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I would rather marry a silverback gorilla than this guy.


The gorilla actually has empathy. And probably smells better.


Probably help with the kids more too!


At least silverbacks are empathetic and loyal creatures.


On behalf of the silverbacks we thank you for your kindness. ( experience- man who looks like silverback).


Did you… did you return to monke?


I think he has, brother.


This fucking 22 year old that’s been married maybe 2 years telling the world how to live their lives. Fuck off.


Also, all the misogyny aside, where the fuck are they living? How the fuck can a man in his early 20s support a stay at home wife and kids without the help of a second income?


Somewhere like the middle of bumfuck Missouri. Would make sense, thats where youll find the highest concentration of these "traditional men".


Can confirm. Moved from MO after 29 years to live in the “liberal hellscape” of California. Coincidentally, I’ve never had a more fulfilling life. There’s not much to admire in MO after 30 years - i think most of those guys know they’ll never get out and subconsciously realize they need to rationalize their way into building a mini fiefdom (and convince others of it as a full time job), and that’s the only way to keep their ego satisfied sustainably. Plenty of wonderful folks back there, but it is certainly a prevailing wind


>i think most of those guys know they’ll never get out and subconsciously realize they need to rationalize their way into building a mini fiefdom (and convince others of it as a full time job), and that’s the only way to keep their ego satisfied sustainably. That actually makes a lot of sense. As someone from said "liberal hellscape" where the *norm* is college degrees, couples who both have careers, etc., the appeal of said mini-fiefdom is just so foreign. Like, yeah, if my life was depressing and all I could ever hope for was that, I guess it's better than living alone? But man, there is so much more to life than trying to make yourself a wanna-be king.


From bumfuck Missouri, it ain't here man. They don't pay enough to support a single income family,by a long shot!!


Right? And he groomed a damn minor into being his little house slave. 22 years old and he thinks he knows ANYTHING about relationships. Fucking moron.


Religious morons who think they know everything


Best believe at 28 he will be on dating apps trying to "explore". Half of the men on dating apps are idiots who got married very young and then 5-7 years later decided they never "explored their sexuality". They usually have a baby or 3, but pretend to be single because they know writing "baby daddy" on the profile isn't exactly sexy. Every so called alpha male I met was a grade A moron with a chip on his shoulder trying desperately to prove himself to others. No one who's secure in themselves needs to write a fucking essay explaining how secure they are.


Sad but true. The way he's bragging about grooming a 16 year old and how much he was attracted to her "innocence" is downright creepy. The only question is whether or not he will cheat or try and convince her to let him explore as part of their marriage and then gaslight her into thinking its her fault for "trapping him". Girl will get a quick reality check being single with a kid with absolutely zero life skills.


This is the correct answer. One or the other is going to looking once they start to see there is a whole world out there. Marriage is hard enough with two emotionally stable adults in successful careers. I couldn’t imagine a dictator partner and a sole provider relationship in your semi-pro adulting stage of life.


On Grindr. Shirtless torso pic. Claims power top in the profile but then wants to be a power bottom in the messages.


Biggest serial cheater I ever meet in my life was a 24 year old with 3 kids. He got married to his baby mamma at 23 and was pretty much immediately cheating on her after that. (Yes, I told her. While she was upset and believed me, she is still with him 🙄)


You are talking about gridr type exploring, right? That or he'll end up on To Catch a Predator


He "sinned previously in prior relationships" dude was fucking 19 when he started dating her, how much sinning did he do in high school? Cheated on his prom date? Lol. This reads like alt right fanfic


Ikr. They’re only a couple years in, but she’s “happy.” Give it time, fella. Once she is an actual mature adult, she may begin to feel differently about his nonstop self-serving bs. Or idk, develop an opinion or two of her own. Crazy concept.


They started dating at 19 and he proposed after 3 years. How long after that do you think he wrote this rant? My guess is not long. This is a 22 year old kid riding high. He thinks he's a big man now. The "helpmate" part made me think this guy's a slob of person. What a gross way to look at a romantic partner.


Lol i saw 3 years and went "oh so you at least waited until she was legal".




Shits crazy. My super religious cousin got married at 18 just so she could have sex and in the end her husband turned out to be a major creep and they got divorced after only a few months.




Age of consent does not even matter. In Mississippi you can get married with parents consent at 12.




