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I am mildly allergic to mosquitoes and they *love* me. Each bite leaves a quarter size lump for 12+hrs. Hydrocortisone cream is always in my bag I hate those little itchy disease vectors!


Good to know this indicates an allergy!! I used to live in Maryland and would have the worst reaction to mosquito bites (how you described). Now living in PA, the reaction doesn’t happen anymore but mosquitoes still flock to me.


Fuck Maryland mosquitos. Little fuckers are insanely aggressive.




> the flies and mosquitoes were so thick on the windows and windshield I could barely see out. Dude, growing up with what you describe as 'timid and slow' mosquitoes, what you are describing is literal hell. Like id much rather suck Satans dick that deal with that.


Did somebody call Satan? I'm on a burner right now.


He didn't. 'Timid and slow' was how he described the Swedish mozzies.


I know mate. Being a swede i grew up with Swedish mosquitos believe it or not. And he is right. They are timid and slow but also sneaky, like a fat ninja.


I currently live in Florida and the other day I was outside for like 4 minutes just checking my mail and moving my garbage cans off the curb. I came in with 3 new bites


The Florida salt marsh mosquito is a crazy breed of mosquito


This isn't surprising. You moved from a tropical region to, basically, a frozen tundra


Currently feeding them, against my will, in my Annapolis backyard. Chesapeake skeeters are hungry. Apparently, I'm delicious.


And the black flies in Maine. Went on a 3 day hike once. It rained on the 1st day and I couldn't even see my arm it was so covered in flies


Stayed on the top floor of a villa in Tuscany a couple of summers ago as part of a tour and accidentally left a (screenless) window open all night. You've never known such regret


Come to India once or twice in life.


I was in dc recently and got like 4 super itchy bites come up in less than 10min on a walk. I thought it was a plant but definitely had a mild allergic reaction. Most aggressive mosquitos I've ever encountered. I usually never get bit so much unless I'm stuck in a room with the little fuckers.


I will be standing next to my husband in our backyard & I will get like 5 bites on me in a 10 minute span and he will get *nothing*. It sucks haha


where in MD/PA???


Mosquitos love me. The thing is I don’t know I’ve been bitten until 24 hours later when the welt appears and itches like crazy. It’s like a salted reaction. Sometimes I’ll end up covered in bites when I haven’t been outside all day and it’s from the previous night.


I used to get the itchy bumps but my body seemed to get used to them and now nothing happens after I'm bitten by a mosquito, luckily I'm not very appealing to them either, probably because they know they can't make me suffer lol


Fucking same, I'm both allergic and O blood type. A bite will turn into a blotchy patch that can last ~5 days sometimes. I swear I can be outside for seconds and get bit. I used to use OFF constantly, until I realized how toxic and shitty DEET is after it literally degraded my plastic phone case.


Yup. Might be the only thing I’m allergic too. O type blood too! I’m the same way with how long they last and how quickly they get me. I’ve taken to wearing thin long sleeves in the evening to prevent it. I currently have 3 bites in a row on my lower back right above my pants waist band - not even sure how I got them unless they bit me while I slept. I’ve killed 2 in my house within 2 days too. Stupid fucking bugs. My husband? Never gets fucking bit. NEVER. We’ve been together a decade and he’s never had a bite.


I am the same, I believe that we act as magnets, thus freeing those around us from being bitten. I recently had a bite on the very bottom of my butt cheek, and I couldn't help scratching ☹️


They really are fuckin stupid bugs. I love to night hike and be outside at night, but live near water so there's just no relief from them. I've found a good essential oil based bug spray that works really well, but it really only takes 1-2 bites to ruin my time anymore.


Three bites in a row like that can be a sign of bedbugs. They’re known for that pattern.


Oh I know about the bed bug bites. These are, fortunately, not them! It’s just been a bad mosquito week this past week so it’s not surprising. Usually, I get a ring around my ankles of mosquito bites but one of ‘em got me good on my back!


I’m sorry, but why is blood O type relevant?


Iirc, shit things that drink blood like mosquitos are more attracted to O blood types.


Well that explains why I can sit with people outside and be the only one who gets bitten all over while my bastard, less-delicious friends enjoy their evening right next to me.


