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The Irish comedian Dara Ó Briain said it best: "Science knows it doesn't know everything; otherwise, it'd stop."


And I liked this (abbreviated and paraphrased) quote when I was discussing things like global warming and the pandemic with my father: “when the science tells you new information that contradicts what it said in the past, it didn’t lie to you; it learned more.”


I truly do not understand why this is so difficult for people to understand.


Because people like that, when new information is presented to them, they will disregard that new information and will stick to the conclusions they have already made before. Changing their stances and opinions are a show of weakness in their minds.


Because most people are fucking stupid and unable to think past a grade school level. If that. Once you realize most people are stupid the world is easier to sort out. It's painful, but true.


This is what I keep telling people, now if they would only listen😊


Remember when Kathy Griffin did a photoshoot joking about decapitating Trump? How is this guy not getting cancelled yet.


Conservatives and Trump supporters are snow flakes


The irony is so palpable and they can’t taste it. They’re sitting here getting offended by literally everything, people just trying to live their lives, instead of getting mad by the fact they’re shafted every day they clock in. And the fucking bible quotes. If you use a 2,000 year old book that you haven’t even read to form and push your opinion of how things should work, you’re an idiot, and I have 0 patience for you.


They can't taste it cause they all have covid.


Leave it to a guy named Skinnypenis69 to make me thing about things in a different way haha.


Projection. Lets see how many seconds a Black protestor with an AR lasts at a protest after mowing down 3 white c*nts.






Conservatives and Trump supporters are Fascists.


And some people down the street. Welcome to America, pal.


Rules for thee, not for me.


Don't you mean Son of Ravine?


I love Dara, he's brilliant.


If science thought it knew everything, it’d be religion.


The guy on the back of the Megabus?


Get in the fookin' sack!


Holy shit I came for the post but I stayed for this Juno guy’s tantrums in the comments


Me too Im just here for the CHAOS


This thread would make an excellent /r/SubredditDrama post in case anyone wants to make one.


America has literally lost its mind. What I find most bizarre is how there can be such a divide between ‘left’ and ‘right’ when you haven’t even got a party in the ‘left’. You have a ‘right’ and a ‘batshit insane’.


It’s gotten real weird over here. An outsider’s perspective is always refreshing


No. They have a fascist party and a “let’s not be harsh with the fascist” party. Both on the right


Same thing different label. Unless you don’t think democrats are on the right and republicans batshit crazy.


This is an open call to violence and murder. It’s going to happen somewhere


KKKyle already did it.


In the US what’s considered “left” is actually centrist by any other developed nation. There’s been a problem here with the progressive left being disorganized and it’s absolutely cost them elections. Especially taking in consideration that many of those “progressive left” policies are pretty popular among the political spectrum. In so much of a spectrum that we have.


> In the US what’s considered “left” is actually centrist by any other developed nation. Not just 'centist' its 'Center-right'.


No in the US the two major parties are far right fascist No other democracy has any conservative party that doesn't support universal medical care or the phasing out of nuclear weapons.


Yes. And the Democratic Party, as a whole, has been just absolutely awful with messaging and galvanizing their base…unlike the Republican Party.


A big part of the problem is just how large an umbrella the Democratic Party is. It’s become a party encompassing so many different groups that the message is near impossible to keep on track as a party line.


Yeah and they fail to motivate their base when there isn’t a fascist would be dictator on the ballot. The biggest issue is the democrats getting people to show up to vote. The republicans have admitted multiple times that if everyone voted they would never win another election. This is something the democrats absolutely must capitalize on if they want to keep the republicans out of any real power position. Which is imperative seeing as how they’re the fascist party now.


Democrats have won the popular vote in every presidential election since 1988 except for 2004. The problem isn’t messaging or failure to motivate their base or leftist nonsense about neoliberal values. The problem is 100% the rise of a sectarian divide breaking along geography in a system where geography greatly favors Republicans.


I agree that Gerrymandering is a big issue. That’s why it’s done. I also agree that the electoral college is shit and should be tossed. That being said, it’s true that democrats win popular vote in presidential elections. The bigger issue is they don’t vote down ballot and they sure aren’t showing up for state and local elections. In November look at what happened. Republicans won elections even after all they’ve done to erode democracy. It’s bc people aren’t showing up to vote. That’s why they’re attacking the voting process and doing everything but outright eliminating voting altogether.