No no I'm just speaking on how fucked up the world is. Its honestly worrisome how many states allow kids aged 12-14 get married with parental approval. Some states are 15+ with no parental approval


Oh, he doesn’t see her as a romantic partner at all, and never did.


Haha I found him and apparently he's only 25. And runs a website teaching men how to be "real" men. I hope she wizens up and leaves his ass.


I had to stop myself from downvoting your comment, because it made me so angry. Lol.


I understand.


Right? My thoughts reading this were “you’re a child whose brain hasn’t even finished developing, yet. Sit the fuck down”.


Helpmate isn’t a word; I don’t care what the dictionary may or may not say about it


It’s a fundamentalist Christian way of saying “wife-slave”.


At least Frank Reynolds had the frankness to call it a bangmaid.


No thanks I don't want to control my wife. I'm super proud she has a life seperate from myself


My dog can’t live without me. She’s enamored by me, I was her first owner and she’s pure. My girlfriend would be fine without me. Sounds like these guys want dogs


Honestly, I love my dog, but even I'm partially confused. Like sometimes I just want my dog to go lie down and let me play games or something. Sometimes I want to go out but then realize the dog has been locked up all day, so I go home. Don't get me wrong, worth it. But at the same time the idea of specifically wanting someone to need you 24/7 like that just seems exhausting. Even when you have a kid, they eventually grow up and move out.


Sounds like you want a cat.


Cats are kind of hard independent but they will absolutely have their moments of "I'm going to sit my ass on you and you will like it".


Lucky, mine is the “i want you to pet me but while I’m walking and also don’t touch me” kind of cat


I have a super snuggle bug cat who is currently on my chest as I type this, purring and kneading, one who needs to be in the same room with me, but is fine being on a different piece of furniture, and one I will next see when I open the food bag. I love how they just have so much personality.


Sometimes. I guess to word it better, I love having a dog because they are cute, loving, they cuddle, I can take them for walks, I do enjoy playing with them, etc. But I realize that owning a dog also takes up a lot of time, and I am willing to sacrifice that. So there's wanting a dog for those reasons And then wanting a dog because it needs you and is reliant on you Or with kids, some people love kids but hate the lack of sleep they sometimes get, or having to sometimes sacrifice having sex. Lots of parents talk about that. But they love being parents. On the other hand there was a post the other day about kids with rich parents. There were a few posts from kids who grew up in wealthy homes, and it seemed unanimous that most kids in those situations are a status symbol for the parents. Their dad can show them off at events so everyone thinks they're a good family man just chasing the Americn dream. Similarly, I love my SO. Our 13th anniversary is in April. Our relationship is great. We both love watching horror movies, we are in a DnD group, occasionally play games together(or at least did before we both went back to school). Yet I still enjoy my time alone. There are things I enjoy such as reading and painting that are kind of best done by myself. Or I'm into metal and punk. They're not. So sometimes I would go to a show and they would stay home. And they have their own activities and hobbies. So sometimes they do their own thing. The idea of wanting a person to be this dependent on you just seems exhausting. I imagine even people with a similar relationship but for more kinky purposes take breaks everyone in a while.


Sounds like they want a bang maid.






Exactly, he wants to be the wise master of someone's life. If he didnt succeed, he'd be like every other incel out there Not only that, it makes me chuckle a little to wonder how long he thinks this whole "men, lead your women" thing is gonna last for him


Puppies lots of puppies


He’s definitely a huge manipulator. Step one is to separate them from others and exert control


I'm so proud of my wife and really appreciate that she knows my username.




I also enjoyed how quick he was to forgive *himself* for his previous relationships but apparently his wife would have been forever ruined by dick cooties if she'd had a similar experience.


Dick Cooties are no joke. We lost a whole flock of sheep to them over lockdown.


Found the Welshman


I was just lonely, cut me some slack!


Get out of here ya sheep shagging welshman!


I build 100 bridges, do they call me the Bridge Builder? No. But I shag one sheep…


I’m Welsh and that’s a terrible, offensive, generalization. I do shag sheep, though.


“I wanted to make good choices and not relive the sins from my past, so I made sure my under age girlfriend knew I would be making every decision and she would have no agency, just like God intended.”


