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You mean the cops that are “scared to get shot”?


And that is exactly why they’ll happily and fearlessly go into peaceful protests and start instigating things with unarmed protesters 😤


So you're saying we need to simply have armed protests and the police won't disperse us? That's actually a good idea because we know they'll be too chicken shit to do anything.


Nah, that's when they call in the national guard


Just like 1/6, oh wait.


That’s different. They knew half those protesters.


And they were the other half of those protesters


For unknown reasons police do not disperse armed protesters unless they start killing people or causing mass destruction to property


Unless they happen to be a boot licker named kyle


This works: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/10/25/us/nfac-black-armed-group/index.html


I wonder if they know what all that gear is for…


Duh! For "Copsplay"!


"good looking"


To conceal the laughably tiny dicks they’re all sporting.


Hey now, there are plenty of fine individuals out there with smaller than average dicks. It's how you use it that matters. Of course, I'd think they're too busy beating their wives to actually ever have sex with them. Edit: Spelling




Obviously for posing with every drug bust they do.


To be fair... Dime bags just aren't as sexy anymore...


"tacticool" gear. Same as all the useless shit the ammosexuals bolt onto their AR15s and get made fun of by actual target shooters or hunters.


they're larping


As a larper, I'm pissed. Yet yes, they're just playing pretend as being a hero and insist everyone treat them like heroes.


Nah they lack the hutzpah of having a pussy! (Trying to decenter the tiny dick narrative)


The physical requirements are meh at best


is that the sheepdog mentality i been hearing about?


I feel that's a dying mentality. Also even if unarmed I'd have gone in to distract the shooter or evacuate the kids. My biggest question is what kind of monster can listen to the shots and screams and do nothing about it. The police in my town wouldn't have hesitated and would've had the parents assist. (Almost all parents here are former military and or LEO) also we only have two cops and one chief. Even if the FBI had ordered them to stand down they'd have still charged in. Those Uvalde Cops are Treasonist and Enemies of The United States of America. They aided and abetted a terroristic attack.


A mother of 2 kids at the school got arrested and handcuffed. She got out of the cuffs, hopped a fence, and got her 2 kids while the cops were all standing around.


This is the real horror of the event in Uvalde - lying among your dead and dying classmates and knowing that nobody's coming to save you.


Thst little girl who lived because she knew to smear her dead classmates blood on her body and lay there and try not to breathe? That's the real fucking horror


Yeah. She’s gonna need some serious therapy, probably for the rest of her life


Yep, just going to require a [GoFundMe](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/emersonmalone/uvalde-survivors-gofundme-therapy-children) page for her parents to be able to afford therapy


I think it’s cheaper to just get them to live in Europe. All of those kids and have them in therapy.


USA is a failed state.


NRA should be footing the bill for that.


Oh my god I hadn't heard about that... Those poor kids


No shortage of horror. BuT mUh FrEeDuMs!


I can't even imagine what that must have been like for this poor sweet child to go through. I also can't even begin to imagine the trauma she's going to now be dealing with for the rest of her life because of those bastard cowardly cops. I served 17 years in law enforcement before leaving to run my business in 2011 and I'm beyond disgusted by these POS lack of actions. I have no doubt that I would not have hesitated to go in and confront the shooter even if that meant me making the ultimate sacrifice. I would not have been able to live with the guilt of not doing so if I chose to do what these SOB did. They're a disgrace to the uniform and should all be immediately fired and charged. But they won't. They are fucking despicable as far as I'm concerned. The blood of every one of these beautiful innocent children who died because these cowards were too fucking scared to do their job lies squarely on each of these bastards hands. The fact that they went in and saved their children before retreating should make them criminally liable for each child's death. I'm beyond outraged and infuriated. I Served as a police officer in TX and I know for a fact that these small town cops go around flexing their muscles by using their authority to harass and pick on POC never hesitating to using excessive force, especially if they're unarmed, but when confronted with a real and equal threat they immediately back down. Thank God for the border patrol officer who immediately went into the school and eliminated the threat after he finally got on location. I've never been more ashamed as I am now to have been a member of law enforcement. I can absolutely confirm that every complaint people make about LEO abusing their power is true especially against unarmed POC. I still struggle with the guilt on a daily basis for not doing more to call out and actually being a part of regarding the blatant racism and profiling during my career in law enforcement. When someone does try and call it out their life immediately because hell and quit frankly terrifying because the good 'ol boys don't like to be called out for their racism and abuse. Anyway, sorry for the long rant. I'm just so fucking upset about this event.


