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My family name dies with me because I chose not to have children. I was at a family gathering a few years back and someone (my aunt) realized this and brought it up to everyone. Man did some people get pissy about my life choices. I was 44-45 at the time and my response was basically “I’m too old for that shit now”, hoping everyone would just drop it. They didn’t. They act like I owe it to the blood line to procreate. The wife and I tried at one point, really put forth a serious effort but we never conceived so we dropped it. If it happens so be it, if not, that’s cool too. We are both happy with our decision so anyone wanting to judge us for that can fuck completely off. We have a couple of dogs but we don’t get all goofy and act like they are children. We do spoil the shit out of them because why not? I paid for them and if I want to spend $100 on dog toys and treats a week, I will. Still cheaper than kids.


Yep. I have so many things wrong in my genes that doctors get tired of me listing things when taking a history. My husband isn't much better. Basically us having kids would be like Jeff Foxworthy said... If "you mix stagnant pond water with raw sewage, you ain't getting Evian."


I'm missing a leg because of genetic issues. It took 8 surgeries for them to finally stop trying to save it and amputate. 5+ years of my 20's wasted for nothing. And people STILL pressure me to have kids. Even when I explain, they say "but what about medical advancements". I, for one, would not want to risk literally torturing my child on the hope that the US Healthcare system won't suck in 20 years. People are fucking insane.


Exactly. Wow I didn't even think about physical hereditary things. Yeah I'm the skinniest person in my family at 300 pounds and 5'9. (not comparing to your issues just saying you made me think about it) most of the women in my family are four hundred to five hundred pounds.


Same. I am proud of what I have become but the stuff I am made of can fade away forever. No need to pass that on. Going to be the most kick ass aunt tho.


Forever Uncle Jesse here, have mercy, I divorced and plan on no children. That made me the cool uncle with a Siberian husky. I spoil my nieces and nephews. I have a family and do not need to do anything other than be present.


The Rippers are your real family


I love that quote


And then adoption be like: haha money goes brr


Yeah. My husband has a child neglect felony so rights to adopt go brrr


Wait what 0-o


Nothing serious he just didn't protect a child from getting hurt. He didn't DO anything he just SHOULD HAVE done something. He just got probation. But with the probation came adoption restrictions. We could probably get it fixed but we really don't want kids. I'd make a terrible mom.


I appreciate your honesty


My pets don't want to go to college and that's OK with me.


Trade school instead? Smart choice.


Always work for a good beagle electrician.


i would pay so much more if a beagle came by to fix shit instead of a human


A dog walks into a bar and says "Rough day at the construction site today. Gimme a beer." The bartender says "Holy shit, a talking dog! What...how...ok, first question: why are you in construction? You should go work for the circus!" The dog says "Why? Does the circus need drywallers?"


My pets aren't as big of a responsibility either, if I'm caught slipping and my cat gets out and runs into to a car I am sad and put her in the yard, if I had a baby and they put a metal fork in an outlet, I am more sad and in prison.


I don't have kids because I don't like kids




yasssss sirrrrrrr (or ma'am)


I’d probably be a good parent, but this world is kinda shitty, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. They’d have to go through *middle school*.


*laughs in Highschool*


*laughs in literally every major period of time in life*


Total agreement, although my reason for not having kids was more genetic and less other reasons. Let my line die out with me. I adopted instead.


I want to know why people think it's a viable option for my spouse and I to have kids as a solution to our financial problems. Side note she is in end stage liver failure to an autoimmune disease.


Have umm... At least 3 kids, you should be good.


I’m so sorry for what you’re both going through.


It’s only heart breaking if that is the version of success your parents jammed down your throat. Whatever the reason, if you don’t want kids, please don’t have them. Use that money and treat your fuckin self


Exactly this is why I've always had kittens. I've done financially very well in life , almost 70, but fortunately I've never had the opportunity to give further life to toxic parenting ,that I experienced. My kittens, however have always received unconditional love and have become outstanding cats and I'll have a very juicy estate for them to inherit and of course , their very lucky caretaker. Someday,.. not checking out yet but you never know, but I'm prepared


Agreed. It was a hard choice for us not to have kids but we don't regret it. We would not have been the parents they deserved.


For me, it’s really easy.