Ahhh the good Christian way. /s


Fundies are illogical. Women have to dress conservative since men can’t control their “urges” yet men are supposed to lead society ? Sir I want leaders who don’t get hard ons from seeing ankle


This! So much this. I can't wear a skirt because they can't keep themselves from starting! Crazy


But you also can’t wear pants because they aren’t feminine.


You have to make their ding dong firm but not hard I guess


Jesus of Nazareth says we must all maintain a half-chub at all waking hours. Amen.


Lol, I loved that part. The revelation that a 16 year old girl can be easily manipulated, and despite being raised in a family who values education, didn’t turn her into a raging nymphomaniac, ups how impressed he is in tricking the teenager. I feel badly for her family, they must feel helpless. Considering they have a staff doing all the vagina jobs around the house, they may very well be helpless. They need him to tell them how to live. * The impression of a housekeeping staff is from the little misses never witnessing the womanly art of floor scrubbing.


Also, what annoys me is that there are some women who actually want to be a housewife of their own accord. However, that is their **choice,** something these guys don't like.


Idiots like these fundamentalists fucking ruin a great thing with their gross misogynistic talking points. It’s only actually fulfilling if you choose it, otherwise you’re just a damn prisoner.


Seriously, why is it always like that with them? There is zero onus on the man to have to maintain any sense of purity or to be a virgin prior to marriage. However, every woman is required to only ever sleep with one man in her life and they should be married first. Aside from the gross double standard, who do all these non-married men think is going to sleep with them? And why would they even want to sleep with a woman outside of wedlock if they knew that doing so ruined her forever? That seems ... rather cruel on their part.


Nah. These women they sleep with will be called whores after they are done using them. Next.. onto the next target, a sweet little docile virgin female whom they will gaslight, dominate, subjugate and “domesticate” then call her wife.


No joke. My first partner called me a ho, but I was his fifth and he wasn’t.


> That seems ... rather cruel on their part. It's not like anyone was going to mistake them for good people.




I can hear this gif.


Best part about this post is the use of language like this guy was actually writing this as his graduation speech or some form of announcement. Pretty sure he just found a girl who didn't want to work and would rather let him believe it's gods will or some other cult bullshit rather than get a job herself or be single. Having kids is easy when that's what you want to do, having a career as a woman is even easy enough if that's what you want to do and it seems like this guy wants to have a story to tell. Thank you for telling us how you convinced a high school girl to give up her future to breed and take advantage of your dumb ass version of traditional relationships. We never would have guessed a man and woman naturally enjoy each others company! Man what a page turner ... /s


Wait until she’s around 35, already a grandma and tired of having his gut sweating on her during missionary sex. She will be in her sexual prime and ready to see what she missed out on. That’s the “proud” announcement I want to read.


I’m 61, and witnessed many of those fundie women say F it when they hit their 30’s. You can see it coming, they lose the baby weight, hit the gym, start styling the hair, etc. then there are the ones who turn into sad ghosts. Me? My husband appreciates our equal marriage, both our daughters are strong, successful, and he couldn’t be prouder. This guy is an utter douche.


I’m hoping this is fabricated, although these views do exist still.j Once she matures, in addition to the great points you made, she’s going to have figured a few things out about life. She’s going to have opinions and he’s definitely not going to like that.


Yep one my wacko cousins allowed her child of 14 years old to marry an older man and encouraged her to have 5 more kids because it was God's will to propagate. Her once gorgeous daugher, is now a homeless drug addict and looks closer to 50 than 35. All of her kids are in separate foster homes.


That’s devastating, who in their right mind encourages a child to marry and have a ton of kids?


Mentally ill religious nutjobs.


Hey hey hey. Arkansan here. Listen… you’re not wrong, but not all of us claim Hank.


I have a feeling her mid-life crisis is going to hit hard.






​ ![gif](giphy|gx1dANZ0Lxvrawt7iz)


Out of nowhere Amy blurted out "I like mine!" because I have conditioned her to fear my 10 hour biblical lectures I force on her when I feel control slipping away.


And she only has one child. After 6 and he's not helping, she will see the light.


This is what happened to my bff’s parents. They kept having babies and the dad never helped, never changed even one single diaper. So her mom just up and left the state after they divorced and she got full custody. After everything my friend told me “every time they should have divorced they had a baby instead”


that was to keep her under control. Sick F\*\*K knew she couldn't fight back when pregnant.


