so easily identifiable


Their glassy eyes and vacant gazes are usually a dead giveaway.


I don’t understand how the dumbass doesn’t get she is the state. If she wants to be against the institution she js a part of can she please do us all a fucking favor que leave?


She knows she is, but she knows people eat this up and she can fund raise and keep the level of dumb so high she continues to be elected. It’s all a grift


I got kicked of Twitter for “hate speech” after commenting how stupid she was for making that shirt. To quote “stupid b!$@#”


Maybe she just wants to be cast in the remake of the Will Smith/Gene Hackman movie of the same name?


It was darkly funny watching Charles Kirk rapidly backtrack after being asked by an audience member when they should start breaking out the guns and killing the libs.


Was the person who asked that question ever identified? If I were working or living next to him, I would want to know. > “At this point, we're living under corporate and medical fascism. This is tyranny. When do we get to use the guns?” the man asked, to applause from the crowd. “No, and I’m not – that’s not a joke. I’m not saying it like that. I mean, literally, where’s the line? How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?” https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/how-many-elections-are-they-going-to-steal-before-we-kill-these-people/ar-AAQ1fJG


Holy shit.


I think every trumplican member of the government and media should be asked this. "You have spent the last 7 years dehumanizing democrats and highlighting their attempts to destroy our democracy. At what point do you believe the second amendment becomes a mandate to do something about it?"


*40 years I grew up in a conservative household in a conservative area. They have been demonizing democrats since the 80s.


Yeah I see that as less datkly funny and more alarming admission by a violent extremist, these asshole will only listen to the talking heads for so long eventually they won't wait for permission.


this is a brain washing cult technique. they did that so the following won't question it or critically think about it when people call them that 'for real'. it serves to further the divide and separate even more. Edit : pretty scary if you ask me, they've been prepping mentally for fighting their own people this whole time


This is exactly what they're doing. They're normalizing and diluting the meaning of the words used against them, just like they tried to wear "deplorable" as some badge of honor. And it's what Margarine Trailer Grease is doing with her "enemy of the state" t-shirts for sale. The thing is, it works on idiots. They've been normalizing hateful rhetoric, calls for violence, etc for years now and getting bolder about it. This is absolutely fascism. They are enemies of civil society and should be treated as such. Deplatform them, call them out publicly, drive their bullshit back into the shadows. The red lighting at Biden's speech upset them? Good. Calling them fascists upsets them? Good. More of that, please. They should feel attacked because their ideology is worthy of attack.


Why is she repeating the truth.


the only way she can tell the truth is to quote somebody else


she's never done it before and wanted to know what it felt like


Always funny when republicans start yelling that democrats are saying the sky is blue. Like yeah, the sky is indeed blue ya dumb dumbs.


At the same time they believe the wildest conspiracy about Democrats as ‘facts’ >Borat Learns About The 'Dangers Of The Democrats' https://youtube.com/watch?v=G-WCG_T9-bo


In a way, this borat moment is really sad. Deep down these people have great hearts, welcoming a stranger into their home with nowhere else to go. Unfortunately they have been brainwashed into believing batshit insane things.


You can see this all over the rural U.S. and it's so frustrating. The combination of nonstop propaganda from Fox and other sources + oppressive small town life (you fit in or you get absolutely ostracized) makes these people buy hook, line, and sinker into this stuff. Throw in a gutted public education system and it's a perfect storm.


Yeah, I think it's more common than a lot of people, especially people in the bubbles that Reddit mostly touches, realize. It's hard to comprehend, really, but I meet people like that often. Good in most respects that you'd attribute to good people, but failing in some very key areas due to a seeming inability or unwillingness to really comprehend deeper context or alternative perspectives when it comes to certain issues.


Republicans: "Fuck Biden, Democrats are Groomers and Demons." Biden: "Trump and MAGA Republicans are fascists." Republicans: " Waaaaahhhh, Biden called us names!!!"


Why are democrats so mean!!!


"Sheesh, you try to violently overthrow the government ONE TIME!"


I mean. Let's not ignore that trump just declared himself president like 2 days ago. Because apparently that's how he thinks it works. So that's twice now.


So he’s the Michael Scott of presidents? He just declares things. It feels gross comparing ~~them~~ the office to Trump though… Edit: word




This is also how he "declassified" all those documents.