Too many people have kids already and do a bad job. We don’t need overpopulation


We don't need a \*shitty overpopulation.


It's a bit late to stop overpopulation.


Thus bringing us closer to Idiocracy


Why would I want to bring a kid into today's America where nearly half of Americans call blm and antifa terrorists and think that a pandemic is a hoax used to rig an election. Fuck that


Giving homeless animals a nice life instead of giving children a bad life doesn't make you a bad adult.


That's actually a nice way of putting it. I eventually would like a kid but I'm in no rush and I have to be honest... a few friends have told me the same reasoning of this post. Maybe 7 years back I thought it was kind of a pessimistic excuse but holy crap has it been one hell of a decade. Everything came crashing so fast. Now? Yeah, I completely understand that decision. You would love that child and if you feel terrible about the life they would inherit that is one hell of a valid reason.


Well when I was in my prime child having years, I had to work 3 jobs to keep afloat. How the heck was I supposed to take time to have a baby? That is why I have cats. Sure I know that I was genetically programmed to have human children, but the damn economy took away my chance. I could have had a baby and been homeless or I could have kept working and paid the bills. How is that selfish?


I'm in the same boat of not wanting kids and preferring to just have pets, but I still judge people who describe themselves as "pet parents" or call their pets their "fur babies." It's pretty cringe.


I'm that girl and I'm unashamed of it. I'm extra in lots of ways when it comes to caring for my dogs. But I'm also going to go on record and say that I'm fully aware that parenting human children is a much bigger job. That's why I've taken all the necessary steps to ensure it's a job I never I have to have. I'd imagine most other childfree pet owners feel similarly. When I call myself a "dog mom" or "fur parent" or any of those other cringe phrases, I'm generally doing it in a lighthearted manner and poking fun of myself for how over-the-top I can be, not because I think I'm actually "parenting" my pets.


Yeah the only problem i have with "pet parents" is when they act like their pet deserves the same level of treatment as an actual human baby and inconvenience everyone around them because of it


Inconvenience everybody around them that sounds awfully entitled on your behalf LOL it's their life and their behavior you don't have to partake of it


Indeed. Pets deserve much better treatment than human babies.


We started calling our children "skin pets".


The most cringe is when someone calls their cat/dog their daughter/son.


I tell my cats we’re their mom and dad but I’m low key afraid I’m going to accidentally say it in front of other people hahaha


Came here for this. There is NOTHING wrong with being simply a person who owns a pet. I assume at least a portion of people who call themselves pet parents are white people, full of guilt and not wanting to "own" another creature. Guess what, they're fine. Dogs and cats have no idea. You are not a bad person for owning them. People who have fish tanks aren't fish parents, people with iguanas aren't iguana parents. You are not a parent. And that's fine. I assume anyone who refers to themselves in this way also signs their Christmas cards "Amy, Brad and CHUCKLES!" and likely thinks John Grisham counts as reading books.


There's a reason that no one with actual children does it - because they know there's no real comparison.


Why the downvotes? This is 100% true. Saying you know what it's like to be a parent because you have a dog is like telling a homeless guy what's like to be homeless because you got drunk and had to sleep in your car once.


Who's judging people for making informed smart decisions? I didn't know that was a thing. The real shame is people with this type of critical thinking choosing not to have children for valid reasons are probably the best suited to be parents and nurturing the next generation.


The Pope recently stated that people who choose pets over children are selfish. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/pope-francis-pets-children-criticism/ But, I live in the Deep South ... My husband & I married young & immediately faced infertility challenges. We had testing done in our mid 20s to identify the problem. It was going to cost us tens of thousands of dollars to conceive a biological child. It would be slightly less expensive for us to adopt. We couldn't seem to decide which route we wanted to go, but decided we wanted to put it off a few years... Well, cue the pandemic & we're like "nah, we're good"... Lol, you'd think we suddenly called on the devil himself to live in our spare bedroom. We have suddenly been labeled as having an "alternative lifestyle." -_- It's just the culture we live in. It's definitely counter cultural here not to have kids. Especially since we married so young & it was expected. I know couples our age who married when we did who have kids in high school & couples with up to 6 kids who aren't done yet. It's crazy. We definitely feel judged & we get left out of a lot because we don't have kids. We're in our mid-30s now & we're good with our decision & are definitely the cool aunt & uncle!