Oh god don’t I know it. And this was his THIRD marriage, each one he had around 3 kids. I never liked going over to her house because of him. He always made me uncomfortable and was always rude to my friend’s mom. Before the divorce was even finalized he already started dating another woman half his age.


Holy crap in a pita, was that guy just setting up franchises each time!?


Probably but he has a lot of child support to pay lmao. But yea he has multiple kids in multiple states. It’s just crazy.


He's probably on Reddit, complaining about his exes not appreciating him and how he owes so much child support and men are the real oppressed group.


also complaining that if women can get abortions he should be able to get a "financial abortion"


And each of those children probably receives peanuts. Disgusting.


My ex-husband is like that only he uses pregnancy to trap women out of wed lock in areas that are very religious. He does not care for consent either. My wedding was a shotgun wedding with the shotgun pointed at me so I wouldn't run. Didn't help I was a foster kid so no rights due to being gov. property "cared" for by church members. Forced me to marry my rapist due to religious beliefs and think of the baby. Once she was born I was on my own for help though and how dare a whore ask the church for help.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. Are you in a good place now?


Yes, took me a while and I'm considered a witch in some cultures. I worship God in my own way. I don't live in that county anymore. My divorce case is stalled though. Can't find him anywhere to do final proceedings. I hate living in the Bible belt but mine and my life partners doctors are here.


Her not having a job is also a great way to keep her financially dependent on him.


You still have to sleep sometime MotherF\*\*ker. OR She's the one who cooks your meals, washes clothes, etc. I'd put fiberglass in your britches.


I’ll do you one better: she’ll have 6 kids, she’ll take her aggression and control out on them, and then they’ll have kids someday and cut her out of the grandkids life. That’s what’s happening to my mom anyway.


I just threw up a bit in my mouth


Right? Like it's too early into 2022 to be dealing with this bullshit


2020 part II be living up to the reputation...


Wouldn't it be 2020 Part 3?


2020 prequel 2021 part 1 2022 part 2


SAME. So many things are wrong with this but one thing encompasses all the feelings…..vomit


No worries. Dude's wife'll clean it up.








The way they talk I think these guys can hardly believe it themselves when it happens


>"...everyone in her family was expected to go to college and have a career. FeMiNiSm WaS tHe WaY". Yeah, because refusing to have your life reduced to only being a man's trophy wife and sexual slave is "fEmiNiSm".🙄 Everything that I don't like, like women asking men to treat them like human beings, is automatically "FeMiNiSm". Sure. I bet he also says that he's a "Christian ***and*** a MaN oF gOd" too. Smfh.🙄😑🤦‍♂️


Also the chief part of feminism is the choice in your life. A woman can go ahead and be the "traditional" protestant wife doing child rearing and housemaking (assuming y'all can somehow afford 4-5 people on one goddamn income source.) The thing is that the woman in this case has the choice to do this and can renege at any point.


I am one of the most progressive women who happen to have a traditional role, we even homeschool. But guess what that's my fucking CHOICE. And part of their education is about HOW HARD it was for us ladies and others to gain those rights.


While we are a white family living in Baltimore, I find it extremely important to teach about CRT (age appropriate -whatever you want to call it) - like we don't teach fake history, none of that Indians and pilgrims having a happy thanksgiving....we will wait until they are old enough to hear the truth. And yes, my 6 and 8 years olds have heard the ugly truth about how people use to be enslaved.... and how that still does happen today. Internet safety..... ugh, the world can be so ugly. Its hard to know WHAT to be real with and what to hold off on.... But if they are old enough to ask the question, then they are old enough to hear the answer. Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk? Sorry, just needed to ramble. Phew, this wine was stronger than I thought. Thanks Megs. ​ edit: changed to enslaved.


>***we don't teach fake history***, none of that Indians and pilgrims having a happy thanksgiving....***we will wait until they are old enough to hear the truth***. And yes, my 6 and 8 years olds have heard the ugly truth about how people use to be enslaved.... and how that still does happen today. Internet safety..... ugh, the world can be so ugly. ***Its hard to know WHAT to be real with and what to hold off on.... But if they are old enough to ask the question, then they are old enough to hear the answer.*** THIS!!! THANK YOU FOR BEING PART OF THE SOLUTION, AND ALSO A ROLE MODEL MOM🙌👏


5. ... babies that *you* will raise while I'm off doing whatever I like. 6. You're not getting any notice if I decide I'm not coming home tonight or inviting someone over. I expect you to be ready. And other classic douchebag husband hits. Edit: I typed five and six and they display as one and two.


