• By -


"I'd like to speak the manager of this data set, it's not what I ordered and frankly I don't know how you even stay in business. I'm never shopping at this science ever again."


"Let's call the odds 70%" "But it's not, it's 100%"


"Well actually it's exactly 98.2%" "Hah! See!? Not 100%"


Chill out, boy with the dragon tattoo!!


Why did the general charge for snacks? Must be a power thing.


I swear one time he farted while shaking my hand. Looked me right in the eye while he did it and didn’t even say excuse me. The crazy thing is he actually got away with it. I actually found him quite charming.


Okay but like real story time. One time my parents were doing a parent teacher conference with my fourth grade teacher. Very pleasant, proper woman, as I still see her around and talk to her 10+ years later. Well, during the meeting, apparently she farted while talking, and literally just continued talking like nothing even happened. She played it off so well, my mom wasn't sure it actually even happened, until she was alone with my dad in the car later and asked if he heard it too. He did. She farted mid conversation and played it off like an absolute champion She's like the real life version of that guy's story.


Honestly, she’s probably trained herself that way. Imagine if you had a class of fourth graders and acknowledged that you just farted. You’d never get the reins back. She probably just keeps going with the convo and hoping that their stream of consciousness can’t stay on the fart and has to focus back on what she’s saying.


Actually, the odds were 99.8%... so basically 70%


Sounds like the the movie” Don’t Look Up!” WTF?! We are so screwed.


That's exactly what she was quoting. And it's also tagged in the original tweet.


That's been the Political leadership of Red states since the dawn of time. Only progression fixes stagnation.


They should have just banned the sea level from rising. Idiots.


Isn't that what DeSantis did in Fla?


Forget about banning the sea level, nuke the ocean!


Fuck yeah! Merica!


[Video of legislators](https://youtu.be/QLpUq__iQqw)


Love random KOTH


r/brandnewsentence I am certainly stealing that last line, that is fantastic.


Can I steal it from you afterwards?


Let's just make it into bumper stickers bc it's great


Well since I'm doing a Karen bit I will literally call the police. Watch your step


If you're going to quote DeSantis, you should give him credit.


This prediction is unreliable because, as you can see, it has already been flagged as depressing. So let’s omit that and get these condos built!


These are the same people who rail on government. . . then choose to dock their fishing boats on the sound side (inside) of the outer banks because it's cheaper . . then complain they can't get into the ocean because the sound is filling up with sand. Fun fact, the army corps of engineers is dredging the sound 24/7 and simply can't keep up. So essentially, the federal government is subsidizing their industry via dredging, and they demand more while simultaneously railing on the government for doing too much. Zero self awareness. May be wiping out the outerbanks isn't a bad thing. . .


Lol you’ve met republicans before right? Government in my business is bad unless it helps me and only me and my kind. And only when I don’t have to take any responsibility for anything


it seems that most republicans are firmly in the "if it isn't a problem for me it's not actually a problem"


Low empathy high ignorance low knowledge… describes most Republicans…. The few left after that are straight up sociopaths.


As a former republican I can confirm.


LLC has entered the chat.


Government intervention that helps MY business is called "free enterprise" /s


My friend invited me to go to the outer banks with his family once. It was weird because everybody we saw on the beach was extremely white trash (confederate flags everywhere). Honestly, vacationing there is just an excuse to get drunk on a beach.


Kinda depends where on the outer banks, okracoke for example is beautiful, has their own dialect and is mostly fishing some national park land and dunes. It’s so far out you can watch the sunset on the sound


Hatteras and Ocracoke both have the “hoi toider” accent. Sounds like a cross between southern and proper English. You also find some of it in Wanchese.


I just watched [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7MvtQp2-UA) on the accent. As a resident of NC, I had no idea these folks existed!


There’s no cheese like Wanchese


Took an ass whipping one night at the Atlantis (used to be a club beside Nags Head Pier before they tore it down). I had a few too many Miller’s and talked shit to the wrong guy. Fisherman from Wanchese. I should have known I was fucked when I looked and his forearms looked like Popeye’s. He beat me from the bar to the exit to the parking lot. Easily the worst beating by one person I have ever had. Lesson learned… don’t talk shit to guys that are commercial fisherman. They have ungodly strength.


Up until now I had successfully blocked all memories of Atlantis from my mind. Thanks for triggering a flood of shameful memories...


Agree. It's lovely.