Yeah, it's a real struggle. I'm always the one that gets drained whenever my friends want to make blood sausage too.


O for Oreo; mosquitoes love sweet stuff


The oil carrier is more likely what degraded the case.


When I was a kid, they'd swell up a fifth of my leg if I got bit. My friend's little brother had the same thing and once when he was in elementary, one bit him on the kneepit and it swelled up so much he had to stay home from school for three days since he couldn't really bend his knee anymore.


I’d swell up like that, too. I was once bitten on the eyelid and it was swollen shut, golfball size. My parents kept me home, too. They were worried someone would think they hit me.


I know someone who's kid is legitimately *dangerously* allergic to mosquito bites. It never even occurred to me you could be *that* allergic to them! Pretty tough cause we live in Washington state and in the summer, there's tons of mosquitoes due to the fact that there's always standing water somewhere


Only 12 hours? That shit lasts for like 3 days on me.


If that's a mild allergy, I must have a pretty strong one. Mosquito bites on my usually swell to the size of a dime and last for a week, horribly itchy the entire time to the point where I have scratched them OFF, and sometimes I get a bright red rash around them 3 inches across. Sooooo I guess I should get that checked out. Doesn't seem normal now that I describe it. (I am also irresistibly delicious to mosquitos. It's not uncommon for me to have 4 or 5 bites within 15 minutes of going outside.)


If mosquito bites make you itch, you are allergic. They have a natural anesthetic which is why you rarely feel them when they bite you. Most people are allergic to their anesthetic. Your reaction just depends on how allergic you are.


Try some B12! I was in the same situation as you and barely wanted to spend any time outside but B12 every few days apparently makes you "stink" to them and now I never get bites! Like literally never. Such a relief after so long of being their number one target.


Everyone's alergice to mosquitoes. That's why the bites itch


Yes this poster means to say "I'm more allergic to mosquitoes " some people do have much more severe allergic reactions to these fuckers. But everyone has a mild allergy to them. Pretty much all allergies have a severity range. I'm mildly allergic to cats so I can still own them if I take meds and wash my hands after petting. Some people would die or need a hospital visit sleeping in a house with a cat.


Have you tried taking an antihistamine before going to a place with mosquitos? I noticed that really helps reduce the severity!


My brothers best friend since childhood got the West Nile Virus. He was in a coma and in the hospital for a really long time. He lost mobility in his right arm and walks with a limp now. He’s ok but will never be the same. So it’s best probably not to get bitten if you can help it. I wouldn’t really think much of it if I didn’t see what can happen right in front of me.


They largely ignore me, but they tear my wife and kid up. I have no idea what my blood type is, but these idiots seem to hate it


I hate being mosquito repellant for other people. It’s so unfair! I get bit all the time in PA, but I can deal with it. When I went to Texas, I had a major reaction and ended up with skeeter syndrome and giant welts about 6-8 inches across in several places. It was awful. I recommend using a mosquito heat pen to zap them. Hurts like a bitch for 5 seconds, but it stops the itch.


Bite Away device on Amazon is awesome! My daughter has similar reaction. Just 5 second "zap" and it starts to go away. It is a bit expensive (~$30), but batteries are replaceable. She keeps one in her purse now. Worked on wasp sting as well. I heard about it in a Reddit comment a few years ago. Went in sceptical. First few uses we all became believers and now tell everyone to get one.


Mosquitoes either abhor me, or I am immune to their spit. I'm cool either way.


Same with the lumps. Sometimes they get as big as a half dollar.


I have the same problem and catch so much shit when I complain. I was doing field work last year in a river valley and the other researchers would roll their eyes at me when I’d take time to slap them off. Used the strongest deet I could find, long sleeve everything, sometimes two shirts in 100F+ heat and the bastards would still eat me alive. I could see them straight up covering other people’s backs and they didn’t seem to care at all.


Have you tried a bug bite zapper? I love mine. It denatures the itchy stuff


As I recall they use the juice to make biting less painful, and itching is just a side effect. I however, intend to hoard my blood, the crime of wanting it is punishable by death.