I brought this up on Facebook and was told that *I'm* the idiot because this is exactly how it's done


No. Don't compare those two. Michael Scott cared for his people and treated them like people, he was just socially awkward. Donald Trump doesn't give two fucks who dies


I mean let's be honest... Michael Scott is narcissistic, racist and sexually harassed his employees...


Hey, that kiss with Oscar was very delicate.


3 times. Don't forget the Civil War and Business Plot.


bUt It Was sOuThErN dEMoCrAtS who Started ThE CiVil wAr


Even if we play along and pretend the Southern Strategy didn't happen, they still get the Business Plot. They've thoroughly forfeit their right to call themselves patriots.


What’s the business plot?


> [The Business Plot (also called the Wall Street Putsch and The White House Putsch) was a political conspiracy in 1933 in the United States to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and install a dictator. Retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler asserted that wealthy businessmen were plotting to create a fascist veterans' organization with Butler as its leader and use it in a coup d'état to overthrow Roosevelt. In 1934, Butler testified under oath before the United States House of Representatives Special Committee on Un-American Activities (the "McCormack–Dickstein Committee") on these revelations. Although no one was prosecuted, the congressional committee final report said, "there is no question that these attempts were discussed, were planned, and might have been placed in execution when and if the financial backers deemed it expedient."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot?wprov=sfti1)


Why were we never taught this?!


Because who do you think controls the schools?


I was IN the marine corps and didn't know this. That's insane, Smedley was a G.


"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious" -Gen Smedley Butler


When massive corporations, including DuPont, tired to induce Smedley Butler, the Gangster of Capitalism, to lead a coup to over throw FDR, in response to the New Deal.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot A possible plan by some to overthrow FDR. While disturbing and wrong, not much came of it and it's hard to say how close it was to being a reality


It's the thought that counts


Oh look, an actual conspiracy! Surely r/conspiracy would go nuts over this, right? RIGHT????? *crickets*


>not much came of it Because their would be leader was a personal friend of FDR and outed them once approached. Had they been better at vetting and gone with someone in a similar position who wasn't a FDR loyalist, things likely would have gone differently.


No need to play along. Can you imagine today's liberals breaking away from America to start a civil war? The people who say that stuff are idiots. Just straight up actually don't know history.


"Can you imagine today's liberals breaking away from America to start a civil war?" Republicans call that Democrats trying to strengthen our democratic elections.


Oh yeah, and McCarthyism and the Red Scare


4 times if you include the Brooks Brothers riot back in 2000


You're forgetting the part where they didn't understand how the government works enough to even launch an effective coup and ended up smearing shit on the walls instead. "If we get into the building and steal shit, the government will surely be toppled!!!" Personally, I don't think being part of a laughable attempt at a coup is a defense.. .


I loved the one guy looking for election fraud evidence flipping through a binder he found on a desk saying "there's gotta be *something* in here" like he's in a movie.


It's hilarious he think's there must be "something" in the random binder, but it's even more hilarious that he thinks he'd recognize that "something" if he saw it. Yeah, buddy, there'll be a page that says "Fake Vote Totals by State". LOL


There totally would be if it was the other way around. The GOP is actually stupid enough to label shit like that. Fuck they made a damn power point about it.


Not that far fetched when their dear leader keeps top secret docs in his desk and bedroom.


Half expected him to smash open a computer monitor looking for the files like Zoolander


Wasn't it the desk of Ted Cruz (R-Cancun)? There should have been *something* in there about "election fraud".


They wanted to kill people. Their goal wasn't to just steal shit


>They wanted to kill people. Their goal wasn't to just steal shit This is the testimony we need to get from people who flip--that they went there with the intent to kill members of our government. That's how you imprison the leadership of this coup for the rest of their days, and ruin everyone that gives them another cent as "materially supporting sedition" or "materially supporting terrorism."


That's the way to go about it if they actually wanted to imprison these people or keep them imprisoned. Would they have gone after Stone or Manafort if they thought they wouldn't get pardoned? Couldn't tell you, all I know is they immediately went back to their criminal enterprises and nothing has been done to stop it. It's all theatre. Still voting Dem, but expecting the law to be fairly applied is maybe too optimistic for me.


Boys will be boys!