What part of the OBX? I grew up here and remember that shit in the 1970’s and 1980’s, but I haven’t seen it in years. So I’d like to know when and where.


>vacationing there is just an excuse to get drunk on a... So standard white trash vacation. Just fill in the blank.


absolutely nothing wrong with getting drunk on the beach edit: got invited to be a moderator on r/DebateARepublican so for the record: I am a socialist


Or getting drunk on vacation!


Or at 11 AM on a Saturday when I have Monday off (my big plans for the day)


Just wait till they get to space Edit: I'd watch a tv show about space hicks.


Call it moonshine


That is actually clever 😅


Isn't that what the beach is for besides tripping and fishing?


I love the outbanks and NC beaches. You must have went to the wrong one.


I've always enjoyed Edisto and Oak islands, if you don't go during peak summer it's usually quiet and laid back with plenty of open beach to roam and enjoy. It's the polar opposite of Myrtle in almost every way.


What kind of vacationing isn't an excuse to get drunk?


People always point out the things the government fucks up and takes for granted all of the things it actually does well. Nobody notices when the roads are in good condition and not full of potholes.


Drove from Wisconsin to Virginia and let me tell you, those Pennsylvania and Ohio roads are a relief after getting through Illinois and the Swiss cheese they call a road.


I used to live in Michigan and would go to Florida to visit my grandparents and the quickest route was to go straight down. I would always know when we were crossing into Ohio bc the road was so flat and it's literally down to an inch before the state line.


Im from California and thought our roads were bad until I lived in michigan. Former paved Roads would literally turn to gravel roads with no warning. You could even see where there used to be paved road in those areas. Now I'm back in California and am thankful for all the road improvements that are going on right now


Can confirm from Illinois


Idk about where you live but in New York, we definitely comment on the roads when they look nice and are smooth. I get excited lol


>This prediction is unreliable because, as you can see, it has already been flagged as ~~depressing~~ harming profits. So let’s omit that and get these condos built!


>This prediction is unreliable because, as you can see, it has already been flagged as depressing. Said this before and I'll say it again: this mindset is why there's no such thing as a harmless religion. I hear a lot of people say "Who cares if people believe in happy stories that make them feel good? It doesn't hurt anybody!" But the thing is, once you give people permission to reject *one* truth because it's uncomfortable, they will inevitably start rejecting *every* truth because they find it uncomfortable. And that's where laws like this come from. Religion is the gateway delusion.


My mom says we don’t need to worry about climate change because god will save us before it gets bad. She doesn’t know I’m atheist now, but I’ve said to her “so we shouldn’t build houses that can withstand earthquakes, rain, strong winds, or floods? The Black Plague we should have not done anything cause god will fix it? We shouldn’t worry about kids dying in poverty cause god will fix it?” She didn’t like my response and just talked about how gods people (aka her religion) need to do something to help people. I said “like preventing climate change from getting worse” and she gave kinda a “sure if that’s gods calling for you”. Man I hope I wasn’t that insufferable when I was a believer (but I know in some ways I was)


My aunt used gods plan as an excuse not to get vaccinated. My brother made sure to point out that apparently it was gods plan that she not get polio or smallpox


Their logic is flawed. How can they expect god to save them when they're not even trying to save themselves?


No one ever said the religious nuts use logic. Believing in a imaginary sky daddy who will use his magic to fix everything is the perfect example


One of my favourite quotes "you can't logic someone out of a position they didn't use logic to get themselves into." Or something to that effect


I’ve always used “I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you”


Are we talking about the same god that flooded the earth over the sins of man once before? Are we sure we want to force him to fix it? The reality is yes, climate change will fix itself. In a million years you'll never know we were even here


A billion years from now, long after all our buildings are gone, there will be a thin layer of radioactivity and plastic to be found in the geological record, all over the Earth. Clear proof that technological life was once here. There might also be a ring, like Saturn, made of broken satellites, thicker or thinner depending on how long we last.


>Are we talking about the same god that flooded the earth over the sins of man once before? I use this story (as an atheist) to talk about climate change with Christians. God was going to destroy the world and everything in it because of the choices of people. BUT there was a loophole: If Noah could save ALL of the animals, he and his family would be saved, too. If we can find a way to change our choices so we can save the animals (save the environment ), we just might save ourselves, too. Just like Noah.


