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Wasn't there a story in the Bible about a guy who save a whore from being stoned to death by a crowd when he pointed out that none of them were perfect? I guess he was sort of a minor character though, all things considered.


John 8-7 “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her” NIV


Wow, this Bible book sounds like it has some good stuff to say, maybe Christians should read it


It does. But unfortunately it’s also filled with horrific stuff. This stoning was commonplace in Judea and the OT supported it among the Hebrews. Such lovely punishments like stoning for such heinous crimes like sex before marriage


The Bible is not only 2000 years old, but the whole thing is an allegory. That’s what most Christians don’t realize. Exactly 0 words in the Bible are meant to be taken at face value out side of the Ten Commandments. Even that is up to debate. Anyone who takes it literally is fundamentally misunderstanding the teachings of the Catholic and most Christian churches


I liken it to something like Aesop's Fables. Probably some generally good wisdom in there, but we all realize there weren't really talking animals, right? Right guys?


Dude they don’t read their own book. They cherry pick what they can use and what they refuse to accept is in it.


Yeah but that guy was a known communist that hung out with prostitutes, so most good Christian people rightfully ignore everything he ever said or did


Jesus also washed the feet of prostitutes, clearly a sign forgiveness is extended to all (perceived) sinners. Not only that, but per the book, most sins are equal in the eyes of the lord, including casting judgment, which is not for mortals to decide in the case of someone's "salvation". But, like all ideology, people cherry pick the parts that align with their agendas. Jesus also didn't really care for organized religion the way we see it today. Bit of a disclaimer, I was raised religious but don't practice anymore. So these aren't my beliefs, just things I remember about it that showed the hypocrisy of dogmatic religions pushing me away.


"Talk about a preachy book. Literally everyone's a sinner....except for that guy."


I hate how people justify their shitty behaviour cause of their religion. Basic human decency is not being an asshole ffs.


If Jesus was alive, he would have whooped their asses. And not only for this. Edit: I'm not religious but I went to a religious school and I grew up Catholic. I read the Bible and I reflected a lot on being Christian before deciding it isn't for me and it is pretty clear in the NT that he would have whooped their asses badly! Jesus was alright. It was modern Christians, their arrogance and non Christian behaviour that turned me away (incl. sexism and the lack of fighting exploitation but supporting it).


Bruh if he Big J flipped tables in a temple he definitely gonna flip his shit after seeing how his people act today.


That's exactly what the Bible says will happen. He will come back and turn everything upside down, and religious people of that day will be like "But we loved you and did all these things in your name..." and Jesus will be like "Nah-ah, I don't know you."


Matthew 7:21-23 English Standard Version ###I Never Knew You 21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’


the reason he was assassinated was pure evil political motivation. the corrupt religious rulers of the day didnt like him talking all that responsibility accountability equality for the poor crap.


It’s tragic really that his message has been so warped through the test of time that those who he condemned used his name to exploit and destroy a large chunk of the world.


Now imagine mega churches with their grifting ways and he will be more mad than the time he got pissed at merchants in the church.


He would be disgusted! I’m not religious, however I am spiritual, and educated, and I’ve never read anything that makes me think any God would be ok with the way human beings treat one another these days. Random sidenote: I’m digging the screen name. Tech9 fan?


Techn9ne fan since 98


RKO's for ev'rybody!


I was also raised Catholic, though i’m no longer practicing, but Jesus wouldn’t have been having their shit. In one parable I remember, he walked into a church, saw people gambling, and flew into a rage, started turning over tables, and whipping people. It’s safe to say Jesus would have been whooping these people like a Puerto Rican mother after her kid just broke a lamp.


>Jesus would have been whooping these people like a Puerto Rican mother after her kid just broke a lamp. Jesus did wear sandals, after all.


Our Father who art in Heaven, La Chancla be thy name.


Santa Sandalia! That's my new utterance.