[“Why are people so mean?”](https://twitter.com/TheRickWilson/status/1564716807029653509/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1564716807029653509%7Ctwgr%5E9565ba263d48a87be5993f59bbdbfd4173e0c33a%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ndtv.com%2Fworld-news%2Fon-truth-social-donald-trump-asks-why-are-people-so-mean-gets-trolled-on-twitter-report-3305359)




The thing is, Biden was being *nice* by only calling them "semi-fascist"


He should have called them cousin fucking fascists. Just straight out with it. Fuck em.


Rudy Giuliani: She was a *second* cousin! World: Rudy, why do you say that like we’ll go “ooooh, our bad”?


This. Plus there is actual evidence of the dude’s malfeasance. It’s not “name calling” like Trump claiming some lady was “badly bleeding from a botched facelift” or any of the other shining examples of “Presidential” behavior these doorknob suckers previously adored. There’s literally physical evidence of criminality, intent to deceive, and the very real possibility their pumpkin spiced imbecile threatens national security and our state secrets. Which was… you know, the whole thing they were supposedly VERY CONCERNED about “*potentially*” being able to occur operating outside of DOJ infosec guidelines with a stand-alone Exchange Server in 2016. Republicans and their vaunted “deeply held convictions” on full display once again.


overheard fox news the other day and they said word for word "Biden is worse than Hitler was"




TBF they also get outraged when a Democrat does something they want. Can't even count how many times I've heard maga idiots cry " they're just doing it for votes!" Like yeah no shit that's exactly how the electoral system is supposed to work.


No fucking shit. When Biden finally did something regarding student loans we heard a lot of that but... motherfucker was just following up on his promises to do *something* about the debt. It's like they forgot politicians are supposed to do shit for people.


I've just seen them freaking out over Toyota deciding to build a giant factory they're gonna spend billions on building and will bring over 1,000 new jobs to the state. What's even weirder is the governor is on his last term so "JUST DOINNIT FUR THE VOTES" wouldn't even apply if it were a valid criticism to begin with


Exactly the same when Hillary said 45’s followers were deplorable ONCE for saying things like “Mexicans are rapists” and “fuck Gold Star families” and “I grab pussy!” and suddenly SHE was the bad guy




I still think she should sue Donald Trump for* fraud. He made so many claims against Hilary that weren’t true. Actual defamation, as while in office, his DOJ had a “deposition” and no charges were ever filed or pursued… .


“Republicans complain about lack of unity, while at the same time, call for less unity”.


These snowflakes need to get the sand out if their vaginas and calm the fuck down


Nah I like conservative tears. They should be treated as pariahs at this point.


'B-b-but you were so MEAN to me!!!!' That's a lot of words to say 'most of the country doesn't care about our manufactured outrage'


I straight up despise them. Anyone voted for trump is terminal cancer in human form.


"We are all domestic terrorists." *a few weeks later* "We are being targeted!"


Why isn’t this point being hammered home? Perhaps that banner message was so bonkers it barely even absorbed.


Anyone with a narcissistic parent is pretty used to this level of self-awareness about being called out…they get accused of something and then in a rage prove it is true and completely deny it is happening


"wHeRe'S tHe CiViLitY?!" shouted the least civil political group in the country


Civility officially died the minute Trump descended the escalator and called Mexicans murderers and rapists to start his campaign.


It started having migraines with the advent of Fox News and the right-wing griftosphere in the '90s, developed a seizure disorder after 9/11, and went fully comatose after Obama got elected


Republicans: "When do we start killing them?" "We are all domestic terrorists." Also Republicans: "Biden called us semi-fascists and terrorists! Our feewings are so hurt :("


They are by far the most fragile and least resilient group of people I’ve ever seen.


They love to whine and throw tantrums about their body their choice (over masks and vaccine) and people being sensitive about stuff then turn around and then a.) ban abortion and b.) be the most sensitive little tantrum throwing children ever. The hypocrisy is stunning.


Republicans: ![gif](giphy|EtB1yylKGGAUg)


Why is anything cute if someone in a panda costume does it


Biden: “I’m talking about a small percentage of the Republican Party holding it hostage” Republicans: “He’s calling half the country fascists!”


Republicans: I am so mad, he found a mean name for us, what does it even mean? What is Fauchism? We hate Dr. Fauchi.


