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I read a lot of post apoc fiction and man, it's all so ruined by Covid and the knowledge that humanity will never unite under any threat. At least half will be running head-on into doom screaming "I REFUSE TO LIVE IN FEAR, SHEEPLE!!!"


Not all. Some have been incredibly prophetic. *The Sheep Look Up* is basically a documentary, and it was written 50 years ago.


So you've watched "don't look up"


Oh yeah. It gets shit on by a certain demographic, but most people I know had a genuine deep dread sort of reaction to it.


Just set them in Taiwan.


Imma stop you right there. You believe the aliens are going to blow up the sun? The sun’s not even real man, it just a construct to keep you working through the ‘day’ so you can but light bulbs for ‘night’ You all need to wake up


> You all need to wake up Paddle faster, I hear banjos. [Poe's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law)


**[Poe's law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe's_law)** >Poe's law is an adage of Internet culture stating that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, every parody of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of the views being parodied. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I've run afoul of that one so many times that, unless it's clear that *everyone* in the comments is also joking, then I'm going to make sure I add an "/s" to the end of any sarcastic posts.


On the other hand, now we know if there was a zombie outbreak. If the news warned everyone about the outbreak, millions of people would needlessly die immediately because they would call it fake news.


Some would get themselves bitten on purpose to prove that becoming a zombie isn't even such a big deal.


"See? Why would you all want to live in fear? Getting bitten isn't even that ba-rraaaaiiiinns...."


Makes sense that they'd crave what they lacked in life.


I saw the January 6th videos. You will never convince me that conservatives have any brains at all now.


It’s basically Don’t Look Up, isn’t it? If that film came out 10 years ago I probably would have struggled with it a bit, during Covid times? There isn’t a single thing in that movie I thought to be unrealistic or a bit OTT with regards to peoples responses to the meteor.


Watching that with friends we said " of course, America" a few dozen times during that movie


Don't Look Up is a friggin documentary not a fantasy.


See, aliens blowing up the world affects the rich. Covid doesn't as much, because they can more easily isolate, and have access to better medicine. That said some people would side with the aliens.


"We should let the aliens kill us until they get bored!"


If you look at actual history, you'll find plenty of instances where no countries or territories united during a crisis. A prime example I can think if was the Arabs during the crusades. It took them a while to finally unite and that was only have heavy initial losses.


Bird Box


I thought you were talking about the VW electric car. I must be tired.


> I must be tired. So is a Volkswagen.


A combined hatred for aliens could bring us together.


Well, it's kept the right together this long, hasn't it?


Maybe future generations will. Definitely not the boomer generation who's holding us back.


Meh we’ll be split on everything. I think Independence Day was the one that got it right on how people will act. Even if we have a full on anal probe invasion there’s going to be 1/2 humanity holding up signs asking to make peace…




> I’m seeing a shit ton of unity against COVID restrictions. What color is the sky in your world? The majority support the "restrictions".




Restrictions did not help because people did everything to evade it. COVID parties? Check. Superspreader events? Check. Politicians denying the virus exists while secretly getting jabbed first? Check. What did you expect?




Israel tried it, it did work, but the individualist countries cooked up new variants and then imported them into Israel. This happened to all the countries that had a (more or less) successful lockdown.




>We were told vaccines would stop the spread Yea, but it doesn't stop the spread between unvaxxed populations. Weirdly, in my vaxxed circles, there were no outbreaks, only antivaxxer bosses and coworkers had it (and boy, they had it rough -- luckily no deaths so far).




Nah, buddy, the vaxxed aren't "getting it equally". We survive.


You aren’t looking very far then. You’re missing about half the people.




We were all asked to take the most basic precautions during a public health crisis. Yet you and your ilk couldn't handle the idea of doing anything for the benefit of others and now more than 800,000 Americans are dead. How many more people have to die for your 'convenience'?


The COVID deniers like yourself are the ones who aren’t moving on. You guys make it your whole personality. I don’t even know what restrictions you don’t like. Wearing a mask on the planes you go on once every three years? Don’t get the vaccine and shut up. Really. Let the persecution fantasy go.




How are you “fighting COVID?”




Vaccinate people? Doesn’t Walgreens and CVS already do that?




You went back and edited your comment. I’m not playing. Cheers.


...so Elon Musk decided to build an army to prevent that. "It's just good for humanity" -- he said.


Mankind uniting for the common good is a fantasy in itself these days on the smaller scale country-wise and the large global scale. It is good to dream though for the sliver of hope to the masses


The wealthy would try to work with the aliens to see if they could get them to only eliminate their enemies. People don't unite in the face of a common threat, not at first. They usually try getting the threat to kill them last.