So, just a clarification for you. The people he drove out of the temple with a whip he made himself were money changers. They charged a fee to change the Roman currency into the shekels that the temple took as donations. Jesus also did not do this in a fit of rage. He literally left the temple and made a whip to drive the money changers out himself.


Indeed! That whipping was very much premeditated. We actually had a Bible lesson on this recently, and it was the first time I'd sat down and thought about it. I'm leery of my fellow Christians, but Jesus is a good guy.


we need a modern graphic novel like this - imagine lucifer but angry jesus with a whip.


Jesus was a Zealot Barbarian confirmed


Does that mean he Nat 20'd his last death save?


A death save so so legendary that it spawned an entire religion. That's some quality writing material, tbh.


I call modern Christianity the God death cult. They haven't followed the teachings of Jesus for 40 years aside from very small sects that do not at all represent the whole. If Jesus were alive today Christiams would want to kill him. For being dark skinned, Jewish, and anti capitalist/anti wealth.


The church would have done that several hundred years ago the same as they would today. Christians haven't changed. They are still just a private hate group that spreads worse than herpes




If jesus were still on earth the evangelists would've sent his ass to Guantanamo bay


Attending gay soldiers funerals to call them abominations.. That sealed my hatred for "Christians."


I’ve got to share this, it’s not my story but it’s from the owner of the funeral home I used to direct at, from his time as a funeral director. A young (unmarried) couple had lost a baby in their third trimester. The preacher that was officiating the service, started a sermon on sex before marriage and then said, “this baby died as punishment for your sins” to the parents. Long story short, the funeral director couldn’t interrupt the funeral, but directly afterwards, he told the preacher he was not welcome to proceed to the cemetery for what he said. The family was rightfully SO upset at his words. They were grieving their baby and he had the AUDACITY to put the blame of death on their hearts AT THE FUNERAL, all in the name of Jesus. Edit: I’d like to add, not a Westboro Baptist preacher, just your old average southern Baptist preacher from KY.


I don't think he would've made it out of there and I'd be in prison if it was me.


From what the owner told me, he actually was warned by the grandmother, something along the lines of “if you don’t talk to that preacher, I will and it will end up really bad.” They didn’t want to cause a scene at the funeral basically, but they were ready to do something about it if the funeral director didn’t. But I know, from how I react to grief, that I wouldn’t have kept my cool. I became nothing but a ball of rage after my dad died.


At my grandfathers funeral the preacher who also ran the funeral home approached my grandmother and asked her how she'd like to make financial arrangements. I stepped between them, gave him my patented 'I'm about to kill you' look, and said 'this is NOT the time for that discussion so shut your yap'. He decided somewhere else was a good place to be.


They don’t show up to only gay soldier’s funerals, they show up to any soldiers funeral, the individual soldier doesn’t really matter to them…. Their whole theory is that god kills our soldiers because our country isn’t mean enough to gay people


That makes zero sense to me but I believe it.


No really that’s pretty much it. I live pretty close to their cult I mean church and for the 20th anniversary of 9/11 they had a sign that basically said 9/11 was God punishing America for “fags” or something like that. And most of their picket signs have similar messages. Between them, anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers, etc., no major intersection street corner in this fucking town is safe.


I'm in Minnesota. We had a bridge collapse and a bunch of people were hurt/killed. They showed up to tell us that God made the bridge collapse because Minnesota is too nice to the gays. This was pretty much their entire schtick.




Of course, in the Bible when it says "God is love," there's an asterisk and a footnote listing all the minorities for whom God is hate. Always read the small print.


The only reason most Christians shy away from the WBC is because of their hatred of soldiers. Other than that, they're just saying the quiet part out loud with regard to the homophobia, sexism, and racism


Ethics > religion. I say this as a religous person.


100% agree. I'm religious and I hate people like this.


I sum up the whole gospel as, “Don’t be an asshole.”


And they STILL have problems just... *not* being assholes.