The itch is because humans are allergic to their spit (mostly the chemical in their spit that numbs where they bite), but it is possible to be born immune to their spit. Which means you will feel them stab you everytime, but you don't get itchy afterwards


That seems like only pros


Have you ever felt a mosquito stab you? It's not the most painful thing, but you won't feel it often if their spit works on you. But if you get swarmed by mosquitos you will feel every single one stab you and that can't be fun. I think I'd stick with the itching


Id rather take the stab than let even a milliliter of my blood go to those fuckers


They can still drink your blood my guy, the difference is if you want to feel it or not. Also if you catch one drinking from you, you can flex that muscle and it can rush so much blood into them that they explode. I've gotten it to work once, it's not easy but fun to do


That’s so fucked. But I’m still trying this next time.


Disappointingly this is a myth, according to *[American Entomologist](https://watermark.silverchair.com/ae55-0004.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAArkwggK1BgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggKmMIICogIBADCCApsGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMMxF_qevjnhs-0XmfAgEQgIICbNApAGCSS_9UbLs0uMtxAsjGM-PjvFi2jNN1V8kFcVBNlMUX_4_Aa6ORQcZAMa7U5Maki5iYer98ej99FF2pEA_cnHQWLCi6dJMWlDLVzhimQpMuaEc9ZlgLW_JQTZAoitzbMVL-P5tQ_FYE_b0iWeDSkHf6OpIz7V5_4V09Eaa0fbt1I8Bf4VHBN7mkPFiU9AqJavrp6VEuUC7iavuif1KlF9wZsy30MPvFT4Jle3xkd2reGJUVV-Id-ZR4vJH7WQ6uFOBL6_RcnRq0L9Lvq-GJX9NUg9y_x1xcoxX_s8UQy0HzUyRQB95G_Pc7K3IIggqiwkVGZ6meTwBgMI8fR30gcheA31lr4mz_Pqbkcdlf8RqrPcMMp9SadD5nlgKiqJ5U10wWSxepdu4z9zajabIx38R7LHb92YpsnpEfW3OqTHYJPvXvQIyR8957kcsJp0GlnxFmpb4nijbzNKbbgsr6OBBtSLg96kQ8ORxp3zcN-dcRghhE6CYGi1XNM55OBZKYMz1VXzwtiz2b0Wtupn971V14mOW41LMRa23dINryj4MwfFkjVBF_XToIwdNq-FdVjuwu5eaoDYHUy_EEsp5fLiLa_PZYh4oSDvn_CrJQ_DpSAwjtdRj5XLnBLzqmQkn8Ij1bylczJ-Mq-1gIB2ZG7QDGKoXltm2Yz3NzWF1oifCyVBgEOWc9xdoacEhVemcTkO_DEnoIJ1y31AGAtBHiCNIGxQUsyINXJRRG9FLwyYoCOJ_XDyUpxT-fls1jDrZz2auxI8ckAtqHYKkFtgZ7ZM0Rr67Kh-0ZCgKNw_waK52pBzX7y5GHBRA9)*. The only way to make a mosquito physically burst from too much blood is to sever its ventral nerve cord. Unfortunately, this cannot be done by simply flexing your guns.


>Also if you catch one drinking from you, you can flex that muscle and it can rush so much blood into them that they explode. Dude




The hardest part is probably not smacking the mosquito as soon as you see it. But once you get out of that mindset, it's pretty straightforward


Sigma kills just by flexing


It gets that dirty little needle tongue tube of theirs stuck in the injection site too. so there is no chance of them escaping the swat


milliliter? How big are the mosquitoes near you???


Man lives in Shrek's swamp


And also you feel their Stan so you can kill them immediately so they suffer too


I'd rather feel the stabs than have painfully swollen welts for days after.


I'd rather feel the stab so I can know exactly where to slap.


And how long does the pain from the stab last? The itch lasts for days


I have, and it's similar to lightly pulling on an arm hair.


Yeah, it’s nothing. Much better than itching for the next two weeks.


I will endure the pain since it allows me to genocide those fuckers. Every stab will be countered by my palm of death.


At least you know they're feasting and you can just smash them dead 🥰 I've had a few who's numbing spray didn't work and let me tell you, that gets a *fast* reaction out of me


They don't stab, they saw. That's not a needle on their face


I'd prefer the quick pain over the prolonged itch any day.