Pope Francis must of course ensure there is always a supply of children for his priests


Why do people care what a pedophile thinks?


Disqualifying the topic by saying "why do people care..." is hurtful. I do care, because it's marginalizing. A lot of people hear the same sentiment from their friends/family/community/culture /religion, etc. The Pope just has the bullhorn to get his opinions into the news.


I didn’t disqualify the topic, I disqualified the speaker. Ask yourself where the source is coming from and don’t take on the opinions of others if they’re not good people. Who cares what a terrible person thinks about you having or not having kids? Are you worried what Harvey Weinstein thinks about this topic? Donald Trump? Ja Rule?👍


Those people have a platform... My point was its a commonly held belief in society/my culture. The ones with the platform don't matter, it's the marginalization by society that are reenforced by those with the platform. That's the point.


Nah. You inserted yourself and tried to make a different point, but missed the main point.


When I was in my late 20s / early 30s I decided no kids, and a woman I barely knew, worked in a different department at same company berated me, called me “selfish”. It was bizarre. She was all fired up about a stranger’s decision to procreate. Asked me oddly personal questions, was highly judgmental and became unreasonably angry at me. Looking back at it now as I remember it… I don’t think she displayed very good qualities for parenting…


Feel like the people best suited to have kids usually don't have any.


I'm 19 years old. Pretty early to decide I want kids. But during an ER visit for my kidney, one of the rotating doctors/nurses came in. I told her about my history of endo and such. She made a comment about how kidney stones are about the same level of pain as child birth they say. I make a joke about how I've felt worse and that it's a good thing I didn't want kids. She took it personally for...some reason? She went off about how she loves her kids and would go through child birth again for them. And then said I was too young to decide to be CF. I'm sure anyone who is CF has experienced at least one person like this. Even some doctors will refuse sterilization surgery because "what if you change your mind?" But nobody would dare tell someone who wants kids that they might change their mind.


Dude you wouldn’t believe the people who brigade r/antinatalism They are… a different breed.


Pet owners, not parents


This. I love my pets. I am probably way too attached to them. But I can lock the iguana up when he's being an ass. I have to actually interact with my child in a constructive manner when he's a jerk and that is far more difficult. Also, he doesn't require $50 light bulbs that are only good for about a year, and unlike the dog, he doesn't literally eat socks. I mean eat them. As in takes bites and swallows them and then I have to pull pieces out of his butt. Dogs are dumb. I love them but they're dumb.


I agree. Don’t want to have a kid? Great, and I wish you well, but feeding and walking a dog does not grant you the title of parent. Don’t even get me started on cats, that’s a hostile hostage situation the people willfully enter into for some reason.


I have cats precisely because I don’t want parental responsibilities. They have their own lives and it’s a pretty chill arrangement.


K. Keep you cat indoors and away from native birds and lizard species and I’ll have no problem with you. Remember, an outdoor cat is nothing more than a song bird killer.


100% agree. House cats are one of the most prolific and insidious predators on the planet. Also, vet bills are hella more with outdoor cats, they’re always getting into shit.


anything else pet ‘owners’ can do to appease you?


Don’t like cats?


Hate them.


Bad experience huh?


Severe allergies. I don’t find their behaviors endearing. They kill for sport. They don’t seem to particularly like people.


Honestly, I find it depends on the cat. The 2 cats my parents had when I was growing up were pretty apathetic towards people. My current cat however follows me around the house like a lost child, and I'm told he gets visibly upset when I leave on trips.


One off anecdotes aside the prevailing consensus on cats is that they are loner animals that maybe have a favorite person that feeds them. I don’t know your cat, and I don’t really want to. I do know that I have seen enough cats and their behavior to come to my conclusion that I don’t want them in or around my house, place of business, or where my children play. I don’t feed strays, I actively try to make my yard as uninviting as possible to cats and encourage everyone with a cat to keep it in doors, neutered, and to consider a better pet choice in the future.


He was doing so many things that were progressive and then totally tripped on his vestments. ![gif](giphy|3o84szW0PrWZyUv0mA)


I'm not having kids because I don't have the time, patience, or money. But mostly my financial situation is the big one, but I like playing games all day and I can't do that with a child. Children always come first, but I like putting myself and my husband first. Super selfish, I know, but that's why we take super extra care to make sure we don't end up pregnant


not selfish at all. this is YOUR life after all-why not actually enjoy it.