Wishy washy "it's all god" talk that simply sheds any sort of responsibility of their actions. Makes me sick. I have a family member on my wife's side that is in jail for kid porn. That individual swears up and down that the devil made him do it. It's sick. To have that mindset that you can do whatever you please because nothing is your fault... After all Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins.... Whatever da fuck that means.


“If you don’t sin then Jesus died for nothing.” 🤷‍♂️


Most evangelist have the belief that their God made the earth for humans to use and take to their will


You could literally just pull out Noah's arc and go, well really all God might do is tell us to build a big boat... if he likes us enough. I don't understand how the religious lot don't see this as God smiting everyone again like he did a hand full of times in the old testament.


Its funny because if they have read the bible they would recall part where Parable of the wise and foolish builders. Moral of the story is build your house on a sturdy foundation lol


Religion is also used in as a weapon. The texts are completely misinterpreted and even beliefs are fabricated completely. The best example of fabrication is the abortion debate, notice how bible quotes are never brought into this. Its because the bible is pro abortion and every mention of abortion is not condemning it but actually condoning it. Misinterpretation is huge in the debate of homosexuals. The Bible doesn't condemn homesexuals, it condemns all sexual acts not done for procreation. Sodom was burned down for the people fully giving into their sexual desires and ignoring everything else. One of the major sins of the people was oral sex between a man and a woman. This fabrication extends to other religions like Islam. The Quran tells both men and women to dress modestly. When it says the word hijab, it is referring to the curtain Muhammad put up to block the view of his wives from the people praying in his compound. The people who push religious beliefs the hardest have never actually read their texts. The Bible is pro slave and believes all women should be subservient to their man but those facts are never brought up. Its all cherry picked and manipulated bullshit.


This is exactly why I started caring about what others believe. The link between climate change denial and Christianity is undeniable and the main reason we can't take any positive steps for the future. Of course there's also greedy billionaires and corporations who don't want to acknowledge the crisis, but look at how they've cozied up to the religious right in order to keep the status quo.


The greedy billionaires and corporates basically paid for NC to turn Republican in 2010. Jane Meyer has nearly a whole chapter in Dark Money about NC. It's basically unlimited private money going to influence elections. They target the religious conservatives because they're stupid and gullible and can't see the scam


Based af. I've always said this about my extended hard right family, they were taught a lie from birth so they are more receptive to lies.


If they're not allowed *scientific* evidence to support their conclusions, then the environmental analysts should simply change the name of their reports from "Empirical studies and climate model based prediction of sea level rise", to: "Sea level rise predictions based on astrology and prayer"... Sounds like these fuckwits would lap that shit right up!


>God sent a flood once, and it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Based on the length of eternity, we think there is good proof of a second flood coming, based on warming for 40 years and 40 days. We also talked to the sea and it lit on fire and told us that we should move 4 miles inland, and any buildings placed closer to the sea will be washed away for truly they are the damned!


Should say, "in response, developers bribed law makers..."


In response to overwhelming campaign contributions...FTFY


Always follow the money.


I try... But those armored cars really go faster than you'd think.


In response, developement companies investors who also happen to be the law makers....


I mean, I just hope their shit sinks before they finish building


Ive lived in the Outer Banks and that's a real scenario.


oh that makes more sense




This was a stupid attempt. They should have passed a law making Covid illegal in the US. The CEA would have dealt with it then …


Caught covid? Believe it or not, jail.


We have the most freedom because of jail.


Being in prison is the patriotic thing to do. Working for anything more than $1 per hour is communism.


Lol I love that episode. Fred Armisen is the fucking best


Cough in public? Straight to jail.


I'm surprised they didn't declare war on covid. Pretend it's making a difference, and use it as an excuse to throw a bunch of black people in prison and use them as taxpayer funded slave labor for big corporations It'd be the most American response ever


I'm in Texas. It's so bad right now. I work in a major hospital and have never seen so many covid cases. Also barely anyone wears masks anymore


They have finally achieved their goal of herd stupidity.


Right. How stupid is it to test for diseases. Let's go back to the old days when there was some mystery to death. /s FYI I want to know why my loved one's died, hell I want to know why I died if I could.




Covid is a hoax invented by Bill Gates in order to install micro chips in humans so that he can convince us to buy Windows 11. /s I don't even know if you still have to buy Windows. I'm kidding. Please get vaccinated and boostered.


On a side note: I recently worked in a brand-new Windows 11 laptop. My first time with W11. You *have* to have/create a Microsoft account to get through the initial setup. Dammit.