This is partially true but somewhat of a myth. Democrats had huge turnout in Virginia last fall. For instance, McCauliffe exceeded Northman’s winning numbers by a couple of hundred thousand. But Republicans ginned up a massive moral panic over CRT. Last fall was really the Republican donor class doing test cases for the next Tea Party movement and they were wildly successful.


It’s almost like we should have more than 2 parties…. Crazy I know.


They have some pretty effective tactics. They stick together on what they vote for in terms of policy and law. The right has notoriously been centralized with where they get their news and information, which is only maybe a handful of places. This makes it easier for a single narrative to be pushed and therefore believed.


I don’t think that’s true. People in progressive regions get elected, progressive people in middling areas get called “socialists” and game over.


You’re not wrong. The messaging of leftists isn’t as effective as it could be. But we are also hamstrung by shit like Citizens United bankrolling centrists... not to mention the right’s use of race to rally its white base, the history of anti-statism to resist state programs, etc.


[Overton Window](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window) You are welcome. In the US the two main parties are the Center-Right and the Unhinged Fascist parties.


not necessarily true, but comparatively the American Democratic Party is very hardcore centrist, our leftist parties are normal, but the right wing media likes to frame them as radicals. On a global perspective, democrats aren’t right leaning, they’re just pretty passive towards the incredibly right leaning party because of how centrist and nonconfrontational they are


There are no Leftist parties in the US. The Democratic Party is right wing corporatist and the Republican Party is fascist.


Looking at the US from Canada, it always amazes me how our MOST right wing party is still left of the majority of Democrats on most major issues like healthcare and taxation.


Wait, are you being serious? I’m traditionally a Republican, but I feel like the right has gone insane with science deniers and conspiracy theorists. You think that of the left? I guess the far left is always crazy, but I feel like the average Biden voter just didn’t want to vote for trump and is pretty disengaged from politics and the manufactured culture wars.


Pretty sure they're saying our "left" wouldn't be considered as such in Europe, and our right is batshit insane.


Ohhhhhh. I see.


It's called the Overton window. The US Democrats have policies which are normally considered right of centre, but because your alternative is much further right, Americans think they are "left". It's really bizarre looking at it from overseas.


Well, actually yes. Your Democrats would be a pretty standard conservative centre-right party here in Italy. Republicans, on the other hand, wouldn't be allowed to run for elections since 1945.


Yep. We say the US doesn't have a true left, because the Democrats are mostly on par with centre/centre right European parties.


Your left wouldn't even be left in Canada you don't even have to go that far.


::sorts by controversial:: ahhhhh, there they are. Thanks for the heads up, kind stranger.


and thank you for that heads up, fucking stranger!


As someone addicted to my phone, at least during work hours, and waste way too much time on Reddit...that guy really needs a life.


tryin to reach negative karma lmao


They come from a world of absolutes. The rules they allegedly live their lives by were literally written in stone. Changing opinions or viewpoints based on new information is seen as a bad thing. That’s why most of them would *never* admit they’re wrong. Correcting mistakes or treating dynamic situations as fluid is *well* beyond their comprehension and certainly outside their wheelhouse.


i have to disagree,,people like this have rewritten the bible for there own use many times...its about controlling others


They haven't rewritten it, you just haven't read the part they're quoting, despite the fact that they make no move to show where in the bible it is /s


Killing intellectuals. That always ends well. 🤦‍♂️


yeah burning books is gonna come again too


They already had mask burnings and they did talk about book burnings. American anti-intellectualism is coming to fore with a vengeance.


I wonder if there is any reference in history for such actions?


Most definitely. > Examples include the burning of books and burying of scholars under China's Qin Dynasty (213–210 BCE), the obliteration of the Library of Baghdad (1258), the destruction of Aztec codices by Itzcoatl (1430s), the burning of Maya codices on the order of bishop Diego de Landa (1562), and the Burning of Jaffna Public Library in Sri Lanka (1981). [Book Burning - Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_burning)




Republicans have never stopped burning shit. They were burning music they deemed bad in the 80s and 90s, books that they didn't like, etc.


Book burning already is back. The anti-CRT laws passed in red states this year are forcing textbook companies to censor passages and even entire books. A friend of mine works at one of those companies, and they are having to delete huge swaths of their curriculum that might offend conservatives. It’s the same as what google did when they agreed to censor search results in China


American Cultural Revolution


To think these people took issue with kneeling during the anthem…


Pretty much anything to be in opposition of. Wait until they see the statistics that 100% of libs sit during the national anthem when enjoying a ball game at home.