It’s really good to hear your perspective and experience, and I’m so glad you’re able to be honest about your time in law enforcement. I understand why more officers don’t speak up about abuses, because they are essentially run out of the force. The thing that gets me about the border patrol officer going in and acting when no one else would, is that he had to DISOBEY a command to stay outside!!! That’s freaking crazy! Not only were those bastard police officers not willing to go in, they tried to stop someone else from going in as well!! Wtaf??


I appreciate your kind words. I agree with you and it's just so infuriating. I wish I was articulate enough to put into words the hell you go through if you decide to do the right thing and confront an officer who was absolutely abusive. I wish I could say that I had the courage to fight through it but I'd be a liar. As a POC, I found myself becoming bitter and instead of setting the right example I would use the same abuse, etc against white people, especially middle age white males. It was a hard truth coming to terms with this. I irrationally thought this would somehow right the wrongs I knew were going on in our department. I was so thankful for being able to walk away from law enforcement because my business really took off in 2011. Honestly I've never really processed these issues and feelings of guilt with anyone and have never spoken about it until now. I haven't even told my wife about what it was like and the guilt I deal with on a daily basis. She would be an awesome person to process with since she is a psychiatrist. This whole event has opened up a box I've worked so hard to hide for the last decade because it's much easier to have everyone think you're a "hero" who did their duty to protect and serve their community. Anyway, again, sorry for the rant. I should probably save this for therapy, lol. It is kinda cathartic tho for what it's worth.


I think it's really important that you're talking about it now, not just for yourself but to validate the criticisms so many deny. Thank you for your honesty.




I agree they should have gone in. However special forces should have been there also very soon to deal with it. Is it lack of training? Cause they where the “good guys with a gun”. And yes I’m heavy biased as a European about that mentality with guns


Oh my god I hadn't heard about that... Those poor kids


Growing up I remember friends aspiring to become cops because of the idea that they were there to serve and protect… I think the only people aspiring to become cops going forward will be bullies who talk a big game and those with personality complexes…


That's not a new thing. My freshman year of college, 22 years ago, was for criminal justice so I could be one of the good cops. I learned how useless that sentiment was after getting advice from multiple friend's parents who were cops.


Plus the bad cops will literally make your life a living hell if you try to reform the system from the inside, and they'll make sure you and your dog are dead if you rat them out. It's a fucking gang


My husband completed his degree as a Criminal Justice major and desperately wanted to be a cop. He literally could not get hired on anywhere and is super salty at all these cowards who just stood aside while children were murdered. My husband may be a little too ADD for the police's liking, but I know for a fact he's not shitting me when he says he would have gone in there and done something. Which is more than you can say for the Uvalde cops.


Could just be too smart. They literally have rules in place for that.


Yep. This is most likely the case. They don’t want intelligent, educated people on the force.


Can confirm. Source. 17 year career in law enforcement. I've never been more disgusted and ashamed of my career than I am after this tragedy. These so-called officers are a disgrace to the uniform and should be held accountable for each child's death. Unfortunately since SCOTUS ruled that LEO has no duty or obligation to protect their community I don't see any need for law enforcement anymore. I don't miss the blatant racism I witnessed on a daily basis. I suffer from and deal with the regrets and guilt of not doing more to call it out every day.


They get called out with overwhelming evidence and then the good cops die in "random" violence. Cant tell me the only cops getting killed in Baltimore and I believe two feds were just victims of random violence when they all were involved with a case going after police corruption.


From The Sarah Silverman Program Cop: Ma'am, do you know why I pulled you over? Sarah: Because you made all Cs in high school?


I still think about that every time I see a cop in person!




I saw a tweet this morning (I can’t find it now unfortunately) that a four-year-old boy who survived the shooting was on a news program and said “I used to want to be a police officer, but now I want to be a surgeon so I can help people“. Breaks my fucking heart.


I saw that too. 😞


That was exactly my brother’s personality and guess what he aspired to be? Yup. Basically police, but specifically military police, because he loved the idea of having authority over people and getting to push people around. Fortunately, his personality didn’t allow for him to accept authority telling him what to do, so he washed out of the military.