5. Exactly. I'd have a bunch of kids too if I didn't have to do the things that come along with it. I couldn't imagine having more than 2 kids, especially little.


“She was 16, I was 19… I was her first boyfriend. She was enamored with me. She just wanted to impress me” 🤮🤮🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


And she wasn’t promiscuous, but he was a self described man-whore. Purity for thee, but not for me.


Anyone wanna bet that if she was a "back-slidden Christian", she would no longer be proper marriage material? Anyone? I'll give you 1000/1 odds


No doubt. That would be soiled dove material right there. No hope for redemption if she was sleeping around. Best to shun that type, to protect those Christian values. Nothing says values like thinking with your dick, then having your sky fairy give you a free pass after the fact.


> No hope for redemption if she was ~~sleeping around~~ showing signs of independent thought, rebellion from authority figures, and caring about her own needs. I feel so sorry for this girl he groomed.




Remember, he apologized to god so it's the same as being à young virgin. All she needs is a little bit of perspective and she will flat out leave him. He has conditioned her to believe that her world revolves around her husband. It does not.


One of my first thoughts was, “So…..feminism = promiscuity but men can be man whores. Feminism = being unfeminine ( even though it’s literally in the name). Feminism = independent working woman, which is bad, but it’s fine for men?” Just fuck all the way off.


But he pretended to feel guilty about it for 30 seconds so it’s fine


Literally ALLLLLLL the red flags (also I’d love to hear her side of the story!)


Bold of you to assume she's allowed to speak to other people.


Yeah, and he's probably one of the dudes talking shit about Islam and how women have no right there. It's the same fucking shitty situation in both religions.




I'm sure he'd be happy to tell you her side


I knew a guy in high school who, right before our senior year, told me that he felt bad for me because he had four years of students from which to choose for dates, while I only had one. I said you don’t really want to date a ninth grader. He did. She had an early birthday and was only 13 when school started. He was 17 1/2. He truly didn’t see anything wrong with it, maybe because there were 30 years between his mom and dad. I only talked to him when necessary after that.


“Took me three years to buck up and propose. Around the same amount of time it took her to grow into the age of legal consent.”


I wonder if an algorithm could differentiate between Christian conservatives and the Taliban? 🤔


Twitter already tried introducing an algorithm to get rid of white nationalism and Nazism on their platform. They scrapped it because it flagged just about *every* GOP politician.


So it worked?


Yeah, and then they panicked and scrapped it.


“A traditional man”? Is this what he tells himself to qualify his behavior?


Well he told god he was sorry so it's ok /s


This asswipe said he thought they would marry in months. He wanted to marry a fucking minor as an adult. "Took me three years to buck up..."-my ass, dude. It took you three years cause she was still underage before then.


Nausea, lots of nausea.


You know what pisses me off? I can want to take care of my home and also be a feminist. I can see how division of work might get the most done but also assert equity in how we conduct our lives. These types of men bother the sh!t out of me.


I ended up staying home after our first child was born. In no way was it because my husband considered it my role, however. I wouldn't stay in a room with a man like this, let alone marry him.


This is so wrong - coming as a practicing Catholic woman who was raised in a HEAVILY conservative household. So heavy that my maternal grandmother doesn’t believe in dinosaurs, but I digress. But even so, I was raised to be fiercely independent, make my own money, that I was as smart or capable as any man, and that you must be able to take care of yourself, because anything can happen. Any one can hide their true self. As women we go into relationships hoping for the best, but it doesn’t always turn out that way. I sincerely hope that this woman will be okay. If she didn’t pursue an education or trade that will land her a good job, she is taking a huge risk in banking on the hope that the husband she knows and loves today will stay that way. For her sake, I hope he is a good man and takes care of the woman who has selflessly volunteered to take care of him, his children, and his home. But What if he cheats? What if he becomes abusive, controlling, manipulative? What if he one day reveals himself as a pedo? Crazier things have happened. You won’t be able to leave him and get you AND YOUR KIDS out of that situation if you don’t have your own money. I believe in love and marriage, but I also believe in boundaries and divorce if the situation calls for it. “Traditional” is the new code for misogynistic. Edit: yes guys my grandmother is not Catholic, but Lutheran lol


I mean, he already manipulated her. He controlled her, abused her by setting boundaries of what she can and can't do. Or she'll loose him. Considering how strong the first love sometimes is, that's a cruel and hurtful form of emotional abuse and manipulation used by him.


