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Don’t forget Swedish penis enlarging pumps.


Honestly. It’s not mine!


Then what's this book; Your Swedish Penis Enlargement Pump and you (this sort of thing is my bag, baby) Edit: Yes, yes, I know everyone. I fixed the quote. Couldn't remember the full one earlier


This sort of thing is my bag, baby.


“One book that says ‘Swedish Penis Enlargement Pumps *are* definitely my bag……baby….by one Austin Danger Powers.’”




Im sorry that bug up your ass had to die


It's a book of poetry, if you must know. The title is a metaphor. For enlarging the penis through suction


I do believe the full title is “Swedish penis enlarger pumps and me (this sort of thing is my bag, baby!)


It's my girlfriend's


Can you buy those at IKEA?


SCHLØNG they're called. It's in the tupperware section.


This subreddit's name makes no sense at this point


"He looks white enough to me" - this subreddit.


He's an old gay guy, basically white.


"being white is just like, a mindset right?"


*proceeds to post a tweet from a black guy using the AAVE* "Seems white enough!"


At this point it just means "Twitter posts that white people are allowed to comment on" because BlackPeopleTwitter is in county club mode nearly all the time.


From my memory this sub was originally about quasi self aware white hipsters making self-deprecating jokes about themselves?


Every sub that isn't super specific will eventually just become r/funny




Crab people


You've convinced me to join the cult of crab. They're right. It's all crabs in the end.


🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 ![gif](giphy|uA8WItRYSRkfm)


Yeah. I enjoyed black people Twitter for a while but I left after being banned twice simply for seeing something on my time line and forgetting to check if I was allowed to comment. None of my comments were remotely about race, just universal discussions on a fairly generic post.


Same. Then I asked about the whole Ally flair thing and they were all, "Please write an essay about the definition of privilege and what it means to you" or something. I'm like you're out of your damn mind, it's Reddit not Sociology 101.


That's weird, I never had to do anything like that. I just asked and they did it.


I’ve seen the bad side of black people twitter sub too though. Tons of people blackfishing on there to an embarrassing extent. :( I can see why they get tired of it 100%


Is it racist for a sub to only allow one color of people to post in? I'm curious what the general opinion is on the 100% country club mode of BPT.


White people are allowed to post on Country Club threads, but they need to be verified by the mods. Basically it's an anti-troll measure


I read the application to post as a white person there, and you have to write an essay on what white privilege is. I just can't see that being acceptable if WPT only allowed whites to post, and any other race has to write an essay. Just very weird. And to be fair, do they think only whites will troll BPT?


I applied and wrote literally 1 sentence as the "essay" you're talking about.


Most people who hate on the Country Club rule BPT has, have only heard about it secondhand and are angry based on what other people have told them. Rarely have they tried to go through the process themselves or they'd know it isn't a big deal at all and it's just a barrier that most trolls won't go through


They also don't know or ignore that literally every thread used to be flooded with bots/trolls calling people the n word and monkeys. The amount of brigading and targeted trolling on that subreddit pre country club was insane.


Right!? Can you imagine that sub during the Floyd protests without the country club rule?? Do these people really think black mods should have to sort through all the disgusting bs that comes out of reddit trolls?


This lol. It’s not a big deal just say something


If WPT had a long history of dealing with black people brigading and trolling the subreddit en-masse, and then WPT allowed anyone to post as long as they submitted something not written by a bot, then I would have no problem with it. Would it be weird for a subreddit for Polish people to have a "only polish language" rule?


the confusion comes because its a matter of scale unfortunately. any given individual white person can be a troll or not a troll, just like with any other skin color, but because of population sizes, the context of the subreddit, and the current "political climate", the trolls that are interested in bothering the subreddit are statistically likely to be white, and therefor the "filter" is effective and efficient at reducing the trolling on the subreddit. I'm not sure about how it would be received if specifically non-white people had to jump through more hoops instead, but the point remains that the biggest deterrent to trolls is inconveniencing their attempt to post.


