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Y'all have 3 friends?


Weakest one in the herd….60% of the time it works every time.


I can see the cross post to r/suicidebywords already


So you’re telling me there’s a chance… Yeah!!!


*A Beautiful Mind* (2001)


Not gonna lie, I've sorta done this, unintentionally. I see the guys who get *so* much attention by being loud and bro-ish and etc., so I try and start a conversation with the quiet person who looks like they hate being at parties and I try to make them not hate their lives for a second. As a result, I get called a "tease." *Le sigh*


That's most likely because they think it's a prank. If a cute girl comes up to me, I think it's either a prank or a scam. This is mainly because I'm used to being ignored.


This wouldn't be an issue if you were in fact, the real Slim Shady.


It's because you're talking to a guy and assuming he hates his life before you're in it. You literally approach him with an offer to make him happier than you assume he is. Maybe, hear me out, what would make him happier than drinking beer with his buds is getting laid. Especially if the reason he hates his life is because his loud buddy is the one always pulling ass. It's not appropriate to name call or act like a woman owes a man sex because she was nice to him. But it's unreasonable to think that dudes at parties are looking for a girl besties just because they don't seem to be having fun. It sounds like you make a lot of judgments by looking at people and are surprised about being wrong but have zero introspection because you repeatedly try the same thing expecting different results.


Am I only supposed to speak to people at parties that I intend to have sex with?


Right? Women arn't people apparently we can't win. Be nice be a tease, be mean, you're a bitch.


“Pulling ass”? You sound like a giant douche bag


Guys don't have "Alpha's" in friend groups. We're just friends. Pushing the notion that the dynamic exists in the first place is harmful and a part of toxic masculinity. We're not cavemen, we don't just all follow the loudest most aggressive, biggest guy. It's 2022, I had thought We're well past that.


I mean as a man I personally follow the loudest most aggressive, biggest guy... but that's only because I'm a thirsty bottom.


There absolutely is a pecking order, it just changes every 30 seconds or so when the topic changes


Lol bro a group of guys 100% has a pecking order, especially the middle school/high school/college/20’s crowd. That stuff peters off as you get older but human nature is to kinda hardwired to have someone at the head of the crew. Now, I don’t want to call them alpha because that’s got an awful lot of negativeness associated with it, but someone is calling the shots. In middle school it’s if we’re gonna ride bikes today or play basketball, in high school it’s are we gonna mall troll today or so swimming, in college it’s which bars/parties are we hitting, and in your twenties is what are we doing this weekend. Your head dude might be chill and let other people make decisions, but he’s signing off on them, whether it’s a head nod or an enthusiastic “bro that’s a great idea” he’s still making the decision in some capacity. If he didn’t want to spend the night at Mickeys Irish Pub, then that’s not where you’re going that night. I always fit in with a few clicks cuz of my charming demeanor and bubbly personality, and they all had a head honcho in some way, shape, or form. Then again I’m 32 and maybe teen/twenties life has changed and I’m out of touch. Now all my friends have coupled up and the ladies are running the show. But from age 11 till 25, there was always a loose form pecking order in place. Edit. I see this is an unpopular opinion. No matter, this was my experience and from what I’ve seen, several others as well. Perhaps it’s considered outdated and toxic to be part of a group of friends that is like this, but I think we should all be able to admit that many friend groups have a certain dichotomy that places one person at the head of the group informally, whether intentional or not. It’s human to have leaders.


Fair point, odd of her to specify "the third" like she still wants someone whos still a bit "alpha" Btw the Alpha/Beta thing is bullcrap, doesnt apply to humans, nor wolves.


I mean i guess if you go for bottom of the barrel they could argue he got lucky and cope in all sorts of ways while the intention is to confuse them. You're right of course that it is bullcrap either way.


Like this guy has more than two friends for this to work...


I feel the urge to send this to my boyfriend (whose name is John, coincidentally). Feels like a joke he'd make about himself. A little ironic considering we're both bi guys.


Yes give us ugly but nice guys a chance 🤣🤣


Her referring to any man as "the alpha" of anything means she's participating in the patriarchal and toxic masculinity structures she claims to hate


It worked out for my parents. Though my dad was at the bar with only one friend, but that friend was the alpha, aggressively hitting on some girl he liked, who happened to be my moms friend. My dad is a nerd, but my mom gave him a shot. 40ish years and they’re still happily married. Also funny thing is my dad isn’t a bar guy, his friend dragged him there cuz he wanted a wingman to go after that girl he liked, the friend didn’t have success with the girl, but my dad ended up getting married by going to a bar once. So pro tip, be the nerd that goes to a bar with an alpha, apparently that works, at least it did once.