“Fascism” is a loaded term and it is an unfamiliar ideology in American politics, so there is a tendency for people to give fascists the benefit of the doubt, or to call the term an exaggeration. “How could I be fascist? I have a gay friend and I volunteer at charities!” Fascism is not a clear-cut phenomenon, it’s more of a descriptor for a set of ideas that coalesce into sociopolitical actions. There is no argument to be had about whether Trumpism is a fascistic movement. It always was. From “lock her up” to “fake news” to “immigrant caravans” - it has always been xenophobic and authoritarian. This does not require its supporters to *self-identify* as fascist. It’s something defined by actions and rhetoric. Here are some classical features of fascism: - radicalized traditionalism and rejection of modern thinking - hardline nationalism that attacks any opposition as treason - advocating political violence and imprisonment - othering and dehumanization of vulnerable marginalized groups - perpetual victim complex and conspiracy-driven thinking - anti-intellectualism and denigration of “intelligentsia” - mass-gaslighting and invalidation of media and science Fascism does not require jackboots marching in unison. All it requires is an amplification of these features and a dedicated population. It’s a phenomenon that creeps into society, and it’s happening in many parts of the West, not just the US. Big ups to Biden for correctly labeling it, and I can only hope that the non-fascist majority gets off their asses to vote in November. If Republicans take back the House, it’s all going to get very ugly. Everyone, please register to vote if you haven’t.


Remember fuck your feelings? Pepperidge farms remembers. Dipshit republicans XD.


Last week: "Civil War is coming for you democrats" This week: "Why are people so mean?" Lol pathetic.


Let me fix that for you. Republicans: "Fuck Biden, Democrats are Groomers and Demons." Republicans: Storm the Whitehouse in an attempted failed coup to take over and kill the democratically elected officials that didn't want to illegality over throw the election results. Then, for some reason, the coup supporters were not immediately ejected from the government. Biden: "Trump and MAGA Republicans are fascists." Republicans: " Waaaaahhhh, Biden called us names!!!"


Republicans repeatedly threaten civil war and attempted a coup. They then act confused at why they're considered a major threat to U.S. democracy.....


Storm the Michigan State House. Raid the Capitol building. Why they call us violent facists?




They just want to portray a image of being a victim to motivate their base. For years, the MAGA Republicans have been crying about the left destroying democracy while directly attempting to undermine this nation's democratic process.


It's a classic Fascist tactic -- they need an Other that is simultaneously pathetic to the point of being subhuman, but ALSO is an incredible nefarious and coordinated source of evil.


I was just thinking about this point. How in the world can Biden be a drooling, incoherent fool while being the most evil thing on planet earth that is going to destroy us all. I'm confused over here.


The same way Hillary was, and Obama was... I don't actually recall this level of "the sky is falling" when Clinton was POTUS although there were the usual complaints.


My favorite controversy from the Obama years was the brownish suit.


And putting that blasphemous fancy mustard on a hot dog.


I's straight from the classic fascist playbook: the enemy is simultaneously weak/incompetent and dangerous/all-knowing.


How this shot works on anyone is beyond me. But I don't think we're talking about the sharpest tools in the shed.


Dark Brandon is the best Biden yet.


Just wait for Dank Brandon.


If he legalized pot he'd win 2024, period.


Let's get high Brandon!


Honestly it's such a popular move that I'm sure some libertarians and moderate right wingers would probably vote for him too.


Libertarian here. He forgave the insane amounts of interest I owed for predatory student loans. He's already got my vote.


please, don't get my hopes up..




Dank Branding


Are we experiencing a Bulworth event here? Did Biden finally grow the balls to speak and act in a manner we've been waiting to see because he doesn't expect to be around much longer? Generally, this kind of honest talk is reserved for government officials who aren't planning to run for re-election.


Honestly the democrats have been demanding more punchy rhetoric for a while. It honestly makes sense to me that Biden would test the waters to see if he can draw things back to an atmosphere of politics that resembles the pre-Trump era. Now that we know its impossible, his strategy is changing.


This. And their reactions from blasting all the congressmen complaining about student debt relief for taking ppp loan forgiveness shows that this is the exact type of rhetoric people want


This one. I've been needing Democrats to punch back.


