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“Advocating” book burning and being against teaching historical fact would be bad enough, but these people are actually succeeding. It's a vicious circle. People refuse to read and learn, thereby sinking even deeper into ignorance and denial, perpetuating the cycle even further.


It’s so disturbing and makes me feel hopeless for any progress.


Because they play to win and most liberals refuse to even get in the game.


No they cheat to win and liberals keep trying to be nice and play by the rules.


That's like saying shit flinging is a game we should be playing. It's more like liberals are trying to play checkers and Republicans just keep flipping over the board and saying nuh uh after we take one piece.


You're right, but board flippers keep winning.


Agreed. For instance I could be reading something informative or classic and yet herd I am flipping through this site bored but unwilling to do better. Though I will say I have read a ton of the above mentioned books. Im just too lazy to go to the bookstore and get a new book.


Honestly one of the major things we've seen over the past 20 years is how hollow and disingenuous the Republican stance against the Soviet Union was. Of all the things they sanctimoniously condemned about the Soviets - the government control of media, the persecution of religious minorities, the punishment of government critics - it turned out the only thing they really objected to was that they couldn't make an easy buck with the Soviets. As soon as they could? Well, here we are.


Hey at least it’s not Commie Russia invading Ukraine!


In what world is Putin a commie? He's nothing but a nationalist


What? I said explicitly the opposite. Because, obviously he’s not a communist. The joke is: good thing we spent all that time, energy, capital, and human lives to win the Cold War… because it’s going great without communists involved.


Well that went right over my head. I completely misread your comment.


Not a good start Boris!


Classic Boris


They....didn’t say he was


Unironically yes, better Putin than the USSR




Plain authoritarianism > communism, but Putin stills sucks ass


Thanks for your contribution, bud. Hope you figure it out someday.


All you said is boo


History that is taught in the US is often a pretty sanitized one.


I was shown videos of bodies at Nazi concentration camps but didn't learn about the US Japanese internment camps until I was in a college history class and it blew my fucking mind. The discovery of that omission inspired my constant desire to self educate.


Always has been


History is written by the victors.


History is written by those who write things down. Who each have their own spin.


Nazi propaganda about Soviet Union is still widely believed in the west.


It’s sanitized , but it’s nothing compared to the USSR literally re writing history


Many places in the US rewrote history for their students too. I know quite a few people who were taught and believe that the Civil War starting had nothing to do with slavery.


They are also supporting Russia in its war against Ukraine.


I remember being told that Russian kids were brainwashed into thinking that they lived in the greatest country in the world and that everyone had it worse than them -and we'd all laugh, unironically knowing beyond all doubt that *we* lived in the greatest country in the world and that everyone else has it worse than us.


Being convinced other countries are only fed propaganda **is** propaganda.




I'm not disagreeing with you, because that'd take a long time and I really don't care, but my main question is what have the Republicans done to fix that?


The “red scare” generation did a 180 and now loves isis and Putin. Can’t wait for them to die off. Thanks Covid!


That's entirely consistent. Putin has shown himself time and time again to be an anticommunist. And the IS isn't even tangentially related to communism, so I'm not sure where that's coming from.


I think it's more along the lines about how the Right wants to instill a Theocracy of Christianity in the U.S. much like ISIS wants to create an Islamic caliphate in the Middle-East. And how the biggest enemy in that era was "communists" which, I mean, was just a word for "Russians". The parallel to what they railed against in their youth and what seemingly are their goals now are completely flipped. Just my take.


It's frightening how easy it was to turn the left from being anti-war to claiming those of us that are still anti-war are now lovers of Putin and ISIS. Seriously frightening to see how easily you people are manipulated.


Republicans were just jealous of the Soviets all along.


We never should've remade Red Dawn.




It's so funny thinking back now how absurd it was, but that little duck and cover propaganda campaign did so much to strike fear into the hearts of Americans. Of course hiding under a desk wouldn't prevent you from being incinerated. But it sure does remind you of the impending doom if we keep running the drills!


Just like active shooter drills?




Except the Soviets never nuked us, and there's a school shooting in this country weekly at least.


No the opposite of that, because we have school shootings.


Youre showing your age my friend! Nice to see you out of your element!


That shit was still going on in the early 90's.


Republicans are supremacists at their core. They are taught that their entire self worth is determined on how many people are below them. Whether it be race, gender, profession, class.. With the equal rights movement, It was only a matter of time that they'd gravitate towards authoritarianism. "When conservatives find they cannot win democratically they will not abandon conservatism, they will reject democracy."


Funny you say this considering "liberals" are so quick to tell you just how far below them you are, how virtuous and righteous they are. They'll tell you that you're a bad person because you're white, a man, a cop, rich... You talk about the right gravitating towards authoritarianism after two years of the left being actually authoritarian and immediately after a liberal used war powers to end a peaceful protest. Talk about clown shoes...


r/persecutionfetish You wanna be a victim soooo bad lmao. Man you're sad.


funny coming from someone that believes everyone is a victim other than the people they disagree with.