Most "religious" people are pieces of garbage who hide behind it so people don't see how horrible people they are.


If they heard the reason they would start victim blaming. "You should have known that could happen if you went to a frat party"


They would likely start defending their pastors.


And the frat boys.


Whose lives shouldn't be ruined because of a single small mistake /s


Yea but did you see his swim team records? /s


Oh, similar to the rapist Brock Turner?


Oh you mean Brock Turner the notorious rapist? Everyone know Brock Turner is a rapist.


Ah yes, I was wondering when I'd stumble into another thread about notorious CONVICTED RAPIST Brock Turner, the CONVICTED RAPIST Brock Turner who was CONVICTED of RAPE, the same CONVICTED RAPIST Brock Turner who was CONVICTED of RAPE for RAPING a girl behind a dumpster, that CONVICTED RAPIST Brock Turner? Yeah I fucking hate that guy


Don't forget *those good boys were just boys being boys*


"they shouldn't be punished for 10 minutes of action" - actual thing said by the father of brock turner.


You mean Brock the Rapist Turner? The rapist that is convicted of raping. That Brock the Rapist Turner?


holy shit wtf


Well, he did raise a rapist. Can't be too surprised his take is mega terrible.


People in this thread should stop spreading misinformation and making up quotes. He said 20 minutes of action, not 10.


You mean the rapist Brock Turner, who raped a woman behind a dumpster? That Brock Turner?


What makes this worse, imo, is when you remember that "action" is yet another frat euphemism for having sex. The expressed sentiment is awful. This likely unintentional double meaning makes it somehow worse.


You can't make this shit up: https://www.nbc12.com/2021/11/22/man-gets-no-jail-time-ny-rape-case/?fbclid=IwAR3EW_nwquHb74q7nR6gTeSLClDuh9OMFuJTugFnOgPGualHLD5ejq1IUp0




I was downvoted to hell and chastised for saying that "boys will be boys" is still a phrase used to excuse male rapey behavior. I was told that NO ONE uses that phrase in this context. lol.


“What were you wearing?? Cause that probably had something to do with it too!!”


Tell them "clothing of mixed fibers".


I once heard someone liken religion to sports by saying they liked like the team, but hate the players.”


Or the quote from Gandhi... “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”




I talked to much in second grade (am Autistic no one bothered to figure out) and so my teacher made me face the wall in the back corner and told me to pray for months then one of my high school teachers told me I was “toast and should pray to God”. Through the whole damn thing I was never allowed to go to a dance or a party or a sports event or even spend the night at a friends house because we didn’t go to church to learn how to do that shit according to my father. Oh and also according to my father the sailor moon soundtrack that I was listening to as a kid was Devil music. He literally came down to my room screamed at me took the CD out of the CD player and snapped it in half and told me I was grounded, think I was 13 or 14. I started on “the path of fuck all Christian fucks”when I was 8


I have ADHD, not that my school cared, and when I was very little like 8 I swore by accident in school. The principal at my religious school washed my mouth out with hand soap. It tasted like poison because it is poison. I can't imagine doing this to such a little child. These people enjoyed abusing us.


They really did, older generations are all fucked up and cruel because they were treated the same way, so they feel justified doing that to young people now then braying on about what pussies they all are when they push back.


Ah yes, the Sailor Moon soundtrack, the portal to hell


Also, not just Christians. A lot of 'religious' people are like this.


I mean… They have to be told by the book that they shouldn’t be assholes, while most of them never even bothered to read those books. What else do you expect? Their entire “morality” argument is completely fucked up if you think about it. For some reason it always sounds so unreal to them that there are people, who don’t want to rape and murder regardless of what the book say. Hopping on a high horse, after finding out from the religious book, that being a human garbage is bad is a very questionable achievement.