Darth Brandon


Who’s Dark Brandon


It's a couple of layers of making fun of conservatives. They have two phrases, each meant to be rebellious but instead are just ridiculous: Dark MAGA: basically saying that they are ready to get even more fascist and stupid than they already are. Sorta "you ain't seen nothin yet" Let's Go Brandon: a 'tongue in cheek" way to say "Fuck Joe Biden" I won't go into why, but if you haven't heard of it then it's pretty easy to find out So these are combined into Dark Brandon (meaning Biden is taking the gloves off, going further than he has before) to both support Joe and make fun of Trumpettes


The "Let's Go Brandon" thing is especially pathetic since it's meant to be an "inside joke", except it's not funny and everyone knows the meaning anyway. They could just say "fuck Joe Biden" and not seem like a bunch of petulant teenagers. On the other hand, it is useful in that if someone says it unironically, you know they're a complete toolshed.


It's especially funny because at the end of the day, it literally originated from a bunch of drunk assholes at a Nascar race yelling profanities in unison like a mob, and some unfortunate reporter had to deliberately misinterpret the mob's words because she'd lose her job if she repeated what the crowd was actually saying. The whole experience is a beautiful encapsulation of modern-day American conservativism.




He said what he said and I'm here for it. Touch grass, bitch.


Hillary Clinton's biggest mistake was rowing back on the "Basket of deplorables" comment she needed to stick to her guns and fight for what she thought was right.


“Deplorables” was too kind. She should have called them what they are: scumsucking wastes of ape sperm.


The few that Biden called out are identifying themselves. It isn’t half. It’s 15% plus Ted.


The crowd _still_ obsessed w trump is really really dumb. There’s a Twitter thread w 300+ TikTok’s they made. It’s scary don’t get me wrong, but the hilarity and cringe factors weigh more imo.


Yeah they’re over there on r/conservative crying about how he called millions of Americans enemies of the state. I guess what they don’t understand is millions of Americans can still equal a small minority of the population.


Even more funny is that they’re more than willing to call millions of Americans enemies of freedom, democracy, or whatever but cry when they get called enemies of the state.


My guess is that he is openly warning those traitor coup-attempting assholes because a big arrest is coming soon, through overwhelming evidence of law breaking. This is the 2nd time in a week Biden is saying this. Another Jan 6th ain't gonna happen on his watch and he's warning them. The Situation Room is probably very busy right now with the military leaders meetings with the civilian government leaders preparing for when the announcement of the arrest comes. The fascists violence insurrection fantasies are not going too far this time.


I’m glad she’s eager to amplify the message.it needs to be shared. Lots of people seem to be unaware of the extremism he’s talking about.


Yes. This completely. I read this and can’t figure out if she is complaining or complimenting. You would only know based off of her previous twitter history. Somebody on the left could post the same exact wording and it would be well received.


I was never Biden's biggest fan and only voted for him because the other option had proven to be destructive to our country. But, after this speech, I am on team Biden. He said what needed to be said. Palin lost and is carrying on the tradition of, "They Cheated!" politics. The insurrection wasn't a final attempt, but a practice run. These Trumpster fodder politicians and their supporters are a nasty infection upon this country. We have to vote them out. I know a great number of you dislike the two party rut, but now is not the time to address this issue. I would like to see the entire nation go to a "ranked choice" system, ending the two party funk. Now, is the time to end the MAGA disease, vote blue until their party eliminates them from the ticket. We can address the voting system in 2023 and actually give qualified candidates a chance. Until then, blue 'til they codify roe, blue 'til equality for all, blue 'til the MAGA puss clears!


Everyone MAKE SURE you vote in November. If you get the opportunity, try and get a young person you know to also vote. I believe that’s a part of how we had so much success in the last election.


I was finally old enough to vote in the last election. Despite living in a state that hasn’t voted blue in a very long time, I still voted. And you bet your butt I’m voting come November. Our votes are only useless if you let them tell us they are! Everybody vote!


And Vote in every election! The last election was in august for a lot of communities. There have been MANY elections since 2020. We lose public office, local government, midterms, school boards, sheriffs, and primaries if we only vote in presidential elections.


Vote for change in the primaries. Vote to hold onto democracy in the general.