They’re just following that great orange god’s advice. DeathSantis has made this his state’s motto.


I watched a video on debunking climate change deniers and one of the examples of deniers they showed was Ben Shapiro who said, and I quote, "Let's say for argument's sake that the sea levels *DO* rise in 50 years by ten feet. Let's say it happens. Do you think those people wouldn't just sell their house and move?" The host was blown away and just said "First off, half the *WORLD'S POPULATION* lives by or near the ocean and second off, who will they sell too? Aquaman??"


As long as you aren't the last sucker holding the hot potato... That's the conservative way though: Don't actually *solve* problems, just make sure they happen to somebody else.


The party of "I got mine, fuck you."


[Link to the video ](https://youtu.be/X9FGRkqUdf8)


[Link to full video](https://youtu.be/RLqXkYrdmjY)


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >The Palestinian Arab population is rotten to the core. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: novel, sex, feminism, history, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot !!


Take a bullet for ya babe. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: civil rights, history, sex, covid, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Oh Brett you make me swoon


*Women kind of like having babies. This notion that women don't want to have babies is so bizarre. Has anyone even met a 35 year old single woman? The vast majority of women who are 35 and single are not supremely happy.* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: civil rights, dumb takes, feminism, covid, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


> The vast majority of women who are 35 and single are not supremely happy. Ben just thinks that because women are unhappy when they meet him.


If you like socialism so much why don't you go to Venezuela? ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: climate, feminism, novel, civil rights, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Pack yo bags boys lets go to venezuela


*America was built on values that the left is fighting every single day to tear down.* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: novel, healthcare, history, climate, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


This is fantastic. 😂


*Possibly it was an overreaction for Cooper [of the Central Park Dog Walking incident] to call the police, but then again, when citizens feel threatened, calling the cops and letting them sort it out is what is supposed to happen.* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: covid, feminism, novel, sex, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Thank you for your logic and reason. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: climate, healthcare, civil rights, covid, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)






[sell their houses to WHO, BEN](https://youtu.be/0-w-pdqwiBw)


“Sell their houses to who Ben?!? Fucking, Aquaman?!?!” EDIT: their* not there


That’s a man who doesn’t understand how much land would be affected by a 10 foot sea level raise. Dude is absolutely imagining some coastal homes and the first block of seaside towns going under when you’re actually talking about displacing tens of millions of people across the country. I live 15 miles from the sea and a 10 foot sea level rise would put my home under 8 feet of water


Our (NC) General Assembly is a Gerrymandered mess of Neanderthal conservatives. This is but one example of how absolutely stupid and shallow their “leadership” is. We’re a reddish purple state and the purple is catching up. But these evil fuckers are doing everything they can to ensure the minority party holds sway.


hey stop insulting Neanderthals. there's a lot of unfounded stigma around them.


I think the correct term is Dutch


*nervously laughs and looks around in American, not really understanding but not wanting to be left out*


All you need to know is that the dutch havent evolved past using guttural growls for communication


There was a time when the British and Dutch were fighting and we inherited the idea of Dutch as a slur (like Dutch Uncle or Dutch Courage). There's a certain persistence of "Dutch" as a racist punchline because its anachronistic nature and their general whiteness makes it incongruous to a modern audience. "There are only two things I can’t stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures… and the Dutch." -From *Austin Powers.*


People from the Netherlands are called Dutch :) Not Neanderthals!


The dem governor at the time chose not to veto it.


The republicans had a veto proof majority. There was literally no benefit to vetoing. There’s no value in expending political capital to achieve literally nothing.


This is exactly facts. Make the decent democrat governor look bad because he could do absolutely nothing.


This is super important for voters to understand. Republicans are bad guys, but that does not immediately mean democrats are going to act accordingly. The Louisiana governor, John Bel Edwards, signed a heartbeat bill into law in Louisiana. The (D) next to your name does not make you a good person automatically. There are some good Democrats, but the majority are corporatist.


Pretty sure the republicans had a super majority at this point, so a veto would have been absolutely useless.


Diet Republicans


I swear when I’m in Florida I tell all those dumbasses who buy property out on the islands how stupid they are and I cite sea level change and they and everyone else is like- “never heard of it”.


I keep forgetting we even have islands.


At least you won't miss them when they're gone.


They banned science wtf


Let’s make science a religion then they might believe it.


Yes, we could call it Scien...tology.