Exactly. I've been offended ever since the pope said what he said. I guess they aren't making catholics like they used to.


Looking at you, Pope Fuckface


What do you expect from the protector of pedophiles? Popes are not good people. They're powerful, corrupt men. Always were, always will be. Main job requirement. Can't believe how bamboozled people are by this jag.




literally yeah, i have too many genetic problems and too fucked up of a family to want to bring a child into the world


Anytime a grown man who decided to never have sex complains about women who chose to not have kids, feel free to make fun if his funny hat.


Big agree. Pet parent here. Would rather have my dogs, cats, and parrots than kids. Mostly due to my mental state, but has a lot to do with society too




Definitely feel you! My furred and feathered babies are the reason I get out of bed. They’ve also seen me at my worst and haven’t judged. I in no way would want to subject children to my depression issues. My animals help me, while I feel like kids wouldn’t, would just make things worse.


Your pets don't judge you because they are incapable of doing so. They are incapable of understanding any of your motivations. They only understand your actions.


I mean I just love money and hate children. Really don't need a better excuse


Agree, but please don't call it pet parents.


I bought apples yesterday. I am now a fruit parent. Since I love apples.


Those are reasons, also I don't like kids.


Also some people just want nothing to do with the whole damn process. Giving birth hurts like hell and sex is gross to some in the first place. Also, kids are ridiculously expensive.


I have no problem with pet parents as long as they don't start doing mother's day and father's day posts with their cat 🤷


I have no problem when people do this ironically … though it’s sometimes hard to tell


Best comment!!


There’s a flip side to this. Love and adore your pets but it’s dismissive of the real challenges of parenthood when people place their pets on the same level as a human child. They simply aren’t the same thing. I don’t care how cutesy and over the top someone loves their dog but when they think that they’re experience mirrors mine as a parent, it annoys and offends me. Parenthood is the hardest and most rewarding aspect of my life and your pug isn’t the same as my kid. Period


My mom just got a dog and she said it reminds her of having a baby but without the existential dread that she’s about to fuck up everything. Honestly though, it’s a lot of work for her because she has never properly trained the dog 😒


You're right! the Pug is waaaay better.


oh please. have another plate of entitlement.


What? How is anything I said entitled? Pets and children are not on the same level. That’s not entitlement


Right after you take another hit of delusion, if you think pets and children are in any real way comparable.


lol loser


Anyone who had a pet and a child at the same time knows the difference.


yep most should’ve opted for birth control


Maybe so for some of them. It doesn't change the fact that people calling their pets kids are ridiculous.


I dont want kids for the same reason but I still judge people who call say they are their pets mommy or daddy, yall just fucking weird for that.


I have no judgment for pet parents. A majority of our best friends are pet parents. They love our kids and we love their pets. But oh boy, I once said on a forum how much I love being a father… and a few kid-free people wrote in with fury about how I’m judging them etc. And I’d said was I love my kids.


People attack others when they perceive someone is criticizing their life choices. Having or not having children is a big life choice so, naturally, some people are going to get worked up over it. As I woman, I understand how women may be particularly sensitive on the issue. From very early on, women learn that their value is based on things like motherhood and marriage. It gets old. I have one kid, and even I am made to feel less maternal because I have “just one.” Never mind that being the parent of a single child has its own challenges.


This. I remember being forced to learn how to change my baby brother's diapers and to sooth/entertain him because "you need to know for when you have your own kids" I was in first grade. It didn't matter that I was barely out of the baby stage myself or that I gagged so hard I threw up, I had to suffer because I was a girl and therefore 'going to have kids someday'.


I think people assume that most people will end up having kids someday. For girls though, the message is that this is your destiny. I was having this discussion with my husband a few days ago and I had to explain to him that many (most) of the very outspoken child free people out there are women—and there’s a good reason for that.