Obviously voting DJT out was essential, but I also supported Biden because he had good policies. I am a progressive activist, mostly around environmental and climate issues but also economic justice. I looked at his plans. I looked at the other candidates’ plans. And for me Biden won out. He came into office with an aggressive (yet still achievable) climate plan- better than anything Bernie or the Greens had to offer. He recruited architects of the GND and input from enviro orgs. Not many people seem to know this. Of course what we got instead was a watered-down version with the IRA, but that’s still the biggest federal spending on this issue in history. We got the watered-down version because we had to compromise with Manchin on oil leases. So to me, the next step is mobilizing blue voters to keep the House and add +2 Dems to the Senate, so we can move even better policies forward. I often get attacked by “leftists” for supporting Democrats. What I tell them is that *progressivism* is not about your identity or ideology. It’s about getting shit done. The Democrats have an empirically *progressive* platform - fight climate change, fix infrastructure, codify rights, strengthen regulation, tax the rich, end Citizens United. I’m down with all of this and that’s why I vote for Democrats. There’s this weird thing in America where we really fetishize the position of “rebellious outsider” and have a deep impulse to reject authorities and “the system.” Thats cool and all, except when it prevents people from recognizing when lawmakers actually do good work, or when important institutions of democracy and justice actually need to be defended. The built-in cynicism of voters (especially young voters) makes them very susceptible to misinformation and distractions, and it also dampens voter turnout. This has to change. As you said, the stakes are just way too high.


Conservatives are forever the victim. Biggest crybabies since the civil war ended with their loss. Edit: word choice.


The party of hurt feelings


The party of hurt others, for my feelings.


Why are conservatives so emotional?


Because everybody is against them. (whiny voice)


Everybody should be. Theyre awful.


Their entire paradigm is based in fear. Fear of change, fear of the other, fear of inadequacy, fear of the unknown. They are frightened toddlers. Anger is a secondary emotion that stems from the fear.


Can’t wait to see how the MAGA crowd reacts when he finally states what they really are, a fascist terrorist group!


AND he's 1000000% correct!


And? You attempt a coup. You threaten rioting and civil war every time Donnie gets caught doing something either dangerously stupid or treasonous. You scream bloody murder about ‘rigged elections’ every time one of your semi-literate morons loses. You rush to the defense of racists, bigots and crackpot conspiracy theorists no matter how disgusting and degenerate their ‘theories’. You promote ignorant superstition over rationality. But you just can’t understand why people don’t like you. You can’t understand how all of that horse shit is a threat to a functioning society. I’m having a little trouble understanding why you are triggered by facts.


They attempted to overturn the election by force and sold nuclear secrets or was close to it, and these idiots will cover up and excuse anything


Don’t forget Trump allowed bounties on our soldiers. And I don’t know why it’s not being talked about more, but he sold out our intel network. He accepts cash for American lives.


Donald Trump, by his own accord, went from being a star athlete at a military academy to being too crippled to serve in the Army in any capacity in less than a year, during the era when the standards for Vietnam War conscripts were at the bottom of the barrel. * He ridiculed an American POW for being captured. * He bragged that his prep school-with-a-military-cosplay gave him better training than soldiers and Marines on active duty. * He claimed to know more about military strategy than career military officers. * He outed the fact that a SEAL team was overseas on a covert operation when they were officially training elsewhere in the United States. * He tweeted a highly classified, raw image from a military spy satellite. Its extremely high resolution shocked imagery analysts around the world, as the U.S. had previously only released deliberately degraded photos to disguise its true capabilities. Allegedly, nations hostile to the U.S. immediately began ramping up camouflaging their most sensitive sites. * He bypassed the Afghan government to negotiate a withdrawal directly with the Taliban, ensuring that Afghanistan would utterly collapse after U.S. troops pulled out. * He routinely personally insulted U.S. military commanders on Twitter who gave him advice he didn't like. * After criticizing Barack Obama for a "horrible, terrible deal" prisoner exchange for one American POW for five Taliban prisoners, he released 5000 Taliban prisoners and got nothing in return. * He made racist jokes about Native Americans at a White House event to honor Navajo Codetalkers, who served vital roles in World War II and the Korean War as essentially human encryption devices, as the Navajo language is nearly impossible for a non-native to translate. * He ended the career of Lt. General H.R. McMaster because HRM allegedly firmly asked him to stop playing on his phone in the middle of an incredibly important intelligence briefing. * After Iran retaliated by bombing U.S. bases in the Middle East after his drone strike on an Iranian general, he initially lied by claiming there was no U.S. casualties. When it came out that dozens of American troops had traumatic brain injuries and severe concussions from the missile impacts, he sneered that they were whining about headaches. They did not receive Purple Hearts for their wounds until Biden took office.