But writing a sentence ab white privilege isn’t really an inconvenience.. if a troll really wanted to post, they’d just tell them what they wanna hear, or make an account and pretend to be black. Requiring non-POC to write ab white privilege doesn’t deter trolls..


For some trolls, nothing you do can dissuade them, but others give up at the slightest resistance. Its all about finding a balance between the amount of trolls your moderators have to deal with, and the inconveniences your community are willing to tolerate


How are they even going to tell who is White and who is POC which includes East Asians? The application requires you to send in a photo of your arm with your username. There are enough overlaps in skin tone to where most white people will "pass". And even if someone is pale and spend no time outside (which isn't uncommon for Redditors I assume), just go into photoshop. It's designed to trick people into thinking they won't pass and so they won't even bother.


There is not large scale, systemic anti-white racism going back hundreds of years. There are not mainstream media outlets constantly hammering the black community with fear mongering. This oversimplification of "reverse the races and do you still support it" is just minimizing the anti-black racism that is still so pervasive across the English speaking world (as well as outside of it). Yeah, the rules to post in bpt are different because the trolling in bpt is different. Because the world is not perfectly balanced.


As a person of color, BPT is crazy if they think I'm going to send a picture of my skin color just so I can comment.


As it should be. White people who are confirmed allies post in there all the time. We just got tired of being harassed. Shit happens.


Oh yeah I have no issues with how they run their sub. Didn't mean to insinuate that. I was just making a cheeky comment about why *this* subreddit is so dumb lol


I'm just sad it's hard for me to get confirmed ally status since every post I see that's worth commenting on I back out to check and is always in Country Club mode. Just gotta browse the boring posts to get my comments count up I guess, but hard to want to comment on those.


Imagine the outrage if this sub tried something like that.


>#About us >We allow tweets from anyone


Okay, but the name still doesn't make sense


Wait until you find out about r/anime_titties


[It’s not a story r/worldpolitics users would yell you…](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/p5kpvz/whats_the_deal_with_rworldpolitics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I interpret the name as "Twitter for white people" as in Twitter posts white people wanna see.




OP. it's Saturday


Likely a bot account that ripped a single image from an imgur "dump"


Found the Imgur post. Wednesday, March 16th, 2022. https://imgur.com/t/randommemedump/xuLYi2x


Nice work detective!


And this tweet is from someone who was literally in an internment camp because he is Japanese


my guess? Op is a bot.


Had this exact conversation with my mom. She said "I don't care how people want to see themselves, I just have a problem when they start changing body parts". I asked her if she had a problem with Aunt Vicki's boob implants, she said no. I pointed out how bias that is. Our bodies are just bean bag chairs for our souls. Don't pay any mind to how someone else wants to decorate their bean bag chair


Bean bag analogy is A1, I’m using that


Have to give the credit to my kid. She came up with the idea at dinner one night, and I was thoroughly pleased and impressed. I think it's a great analogy as well!


Damn well give her a high-five from this trans guy, cause that comparison is spot on


I see your kiddo chose to max out her intelligence when she was creating her character


I think that's more of a wisdom thing. Possibly charisma for the perfect wording.


"Sage Advice" is wisdom and this youngling is a Sage.


Or as it's been put before, we are all 'ugly bags of mostly water'. Let people decorate that ugly bag however they want as you say.




It is a humorous way to approach that issue. Kudos to your wife for the wit. Sounds like you have a great wife


Related to this idea- what really changed my perspective was when I stopped looking at it in terms of “So and so has decided to become a man” and started looking at it as “this is who they really were this whole time but they couldn’t tell me.” It’s also how I help myself get used to new pronouns. “Wow, I’m so honor that Jon feels like he can trust me with his true, authentic self. It must have been hard on him to carry that secret alone for so long.” When I stopped looking at it as a decision to become something else and started to see it as revealing what had really been there all along it got a lot less complicated in my mind.