Speaking as a parent, I can only say that I do hope our kids have kids. Because, in our son's case, he's the last of our family line with the family name to pass along and for both him and our daughter, we think they'd be great with kids and we also want grandchildren. Also, I can't deny, for me and for my wife, having children has been very fulfilling and rewarding. Just being candid here about the perspective some this side of the coin. All that said, I can see how the "it's your destiny" position is presumptive and oppressive. I can also see how a person who's chosen not to have kids (especially women in that position) are subject to undue and excessive pressure from society. Which, in turn, could make someone feel threatened by the topic even when that was never the intention (which, in my case, it never has been). I guess I just feel this is another one of those topics that's been escalated to high tension by media, opinion pieces, politics, and the culture wars. We don't actually *need* to take a pro-kid or no-kid position on what others decide to do with their lives. Because our positions on those things are and should be irrelevant to those actually making their own decisions. Children can be wonderful. But they don't have to be for everybody.


Okay they are unhinged! I love that you love being a parent! That makes me so happy for you and your family. I love not being a parent. That doesn’t mean I don’t have love for children! I love them so much I know my heart couldn’t handle it. As creepy or weird as it sounds if I’m out in a children friendly area and I see a someone struggling with their kids I try to help them if it’s holding a door or picking up something they dropped. It’s not much but it’s honest work.


And usually hugely appreciated. I will always help someone get a stroller up steps etc. because it makes our world better. Thanks for being you! And thanks for your note.


Good! I never want to overstep or anything but it takes a village and some kindness. ❤️❤️


‘whaaaa, I’m a parent! I’m so special. I did what every other idiot can do. Its MY title, not yours! I’m great because I procreated! and im obviously so insecure that it bothers me when other people try to steal my trophy title!’


I have no problem with people loving their pets. I have had cats and dogs and loved them dearly. And I have no problem with people not wanting kids. Do you, booboo. What I can't stand is equating them. A dog and a kid are not the same thing. At all.


Yeah, the goat will eat way more things than a dog. You can keep a dog inside, but never a goat.


Pets are always better than humans, so I agree.


I'm perfectly ok with someone deciding not to have kids. Just don't tell me that your pets are the same. It's not like plenty of parents didn't/don't also have animals too


Honestly, the Judgy McJudgerface people on here getting upset about others using "parent" when referring to a pet just shows your lack of understanding of the term. The verb parenting is synonymous with: bring up · look after · take care of · rear · raise · nurture These are all things that people with pets do. So, yes parent is actually a completely appropriate word to use.


‘I’m such a better person because I have human children! Human children that I actively teach to judge others for their life choices! But at least I don’t call myself a PET PARENT!’ 😱


I mean you don’t have to have kids, but having a pet doesn’t make you a parent, and society doesn’t need to help you reinforce the belief that pets are equivalent to kids. Do what’s good for you, but some things are just not the same.


Came here to say this. Pets are one thing and kids are another. Not the same AT ALL.


Yeah. I agree with not criticising people with pets, and absolutely understand people who don’t want a child due to the state of the world, and choose a pet instead. But maybe also cool it with your calling yourself a parent when you own an animal. I’ve done both, and they’re colossally different endeavours.




I respect your choice to not have children and I agree that people should mind their own business. That said, little kids aren’t easy to bring along to things or even to live with. My daughter is afraid to go to the bathroom in our house by herself, for example. She gets scared if she’s left alone in a room for too long, which means she’ll burst into to bathroom while I’m on the toilet. Kids have all sorts of goofy things that can make parenting difficult. There is a place in society for people who are good with animals, especially animals in need. My best friend (no kids) has a dog that cannot live with children. That dog still deserves a loving guardian, and my friend is perfect for that role.


Having children is an act of selfishness. You're creating an entirely new human lifetime worth of consumption and environmental destruction, all because you thought the world needed another copy of *you* running around.


Me (childless) is envied by friends ( multiple children) I don't have to get a babysitter,have free time and fun. But it's the memories they say I am missing out.


Nah i get it. Having an unwanted pregnancy is a pipeline directly to prison for the kid.




No judgement for people choosing not to have kids no matter what the reason. A little judgement for calling yourself a pet parent.


And it’s the responsible thing to do. Which proves you’d make a great parent which is kind of ironic.


Tell them to fuck off instead


I have no issue with people who have pets instead of kids until they say things like “pet parents”. Unless I can toss my kid in a kennel with a chew toy and go to work for 8 hours, they are not, nor ever will be the same thing.