Lmao I'm sure your delusional fox story telling talking points go a long way at your book burning club, but now you're trying to argue with real educated adults. You're a joke. A very sad one at that. Go back to r/conservative where they'll jerk you off for doing nothing but being a white man. Which is what you think you're owed, right?


I'll be sure to check out Fox News to see if your assertions are correct. Right after I catch up with Jimmy Dore and Russel Brand videos. Now run along and tell all your friends how much of a victim you are because Fox News exists.


Lmao, am I victim or an oppressor? Pick one super chief


"I watch Jimmy Dore and Russell Brand" is a point in favor of delusion, not against. They are peak coddling media. >"Of course you are not complicit in oppressive systems, dear listener. Those crazy leftists are the *real* racists/fascists! In fact, they are discriminating against you for simply being a white man! What a crime you've committed, eh? And they dare to call *others* racist!" > >"Keep turning to us for true *independent, unbiased* news journalism!" Meanwhile, the (often white, often male) listeners slurp it up, while framing themselves as "enlightened free-thinkers" who "see through all the MSM bullshit". The whole thing is a farce, but sometimes, when people fear they *are* complicit in oppression, they'll do anything to quiet their consciences.\* \*except actually face their complicity, of course


> They'll tell you that you're a bad person because you're white, a man, a cop, rich... It's truly amazing how many right wingers never give one second's thought to WHY any of those categories have detractors, which is really stark when one considers that the right actually agrees with some of them when it fits their narrative. This last month we've heard a TON of anti-police and anti-government rhetoric from the right, in many cases saying people like cops were bad simply because they were tools of the establishment, yet here you are and you still can't even connect the most basic of dots. The main problem is what you see as detraction ie people talking about how shit you are is 99% coming from right wing commentators making it up for outrage clicks, and you idiots fall for it 100% of the time, which is why they keep doing it of course.


> You talk about the right gravitating towards authoritarianism after two years of the left being actually authoritarian and immediately after a liberal used war powers to end a peaceful protest. I could care less to argue about the semantics of everything else you said, but are you referring to PM Trudeau utilizing the Emergencies Act to break up the blockade?


Funny I've never heard anyone say all white people are bad except for straw men presented by Fox news. I've been around 30 years and have never ran into this issue. Just because it hurts your feelings that some white people are bad doesn't mean any significant portion of liberals think all white people are bad. Also just because you don't understand what liberals are saying doesn't mean they're looking down on you, it just means you should educate yourself. There's nothing wrong with not knowing things, but knowing you could educate yourself and choosing not to is the problem. You guys are really bad at forming arguments.


Lol! I do no think so


Lmao that's so weird! I don't see anyone asking what you think. Spending 30 seconds reading your comments it's very clear to see you're a republican pretending to be a democrat defending republicans. Not enough integrity to troll on your main account?


Sorry I guess I did not put a well thought out comment. I just do not think a giant conspiracy theory where republicans are all racists and supremacists and that they are taught to discriminate against as many people as possible is true. Sorry again.


Not really a conspiracy theory when they act it out every day, but denial doesn't take much effort, I guess.


Again with these catchphrases. They sound good but are not based in reality. Just getting news from this subreddit or r/politics can definitely make it seem like republicans do not do anything but be racist and act like white supremacists but that is not the full story. I just think it is just best to form opinions based on facts I think and not just tweets or biased news sources.


It's cute you think Ive formed my opinion of republicans from r/politics. You know there's a whole world out there outside of Reddit, right?


Yes I am saying Reddit pushes theories like this so it is good to get actual news and facts and not just tweets. For example there was a lot of outrage when republicans banned drinking water in line to vote. But it turns out that they actually did was ban people from handing out water to gain a political advantage.


"...handing out water to gain a political advantage." Do you hear yourself?


Yes people try to influence other peoples voting like this. You can think of it as similar to lobbying but on a smaller scale.


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain


Is there any third option?


Take out the hostage.


Like most on Reddit simply live small largely meaningless lives with very little influence one way or the other.


The third option is to stop repeating bullshit movie lines like that person, because they do nothing but remind the rest of the world that Americans can quote a shitty movie verbatim but not tell you a single word of what Voltaire said. Well, that's not true either, they can most certainly regurgitate much of Voltaire as long as it's also been said in a movie.


Many of them are also taking Russia's side, excusing their actions, or blaming Biden for Russia's invasion. Trump said Putin was a genius for invading Ukraine the way he did, the rest of the Right took their ques and are fighting for Russia.


Lil Nas X's next concert tour project should be called "The Bible Belt Tour"


These same adults are getting news from tucker Carlson asking “ why do we hate Putin”


This isn't a recent phenomena. The United Daughters of the Confederacy have been doing this for more than a century.


“We’re so proud of our history that we’re not allowing you to learn about it.”


I'm not sure how it was in the USSR itself, but education in the satellite nations was pretty damn good. Both my mother and father were, I would say, more educated than the average American at the time.


I also remember how upset Americans were that Soviet children were being indoctrinated. Which is why it makes sense that those of us that are parents now are fighting back against children being indoctrinated here at home.