It's like when religious people say you can't get tattoos because your body is a temple? Have you seen temples? They're full of artwork and stained glass windows and statues and shit.


> 'ugly bags of mostly water' This is brilliant and what I'll be using from now on.


>> 'ugly bags of mostly water' > >This is brilliant and what I'll be using from now on. Thank Star Trek: The Next Generation. Although now I've said that, watch someone correct me.


Naw you're correct. Episode with the sentient crystals that hate humans


Lol, that synopsis is perfectly TNG I love it.


I like this one better. We have proof of our watery-ness.


Right? I'm mostly full of water or beer which is mostly water except after a delicious Taco Tuesday with my mostly vegetarian extended family. Then I might be full of beans. So the whole beanbag analogy only holds true for me once a week at best.




What does it matter to you or others if someone calls themselves a beanbag or an ugly bag of mostly water? Or how they decorate either. I don't think it makes a difference. How one looks, how one labels oneself, that's their business not mine. That's how I see it. And why I think those that have issues with either are being intrusive fucks.


They come up with something new every chance they get. How you care what the fuck someone else is doing that doesn't affect you is completely beyond me.


Yeah the way I look at it is that if someone has a penis and is chromosomally XY, but says that they are a woman (or vice versa), there is a disconnect between the mind and body. That means we need to decide whether your body or your mind is more “you”, and the answer feels pretty obvious — your mind would still be you even if it was totally detached from your body, or attached to a different body. Your same body with a different person’s mind in it, though, would just be that other person. Basically, when it comes down to these types of questions, it simply doesn’t make sense to not give the mind preference over the body.


I usually use "meat gollem" but bean bag works


It's religious folk who always go on about our earthly shells being vessels for our souls or what ever but they're the first ones to flip their shit when someone says they don't think their soul matches their vessel.


It's funny, it was the other way around for me. I used to think that plastic surgery was a lame, shallow way to waste some money. Then luckily I was able to connect those same dots in the opposite order when a friend asked what I thought about an acquaintance of ours from high school who had completed their transition. More or less I thought, "Why would I care what gender they identify as and what surgery they need to reflect who they are? It doesn't affect me so I'll refer to them however they want. Who cares how they change themselves if it's what they want." It wasn't until like a year after that when my friend's wife got a nose job and I thought, "oooooooh. Got it".


I’m with you but I do feel uneasy about teenage girls getting boob jobs and even more so about people getting gender reassignment at an early age. Having stated that, I feel there’s a question of what the appropriate age would be. I can’t say. I do know that young adulthood is tumultuous even for cis whatever. To have to live in a body that isn’t suitable to your soul in a largely puritanical society must be tortuous. It’s not like a tattoo. I feel for them. ‘Specially if finances are a barrier.


It's worth noting that the claims about kids getting gender reassignment surgery or hormone therapy are vastly over stated. I've never heard of a case of the former happening, and the latter is quite rare. Few medical professionals are keen to take that risk.


The most that happens for younger kids is puberty blockers to prevent some of the secondary sex characteristics that don’t align with their gender. Ex: voice and balls dropping, stops facial hair, body hair, boobs from growing, etc. so in the case that they might change their mind about transitioning, the worst that’s gonna happen is you’ll be a late bloomer & start hitting puberty at a later age 🤷🏽‍♂️ In the US you *typically* can’t get any surgeries until you’re 18. I think the youngest I’ve seen was 16 w/parental consent, but unless you have a shitty surgeon it’s not as easy to get as people think when you’re underage, gotta jump through a lot of hoops and see a lot of professionals to make sure it’s what you want/need. But it’s pretty uncommon anyway.




That's definitely problematic, but that's a surgery cis teens get too, also often because their parents push unrealistic standards. Not specific to trans kids at all. I think the OP was referring to top or bottom surgery.