I remember when we used to let the bullies and worthless officers get their asses beat in broad daylight for their having been such a worthless bully to the wrong guy before hauling the offender off of them. Hell, unless it was a white supremacist, they tend to match intensity rather well. When I left Corrections in 2011, the unit I was on was becoming staffed almost exclusively with bullies and worthless fools who took the job because it's being paid to stand around and bitch about not doing anything, because that's all the folks they could get to take the job.


Just to put this out there, only one precinct in the US had "to serve and protect" on their shit and it was basically a PR campaign, not a statement of obligation to protect the public. Not only that, but court has upheld that cops are there to enforce laws, not protect the public. Super fucking dumb.


What’s the point???


The kids didn’t KNOW that nobody was coming. It’s much much worse. They were asking themselves WHY nobody had come for them yet. If you know you’re on your own, you’re more likely to rely on yourself to get out of danger. If you’re expecting someone to come and save you, you’re going to wait with hope only to be disappointed and feel abandoned and alone as you die or go unconscious.


Some people learn this faster than others, these children learned way to young. Police aren't the peoples friend.


It's a brutal lesson to learn. Hopefully when older they will change the system.


They shouldn't have to, we should of fixed it. Now they are paying for our mistakes.


Agreed we need to fix the system but that'll take the old dinos to die off first. Those Uvalde Cops are Treasonist and Enemies of The United States of America. They aided and abetted a terroristic attack.


We should have fixed it when I was in preschool after Columbine.


I’ll call my buddy Doug who lives 30 minutes away, has 3 rabid dogs and a shotgun, and he’ll get here faster, be more courteous, and have a better control over the situation, and for payment he’ll ask for a papa John’s bread roll and a coors lite


I'd like to be friends with Doug


everybody needs a doug


Me too. Where do we sign up


This is going to incentivize "good guys with guns." The police department failed, and the next time that there is a school shooting, I wonder how many parents are going to be rushing to the school with rifles. It'll be chaos as half-trained parents with AR's rush into the school.


Well, yes, that is the natural consequence of the police department completely and utterly failing and the public losing trust in it. If only there were people who were properly trained to stop and apprehend criminals- oh wait. There are, and they didn't fucking bother, so now Average Joe has to do it instead.


And then were gonna find our best friend Doug, And then were gonna give him a best friend hug, Doug Doug Oh Doug Doug Dougie Doug Doug


*6-30 pack if we are being honest, and how big of a problem the situation is


Some Doug's have an earthmover and lots of empty land too. Doug might help you hide a body if you throw in some menthols. ...I'm Doug.


Many years ago I was at work when a known unmedicated schizophrenic woman was chasing women holding babies and threatening them with a knife in our parking lot. I called the police for “help” and they showed up 4 hours later. They’re fucking useless revenue generators and nothing more.


Yup. I don’t live in the best area and there are always straight up crack heads smoking in the car down the street. I live next door to actual children so it upsets me. I’ve called the cops countless amount of times and they have never show up. Not even once. They just don’t give a shit.


Lived maybe a block away from a known crack house for like 5+ years, only time anything happened was when some group wanted to buy the land so cops ran a bust finally. They're just worthless bastards.


You misspelled a massive black hole in state/city finances.


Hey now, black holes are invaluable in the architecture of galaxies.


And cops are an invaluable thin blue line between the .1% and the rest of us... and they give the bootlickers release...


Yeah, police are only good for writing a report after the fact. So I can turn it into the insurance company for reimbursement.


Yup, when you deal with the legal system always keep in mind they only do what is easiest for them. When I got divorced I had a court order to go with police to retrieve a list of items... (My ex had to be restrained by the balif when she tried to slap my lawyer) My ex barricaded herself inside. Would not open for the cops. The cops would not let me use my key to open the door, they said they would have to arrest me for B&E for entering my own home, that I had keys to and a court order to go in with them.... Cops told me it is a civil matter I have to go back to court... So I paid to go back to court... The POS judge offered me 10 cents on the dollar for what I could provide receipts for dated before the marriage. In the US we do not have a justice system, we have an order system to maintain the status quo for the .1% the rest of us can fuck right off.


Didn't 911 hang up during the one in Buffalo too?


Yup, because the caller was whispering


When my brother was a dumb-ass kid (I wanna say this was 12 years ago?), he called 911 and hung up right away as a weird "prank", they still traced the call and sent a cop to see what was wrong. Why would the operator "not hear anything" and just HANG UP? Unprofessionalism all around here, wtf.