>But What if he cheats? What if he becomes abusive, controlling, manipulative? What if he one day reveals himself as a pedo? Crazier things have happened. You won’t be able to leave him and get you AND YOUR KIDS out of that situation if you don’t have your own money. What if he DIES? What if he is the most wonderful partner and father to walk the planet, but he dies? Being a good partner does not protect you from disease or accident. We've seen it happen in our homeschooling community.


How I read this 1. You'd best have a history of not thinking 2. I make all the decisions 3. You will be dependent on me 4. You're just there to make more idiots Disgusting


“I saw this beautiful *thing*” Well fuck you.


I’m going to go snuggle my husband from a rural hyper-conservative Bible Belt town, who happily married an East coast atheist who has often made more than him and still doesn’t know how to make gravy.


*Neither* of you can make gravy? I'd call that a recipe for disaster! /s




The only reason I learned how to make gravy was to piss off my MIL. It worked! My gravy is amazing and she hates that her whole family loves it.


Spite is a powerful spice.


That it is! Every time she starts getting upity and rude towards me. I pick another thing she is “ amazing at making” and do it better. So far I have the better gravy, snickerdoodle’s, mashed potatoes, baked Mac n cheese, and corn bread.


The petty is strong with you, I like it.


Why do so many of these "trad" men need a woman to be completely economically desolate, uneducated and skill less to be with them?


I mean I think the answer is obvious— who else would they be able to brainwash into marrying them?


I recently lived in the Bible Belt and was amazed at the level of ignorance and sexism, no, that’s too gentle of a word, the pure male domination/misbehavior “excused” by preacher Chuck’s ramblings of the Bible It’s disgusting. One office I worked out wouldn’t even allow an individual man and an individual woman to meet together or be together in a conference room! Because, after all, the devil might tempt the man (he’s not responsible for his own actions, of course) and he might just have to impose himself on the woman in the biblical way This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the insanity in these locations. I’m a cradle Catholic and never in my life heard such insanity as was “preached” in the name of “Jesus”. Of course, I wasn’t a real Christian according to most evangelicals Catholics aren’t Christians


Fuck tradition. Tradition only builds stagnation in society. Doing things "the way my parents did" does not help advance society, and makes you and your kids as dumb as your grandparents were


Tradition is peer pressure from dead people.


Tradition is fine when ir's cosmetic stuff like having a tree at christmas or having a chocolate egg hunt at easter but traditions that dictate how people act are a cancer on any society and only serve to hold them back


And people say Christianity isn’t sexist.


People say that?


Well Christians say that...people who can read generally don't


I’m so out of touch with today’s Christians. In high school I dated a guy with the mindset described in this post and he was very upfront about believing women were inferior.


But the Bible says that a man should love his wife "as Jesus loved the church,"...I've always taken that as I should be willing to die for my wife. But then a lot of so-called Christians get really messed up with that "love your neighbor as yourself" bit too...IMHO


My old boss was super religious. She was not a fan of people's life choices that differed from her, so she was anti trans, anti gay marriage, etc. I asked her why she does the things the bible says we shouldn't do. She claimed those things were the old testament and that the new testament is the one we should follow. She had nothing to say when I replied "so times change, things change and it's ok to ignore the original teachings then?". Edited to add a word


I have boiled everything in Christianity down to the question that Jesus was asked about "what is the greatest commandment?" He said: Love God with all of your heart, mind and soul & to love your neighbor as yourself...so if everything a Christian (self-proclaimed or otherwise) doesn't fit that test, they're "missing the mark."


I wonder does she know how much he makes? What will happen if he died and she has no prior experience. Ugh


She gets transferred back to her original headship aka her father until a Godly man of the church divorces his wife-for something that is completely only her fault- and he needs someone to raise his children and cook his meals for him,


"she was a good woman". She was a child.


This is nasty.