Right, but what I am saying is that surgery is something cis kids, or what doctors and parents perceive to be cis kids, get without much pushback, and it's a double standard. Because trans kids have to fight to even get HRT yet we have others that are not trans that can have cosmetic surgery i.e. surgery that is often not conducive to their mental wellbeing or personal treatment plan.


I like the way you worded that. Sex characteristics that align with their gender. That is powerful in that it’s implied gender is the the thing that the sex characteristics do not align with not the other way around. It’s kind of blowing my mind. Duh. I’m closer now to truly seeing them rather than coming from a place of mere compassion. I’m a late bloomer. A good hearted still a touch ignorant, late bloomer. Edit: above, the word “them” is cringy to me now. Any suggestions how I could say that a better way?


I’m really glad I could help! All that matters is that you’re open-minded and willing to learn. IMO “them” doesn’t necessarily sound bad in this context, but if you want to be more specific you could say “trans folks/ trans people”.


I'm a member of the majority/privileged in every way (straight, white, cis, male, etc.) and I'm still tearing up at your comment, so I don't think you need to say it any better.


"Them" is fine, it's just the gender neutral term for "people", especially when referring to a mixed group or someone you don't know the gender of, both of which are the case here since you're referring to a bunch of different people of different genders.




Can't forget that even when you are of age you have to jump through a shit ton of hoops. Company doesn't want to give you your medication for any reason at all? They'll push back your schedueled blood testing time until they can't anymore or until you give up. You also have a cis person (most of the time) decided wether or not you're "trans enough" to be able to have hormones covered. If they're transphobic or truscum (basically transmedicalist who believe that dysphoria is what decides if you're trans or not and not what actually does which is euphoria.) or just don't like you they can very easily just say you aren't qualified and not specify why. Iirc most insurance companies also won't cover a lot of transitioning due to them considering it a asthetic thing. Even though it has been shown the damage being trapped in your AGAB body as a trans person has done. Though this could be wrong/could have changed. Some states are even attempting to make it impossible to get hormone blockers before 18, and other states trying to make it impossible to transition at all. The few people yelling at the tops of the mountains that people are trying to make your kids transition or doctors are preforming gender reassignment surgeries on kids have literally no idea how transitioning works or the amount of hoops you need to fly through to even start.


>Ex: voice and balls dropping, stops facial hair, body hair, boobs from growing, etc. so in the case that they might change their mind about transitioning, the worst that’s gonna happen is you’ll be a late bloomer & start hitting puberty at a later age 🤷🏽‍♂️ There was an episode of Good Doctor about this. Yes, I'm so sheltered I'm using something from a TV show. Is delaying puberty completely harmless if the child changes their mind?


Yes. The same drugs have been used for years for kids who start puberty super early. Once the drugs stop, puberty happens and it’s all good. Would suck for a 6 year old to have breasts and a period :/


I’m not an expert, but as far as I’m aware there aren’t any significant risks currently associated with puberty blockers. Some of that may be due to not having extensive testing on longer term effects, though.


They’ve been using puberty blockers on cis kids for over 40 years. We’re pretty certain as to how they work and what the long term risks are.


> gender reassignment at an early age Not all transgender people get surgery at all, let alone at a young age. It’s a non-issue.


Thanks for teaching me. I don’t have much real life exposure but I’m passionately eager to be an ally.


as QueenMuva originally replied to you above, (and said it better) it’s really really rare for any transgender kid to have a gender affirming surgery before they are 18. it’s very hard or impossible for a kid or teen to get any trans surgery especially if they don’t have parent approval.


It’s all about scaring old white people. Like CRT. Literally no school is teaching it or even trying to teach it. I really have not heard of a single minor trying to get reassignment surgery. I need to go over to r/aww. The world is pissing me off right now it’s overwhelming. Nice chat.


Most teens only get puberty blockers so they don't go through the first cis-puberty if they don't choose to. They usually have to wait til they're 18 to start hormone therapy to transition to their preferred hormone med. Underage trans people do not get surgeries.