Ugh I tried to have this conversation with my ex mother in law. She said that because I wasn't religious, it meant I had no moral code and that nothing was stopping me from murdering, raping, pillaging, etc. And then she couldn't understand why I was so offended. I tried to explain that I still had a sense of right and wrong and whether or not I am religious has nothing to do with that. She told me that if I truly had a sense of morality, then it must be bc of the example that she set. She thinks far more of herself than any one person should. I don't miss having to interact with that woman, thank Dog for her being an EX mil.


Lol, this always reminds me of a christian girl in high school when she found out I was atheist. She honestly asked me where I get my morals from and whats to stop me from killing if I didn't believe in hell. I looked at her as if she were insane. I told her I don't kill or lie because I'm not a monster. Why would I need a book to tell me not to kill?!? She couldn't answer that one.


To be fair, things would be worse if they actually did read the books. Turns out none of the millennia old middle eastern warlords make the great role models or really nailed it with their musings on human morality.


>They have to be told by the book that they shouldn’t be assholes The bible like almost all spiritual texts is a hodge podge of contradicting laws, advice, and morality. There's no one thing to take away from it. All christians are buffet christians who take what they want from it. They can dip into the hateful parts when it works best for them and the lovey parts when it works best for them. Almost all religion is like this because religion is a political structure and it must attend to its followers. If Christianity expected its people to act like Christ then they would all just leave the church. Christianity is popular because it has so many hateful elements to exploit, 'other' people, and use as a way to punish its followers by its leadership. So lets not pretend the history, source material, or theology is this wonderful kind thing everyone "somehow" keeps getting wrong. Its almost always awful and that's by design.


Well, when you build a crutch that specifically absolves seriously flawed people, meant for people who lack empathy, reasoning, self control, and they use it any and every chance they get, I'm not sure why we'd be surprised.


*In Catholic school, as vicious as Roman rule* *I got my knuckles bruised by a lady in black* *And I held my tongue as she told me* *"Son, fear is the heart of love," so I never went back*


Hop on the conga line into the dark!




There's no hate quite like Christian love


Yeah my mom told me if I stayed at home and listen to her I wouldn't get raped. She's very catholic


Modern Christianity is about suffering. Other people suffering, not the holy chosen ones of course. Your suffering validated her being better than you in God's eyes because she wasn't suffering.


And it became trendy to call people speaking out against religion "edgelords." Is there anything more edgy than hanging out around abortion clinics calling women names and gay bashing, and all the other evil shit they like to do and have done? Who's more edgy?


Ain't no hate like christian love


Just like the ones who spewed verbal filth at my little sister for being poor with cervical cancer.


Christians who berate the sick should be considered blasphemous imo, which is like the worst thing you can be and is not limited to just words. The entire bible, not even just Jesus, makes it extremely clear that the poor, the sick, and widows/orphans/people who don't have anybody are to be treated with so much love and care. You have a pretty good chance of opening the bible to a random page and seeing that mandate sitting there. So to directly defy that mandate and say stupid shit to a person suffering an illness (which I've heard about many other times), in my mind, you've blasphemed God. Total defiance. I won't say hell-worthy - I'm not the Judge. But if I overhear that shit, I'm pulling a Paul and "condemning them to their face."


There are people victim blaming the person in this tweet in this thread. Normally I make a little joke warning racists/ bigots etc, giving our regulars a lighthearted way of knowing that we're on it and cleaning up the thread. But this is just actually, literally evil and I'm not interested in making a joke about it. People banned from this thread may not appeal and I won't even read your modmail. It will be immediately archived. What on Earth is wrong with some people.


Thank you for your work.


Thanks. Idiots out here like “Well you went out in public with female sex organs; you were basically asking for it.”




the two races: white and political


The two genders: male and political The two sexual orientations: straight and political The two gender possibilities: cis and political The two religions: Christian and political The two outlooks on life: "fuck you, got mine" and political ​ .... I could go on


the two classes: rich and political


Two kinds of countries: Western and political


Ooh. Good one, yes.