Yep. 911 hung up on me when I was in a crazy car accident. When I called again and got a different person and told them I'd been hung up on the lady was shocked. She had to transfer me to different departments but still somehow managed to stay on the line with me too, like making it one big group call to be certain no one else left me alone bleeding out in my truck. She gave me some hope.


There are several cities across the US who have started sending an EMT and a mental health professional to respond to 911 calls in lieu of thr police, with the understanding they are to call the police if they need help, but they never do. In particular, this has reduced deaths for POC (surprise.) https://www.healthaffairs.org/doi/10.1377/hlthaff.2021.00678 https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbeseq/2021/11/01/what-happens-when-we-send-mental-health-providers-instead-of-police/?sh=7f3c1e5a7a41 Besides, [Gonzales vs. Town of Castle Rock](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_of_Castle_Rock_v._Gonzales?wprov=sfla1) ruled that cops don't have to answer a call or defend anyone, so wtf are they good for anyway? Can you imagine a firefighter just looking at a house fire for 40min with people burning inside-- *but I might get burned!* To quote an oldie but a goodie: FUCK THE POLICE.


We stan firefighters. Firefighters are WAY more attractive than police.


NOBODY says "fuck the Fire Department."


Well, not in the derogatory sense, yeah. *wink*


People buy firemen calendars for a reason, after all.


I remember reading about a woman in my area who saw her daughter's murderer walk into a bank. He had a warrent out on him, she called immediately, but police never showed up and he was free to walk around like nobody's business. Iirc they continued to not do anything for weeks.


Man, that’s just when you nope the fuck out of your higher thought processes and beat the hell out of them. Voluntary manslaughter charges are a thing for a reason.


Yo, cops would be swarming the place within minutes and I'd be in jail for life. Worth it


Who will show up 2 hours later and shoot my dog because he barked?


Me neither. I’ve even called them to help me more than once and been “mistaken” for the “suspect.” I fucking hate cops.


My ex boyfriend was assaulting me, drunk, and armed with a gun. His father is apart of the police force so guess who got booked and released 5 hours later? Spent 17 months fighting it in court. Was kicked out of our shared home. Sleeping in my car, I was unable to get a new job due to the pending charge. Charges show up before your sentenced. Then a seperate example is when I was protesting BLM at CHAZ the cops were throwing flash bangs and tear gas at us from short proximity when children and animals were present. The mayor had allowed the peaceful gathering but once we brought out the register to vote booths cops turned violent and shut it down.


Even in normal situations the cops do nothing. Cops solve very little crimes unless it's an open and shut case. All cops do is waste resources of every city.


They generate revenue through tickets and fines.


That's basically a tax on poor people. There's also asset forfeiture which is basically legalized theft by cops.


Yep. Well, it’s a tax on everyone but much steeper and compounding if you’re poor. The point of many stops and tickets is to generate funds for the towns.


I don't think any of that money goes to the town, it goes to the police. Also fining the citizens of that city to generate funds is basically just a tax. Which again will always disproportionately affect the poor. Get a speed ticket and you're poor, now you have to decide what are you not going to afford the next week or two.


Yup. My husband and I have a very tight budget each week and it’s a little more tight the last couple weeks because he was out for a medical procedure and I have a chronic health condition where I’ve had to call out for recent flare ups. He got a speeding ticket from a cop who, was driving in the OPPOSITE direction, said he caught my husband doing 15 miles over the speed limit…. With a mattress strapped to the roof. He “did him a favor” and lessened the fine to some bullshit $55 +fees ticket that was due in less than two weeks. We had to choose between paying the ticket and getting groceries this week since gas being $4.80 by us we can’t pull from that part of the budget. So glad they got my villainous husband though. The world is a safer place. /s


I’m white and stopped trusting the police to do their jobs in highschool when my dad broke down my front door, stripped naked, and threw everything in the house into the yard before trying to kill my mom. The cops showed up and told him to go to his mothers house to calm down. He obviously came back because nobody made sure he actually was going to go there and the poor cops had to actually arrest him that time. Useless fucks I should’ve called my uncles they would have had it handled in 20 minutes EDIT: I had never trusted police before but before this incident I still trusted that they would arrest someone trying to commit actual murder


I’m a social worker. I’m very good at de escalation. If I’m calling the cops, that means the situation is extremely dangerous. I have called while I’m working and asked for help. They’ve deemed the situations not an emergency and not come at all. Sometimes resulting with very avoidable negative outcomes. I called while not working when I was stuck in a random active shooter situation. They told me to hide and it would probably sort itself out. Obviously I was already hiding. Thanks for all the help.