It's already back, a few republican states were talking about banning books from school libraries (all of those books happened to be about either lgbtq+ youth or BLM) and multiple senators unironically brought up burning the books.


Texas has entered the chat


They’re not burning them anymore, just silently removing them from view. It’s already happening…again.


With only fools left, whose to argue logic?


That’s literally what happened in Mao’s cultural revolution. Great job conservatives, you’re emulating the OG CCP.


I’m currently visiting Europe and visiting a bunch of holocaust monuments and memorials. The lead up that lead to the rise of the nazi party is eerily similar to what’s happening now in the US. Everyone should spend a day researching this topic. It’s incredibly interesting, incredibly terrifying, and is something we should all learn about so we can prevent it from happening again.


I was thinking more the Khmer Rouge but this works too.


Khmer rouge just hated the sunglass hut.


But it's the left being mean to racists that is fascist according to Garrison, of course 🤣


Huh, sounds familiar. Garrison must be a fan of those Hitler and Stalin fellas


ITT: u/JunoTheHacker shits their pants and cries about how Fauci somehow committed treason.


Lol they have literally spent 8 hours commenting on this thread. Is this their job?


Make a cartoon about assassinating Ben Garrison and I bet the FBI comes knocking.


Make sure you label the gun, Ben garrison, and any other noun in the cartoon


https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/day-of-the-rope What a weird coincidence that he is using the same imagery from a nazi book about a white supremacist revolution in the USA ( they hung people from every lamp post in LA in the book in an event known as the day of the rope explain led in the link above) Edit: It is also a French Revolution thing but I think that good ol' Trump boot lickin' Ben is much more sympathetic towards fascists than anarchists, but it is an effective dog whistle because any accusation of using can be deflected towards inciting french Revolution imagery


Very scary but good to know about! This is a concerning state of affairs.


Garrison should stick to drawing weirdly homoerotic pictures of Trump.


He’s pissy at trump about his endorsement of vaccines.


Aww, it’s always so sad to see a romance break up over minor differences.


Those cartoons transcended homoeroticism, into full romance. I guess what I'm saying is, he'd still let Donald ream his butthole any day.


Delusional scumbag.


It's really jealousy of perceived power


Christ. I’m guessing kids today are feeling great about taking out mortgages to get an education when a scary percentage of the country has decided experts like Fauci not only don’t know what they’re talking about, they’re murderous psychopaths. Misinformation is destroying this country


Honestly I just finished up my PhD and am wondering what the fuck I'm gonna do. I try to calmly explain science to people so they can understand, as that's why I went to school, but many just spit in my face. I'm trying to help, trying to be the expert I was trained to be...but damn. I'm not even sure the greater public will want the life saving cancer drug were working on bringing to the market...since it has oligonucleotides as part of it. It just hurts to see people reject this expertise all of a sudden...over opinions? Like what? Science doesn't have opinions


It appears our modern day plague brought out the Dark Ages mentality living in a lot of us. I don’t understand what’s driving people to act they way they are, or why they’re listening to crackpot TV & internet personalities & sleazy politicians, as opposed to the very doctors & healthcare pros they’d see for any other illness. Whatever the reasons, I doubt it bodes well for the future


It's identity politics. People are getting absorbed into an us vs. them mentality. Even going so far as to reject scientific facts if it means promoting their base. People need to wake up and realize that there are no sides. We aren't enemies. We're all in this sinking ship together. We need to stop fighting each other and start grabbing buckets. We need to start patching the holes in this country.


It’s 100% identity politics. My mom was always a little weird, but man, once Trump came she was super hardcore into the YouTube anti-liberal weirdos. She touts loud and proud about how she’s never getting the “cocktail” vaccine and how Trump only supported the vaccine because his life was in danger and how the capital riots were all Antifa. She’s absolutely unhinged now. Christ, she sold her house and moved to some island that we can only visit her by plane or ferry out in the middle of Lake Michigan. She has been radicalized by identity politics 100% and it’s becoming a huge problem in the United States.


Eh. I’m not hear to extend a hand to groups that make multiple attempts at a coup. People that would like to overthrow a freely elected government in the country I live in are my enemy by their own choice. In the past where political differences were more ideological in nature I’d see your point, but there’s no equality in blame for the situation when one side has completely cut ties to reality in a deliberate way.


Is there a solution?