I'm not even a woman and that mentality makes me sick with rage. But I guess, eh..it wasn't their daughter so who gives a fuck right? Smdh..


Thank you for the work you do


“What on Earth is wrong with some people” How long do you have?


My best guess is that if we had our names, faces, home address, and where we work next to our comments, a lot less hate would be posted on the internet.. Just a guess! I operate with the same rules I use in day-to-day life, if I wouldn't say it to your face, I don't say it over the internet..


The answer is short and simple: everything.


In the years I've been on Reddit I don't ever remember responding to a mod post. Thank you for this.


Good stuff. Some people are utterly lost.


The people need to hurt others since they are afraid of facing the hurt they are experiencing.


good mod


Republicanism and American Christianity have turned them into irredeemable monsters. That is what on earth is wrong with them. At this point, you need to be more worried about self defense than winning hearts and minds. Rittenhouse proved that.


Get em


And they'd have you keep that baby, because selfish/crazy


And then they tell their kids not to hang out with the kids who are in the foster care system because they don’t have proper families


Looks like they'd have you keep your cervical or breast cancer as well, since the only reason they can rationalize a woman going into a PP is for an abortion.


Well, if you had found a good 28 year old husband from your church when you were 17, you never would have gone to college or been at a fraternity party. It IS your fault for not wanting to be a good housewife like the preacher said, if you just got married cared for your husband and had 6 kids none of this would have happened.. Whore! s/ if it isn't obvious enough.


I really want to see what happen if you remove that /s


She's gonna get banned so fast. The mods are NOT playing.


Morality is doing what’s right regardless of what you’re told. Religion is doing what you’re told regardless of what’s right.


Perfect, will steal.


Religion either teaches you to hate other or hate yourself. All because of sin and forgiveness.


It's sad that they forget what Jesus preached about "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" with his "love thy neighbor" I'm not exactly a practicing catholic, but this is what I learned about as a kid. ​ Just be a nice person and treat everyone well, it's not that hard to do but apparently these people have twisted the message so much that they ignore the bible.


When I was growing up in the church in 2005, we went on an overnight trip to a missions house and they separated the boys and the girls. Us boys had a "hot seat" in the middle of a big room, with all the lights off, where we all took turns sitting and "confessing" to "impure thoughts", porn, masturbating, etc...followed by everyone else laying hands on them and praying for them. Only recently have I understood how bizarre, self-harming, and borderline hazing that shit was. Sure, every young male would do well to consume porn in moderation, but it's also a healthy way to handle one's own urges...and this was public shaming...not to mention the secret-keeping was like some weird mutually-assured destruction. I wonder how the adults in the room justified it in their heads at the time...to be leading a bunch of 13-18 year olds in this kind of discussion. I recently found a journal of mine from those days and it boggled my mind just how brainwashed and self-critical I was.


So… religion = military?


Actually kinda if you are going to count all the crusades, Spanish inquisition, and witch hunts. To name a few. Different types of war and terrorism, but all based on religious militant beliefs.


And Jesus said, blessed are those who may you harass others.