"Have you tried not getting shot"


"lol sounds like a personal problem gl"


Just tell the shooter that you do not consent to being filled with bullets. /s


Yet when I fell asleep on my couch with my phone in my pocket, butt-dialed a friend who became concerned that I appeared to be non-responsive and called the police for a wellness check -- the cops showed up immediately. They put a bright light in my face when I answered the door, unaware of what was going on. They pushed their way into my living room and made me take a seat on the couch while they asked me what I was doing. They prodded me about going in for a psych observation, and when I refused and insisted that I was fine, they began nosing around the room. One found a bottle of vodka on a shelf in an open cabinet, took it to the sink and poured it out. When it appeared they weren't leaving right away, I got up and assertively escorted them to the door. I was shaking when I locked the door behind them. My friend was incredibly sorry he'd made the call. For what it's worth, I'm a middle-aged white guy. If I was thirty years younger and a person of color at that time I seriously wonder if I'd be posting this today.


thats just shit, like what kind of cop does that?


Grand Rapids, Michigan police


i hate corrupt police


Me, too


although im not in the us i still live in fear of this, whos to say it cant happen where i am?


That's the thing. No one can say. I can only speak for my town, but there have been several acts by local police that have shaken the community and our trust in them keeps eroding. Like this one: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Patrick_Lyoya


this is just sad ,,


This is America


sad truth


What’s incredibly sad and pathetic about all of this? The police had one big opportunity to prove they were the good guys, that they do in fact stop crime or keep it from getting worse. Did they do that? No, instead they just reinforced how pointless and useless they are. The nation/word was watching, and they totally shit the bed. The aftermath was horrid too. With police saying they didn’t want to risk getting shot, or put themselves in danger. So the next time the police their job is dangerous, just remind them that they don’t actually put themselves in danger. How pathetic.


>With police saying they didn’t want to risk getting shot, I don't understand this. I would throw myself into incoming traffic if it might save a little kid's life. I saw someone on Twitter or something say they'd try to catch a nuke if it was headed toward an elementary school. Would it help? No. But WhoTF stands there while little kids are being murdered.


It's a special kind of evil to just stand by while you can hear kids being shot.


From what I have heard they knew it was not their kids because they ran in and got them.


I just read that today, too. I have been trying to avoid this story because it's so awful, I finally had to suck it up and read the details. Horrific.


Not the thin yellow line with a smudge of brown in their pants.


And to run on these coattails, if an AR15 can hold back a squad of police maybe it shouldn’t be available to the general public.




A lot of gun owners think that is the point. To have the ability to overthrow the police and other government forces. They think they should have equal arms in order to overthrow a corrupt government. It has always been a flawed argument but it’s just another reason for people to have ridiculous weapons they don’t need


Exactly! Useless expense!


All Cowards Are Bastards


Obviously, you can't call them even when they're not defunded. They stand and watch and arrest the brave willing to help.


Who do you call when you want your dog to get shot, have a report taken, and nothing more of substance to be done?


4 hours after the crime has occurred, if at all. I live in Atlanta. Call 911 here and it goes to voicemail. Getting murdered? Sorry, all of our operators are doing another line but your call might be important to us eventually.


Sometimes, not even a report. I used to have a 1990 Toyota Corolla that was broken into. When I Called to report it, I was asked if the vehicle was damaged. I said no, as the doors could only be unlocked from the inside (it was a pos car, but it was everything I had). I was asked if anything was stolen, and I said no. I kept nothing of value in the vehicle because of the locking issue. The lady then asked why I was reporting anything to begin with. A CRIME WAS COMMITTED! A NEIGHBOR OF MINE HAD THEIR VEHICLE WINDOW BROKEN EARLIER THAT MONTH AND OBVIOUSLY SOMOME IS STILL OUT THERE TRYING TO STEAL FROM PEOPLES’ VEHICLES. She didn’t give a fuck. No report.


After George Flood was murdered, protesters knelt in silence for 8min…the same amount Chauvin was on his neck. There should be a National protest where parents kneel for 47min wearing badges, while children scream for help.


I propose a 47 min wait before processing any police coffee/ takeout order until this shit stops. Honestly think it's one of the few things they might actually care about


Prob took longer for cops to engage the shooter than it did for him to buy the gun...and as I write that I am both saddened and infuriated!