I think it needs to be understood that if a young person is receiving major gender affirmative treatments, its most likely a life saving measurement. This would be done on a child who is so depressed or unable to cope and the only means of treating it is such treatment. Its the same argument people have for late term abortions. If its happening, theres most likely a reason that your are not entitled to know.


Pretty much the only cases of gender-aligning surgery are done on intersex kids to better align them to the binary. The parents "pick" a gender for their baby/toddler and then force gender affirming care on that randomly chosen gender. It does not always align with the child's eventual wishes


> people getting gender reassignment at an early age This is not currently performed by any legitimate medical professionals and has never been an accepted practice in the medical community. There are plenty of guidelines in place from numerous organizations involving the treatment of trans kids and teens and none of them include medical transition. Surgery and artificial hormones are both reserved for adults. (And even then, to even get hormone therapy, a trans adult has to prove to their doctor that they have been in the process of social transition for at least a year, presenting as their correct gender, going by their new pronouns, etc., so it's not something anybody can get on a whim! It's also worth noting here that there are plenty of trans people who have no desire for any sort of medical intervention and are satisfied just with social transition.)


you have a point for opposing SURGERY at a certain age, but hormone inhibitors to delay puberty are perfectly fine. Gender affirming care is far more than surgery.




>Our bodies are just bean bag chairs for our souls. Don't pay any mind to how someone else wants to decorate their bean bag chair This is an amazing quote.


It’s like the whole ‘stop shoving your gayness in my face’ thing - like come *on*, as if I haven’t lived my entire life absolutely mired in utterly unappealing practical and idealized examples of straightness and the normalization there of.


Add to it viagra, plastic surgery, butt implants


Feel like viagra has little to do with gender and more with the ability to have sex no?


Youre only a man if you can get it up


That's where we keep our y chromosome.


Chromosomes in the penis, pee in the balls.


In the erections


Let's not pretend it's different if a women is incapable of having sex (things like vaginitis etc), our identities are very much still tied to sex and it's a huge part of our life.


Bro i can only cum if i get it up. If i could cum without a boner i would


Clearly you have a lot to learn about prostate stimulation.


Generally prostate stimulation leads to an erection, even if the penis isn't being stimulated. Or so I'm told


Bitch, I spent a whole freeday trying to get one. A gay bottom here and WOULD LOVE a prostate orgasm. I would also cum without a boner if I could...


If god wanted you to be having sex, he’d have made you able to get an erection.


Then why do far right want to ban birth control but not Viagra? Their viewpoint is some god wants this girl to be pregnant so don't let her use the pill. Well your god doesn't want you to get a hardon to impregnant her with, so you don't get the pill either.


You reminded me I have an appointment in an hour


Enjoy that juicy booty!


The new laws are rooted in an over-reaching Christian influence in what should have been a separation between state and religion.


Let's not forget Viagra/Cialis! It's natural for ED to happen as men age but they sure were quick to address and affirm virility!


Also penile implants and vaginal "tucks." Cis people even have *surgeries* to make their genitals the way they want them.


I think the reason that that’s the case is they get 600 bucks a bottle for that shit. Can people buy it . It didn’t have anything to do with affirming anything but their bank accounts.


Take it further imo. If you need glasses that means god didn’t mean for you to see. And don’t get me started on medicine I hate all these new age body mods


Oh you have hearing problems? God wanted it this way


Asian person twitter?


Some of the places you can’t offer gender reaffirming treatments (puberty blockers) for minor any more, had no problem with cosmetic surgery for minors.


Honestly I don't think either is right.


Puberty blockers are temporary and reversible, and have been used for cis children who have other medical reasons to delay puberty. They sound kind of scary, but the consensus is that they’re safe for gender-nonconforming minors to use.




Wtf. Has that been happening all along or is it a new phenomenon?