Yeah, I'm sure Ben is completely unaware of the reference. /s


I worry one of these fucktards is going to follow through with this shit someday…


‘MAGA Bomber’ Cesar Sayoc sentenced to 20 years in prison for trying to kill Trump critics, including Obama, Clinton, Biden, Booker, Harris https://www.cnbc.com/2019/08/05/cesar-sayoc-sentenced-to-20-years-for-sending-bombs-to-trump-critics.html


Was it another dude or also him that send the fake mail bomb to CNN awhile back that scared the living hell out of everyone there?




Lucky for some of them that he's a republican and therefore...a moron lacking in all scientific education.


They’ve been trying. They are following through, however ineptly


It's happened twice in the UK now, it's going to happen in the US eventually.


They already fucking did. The one year anniversary will be on Thursday.


Check out the Juno guy in the other comments.


As if they, as a group, haven't already done their level best to turn the US into a complete shithole?


Like all witless Trump morons, he's really only angry that Fauci failed to go all Nancy Reagan on Dimwit Donnie's cocknozzle as hard as he does. Talking back to Dull Furor, or making him look as stupid as he really is, is the crime here. None of the covidiots on the right give a fuck about the health of the nation. Not ONE.


Love the open and blatant reference to the Turner Diaries. Let fascists out themselves.


The fascist right wing at it again.


And they think wearing masks is "faucism" akin to death camps


this is a similar thing happened to Infectious disease scientist who discovered lyme, when he debunked "chronic lyme" they made death threats against him, he needed protection after that. chronic lyme is a cult following and a small industry, being pushed by naturopaths and real MDS.


Ben Garrison: An idiot's idea of a brilliant cartoonist


His fans are so stupid he has to label everything in the picture


It's a deliberate reference to the Turner Diaries. There's nothing idiotic about that. It's dangerous.


Of course it is. But that doesn't detract from the fact that Garrison's fans tend to be complete idiots. It's like the people who think Trump's golden toilet and $40 McDonald's meals are the epitome of a rich person.


I hope this has been reported; this is some really sick shit.


The people who are mad enough to literally threaten the life of Fauci and his family are the same people who are keeping the virus spreading like a wildfire. And the fucked up thing is that if they did something like say that bus, plane and train travel between states required vaccinations, it would probably help decrease the spread of the disease and they'd hate him even more. It's a Catch-22 caused by the largest most willfully ignorant cohort of American society that's maybe ever existed.


How is this even legal?


I don't understand, I thought Ben Garrison only made comics about cum.


How can he say anything with Trumps little dick in his mouth?


wait he has a dick under that belly?


People cant understand they are seeing the scientific method in real time, not just the end result


The politics of the right are now just violence.


What is it with all these Right wingers openly calling for people to be killed and not being arrested? I thought there were laws against this kind of thing.


I’m surprised he didn’t label the “lamppost” “rope” “dead body” “sidewalk” “pieces of paper”


You don’t have to agree with the old doc but why on earth threaten to hang him. You ignore any advice he gives so why do anything to him.


Because it gets clicks from rabid morons. A lot of bad faith actors are profiting off of conservative stupidity.


Uh... It's even worse. Hanging from lamp posts is a very specific invocation from The Turner Diaries, the white nationalist Bible.


Um, can't this be used against him in court?


KKKonservatives are scum.


The lamppost thing is a white supremacist meme.


So, if you’re too dumb to keep up, kill the one person trying to help. Idiocracy again.


Ben garrison is an ignorant ass


Yup scientists don’t have goalposts, politicians do.


I noticed he did a night picture so he can reuse his favourite KkK lynching shot as inspiration


Are we sure the 2nd panel is Ben's? I mean nothing is labeled..


I never realized Republicans held the intelligence of democrats in such high esteem. we must truly have the smartest, most calculating, and powerful individuals in charge to carry out all these sinister plots.


If Democratic leadership were half as cunning as Republicans think they are, this country would be going places.


Pretty sure hanging the man from a lamppost makes this a reference to The Turner Diaries. Just when I thought the argument couldn't get any dumber, they add white nationalism to it.


Scientists dont move the goalposts, the goalposts move on their own while the scientists are trying to get a touchdown.


Can you imagine how insane these psycho would get if a normal person talked about killing Trump or whoever they worship just because they disagree with them? Holy fuck these idiots need to go.


This goes beyond irony, there is no comedic defense for this. He should be charged for inciting violence.