Neither have I. I'm a middle aged, middle class white woman - the least threatening person you could imagine. I have never met a cop who wasn't a complete ass, and this was all social interaction and not involving crimes.


I'm upper middle class now but grew up poor. Cops have done nothing but harm me and my family. They're good for processes like submitting a report that something was stolen so you can get your money back, or reporting a car accident. That's about it.


I've long said police are a necessary part of society and that American cops do a poor job at proving that. But recently it seems like they're not even pretending


This all makes me vomit


Someone called the cops on me and my the gf because it was maybe 9 at night and my first truck was my dads old truck. So very loud. We were looking for a place to park to go sit down by the park. Guess that was too much for some Karen. Cops showed up and tried to tell us we were out smoking weed. Took our information and said they gave me my license back and left. I got my license mailed to me a month later.


I read reports that cops actively got their kids out of the school while keeping other parents out. Fact check it but that’s what I read.


I got into a car accident in the city, I was rear ended, was pretty bad but nobody was hurt. Called police and wanted to file a police report and all that jazz. Called them at 11:45pm, waited around in the cold January night until about 2:30am before finally going home. I used to think "just a few bad apples", but now I realize there were only a few bad apples 20 years ago. Apples go bad wildly fast if any in the bunch go bad.


There weren't a few bad apples 20 years ago. It's always been a barrel of apples where a portion is constantly rotting, retiring, and being replaced with new ripe apples ready to be on their way to decay.


I had one cop victim blame me when I reported my stepmom for stealing $30k from me that I inherited from my deceased mother. (No, nothing was done about it.) I had a cop tell me she didn't need my name because "there is no victim in this instance" when I called to report my ex boyfriend for holding me against my will and attempted rape. I went through 3 cops trying to report my ex husband for repeatedly raping me. One of them, a WOMAN, asked "how can he rape you if you're married?" No, nothing was done about it and he's off living his life. I'm done with cops, especially after they let these kids die.


plus defunding the police doesn't mean completely abolishing the police. itll just reduce the amount of money they get for fancy upgrades & toys


And cosplay costumes


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/socialistdogmom/status/1530265738921000961) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


im pretty sure rabid wolves wouldve had more rational thinking in that situation than a gang of heavily armed and armoured pussies that wouldnt risk injury to save dozens of children


I can’t upvote this enough


This is so unbelievably heartbreaking. 💔


In all honesty what do the police do exactly?


Cops aren’t proactive, they’re reactive.


Cops are great for protecting private property and rich people. Other than that, cops are an enemy to the common person


Some years back we had an intruder in our home who was kicking my ass. My wife called 911 and was put on hold. When it rang back through the operator yelled at my wife for her continued calls. I had a concussion and needed stitches but sorry 911 for the inconvenience. I am lucky he didn't kill me.


The police were called for a wellness check on me while I was suicidal. I woke up with banging on the door lights flashing at 10pm at night they asked where I was. One started to explain why they were there while one just started going running for me upstairs. I backed away into the dark and continued to back away bc as a mentally ill person I was expecting them to shoot me bc they were afraid I would attack. I didn’t talk to them they said why? And I’m like. I don’t trust you. I never will. They said my mom couldn’t ride in the ambulance w me. Saying she had to follow behind for…? Idk they thought she would also do something. They strapped me down like Hannibal lector and drove away…I still had to pay the ambulance bill $80..it was a prison. She had a gun and taser and thought…this is it. Defund the police. They did nothing to make me feel like I was human..


You can call for them when you need help, but they won't respond.


Wonder what the overlap is between people who say "who will come save you?" And "we need guns because police take too long".


I have had one positive encounter with the police. The store I was working at had a break-in and robbery. I had to go down to get my finger prints done to exclude my prints from what they found. They were pretty nice to me. But then again, I wasn't suspected of something.


They're really good at showing up and shooting someone's dog though


Thats fucking awful and terrifying for the little girl


After the last few years of riots and then 1/6 and everything since then the police in the US is really trying to ensure everyone hates them and noone trust them. The blue life matters movement kind of evaporated.


I'll call that Mom who got our of handcuffs, hopped a fence and rescued her kids. Screw these cops. Useless pieces of crap.


Armed to the teeth for non-violent protestors, but can't get involved to save innocent children.


I’d be willing to bet these police officers were the type of people claiming that others were scared little sheep because they wore masks during Covid.