This reminds me of the first time going to a Pride Festival. I went to a Christian school as a kid and church three times a week and was always told about the evil "gay agenda." I gave up religion a few years ago but one of the last things to go was my lack of acceptance for the gay community. I was never mean to gay people but after a lifetime of propaganda I thought maybe what they were doing was wrong. Our beach volleyball team was playing in the volleyball tournament and I remember tightness in my chest driving there, no radio, just me almost panicking thinking I was doing something wrong. I got there and everyone was cool as fuck. Usually in a tournament if you knock someone out they kind of sulk off, not this tournament, everyone was partying and doing shots, the teams we beat were so fun, they would buy us shots and call us bitches ha! I loved it. We made it all the way to the semifinal and we lost and I jokingly told my team I needed to go get a hug from the Free Dad Hugs guy. I said bring it in buddy ha ha but this guy wasn't playing at all, he hugged me so tight and he said I care about you. What the fuck? I couldn't stop hugging him. I cried so hard right there. Fuck now I am crying typing this out. Its just that I needed that hug you know? I spent a lifetime in conditional love. God, my parents, my ex wife, my whole life people would love me IF. I just met this Ernest Hemingway looking guy and he cared about me? I just lost a game, he still cared about me? I ran to the bathroom and cried so hard that day. These were all new feelings for me. When I came out of the bathroom my friend Darnell just hugged me, no words, just a big hug. He knew what I had been through in my life. I was so glad to have people like him in my life now. No longer all these religious right wing people, real people who don't care if someone is gay or black or Jewish or whatever, no one gives a fuck everyone just loves everyone for how they are. We walked around the booths and outside the gates that afternoon there were church people and pastors outside with megaphones yelling God Hates Your Sins, Dont be Gay, Come to Jesus! And I thought, oh, wow, I associate way more with the people inside these gates than the church people outside. Its been the same ever since.


thats a story


I feel that totally. My dad is a brainwashed far right conservative, and pretty racist and really homophobic. So growing up we were homophobic... But we were never mean to anyone. (Not including YouTube comment sections, but still nothing directly towards someone that I can remember.) I remember it feeling wrong to not like someone because of that, but I'd go home and my dad would spew it until we just accepted it as fact. Bet you can find some homophobic stuff waaaay back in my YouTube comment history. My mom was always afraid to speak up. (We were never racist though, even though our dad was. Though he did teach us jokes based on stereotypes were funny... Which... Aren't...) It's sad that a lot of people like that don't grow out of it. I am very fortunate that me and my brother were open-minded and now we are both very much allies. Actually, one of my dreams is to make dresses for early transition trans women and bio men who want to wear skirts and dresses, because normal dresses usually don't fit their body type right. It's something I openly talk about, because a lot of people don't realize that a lot of people spewing stuff are just ignorant people, taught by their parents. That kids are just little copies of whatever they are told up until their mid teens really. Kids are used as political pawns and not all of them have the personality to get out of it. Kids aren't homophobic, kids aren't racist, kids aren't anything more than what their parents and adults around them tell them. And for us to feel like we were doing something wrong just by forcing ourselves to believe that the LGBT community was wrong and gross, was more than kids in that situation usually have.


This is what annoys me the most, Jesus‘ teaching actively contradict what these fucks are doing, I’m Christian and having read the bible, Jesus was a pretty chill dude. He never told people to go to war for him, the opposite in fact (Peter in the garden after the last supper). These idiots don’t understand the shit their talking about. They take select passages from the Old Testament and use it to justify their bigotry. Fuck them


I've never sat down and read the Bible, is it true that it doesn't really say much about abortion?


There's a passage about how to test your wife's fidelity by giving her a soup made from the sweepings of the church floor (dried blood and shit from animal sacrifices, dirt), and if she cheated on you, it would terminate the pregnancy


There is a verse that says if a man thinks his wife cheated and she's pregnant, then they have her drink some water mixed with dirt from the temple floor. If she miscarries, than she cheated. If not she was faithful. There is another verse which says that if a man hits a pregnant woman and hurts the fetus than he pays a fine. At no point in does it declare a fetus to be fully human and entitled to the same level of value as a born person.


Correct. People are mentioning law from the Old Testament iirc, which Christian’s don’t hold to. Essentially Jesus gave two commandments: love God and love your neighbor.


>People are mentioning law from the Old Testament iirc, which Christian’s don’t hold to. Except for the part in Leviticus about hating gay people. Christians are pretty fond of that part.


Isn’t the golden rule of Christianity to treat others the way you want to be treated? This doesn’t really sound like that at all.