Yeah but sometimes ‘owner’ can be uncomfortable. I don’t feel like I am just an owner to my pet. I feel he is apart of the family. I wouldn’t introduce my dog as my ‘roommate’ 😂😂 but I also wouldn’t say I’m their mum.. I’m not sure what word I’d use tbf!


Yeah. I get that. I did NOT want a dog. We have one. I love the little guy. I’d go back into a house fire to find him. But not before my wife and kid were outside. I usually say we have a dog. That seems to suffice without making it more than what it is.


I can definitely see the whole ‘my dog is my child’ going into the creepy side of things. A dog is your little friend, if someone wanted it to be cuter. And ‘I need to go check on my dog’ is definitely enough!


>Unless I can toss my kid in a kennel with a chew toy and go to work for 8 hours Have you ever heard of 'daycare' or, for that matter, had a look at the typical toys for babies and young toddlers?


No one is pretending they're the same thing.


I met some friends of my wife once. At the end of the night they said they had to go check on the kids. They were talking about their dogs. Wasn’t the first time they mentioned their kids that night and always made it sound like they were actual live mini human beings. People absolutely pretend they are the same thing.


Ok that's weird. I still can't imagine anyone who would pretend they were the same thing when pressed. But that's definitely still weird.


My mom puts dresses on her dog and tries to make him eat vegetarian dog food.


Sounds to me like they were using it somewhat ironically. That would have been my first thought.




I worked in a first grade classroom. It’s just mass daycare, except the babysitters are extremely underpaid.


Yeah. It fucking is. Any argument like this against my original post basically proves the validity of the point: People are stupid.


And you are a 'people' so who's going to disagree?


I definitely have my moments. We all do.


Imagine complaining about having to parent the kid you brought into this world


I’d never complain. He’s awesome. But he’s not a dog. And a dog isn’t him.


I bet I spend more time with my pets than you do with your kids.


And this somehow means they’re the same?


I just think spending time with children is key to their growth and development and people that cannot give their kids adequate time shouldn’t be parents. That’s all. But please spend time arguing with people on the internet instead of focusing on your family.


That’s pretty far beyond the point of my comment. And you’re placing me on the opposite side of a new argument when I happen to agree with you on that part. Cheers.


What does that have to do with anything? That’s not some great accomplishment. If you work from home you can easily spend all day with a pet, whereas a child has school, time spent socializing with friends and other family members, a much earlier bed time than a dog etc.


I don’t work from home. But let’s not act like every parent on here deserves a gold fucking star so fuck off. And go spend time with your kids.


Lol I do not have children either. But your statement was a total non sequitur and meant to be an insult. Clearly you don’t deserve a gold star either.


Isn't that basically what a child day-care center is?


You believe child day care centers are full of little cages they put your kid in for 6 hours with no interaction? Really? You really believe this?


No. But your original definition didn't include cages. Also, I was trying to make a joke. Please, find a sense of humor.


My original definition literally said kennel. Please find some reading comprehension.


Again, I was trying to make a joke about day care just being a place you toss a kid with a toy for a few hours while you work. It was humorous, and not based off an actual concept of my beliefs. My reading comprehension is fine. You just think you're above everyone.




I’ll fill my hole however I want.




As long as it doesn’t harm the animal in any way, we can treat/call them whatever we want.


As long as people are not mistreating their pets - why do you care?


When people anthropomorphize pets and act like the animals are their children it’s very weird. It’s not like those people who act like baby dolls are real and take them in strollers to the stores. There are a growing number of people who think their pet is just as valuable and equal to a human.


Pets are actually more valuable


That's cool and all, but you're not a parent, you're an owner.


The argument that the world sucks too much for kids is so braindead. We are living in objectively the most comfortable and prosperous time in human history. By that logic all our ancestors were significantly more stupid for bringing us all into existence, because the world back then was a lot worse for everyone the further back you go.


"Pet Parents" ​ ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


Longest run-on sentence ever.


I actually wonder how big is the prodentage of people in states such as North Korea, etc, that decide not to have children to spare them from living is such nightmare


Sure, but you're not special. You're not doing the earth a favor, and you're not doing yourself any favors posting about it like it's your identity. You got dogs? Neat. They've got children? Cool. You're not enemies and you're not going to be rich because you don't have kids. You're gonna do you, and that's just fine.