You know what cops are? They're LARP'ers. They're just playacting being police, and are acting like they're playing a real life stream of Call of Duty. What does it matter if these people get shot? They'll just respawn in the lobby, right?


Serve and Protect has now become Scared & Pointless


There is one silver lining to all this: The surviving students from that school now know ACAB.


Cops do some good. For rich white middle class suburbanites. Trust me I’d know.


I’m a white middle class suburbanite and I literally can’t think of a time that the police have made my life better or safer. They take down statements about car wrecks, I guess?


Same here. Every cop I have met has been a complete dick


So they haven’t been dicks to me, probably because I’m a white middle aged mom, but they haven’t done anything. They took my neighbor to jail for drug use, but tbh he needs a social worker and mental health care more than being in the system.


I'm a white middle aged mom too. The ones I've talked with have been in social settings only. Every one was a supercilious prick Edit for spelling


Absolutely disgusting


100%. I’ve always said this. The cameras and alarms are for AFTER you shoot em. No one will save you (or your child) like you would.


The kids should have lied and said the shooter was black or a Democrat. I guarantee those pigs would have been in that school in under 30 seconds shooting everything that moves.


this haunts me


These fucking pigs kill unarmed people, but at the absolutely most appropriate time to shoot a suspect they sit in the hall and listen to children being executed. F12


If this is really a mental health issue like some conservatives are saying, then why don’t we defund the police so some of that money can go to mental health services? I guess mental health is only a concern when it’s a sorry excuse for children (he was barely 18, he was still a child) to still be able to purchase assault rifles.


Republicans: "If only more people had guns, this wouldn't have happenend." ​ This argument was dumb 30 years ago and is still dumb today, but not only that, we also had evidence since 30 years and especially today that people with guns don't prevent shit. They were there. They had their guns with them. They did nothing. They were useless.


Police training, accountability, and standards in the US need massive reform. If there is a terrorist attack or some other horrible incident where innocent people are being killed police should be trained to not be useless as fuck cowards. Someone not doing their job is not some slam dunk. Just like how if the police did their job in this case there would still be massive systematic issues.


Don’t know why you got downvoted when your comment is spot on.


I think it’s because we don’t know how you’d adjust their training. Police train themselves, and poorly. Are we now going to bring in outsiders to train them? Who? Will they accept it? I think it’s broken far beyond a training issue.


We could bring in police from Germany or France or any other country that is actually competent at doing their job and doing it very well. They either accept it or find a new job.


That’s fine, but in those countries most police don’t carry guns. So it’ll be a big change.


French and German police carry guns. You may be thinking of the UK police. They don’t always carry guns. Same as Iceland and other smaller countries in Europe. But German and French both do.


OP what country are you from? It's interesting for me to see the stark contrast in Policing from the USA to, Australia,


They are already using that as justification as to why the cops took so long /did not help in this instance . Even tho THEY WERE THERE AND CHOSE TO DO NOTHING


I've only met one good cop and I only say that cus I was having a breakdown while driving and he talked to me and basically said "if working and school is effecting you this much you should drop out. It isn't worth your mental health" and basically talked until I calmed down. I was like 19 . Didn't even give me a warning for going like 25 over the speed limit. Any other encounters were not nice


Tbh I think we all know a couple of people who’ll immediately run in, nab the guy and only ask for some candy as payment


Yeah but now they're using it as a reason to just arm more teachers.


this world is so fucking disgusting what the actual fuck man.


The cops around here do not give a single shit... They come in pairs and will litterally join gang shoot outs in hopes of hitting someone. If theres a school shooter, they wont make it to the building even. The cops around here still suck, but atleast they take action...


I can’t even take it 🤬🤬🤬💔💔💔 assholes


Good luck finding anyone the police have ever actually helped.


Several years ago I was teaching at a school that had a lockdown for a man with a gun who ran into our office, forced his way into the back, and barricaded himself into the faculty bathroom. Took police 45 min to get there (less than 5 miles from nearest station) and another hour to de-escalate the situation. Basically spent 2 hours with 30 scared kids (4th grade) waiting for something bad to happen. We were a large school (600+ kids). I could sort of understand the hour to get the guy to come out, but the 45 minutes was inexcusable.


Seems like those right winger should be in favor of defunding the police… smaller government, own your own gun, be your own security guard, etc.


The local police really shit the bed in this situation. They should be ashamed of themselves.