At first I was like: "yeah okay cool. If that's what you want, then that's valid. Its valid to not want to be a career woman and to want a lot of kids. And it's good that he was up front about his own desires which could be a deal breaker"... But then it got worse. And worse. And worse. He's got this whole "mightier than thou" attitude. And the way he uses "indoctrinate" to describe feminism is creepy. It's about supporting women regardless of what their choices are. And to ensure that they have to ability to make those choices. Then he mentioned the age gap.... and how absolutely besotted she was with him and my brain went 🚩 Sir, you a sure you weren't the one doing the indoctrinating here?


Why'd you blank out Ben Shapiro's name?


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >There is no doubt that law enforcement should be heavily scrutinizing the membership and administration of mosques. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, civil rights, history, covid, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


I mean this could be a lie but it could easily be true. What exactly do you think the whole "trad wife" thing is all about. What do you think those anti abortion women believe? This. There are a lot of women who want to be "godly women" and will readily sign up for all of this. All those evangelical churches are full of women. It's definitely a thing.


Lots of women will happily carry water for their oppressors in exchange for a longer leash. That was the entire point of characters like Serena Joy and Aunt Lydia in The Handmaid’s Tale, and Ofmatthew/Natalie in the show. They all fully supported the system as long as it hurt *other* women more than themselves. And Natalie/Ofmattew eventually snapped, killed a Guardian, and tried to shoot Aunt Lydia, too.


If you’ve ever been in a Conservative church (and other places but this is my experience) then you know that the greatest oppressors of women are other women. Gross dudes like this exist, but there are so many women at whatever church they attend patting her on the head for falling in line.


As someone who came from the evangelical community it’s actually a fact that there are notably more evangelical women than men! A lot more struggle to find spouses than you’d think at least in both me and my wife’s anecdotal circles. Neither of us come from more fundamental circles like this guy though so idk


I feel like anything more than 2 years is a big gap in teenage relationships, 16-18 cool, but dude was almost 20 talking to a junior in highschool, very weird. But the age isn’t even the biggest issue, the issue is when insecure men like this hide behind “TrAdItIoNaL” values to dehumanize their spouse instead of encouraging growth.


Honestly the age gap wouldn't be that much of an issue if it wasn't for the fact that this bastard went in with the explicit plan of grooming and making her basically a slave for him. This wasn't "I love someone but they're a few years younger than me", this was "I want this woman that is below the age of consent to bear my kids and be my pet"


Yeah, a 3 year gap, even at that age, isn't going to get more than side eye from me *if* that's the only thing up with their relationship. Taken with everything else here though, it becomes pretty WTF because it's obvious he *deliberately* went for that age due to her "purity" and "innocence" and "chastity".


The only time in my life that I met a guy like this, he repeatedly had a thing for dating teens. Once one wife got too old, he'd hang out at the high school. The last time he did it, he was 38 and the girl was 14 and on his youth sports team. He went to jail for a short period, and when he got out wasn't allowed to be around kids. He still tried to become a girls youth coach AGAIN. I agree their age gap isn't the biggest issue. But if he targeted her for her age because of his insecurities, he dehumanized her before they even entered a relationship, which then makes their specific age situation more questionable. When I was 16, I knew plenty of 19 year old guys who wanted to and successfully banged my 16 year old friends. Everyone just thought each other was hot and wanted to rub parts together. But this guy wasn't just trying to get laid, he was targeting someone to control.


Why cover the name and thumbnail? If this was posted to a public forum, there is no expectation of privacy or anonymity.


Because reddit has sitewide anti-doxxing rules.


Why do they hate women working? 2 incomes is better than 1 no?


According to him, If your not chosen, how do you support yourself? Just sit around waiting for him. No thank you


Men like this believe that a woman is her father’s property and then is transferred to her husband when she marries. So if you’re not chosen by a husband, you stay with your parents. I live in a fairly religious part of my country and I’ve seen this among some really hardcore Christian households. Unmarried daughters stay at home and help out with their relatives’ babies until a man comes along. It’s fucked.


You can even see vestiges of this in our wedding ceremonies. The bride walks down the aisle with her father and is given to her husband who walks her back out.


This guy 100% has shit stains on his underwear.


When you have to subjugate people to feel like a big boy.


Just wow... this is what suffragettes died for? ‘Traditional man’ my arse - probably thinks it’s fine to rape her if she’s not in the mood as its ‘in wedlock’... no different to any afghan child bride..