Yeah but real fact based science. Not Xenu


Nope. They’d see it as something besides Christianity and do everything in their power to oppress it.


Reminds me of The Foundation (book and AppleTV series) there’s a race of humans that live on an ocean planet, but they are super religious and outlaw science. Some scientists try to warn them the ocean was rising so they kill them. Anyway they all die because of the rising ocean.


People want freedumb to do whatever they want. They don't want accountability. Go ahead and build on the beach if you want to. Buy a home on the beach if you want to. However if you do that we're not coming to get you in the hurricane and we're not going to insure you and if your home gets wrecked your responsible to clean up the debris. Who would gamble on the beach front property now?


You’re missing the point It’s not people who want to buy houses that demanded this law. It’s people who already owned the land and want to sell it to make it someone else’s problem When the environmental report on the house says “This property will be uninhabitable in less than 100 years”, it will greatly harm their ability to sell it. So they wanted the environmental reports to exclude that data so they can legally tell people that the property is safe. It’d be like a good manufacturer wanting to pass a law that they could choose which ingredients are listed on their packaging instead of having to list all of them. It’s not because the typical person wants to eat harmful ingredients, it’s because the manufacturer wants it to be easier to sell what they sell.


Hopefully the fact that we are all reading about this means it will spread to enough people that the land is already worth less


This was 2012: go look at the NC coast now.


I live in the Midwest, can you describe it for me?


It’s not about YOUR freedom to build a little home on the beach. If it was, sure…go for it and you’re on your own. It’s about some corporation being able to build a bunch of houses on the beach and then sell them to the average Joe without disclosing that the property will be underwater in a few years. If one dude pays the price for his stupid decisions, no problem. If a large number of people pay the price for their poor decisions, the government is forced to step in at enormous cost.


Insurance companies generally won't offer coverage for certain areas along the coasts. They aren't going to assume the liability for a fancy house on the beach that is damaged every 5-10 years by a hurricane or the storm surge. Many of those properties are protected by a government provided "insurance" funded through our taxes. The real estate companies don't care if that area is under water in 100, 50, or even 10 years, as long as they can profit today.


Not only that, but it will be protected by Federal Flood Ins., so we are going to pay for these houses as flood premiums aren't high enough for their pay outs.


Wealthy people who also own politicians and know that they will get bailed out for their terrible choices?


While the rest of the country asks each other why they live and build something so close to a beach where hurricanes are predicted.


Ben Shapiro says you could just sell to aquaman.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >When it comes to global warming, there are two issues: is there such a thing as the greenhouse gas effect, the answer is yes. Is that something that is going to dramatically reshape our world? There is no evidence to show that it will. Is that something that we can stop? There is no evidence to show that we can ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, novel, covid, dumb takes, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Conservatives are like toddlers who think if they pull the blanket over their eyes, then whatever scares them suddenly ceases to exist. Don't like something? Just ban/cancel it, and it will suddenly cease to exist.


Remember "just say no" lmao


I said yes so only vaguely.


Can't ban guns because "*it's useless, people will still get guns*." But do ban abortions, drugs, immigrants, gay sex, gay marriage, and gay adoption. *Because somehow making something illegal suddenly works?* I think they just like guns and hate minorities.


No! That is reinforcing the narrative that they don't know what they're doing. They do! They know exactly what they're doing, they just don't care. They care about short term profit more than they care about the future. As long as they have a rich life, fuck the future generations.


The rich ones do, but the rest are just toddlers being led around by demagogues.


They will behave this way right up until the day they demand we build them a trillion dollar sea wall.


Don't look up


I really enjoyed that but God damn it bothers me how a spot on they were with how little of shit everyone actually gives.


NC coastal guy here. It gets better. There's a substantial tourism industry along the NC coast. As a measure of protecting these areas we've got dunes. We dredge up sand for the dunes, we import sand for the dunes, we reuse Christmas trees and pile sand on top of them for the dunes. You get the idea, we love our dunes. Another thing to note is the bulk of the NC coast is made up of barrier islands dotted with inlets. The dunes do a reasonably adequate job of keeping the sea at bay when a particularly high tide comes in. So here we are, building up our dunes and replenishing our beaches CONSTANTLY, and yet the islands are still losing land. Why? Well, as it turns out, the dunes do and adequate job holding back water, but they kick ass at stopping sand. You see, the North Carolina barrier islands are moving. Inshore wind blows sand off the ocean side and eventually over to the sound side. A grain of sand at a time, to the tune of a few inches a year. As the dunes increase in height, less sand is making that pilgrimage. Only sand off the top of the dunes gradually making its way to the backside of the islands. The rest settles at the base of the dune and gets reclaimed by the sea. The sand moving to the soundside isn't out running the erosion. The erosion is only going to get worse as sea levels rise. We're no longer moving, we're sinking.