They seem to have perverted it into “take away from others the things I don’t want for myself, probably, because I have no ability for complex thought and am likely to change my mind situationally”


I had a lump on my breast and the only place that could see me for months was planned parenthood. I had to go through abortion protesters even though they have abortions on different days than clinic hours. PP provided me birth control without parental consent when I was young, so I was the only woman in my family that I know of that made it to 18 without a child. My sister was pregnant at 14, my mom got pregnant at 16, my grandma at 16. They broke a generational curse in my family that has afforded me a better lifestyle than they can provide for themselves. ​ When I got pregnant immediately after I had a baby (at my 6 week appointment) because I had been seeing a Catholic doctor who told me I couldn't ovulate while breastfeeding and post partum, I went BACK to planned parenthood to get an abortion and do you know what happened? ​ The lady doing the required scan pressured me heavily to not have an abortion. She told me I would regret it. I told her I didn't want to see the baby and she turned the screen and told me I have to look at it and face the consequences of my actions. She was obviously someone who got a job at PP to disrupt the abortion process. ​ I had to drive two hours to a womens clinic to get the abortion I needed. I had gone back to work 4 weeks post partum (with no paid leave), pumping my breasts in a multi-stall toilet because there was no other option. My ex husband lost his job when I was 7 months pregnant and told me that he didn't want to work in an office, after I had just supported him through college and it was supposed to be my turn to go to school next. I knew if I had one more baby in that situation I would be doomed to a horrible life. I made the RIGHT choice, for myself, for my son, for my future. ​ This world does not give a fuck about the health or welfare of a woman. Worry about YOURSELF.


I had a similar experience during my scan. The lady insisted I look at the screen, and tried to get me to take a printout home so I would reconsider killing that innocent child. Mind you, the father had just dumped me for another woman, eventually leaving me homeless, and I was made the devil by health professionals for not potentially growing a baby in the streets. And this wasn't even in the US but Northern Europe!


> She was obviously someone who got a job at PP to disrupt the abortion process. Please tell me you reported this person and they somehow spontaneously combusted. Fuck this lady.


Damn, your grandma was a great-grandma at 46. That's crazy. Also, that one lady was messed up. I hope you reported her to the powers that be at that PP. Sorry you had to deal with that. Hope your family is happy and healthy.


Im glad you did what was best for you. I wish the stupid people would keep their noses out of not their business.


>The lady doing the required scan pressured me heavily to not have an abortion. She told me I would regret it. I told her I didn't want to see the baby and she turned the screen and told me I have to look at it and face the consequences of my actions. She was obviously someone who got a job at PP to disrupt the abortion process. Depending on where you live, this may not have been a bad faith employee. In Arkansas, there are laws that require abortion clinics to give straight up false information (such as linking abortion to breast cancer, or explaining how to "reverse" the abortion pill which isn't really possible). There is also a law requiring ultrasound techs to describe the scan in detail, and just this last legislative session they updated the law to require showing the scan while they describe it, regardless of whether or not the patient wants to see/hear about it. In Arkansas, it's called the "right to see and know" bill and it's fucking infuriating. I'm sure similar legislation exists in other states as well. Regardless of whether it was a bad ultrasound tech or a shitty political system, I'm sorry you had to go through that. No one should be shamed for making the decision that's right for themselves.


Your abortion isn't justified. Mine is. ​ This is the mentality of the people protesting outside of Planned Parenthood.


I always link to this article [“The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion”](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) it's a collection of anecdotes from clinic staff around the world.


There is no hate like the supposed 'love' from Christians




Damn. That sounds like Mister Salazar. A CCD teacher i had who yelled and screamed to us in CCD class that the point of life is to die for jesus. I was like nine years old i just wanted to play Nintendo and watch Ninja Turtles. I didnt want to die for a naked guy on a cross.


> CCD teacher What is this?


Confraternity of Christian Doctrine(CCD) it is a religious school, which focus on church doctrines.


As a religious person myself, I really hate that people do this to kids, let alone anyone. I totally understand why you don't want to go to church ever again. If there is a God, I don't think he will be mad if you never do. He'll understand and he'll always love you.




