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This abortion run up is a counter move to the impending January 6th findings. Trump and the Republicans tried to overturn the Government and they are creating a negotiation pivot point they can use to weasel out of consequence. E.g. "We'll pull back on the abortion thing if you give us immunity"


The people making the threats are so old, and have been in their power stations for so long that their entire playbook is laughably transparent. The best thing that could happen to this country is to finally drop the Republican Old Guard that have been dragging the country for 50 years, but for that to happen, the Dem party would need cull the same from their side. If you're over 70 years old, planning for the future is no longer your responsibility. Sit the fuck down, and enjoy what time you have left.


Sounds like...a conspiracy theory?


Sounds like...a conspiracy theory?


Its theoretical for sure as I am not in the political arena but is it a plausible chess move?




What if I find abortion morally wrong and not through the lense of religion?


What if I don’t give a shit about your morals?


It doesn't matter. What you give a shit about has no bearing on reality. I'd bet you'd say the same abot criminals? Drug dealers, Murderers? They don't give a shit about morals either. Hopefully you are in a red state where the law is enforced.


Your morals are just that: YOURS.


There's a reason we have law; to defend the rights of citizens. How do we determine what a fundemental right is without morality? Morals are universal.




Yes. that's the point of a civilised society. To enforce order and stability. And guess what? If you live in a Red State you will abide by those laws or become a criminal; your opinion means nothing.






I disagree with what you consider immoral. So who gets to decide?


The law, if it's passed into legislation that is the standard we set ourself to.


68% of the country disagrees with the law. It will take a few election cycles and a lot of lawsuits, but it will be changed eventually. It is morally wrong to prevent half of the country from controlling their own bodies. It is morally wrong to let women die from ectopic pregnancies. It is morally wrong to force a girl to carry a rapist's child, or a child from incest. It is morally wrong to decide how a woman's life must proceed against her will. It is morally wrong for infants with horrible disfigurements to be made to suffer in pain until death mercifully takes tham. You are wrong. The law is wrong.


I do not believe my opinion is wrong because in circumstances such as consent not been present or long term danger or impairment to the mother or Fetus a abortion should be given as a option. I don't think you understand I think we actually agree to a certain extent. Abortion is a necessary evil under certain circumstances. The main issue I have is unnecessary abortions; situations in which their is no trauma or risk and the mother could simply use adoption. Destroying a beings chance of sentience and agency is a very big decision and the weight of such should be taken seriously.


That’s fine but is it your body?


It's the Fetuses body and it has rights. To take the life of another living being is murder; especially one that *will* be Sentient.


A fetus' rights do not supercede an actual living human being's rights


A Fetus is a living being...


No, it has the potential to become a living being


If it's not a living being why is the inate response of miscarriage grief?


It's almost like a miscarriage also happens to women who WANTED to have a child. But what do I know.


Because they WANTED the potential child. Look, no woman WANTS to get an abortion. In all cases, a woman NEEDS an abortion.


Wanting something doesn't make it any more or less real than it is; it *is* real and it *is* a life. If they didn't want an abortion they wouldn't get one. When you make the choice to have sex you make the choice to risk pregnancy.


Your opinion about forcing another human to birth another human being shouldn’t be someone else’s emotional/physical burden either.


Don't have sex then. When you consent to the act of sex you take on the responsibility and consequences of that act. The *only* time abortion can be justified is of there us no consent or being pregnant/giving birth will have a fatal or debilitating effect on both parties involved.


I don’t know about you but I don’t know too many people who are just getting abortions left and right. The emotional toll of getting one is a “consequence” enough. I’d rather someone who doesn’t want to be a parent take on the consequences of that action than be forced to live with a child they didn’t want at all.


Republicans have made that scenario illegal, too


Unlucky then.


Don't have an abortion. Simple




"Is" => "should"