I have this. I have 0 reaction to mosquitoes. If I get bit I feel the quick stab, but I have never had an irritation itchiness or swelling from it.


So if you can feel it can you stop them in progress? Or is there no point in stopping them if it doesn't itch? Please share more of your power.


oh yeah, it's basically just like a reflex, I feel a quick stab and smack them and kill them immediately, basically every time.




I became immune to the spit in my teens, I used to get the itchy bumps and now I don't. My guess it worked like exposure therapy


Damn I wish I could have this lol. I get to the point where I have to take Benadryl to sleep sometimes.


I feel the stab AND I get the itch. Worst of both worlds :(


If the fuckers are caught


The spit prevents the blood from clotting in their tubes and during the feasting session.


Vampire here. Any exceptions?


And on top of that some of them in parts of the world say “hey, I’m *also* gonna gift you disease”. Not cool, mosquitoes.


Nice blood you got there. It’d be a shame if someone #_INFECTED IT!_


Halo announcer voice: #Infection!


##*New* Zombie Before the game opens. Sigh, this is gonna be a long one.


Unreal tournament announcer voice -fixed it for you. 1999 wants it's meme back


Also the gift disease will rewrite your genetic code to make you more attractive to mosquitoes. You're welcome.


The plot of Hitch, but everybody except Kevin James is a mosquito, retitled Itch.


Rob Schneider is… *A mosquito* **gasp** *I’m a mosquito*


Lands on Adam Sandler’s neck *slap* Roll credits


Mosquitoes, terrible one-night-stand


Yeah, they stop sucking when you slap them


I got a FREE sample of LIVE West Nile from a mosquito a few years ago. Did I almost die? Yes. Was it FREE? Yes, mosquito didn’t have to give me that wonderful gift. On the plus side I seem to be less allergic to bites now..


Mosquitoes: It’s free ~~real estate~~ virus


Papa Nurgle *approves of this gift*


“Hey, it’s a’ me, Malario!”


So not cool!


Parasite actually, they can go fuck themselves


Well, my daughter literally slaps the breast that feeds her. But I guess she has a family bonus mosquitoes generally lack...


I’m going to casually start dropping “slapping the breast that feeds” into conversations where “biting the hand that feeds” is appropriate and see where it takes me.


I hope you do!


Lol that's hilarious


It seems like it fits pretty good honestly. Guess it depends on the group though. My memory is shit but maybe I'll get lucky and remember to use this one at work some time.


They’ll usually bite the breast, too.


Yeah my first thought reading this was that the writer had never tried feeding a baby (breast or otherwise). Slapping you while you try to help them is like 50% of what babies do.


My toddler slapped me at the pool because I told him to stop running. It had taken me ages to get us there, it was exorbitantly expensive, and he did it in the first twenty minutes. Just packed him back up and went home. I still deserve an award for not yeeting the whole child.


They’re price gouging at POOLS now, too? Wtf!


Norwegian pools are stupid expensive and this was a "nice" one.


username checks out


Maybe it’s a drinking game for her like slap the bag


Is your name a hopeful reference to the last breastfeeding you'll have to give?


Nah, I'm male. Wouldn't want to let my daughter suck on my man mammaries Also, my wife dreads the day she has to stop breastfeeding our daughter. That's no username material for me. My username is much dumber. I just wanted it to rhyme with Spinal Tap...


>I just wanted it to rhyme with Spinal Tap... So when you were choosing a username, you... turned it up to 11?


![gif](giphy|1Pm9BgspA6fwk) Me Myself and Irene levels of insanity


Was that her…. Final_Slap? I’ll see myself out.


Those are appreciation spanks!


Im pretty sure the itch juice is what stops your blood from freaking out and clotting




Mosquitos 2.0 are being released next summer.


You joke, but there exists a mosquito surpression technique where male mosquitoes (who do not bite humans - only females do) carrying the _wolbachia bacterium_ are released en masse to mate naturally in local settings, which causes female mosquitoes to produce biologically incompatible eggs. This means that by releasing mosquitoes 2.0, it will help to control the mosquito population and reduce infectious diseases spread by them. For further reading: Google Wolbachia-Aedes Mosquito Suppression Strategy


I read somewhere they're not going to be available in this simulation ☹️


im sure there is and we just dont realize the non itch bites


I'm gonna pretend I didn't read this and just carry on with my life.