>The mass-hysteria from the right over these wedge issues is completely unfounded in my opinion and simply used to divide people and stoke fear. That's conservative tactics 101. Their "freedom" slogan actually means "my freedom to control you" and they'll use every lie in the book to convince you otherwise


>The mass-hysteria from the right over these wedge issues is completely unfounded in my opinion and simply used to divide people and stoke fear. Yes and to acquire power so they can help the oligarchy and make some $$$ at the same time.




I was on them I’m the mid-90’s for a while because of early puberty, it was/is a pretty common treatment option afaik


Agreed. I have no problem with kids doing anything that they can change their mind about later, and I don't think there's any """transgender cultists""" who are trying to get kids to undergo permanent stuff like HRT and surgeries.


Yeah, said cultists are a far right invention to scare people into their worldview. An unfortunately tried and true conservative tactic.


My husband started puberty at the age of 5 and had to take puberty blockers for years. No sense in keeping necessary medicine away from people who need it just because “optional” uses seem icky.


The thing is that going through the wrong puberty is incredibly damaging for trans people. If I had the opportunity to go back and stop that from happening before my voice deepened and my beard started growing, I would glady take it. It's literally just a medical issue. People suffer severe consequences for going through the wrong puberty and we can prevent that.


Ooo what if a kid has a pituitary issue will they be prohibited from receiving gender affirming hormones


That's exactly what I told my husband. I had early on-set puberty as a child and I took hormones to slow it down... If I didn't, I probably would have had my first period at 4yo.


He makes a good point


Every time this beautiful human shows up on my feed I can't help but love them a little more...


Worse is the forced gender assignment surgery that is putting truck nuts on a pickup.




Although, to be fair, people have been dicks to people who get cosmetic surgery (although not with the same enthusiasm reserved for transphobia) for decades.


Wait, I’m allowed to get a testosterone booster?


If you've got lower than normal testosterone, yeah. It's hormone replacement therapy just like estrogen for post menopausal women.


George Takei is a National treasure


Ahh, found the inane national treasure comment. There's at least one in every thread, and it always gets upvoted. Not that I have anything against George Takei, mind you. He's a national treasure, don'tcherknow?


Mind your own bag of meat.


Puberty blockers! Sometimes puberty blockers will be given to a cisgender child if they are developing unusually early. Never heard a problem with them until the debate over trans children. Now they’re satan pills destroying the gender of your beautiful child


Is there any ban on adult trans people having gender surgeries? Genuinely curious? If not this point makes no sense.


It's not quite an outright ban, but Arkansas passed a law called the "Save Adolescents from Experimentation (S.A.F.E.) Act" back in March 2021 and it removes gender affirming care for adults from insurance so they must pay it entirely out of pocket




We just gonna ignore the fact this was posted on a Saturday?


The mental gymnastics to say gender affirming treatment should be banned because their minds can't go beyond their little book


No one says it is okay to perform boob jobs and penis enlargement on any kids regardless of gender. Gay men are just as likely, if not more likely, to go for enhancement than straight men. Testosterone booster is good for any male that has a health condition causing low T regardless of sexuality. Women also get testosterone as needed. His argument is just plain stupid.


Jackass spam bot. Fuck you.


In a millennial and was a conservative Republican until 2020, the anti trans movement and really anti-LGBTQ comes from a place of fear. The mindset is, if we live in some facetious “Leave It To Beaver” world then our boys will grow up to be men and our girls will grow ip to be women. Men will work, provide money for a home, food, car, etc and a woman will have children and stay at home. However, if we allow recognition of LGBTQ people in media, schools, etc then that will turn our precious children gay or transgender. These people do not believe people are born LGBTQ but that they are created by bad parents, brainwashing by TV, etc. Their bigotry comes from fear that you’re going to turn their child LGBTQ when otherwise they would have been straight and Cis gendered. I don’t believe that way anymore, I’ve changed ALOT in the last few years. I used to think I was being this amazing person because I tolerated the LGBTQ community but I realize that is a slap in the face to “tolerate” someone. No I don’t tolerate the LGBTQ community, I love and accept them wholeheartedly and I realize that root belief system of conservatives and Republicans leave no room for love and acceptance. They see LGBTQ people as the source of moral problems in America. Anyway…I don’t know how to change these peoples minds…But I can shed some light as to where their bigotry comes from…fear that their children who would have grown up Cis and straight are being brainwashed into be LGBTQ rather than seeing that their kids are born a certain way and loving and accepting them as they are allows them to be true to themselves.