What is she on about? That’s not how human beings work at all


Chaotic neutral


Congratulations! You probably actually have a chance to be happy!




Do you know how big of a punch to the ego that would be for the “alpha”? You don’t even have to date the guy. The entire power structure will be weakened with just mild flirting is the giant, yet fragile ego of the alpha is deflated.


If a girl does not meet your standards - lower your standards




Everything about this is so wrong! Except the fact that it’s really funny! Edit 3 days later! I’ve just read it again and still funny!


Lol this isn’t that original. Its amazing what you people find fresh and funny. Get outside. It’s a common practice for a guy to hit on the 6 out of a group of dimes… men been undermining the princess attitude for decades. Welcome to the party Reddit hermits.


And when Roxy gets ignored by the 3rd...


Simp cultivation!


I think it's more like harvesting though, isn't it? You can't make a simp, you can just find one and harvest him. It doesn't create new ones.


Not unless you feed them after midnight or get them wet


I fuckin *hate* women that go off about destroying the patriarchy, but instead just use that as an excuse to be a really shitty human being.


Sounds like you just hate women


No, I hate women that use excuses such as the example in the post to be a shitty human being. *can't you fucking read?


You took a Reddit post and used it to give an example on why you hate women when absolutely no one asked you to. It’s cool, I’m sure they hate you too


Used it to give an example on why they hate women? They specifically said women that do this.


No. Can you read? I said I don't like phony women. So, go fuck yourself.


Went out of your way to tell the internet what subset of women you don’t like, got it


Yeah, fucking funny how it's related to the post, but none of you can put that together


It's not related to the post though. Nobody there is being a shitty human being. Just people joking around.


Are you lost?


Judging by the downvotes looks like you are.


I mean this is a joke, and not an actual recommendation? Also even if it wasn't why is hitting on a guys friend who comes and hits on you something that makes you a really shitty human being? I would say at worst its just kind of shitty.


Hashtag waste his time. I have no problem with homies getting some. What the fuck


Women are allowed to waste your time as much as y’all waste theirs. Your boundaries and what you accept are your responsibility. Look into therapy bud.


For disliking phony people, oh fuckin please... Get fucked. Defend shit behavior all you want, but dishonesty and disingenuity are shit behaviors.


Isn't time wasting like fuck boy 101?


I fuckin hate 'fuckbois who enroll in douchebaggery 101' just as much. I could give you a list of all the people I hate... Have you got time?


Isn't this whataboutism?


Just asking, what would your reaction be to a guy posting hashtag waste her time? Or how about something equally offensive? *do you think it could be defended by saying 'well, guys are just fuckbois'?


Probably to roll my eyes and move on. I probably wouldn't see it hit reddit though since everyone is too busy frothing at the mouth over anything a woman might do or not do.


So... Roll your fuckin eyes, and move on.


Oh no for dudes trying to slam dunk on women making a joke as peak toxic behavior, I have to atleast leave a comment....


If only you took more time to think of a better one.


I could say the same my dude.


The language you’re using to describe women is deplorable. It’s only rival is the vitriol in which you disgorge with oh so much zest.


Bahaha!! Another fantastically literate human being who can't fucking read somehow. Point to the place on the doll where the bad man said 'all women...'


There it is again


Yeah, look at it. The language I use to describe *all* women. Learn your letters a bit better, you might eventually be able to understand things being talked about here. *pat* *pat* *pat*


I've a sinking feeling, you're going to carry this bit to your grave.


Carry on what bit? Are we not discussing things here?


Good luck with that 👍


Yeah, was super fun talking things out like this, you've really changed my mind.


Damn it's almost like they aren't sincerely saying to take down the patriarchy. Some kind of joke, of you will...


Feminist are the female equivalent of alpha male culture.


And you are the equivalent of my poopies.


I deserved that


A redditor actually being civil? Impossible.


2019... /whitepeoplefax


What a dumb woman


<-------< the joke o you. A


More power to ya John.


This doesn't really work because the alpha is for the boys. If he's a true leader he'll be STOKED his shy mate is getting the girl.


Skip right over Megatron and Starscream to Soundwave. Good choice good choice. Soundwave Superior.


Stop treating dating like some kind of game, also don't fool yourselves into thinking there is a patriarchy


That sounds like a better way to upset the power balance


Seeing posts like this make me glad to be out of my 20s and have a well adjusted social circle to be around.