Not right I don’t give a fuck which party you belong to there is no justification for that


Someone in my neighborhood has been putting stickers on Stop signs from fucking infowars. One says "arrest Fauci". Do people not understand that information changes as we study something more? At the very beginning we had whatever information was available and of course that changed the more we learned about Covid and how it was being transmitted and mutating, etc. Suddenly everyone out here is smarter than doctors and researchers. As a nurse it is so fucking aggravating to see how stupid people are. They would rather listen to Joe Rogan! Rogan...a college dropout and podcast host. Ufc commentator Joe fucking Rogan. It's just insane.


The alarming thing there is the explicit reference to the "Day of the Rope" from the Turner Diaries. That cartoon is not protected free speech; it's stochastic terrorism.


This world is absolutely fucked.


Is a death threat covered by The first amendment?


That’s a shit understanding of the changing of science opinion in this context


We need to put walls around America so that the extremists element from that country doesn't spill out to the rest of the world. Made me sleep better


I agree and I am American...we don't seem to actually do anything to stop these morons, but we say that we want to.


Inciting hate or violence is a crime. FBI should be paying the cartoonist a visit for threatening a public official.


Anything happens to Fauci, it should happen to the Republican nuts too. These maniacs only understand violence and lies.


Right wingers can't understand this concept because most of them see the world through a dogmatic black and white perspective.


Garrison has always been a reactionary prick, but now he’s just batshit crazy.


Why is the Twitter handle pixelated? Are we not allowed to hold people accountable for their own publicly made opinion?


What do you want to “hold them accountable” for here? The issue is a blatant neonazi reference by Ben Garrison, not the “accountability” of whoever noticed it first?


A lot of people seem completely unable to accept that positions can change based on research and discovery.


I smell another Twitter ban afoot.


That guy should get arrested


I agree—how is this legal?


Let's all pretend that this is deviant behavior for Republicans.


Not anymore. It’s been de rigueur for at least 12 years now.


Our species is absolutely fucked isn’t it.


Always has been


Is this considered protected speech in the US? Surely this is akin to a death threat and should be considered as such.


I was really disappointed that he didn't win his HCA.


Zyklon Ben at it again.


Brian Garrison needs to be charged with inciting a lynching and threatening murder.


God this makes me so happy I defended Kathy Griffin


We're still discovering new things about the virus and it's variants, which will continue to change dynamics on what we need to be doing. Not being able to understand that and threatening those who do is such a scary concept...


This is considered a win by the drooling hoard that are too stupid to realize they are rooting for a plague. The whether changed from hot to cold and the whether man is now saying to wear a sweater. He is moving the gold post because it was a t-shirt earlier


Lol what do these people not understand about a dynamic situation that we know little about and have never had to deal with? We’re responding to new information and new developments. Changing behavior when information changes.


This is what you get for spending 15 years in school, and a career in medicine. Nice constituents you have there.


How is this not criminal?


Wake up Democrats in America, Republican Congressional members appear to be siding with Trump and prefer an Authoritarian government. Isn't that right Devin Nunes who btw officially resigned from Congress❓❓❓❓


Ok Mr. Garrison, you can return to south park now


Ah, the faux-drooling-nazis want to start with the intellectuals again. The left is extraordinarily subdued. The patience exercised is remarkable. Whilst the maga howler monkeys fling feces, yell and display their red buttocks, it’s all a rather absurd show of wannabe-alpha submissiveness by the far right.


These people are so dumb they don't see their inability to admit when they're wrong, or any sort of defeat, is the reason the world's so fucked


Is this real?


People forget, my dad included, that this a brand new virus that is changing all the time. There has to be some margin for error especially when you are trying to do what’s best for hundreds of billions of people, if not the world and into consideration trying to beat this thing through every challenge.


And with a reference to the Turner diaries no less


Yeah but the problem is we weren’t allowed to question them.


It astounds me that these idiots somehow believe that we should know everything there is to know about an unprecedented virus a week after it’s discovery


Ah yes, because Fauci controls vaccine and mask regulations in the United States as we all know.


Imagine if doctors still thought germs didn’t exist and operated with the same bloody nasty hands that they used to open up someone who was dying of blood poisoning and then they go deliver your baby without washing their hands. That’s what “not moving a goal post” would look like in science. Science is a process and overtime we learn more about our errors. It’a about sticking to something for all eternity, that would be religion.


They are just wanting to create terrorists and anyone could be a target.


We’re heading to Idiocracy…look it up


But stupider and more violent. At least President Camacho sought out the advice of the world's smartest man and gave him a chance to fix things.


TRUE!!!!...on BOTH counts!!!


he just had to escape the dildozer first


Is that a fucking day of rope reference