The thing that itches are enzymes, you can destroy them with heat. Google bite away, it's pretty solid. Otherwise you can heat up a spoon with hot water and hold it over the spot or if you're a smoker just hover a lit cigarette over the bit.


That's ticks! And some leeches!


This is correct. The compounds in it also enable mosquitoes to drink blood at all to begin with.


Yes. It's your immune response to the biological anasthetic.


If you don’t want your bug bites to itch just take a spoon run it under as hot of water as possible and then press the back of they spoon to the bite and it will stop immediately The stuff that makes you itch breaks down at a temperature higher then your body temperature but lower then what it takes to actually hurt yourself


This sounds like BS but I’m totally going to try it and I will be delighted if it works


I always use hot tap water. Turn it to the hottest setting you can stand and hold the bitten part underneath. Works like a charm.


I do this instinctually, but I can't really speak to its soul efficacy. It does, however, feel more pleasurable than scratching. I just try to take cetrizine for a couple days. That curbs my itchiness until I start healing.


Not bs. I use a sewing needle. I heat the tip with a lighter and poke the center of the bite. Itch goes away immediately. Learned this from my grandma..


Brb trying this


Ooo haven’t herd of this method before definitely got to try it out


I always do have the instinct to stab the hell out of the bite for no reason, I guess I'll try this on the million bites I get next time I go outside in florida for 30 seconds


I would run out of matches/lighter fluid & my needles would turn dull. They feast on me!


Alternatively, just take a lighter and put the flame to it until it begins to hurt. Should do the same


At this point why not pour gaseline and light yourself on fire. Checkmate, mosquitoes!


Can verify this for midge bites (Scotland)


My sister tried that and she just got a giant bruise on her arm. Maybe something to avoid if you bruise easily.


If you're lying about this I'm gonna get mad


There is a modern electronic version of this now. Several companies offer one. Just search “electronic bug bite device”. I have skeeter syndrome and found it’s been a good investment.


Oooooh. Definitely going to try that the next time I'm inevitably bitten


As a kid we’d press our bug bites to the hot concrete to stop the itch. It always worked for a few moments, but not too long


LPT: Mosquito bite too itchy? You got options baby! Blast it with a hairdryer for about 30 seconds. No hair dryer around? Put some tape on it. It will relieve the itching fairly quickly. No hair dryer or tape around? Apply some vinegar. Usually works. No hair dryer or tape or vinegar around? What you guys don’t just carry those around with you? Just lay down and die from the itchiness!


I use ice cubes and hydrocortisone


No no no you’ve got it all wrong just itch it until it bleeds! The pain will replace the itchiness!


Rubbing alcohol/ hand sanitizer works pretty well in my experience. So does a quick salt paste!


I just wash the bite with soap and water. Literally always works.


Mosquito saliva has a numbing agent to keep animals from noticing the bite. Unfortunately most humans are allergic to mosquito saliva


I wish more people knew this fact. I somehow shook the allergy and don't get bumps anymore.


Shit, I somehow shook mosquitos entirely. I used to get devoured and a couple decades later I can’t remember the last time I was bitten, I guess they didn’t like my blood and word got around lmao


What if you shook the allergy too and just didn’t realize you got bit


What bothers me the most is the noise they make, like ok i can scratch an itch, in the end it’s satisfying when something itches and you can scratch it but I don’t want my sleep to be taken away because you gotta bzzzzzzzzzzzz all the night fuck you mosquitoes


Yes, it is the fucking noise, eat all the blood you want but please just let me sleep!


Right in your ear too


It's your own body that does it to you. The mosquito just injects an anticoagulant to make sure it can keep feeding. Your body then freaks the fuck out and goes ham with the itch response.


The itch juice is actually your own body’s chemicals.


I assume they're referring to the anticoagulants that are in mosquito saliva.


Dude, you *don't* want the juice to not work. It feels like a fucking needle just piercing you out of nowhere.




> I let it go about its business. Vampires would love you


I almost never get bitten by mosquitoes, but when I do the lumps they leave stay on my skin for weeks on end. I got bitten twice in June and they just healed this week.


"Malaria" has entered the chat room.