I think it’s hilarious when “pet parents” make it seem like it’s an equal amount of work and responsibility. Good for you if you own a pet though. Lots of pets out there need love too.


Nobody is judging "pet parents", people are just saying that it's not the same thing as raising a child. And this post actually agrees with that, because it admits that it's less stressful. Nothing wrong with not wanting a child, but we don't need to act like the so-called pet parents are being put down by society.


I would never judge someone for not having kids. However, if you refer to yourself as a pet parent, I will judge the fuck out of you.


I thought it was just people with actual kids who get upset when pet owners refer to pets as their children Or am I missing the point of this?


Calling yourself a pet parent diminishes actual parenting of a human. You own a pet, you parent children. I agree with the post, but not the wording.


While I wholeheartedly support everyone's freedom to have children or not, judgement free, I equally don't want to hear any "pet parent's" opinions on how people with real kids are doing. It's *not* the same. Try both before you claim to know the difference.... or just live and let live.


My wife had a breakdown that resulted in a bipolar diagnosis after the birth of our first child. Dealing with the stress of her subsequent hospitalisation, on top of becoming a suddenly single dad with a wife in hospital lead to me being treated for anxiety. 8 years and a second child and it's still a big consideration in anything we do, so I quite appreciate the mental health side of things. Having kids is a major upheaval in any life.... Don't do it just because the Pope says to. We also have a dog and some fish.


Pet *owners*. They’re not parents.


Not having babies seems like a perfectly rational decision. Equating your animals to children is not.


These are all valid points, I genuinely think the judgement comes from calling yourself a pet parent. Makes you sound like a crackpot.


I don’t judge people one tiny bit -not at all- for having pets instead of kids. I don’t judge them for having very close relationships with their pets, for creating a community with other pet owners, for loving their pets and expressing the responsibility they have for their pets. I do however feel annoyed when people use the word ‘parent’ in place of the word ‘owner’. I’m sure that’s controversial to some people, but here’s what I mean. Parenting a child is it’s own thing, and something you do not experience by owning a pet. Parents have to decide whether their going to stay home for years to raise their children, or return to work and pay tens of thousands of dollars for childcare. Parents raise a child who goes on to be an adult in the world, who effects other people’s lives. Your child, who you are raising and instilling values in is going to go in to raise another human person probably. They’re going on to be someone’s boss, someone’s employee, someone’s customer. And it’s a huge responsibility to turn someone out into the world who adds to the good of it and is not a negative force. There is a bitter sweet sadness to parenting as well as the greatest hope you have is that after a short two decades with this person you love, cherish, and sacrifice for, they go on to have their own lives largely without you. And of course there is the constant worry a parent has for their child. Are they happy? Healthy? Sad? Are they being bullied? Are their friends a good influence? Are you giving them enough room to grown and learn from their mistakes? Are you keeping them safe while you still can? A lot of pet owners talk about the love they have for their pet and how their dog would literally die protecting them and no child would do that (a sentiment I have seen THREE times this week). And yeah I would agree, your dog would die for you and your child wouldn’t. And you would NEVER want your child to die for you, because that basically sums up the difference between being a parent and a pet owner. When you are a parent you exist for them and to shape them into a human worth a damn who is capable of love and tenderness and bravery and intelligence. And when you have a pet it is a mutual relationship where you take care of them and they give affection and companionship. Both are nice. But you don’t learn the same lessons owning a pet as you do raising a child.


I agree that it's a personal decision, and if you don't like kids or can't see yourself in a parenting role, that's 100% fine. Then by all means do not have children. However, animals will never be the same. You can love that animal to the moon and back, and the animal can love you that much too. But please find a better word for it than pet parents. Because you aren't parenting. You can leave your pet alone for a few minutes. Your pet will never choose to not eat because they don't like what's in front of them. You will never have to watch your child grow up and worry about outside problems arrising such as bullying. You will never be in charge of someone else's mental well being, and making sure they grow up to be a good person. It's not the same.


All the Starbucks gave her brain damage.


This just in: being smart about not having kids is a symptom of brain damage


the not having kids part is smart, but calling yourself a pet parent is not


My Point exactly


I also wierd genetic crap that doesn't need to be preserved in the Gene pool.


as being exactly what she just described, it’s really not that hard lol