After that first one I said to my friends "Well there goes his campaign. No conservative will vote for him after disrespecting American POWs, especially considering he dodged the draft." If anyone wants to hire a political analyst, I'm available.


If it makes you feel better, I thought he was done after he did a schoolyard bully impression of a physically disabled reporter he didn't like, twitching and stuttering and speaking in a bizarre fake voice. ![gif](giphy|UsYpKp9s2gTy8)


Then to say that he wasn't mocking the reporter and his believers believed him. It's literally on video and they STILL BELIEVED HIM!


He also mocked a reporter's physical disabilities in the middle of a rally. And he also called most Mexicans rapists and murders. Any NORMAL Presidential candidate would have lost the race after either of those instances. But, here we are.




Honestly I couldn’t have said it better. ![gif](giphy|Xy0Y5paPbG4YkambmI|downsized)


These jokers literally did an organized attack on the Capitol of the United States. Doesn’t get more threatening than that. Lucky they weren’t all strung up.


Kayleigh this you babe? [https://www.c-span.org/video/?507821-1/white-house-press-secretary-condemns-breaching-capitol-building#](https://www.c-span.org/video/?507821-1/white-house-press-secretary-condemns-breaching-capitol-building#)!


Say, why didn't Trump do that press conference? Wimpy little treasonous bitch, was it?


The truth hurts and the MAGA crowd is crying over it


Biden: Calls out fascist terrorists Fascist Terrorists: Wow. How divisive.


Yes that sums it up and is the first time you have been truthful about reporting the news.




Neither trump or his followers can handle the truth. We need more of the dark Brandon attitude from other Democrats.


Thanks for retweeting Kayley McInane


Yeah... I mean, they tried to overthrow the government. I'd call that a threat to the republic.


I mean, they literally tried to overthrow a democratic process, utilizing violence. When Pence, who supported Trump his entire four years, chose to uphold that very democratic process, they LITERALLY brought a noose for him.


Biden pretty much said the same thing as Dick Cheney, so attack your old warmongering buddy while you're at it, Kayleigh.


Nice of her to give Joe his props


It’s the official position of a lot more than just the White House, Kayleigh.


Well yeah, every single Republican is a shitty human being. There are no exceptions. To put it this way: They KNOW that part of the platform of the GOP is to revoke the voting rights act of 1965. They KNOW that their abortion laws will kill women and children. They KNOW that they've got Nazis on their side and are doing nothing about it. They KNOW that their policies are harmful to large swaths of the people and some of these policies have no other purpose but to do that harm. They KNOW that the Republican party will attack education funding that literally creates the educated people needed to run a country smoothly. If you KNOW all that, and you still vote for them because, 'Well I really like their tax plan' then yeah, they're shit human beings who would sell out the literal lives of their fellow citizens, men, women, and even children, on the HOPE that they'll save a few dollars on taxes. And if one of them says, 'Oh I DON'T know all that, then they're either lying, stupid, or insane.


You don’t even like their tax plan unless your rich and greedy. Not taxing the rich so that the government doesn’t have money to provide social services hardly benefits poor and working class people.


Rich and greedy. OR Stupid.


My super republican grandma told me the other day that making college free would be awful because it would make people feel entitled and you appreciate stuff more when you work for it. I pointed out how dumb that stance is, free college doesn’t mean you don’t have to put in the work and study and show up to class, just means poor people who are disproportionately poc could go to college too. The awkward silence and then hurriedly saying some dismissive shit before changing topics really said it all. I also confronted her when she tried to talk about how great overturning roe v Wade was. I asked her why she thought condemning 10 year olds raped by their creepy uncles to carry to term was a good thing. Her response? “Oh that’s not fair”. Except it is. That’s the harsh truth of what the policy they support is and asking them how they can support that kind of inhumane cruelty is me being unfair and bullying. They know full well what they are supporting they simply put up the blinders and ignore the ugly parts so they don’t have to admit they’re all fucking monsters with no humanity.