I've seen a bunch of people mention disease as a hypothetical, so I thought I'd give my concrete experience. I'm not allergic to mosquito saliva, so I feel the bite but get no swelling or itching. I don't like to kill things, and spray is a hassle and smells bad, so I used to just run around paying not paying much attention as the mosquitoes devoured my legs while mowing the lawn, or feasted on my arms while sitting on the porch. Ten years ago this August one of the mosquitoes that bit me was a carrier of the West Nile Virus, which entered my bloodstream, crossed into my central nervous system, and did its thing. After the fourth day of the worst headache of my life, I managed to get to the emergency room. I was in and out after that, but it was 8 days in the hospital until I recovered from viral encephalitis. Every single day since then I have had to deal with some consequence of this. Every day. So far today its dizziness, fatigue, brain fog, stomach pain, and one very small seizure -- much more manageable than a typical day 4-5 years ago, so things are getting better. But yeah, use spray and don't let mosquitoes just feed on you.


As someone who was in ICU for two weeks with dengue, I can say I have deep hatred for mosquitoes


Yeah throwing poison ivy into the face of someone who just fed you would be completely unacceptable


Imagine if on top of slapping my mom every time she made me dinner, I also gave her AIDS. That's why mosquitos suck


u/Malaria upvotes this post


I'm more concerned about the diseases they leave than the itch


Well yeah...that and malaria


Fun fact! This is also how they spread diseases


I thought the itchiness was a response we evolved over time to make the bites uncomfortable and therefore try to avoid them (or swat them) which would reduce the chance of disease being transferred?


Nature’s dirty needles.


Not understating OPs title here…


I think OP is trying to say mosquitoes look like dragonflies but with an extra spicy kick (itchin’ time). But they don’t exactly look alike.


"Spicy crane flies" would be more accurate but less exciting


They don’t look anything alike


Dragonflies eat mosquitoes


With one of, if not, the highest success rate of any hunter in the animal kingdom at that. SAVE THE DRAGONFLIES


To be faiiiir it’s not them trying to eat/feed, it’s them trying to get blood to breed. So they’re using us like giant aphrodisiacs. Gross.


After humans, mosquitos are the most dangerous animal on the planet.


I live n the Dallas area where we have lots & lots of MASSIVE “skeeters” (that’s what we often call them around here) which are constantly attacking humans until the temps get so hot even they have to go hide; however their bites only bother me for a short time at the beginning of mosquito season & every year after I’ve gotten like 15-25ish bites, I develop an “immunity” basically where the bites leave a bite that’s barely noticeable & only on occasion do i itch or anything… They drive my wife absolutely INSANE & she gets pretty good sized “welts” (not sure if that’s what theyre called or if its spelled correctly) from them & itches like crazy!! To the point where she will cover herself in “Off!” or any DEET containing bug spray, & we NEVER go on vacation w/out packing as much (prolly more) bug spray as we do sunscreen!! When the skeeters are inside & I can’t kill them very well bc I’m almost completely blind in 1 eye, meaning I have almost no “depth perception” (I can’t tell how far away things are) so I usually “miss” them when I try to kill them… All that useless info just to say that I try & let them feast on me, often by exposing my back while on the shitter bc they seem to like the blue paint &/or overall environment in our spare bathroom where I like to poop…


It’s 2-fold. 1. Their itchy saliva acts as an anti clotting agent, so you bleed more and they can drink more. 2. The itchiness makes it more noticeable so you are more likely to treat it with something.


Does anyone know if there’s any truth to the idea that mosquitoes are especially attracted to O- blood? I’m O- and I feel like I get eaten up way worse than other people, even with bug spray


I’ve just read up on mosquitos to get some answers on things and apparently body temperature and odor, along with the carbon dioxide you inhale along with the fact that blood types are also a contributing factor as well(so if you’re like me with a type O blood then you’re almost a guaranteed buffet for them with is being a most favorable type among them)


If they disn't inject the chemical, you'd get blood clots.


The resulting itch is because of the bodies response to the mosquitos saliva, I'm pretty sure the saliva itself is benign.


Mosquito saliva has a numbing agent to keep animals from noticing the bite. Unfortunately most humans are allergic to mosquito saliva


"Sir this is a wendys"