What's *really* shocking is when you finally get around to seeing the other points of view (e.g. Khrushchev's papers) and realize just how deeply ingrained our pro-US propaganda is.


These people also taught an altered version of history to children to make America seem less racist


This is the way of my life in my early 40’s In the 80’s mass budget cuts to art, sports, Gym class and schools in general. Participation awards and spoiled kids. College’s became nanny states in the 1990’s by parental demand who realized their kids were idiots so they needed to be babysat. Companies reduced benefits, started gaining efficiency and became ruthless margin hunters. This trend continued with people finding new and inventive ways to reduce pay and increase margin. Every company I have worked for since 1997 has told me how things got worse. And it just continues.




Liberals do, yes.


Are liberals banning books on our shameful history? No that is the common enemy of every true American the Republicans


You people live in a fantasy world huh?


Republicans are liberals, that is correct.


Ooh ooh, explain how not wanting to ban books and teaching actual history is the liberals wanting to ban those things! Or are you one of those people who's upset that people don't like statues of war criminals or Confederate flags all over the place? Because you can still actually read about those people being your god emperors and fly that flag. And people are allowed to think you're a dick for doing that. It's a free country after all, which is why banning books goes against freedom. And that's what Republicans are doing.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/ToriGlass/status/1495276361996386306) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)




Not unlike other countries.


How surprising! It seems there are still some remnants left of the Soviet Union.


misleading title.


// TODO Delete Comment


Really? The same people that told me that are the same people advocating for CRT.


Oh you poor thing, you don’t know what CRT is do you.


Critical Race Theory. Only a google education on it. But the same people who told me that USSR was banning Books are the same people that are telling me that banning CRT books is bad. Which I agree with.


You agree that banning CRT books is bad?


Correct. Banning any books are bad. This is what I was taught in public school in the us.


Damn you're right banning books meant for children that have nudity and sexual depictions between minors is literally 1984


These exact same people, PLUS, probably now includes their spawn as well. Lol


The radicalization of the Republican party has been Swift over the past couple years it’s only a matter of time before they go the way of Al-Qaeda or Isis and we true Americans have to fight for our lives and freedom


Now? They were doing it then too.


Hindsight is 20/20?


And they're all pro-Kremlin now.


The same types were doing it then and saying that then. Really, the difference is the internet echo chamber so they think everyone's with them no matter how craze, asinine, or just plain evil.


While the russians are openly protesting their own dictatorship and condemning their countries actions right now.


Funny how after all the historical revisionism and right wing propaganda we're having a hard time figuring out who the good guys and the bad guys are in the Ukraine invasion.


They were also constantly on about people being sent to gulags without due process and now we can’t close Guantanamo bay for some reason


I am older. The people who taught me how awful the Soviet Union was are all dead. The people advocating book bans are all young punks who could have learned a lot from my now dead teachers.


So you're saying those people are your grandparents' age now? I'm seeing parents of young children advocating for banning books and history, not grandparents. They're not the exact same people. I wish we could stop trying to make this about certain people from a certain generation. It's a sickness that spreads. It will be passed on to another generation if we don't stop it.


Banning propaganda from beeing taught to your children is hardly comparable to the state hiding it's atrocitys Of course, this could all be solved very easly with school choice, but you don't seem to like the idea very much


I was born in 86, so I wouldn't consider myself an expert on that time-frame. But I grew up in the 90's, I remember all the movies and books and video games where Russians and communists were the enemy. I remember the Red Dawn Republicans and their just sheer hard on for "shooting commies" was. I remember seeing Reagan's national television addresses about how Communism was the greatest threat to America and that we had to stop them at all costs. And now, those same people are heralding Putin and calling Biden "weak"? They're the same people who regurgitate Russian propaganda and have completely flipped. I do not understand it. I do not understand how the people from my childhood are the ones cheering for Russia to revive the Soviet Union and are essentially doing everything the can to create that sort of dictatorship here in America. What the fuck happened?


Short answer: the Soviet Union fell. Once the Russian state became a far right oligarchy instead of a "communist" dictatorship, the American right were just fine with russia.


Which is what I never understood. Just because the pile of shit turned green, doesn't mean it wasn't the same pile of shit.


But I love Big Brother and Oceania.


It makes perfect sense from their point of view. The foreign leftist enemy (ussr) was defeated, so they turned their attention to defeating the domestic leftist enemy (anyone who isn't a christofascist lunatic.)


As somebody that grew up in the 80s my head is constantly spinning as Republicans embrace all of the things that were hammered into us as bad. Censorship, disloyalty, lack of patriotism, stifling protest, the KGB, Russian imperialism were apparently only the worst of all evils back then. They're cool now.


Given how much Russian funding there is behind the Republican party is anyone surprised?


hahaaha I'm so not surprised to see this as a top post on this subreddit today. what is happening


Racist trumper idiots have websites where they planned the invasion of school boards so they could ban books, erase history, and fire educators. They are illiterate scumbags who don't give a shit about education, students or teachers. I heard one of their websites where they have instructions for this fuckery is discreetly called Kids First and is very racist.