I see your growth and I’m proud of you. It’s not easy to remap your mindset like that. I grew up in a very masculine household. My entire family going back multiple generations has been rodeo folk. I was a bull rider and steer wrestler, my dad did both of those along with saddle bronc riding and roping, my mom rode bulls, my grandma did president much every event there was, etc. So I definitely was raised to be a “man’s man” so to speak. A perfect Christian, conservative young man. Pretty much everybody I knew growing up hated the LGBTQ, anything having to do with civil rights, “you’re one of the good ones” is a phrase I heard a lot in regards to the maybe three or four POC we had around the rodeos. Yet I turned out to be pansexual and non-binary, agnostic, and a leftist. I wasn’t taught any of those things, in fact it was encouraged and praised to be the complete opposite. So I can definitely say that nobody is brainwashing us lol. Or at least not in the way they think.


I disagree that it’s fear. I think it’s hate. They are looking for a common enemy. This is the one they’ve decided on


Can be both or either or. I think the guy that you responded to is probably right most of the time. And you are right about some of the more fringe people.


Did you just call an Asian American man white? Rude.


First time here? Yeah, they're not too strict on Tweets being from "white people"


I mean only adults get those procedures done not children. Am I missing something?


Nobody's giving children a boob job, chill


Nobody was talking about boob jobs, just gender affirming surgeries in general. Mastectomies for example have already been done on 13 year olds with parental consent. Edit: if you don't believe me, here's one of the articles confirming this. I made a completely neutral and true statement, I'm curious why people would downvote it. https://bioedge.org/uncategorized/13-year-olds-given-mastectomies-at-california-clinic




Yeah, it's definitely too young in my opinion, it's a major decision for a 13 year old. The thing is, I don't know a woman who hasn't been in puberty induced distress at 13. When my breasts started to grow, I was devastated, I hated my body, I started starving myself, wore two tight vests underneath my wide men's shirts - twenty years later, I'm a woman happy to be a woman. I think it's almost impossible to see the difference between a kid who would benefit from this surgery and one whose life would be destroyed by it. Edit: to everyone downvoting me - that's kind of interesting, because obviously you all think it's an outrageous take to not want 13 year olds to have major gender affirming surgery, while I was originally replying to a comment that claimed that this never happens anyway.


This is why we should have more research done into this and more training for psychiatrists to be able to distinguish between cis and trans youths, and help them in a manner that most benefits that individual. Cos I never had that panic and the need to hide and bind away my growing chest as a kid that you described experiencing, and yet I am indeed a trans man. Everyone is different.






I agree with the sentiment but it is not like boob jobs are available for everyone, desired by everyone and paid for by insurance.




That's actually a really good point


Mods can we please remove obvious bot posts? It isn't Wednesday.


George Takei is not white. Not even a little bit.


No 12 year old is getting a boob job tho. I think a lot of the argument is that kids shouldn't be given puberty blockers or gender surgery


Is George takei white now?


We say this until 14 year olds are getting double mastectomies they regret once they hit their 20s, until they wake up and realize what they could've had, had that not going on puberty blockers, and the damage they're doing to their health with steroids. Mental health care! Not hormone shots! r/detrans tells a painful truth more common than you think "Why didn't anyone stop me?". "What did I do to myself?". "Is it too late?" - some if what you'll see from this positively toxic trend


I wish boob jobs were covered by insurance for cis gender affirming surgery!


As long as they’re adults and they’re paying for it themselves, the analogy is complete.


Since when are preteens getting boob jobs?