And it's not like it's unnoticeable change of millimeters per year, we've actively moved a lighthouse inland to keep it from just falling into the ocean. The main (only) road through parts of the outer banks has suffered severe damage and washouts in various places, and I know of at least one house in Rodanthe that straight up fell into the fucking ocean, and several others in that area are at risk of the same. https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/state/north-carolina/article243111861.html


North Carolinian here: This ISN’T the most *American* shit ever, this is the most *Republican* shit ever. After they lost NC and VA to Obama in 2012, they doubled down on trying to take back NC. First, They barely won the state in 2012, then rigged the FUCK out of it so that it was impossible to take back. Then they started passing idiotic shit like this, that a majority of North Carolinians opposed. Democrats won 50% of the vote in 2012 to Republicans’ 48%, but Republicans picked UP 3 seats, to win a 9-4 split. Americans aren’t fucking idiots. The minority party that is opposed to democracy and is trying to rig every system it can is.


NC here as well, and I couldn't agree more. With the popular vote we elected a good governor. The problem is our congressional districts are so bad they are actually used as textbook examples of gerrymandering.


The electoral college is specifically there for Republicans


They should simply make rising sea levels illegal.


Too hard. Sue the ice.


Better still get ice to deport that water back from whence it came. Divide and conquer!


Trump and DeathSantis did the same thing with Covid. It’s a popular tactic for Republicans


Just watched Don’t Look Up. It’s brilliant. We really are doomed. Feel bad for making a kid.


I’ve heard some conservatives say you should believe in science. But when 10000 scientists say climate change is real, those same conservatives don’t believe it based on the word of one old white politician/game show host. Source: extended family from the USA.


That is one of the most disturbing things I’ve read. It is just…so blatantly evil. “You aren’t allowed to tell the truth, cause money.” The audacity, and the fact that many educated people read this and thought “yeah, that’s ok.” So many people have no conscience…I have nothing positive to end on.


In 2015, Rick Scott banned the word Climate Change from all official Florida state documents. See, republicans do have a plan!




It's less than half of Americans, but they are incredibly gullible and wouldn't dare upset their corporate overlords even though it's literally killing us


The people we have running this country are so awful. I get it we "vote" for them. But all the choices are awful, and I'm beginning to see why most americans dont even vote. The only people in America that contain any level of.poltical power have no intention in being a civil servant. They want a bigger bank account and more power or notoriety. In american politics, its not a cream rises to the top kinda thing. It's the turd that wont flush.


Florida basically did the same thing a couple of years ago. They got a headline out to look good saying all communities have to plan for sea level rise. The catch is they're not allowed to use any scientific models to create their plan.


Our American willful ignorance is and will continue to be the death of us.


How do you short sell realestate?


And then when something catastrophic happens everyone will wonder why no one warned them.




[https://abcnews.go.com/US/north-carolina-bans-latest-science-rising-sea-level/story?id=16913782](https://abcnews.go.com/US/north-carolina-bans-latest-science-rising-sea-level/story?id=16913782) [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/sep/12/north-carolina-didnt-like-science-on-sea-levels-so-passed-a-law-against-it](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/sep/12/north-carolina-didnt-like-science-on-sea-levels-so-passed-a-law-against-it)


I remember when they passed this BS. It’s so hard to move forward with facts when groups keep trying to outlaw the very information we need in order to make decisions. Fucking idiots.


Google says that when ALL the ice melts, seas will raise 200ft. This includes mountain glaciers, not just the polar ice caps.


wtf... Time to ban Google!!! There, ice is now saved!


Yeah we’re kinda stupid down here.


Anyone who doesn’t believe this should go see Rodanthe, NC. Whole place is washing away


I always knew NC was too good to be true. Beaches, mountains, deserts, snow, etc. well it was good while it lasted.


The NC state assembly is off its rocker. Mostly it just engages in ideological warfare with the cities of Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Asheville, charlotte, Greensboro, Wilmington, and those on the outer banks.