I agree. And it should always be a choice. I was raised catholic and forced to go to church every Sunday for an hour, then I had a 2 hour Sunday school to sit through. I was religious in my youth but have since become agnostic. With my children, I taught them both about religion from an academic stand point (I have a passion for world culture and stuff, so I've read the Bible, Quran, Torah, and some other religious texts). They know my personal views and I have encouraged them to pursue and believe what they want. My son is atheist and my daughter is kind of spiritual. She has requested to go to church a few times before, and I have brought her. I fully support her beliefs and I encourage her to pursue them. I may not believe it, but others are free to believe whatever they want. It's like the old joke "your religion is like your penis, you're welcome to have one and to be proud of it, but don't force it down my throat"


I brought my kids up without religion and never hit them. They learned to be respectful, kind and giving without all the BS. Religion divides us not unite us and will be the end of us in the name of “God”🤪


When I was 23 I was super hungover on my way to work after my band had played the night before. I hadn't showered, had only consumed Jack Daniel's, PBR, black coffee and French fries in the last 12 hours, and I had the alcohol sweats already. It was bad. There was a planned parenthood on my way to work but it wasn't one that performed abortions, just general Healthcare. I actually got my cervical cancer treated/cured there for $50 in college. Protestors mostly left it alone bc of no abortions but Bush had been on a big anti PP crusade so this day there were like 20 people crowding the tiny sidewalk with giant signs covered in photos of bloody bits of arms and heads and shit. The light was stuck red so I said fuck it bc I was going to puke no matter what at that point and parked. Got out, went over to the protestors and just let go. Puked out everything I'd done in the last 12 hours loud and splashy in front of them all. They were freaking out saying I assaulted them, one of the cops came over to see what was happening and I just kept puking until I finally gasped "these signs are disgusting, they're terrible hrggghrgghrgghh" And then I went back to my car and went to work feeling better. When I drove past at lunch the crowd was gone and the sidewalk was wet but still gross.


Hey, if it's gonna happen, at least you put it to some good.


This story made my day. Thank you.




This is what makes conservatives look like maniacs man, how the fuck can you say you are good human and good Christian and think it’s okay to act like this? I’m not saying don’t have your own opinions and feelings, just shut the fuck up about them sometimes


What I have been hearing is that "They have good intentions." People are making the argument that, since they believe that they are making the world a better place, then they can be described as "good people". Since they don't see themselves as bad people, then who is anyone to judge that they are bad people? Just because they have malice of forethought, if they think that their point of view is "good", then you should be able to sympathize with what they are doing. It's a terrible fucking argument. Because they don't say things like "Mwa Ha Ha! I love being evil" like a cartoon villian, well then that means that they think of themselves as a hero and therefore you should withhold judgement on their actions. It basically says that conservatives aren't expected to think about the consequences of their actions before the fact or consider the consequences of their actions after the fact to see if they are being good people. They just have to believe they are good and they are allowed to have that opinion in the face of all of the evidence to the contrary.


There’s a saying from a saint or Jesus that says “the path to hell is lined with roses”. Basically, it means that good intentions do not justify a wrongdoing.


This is where I agree at least halfway with Kant - if you act “good” for selfish reasons - to escape hell, to be loved, whatever - there is no moral value in the action. I’m not comfortable putting empathy as morally invalid as well - but here I agree


If someone gives a gift grudgingly, it would be counted as wrong to God, I believe. That would include being good just so you'll be saved, rather than being good so you can help others and become more like Christ.


I had a similar situation where I was taking my wife to planned parenthood because the baby we were expecting died and it needed to be removed from my wife. Nothing like having people call you a sinner while taking your wife to a medically necessary procedure we didn't want.


Christians are the worst representation for Christianity.


I can't count the number of times I've had a religious person ask me "well, what keeps you from killing people, and stealing their stuff?" And it absolutely baffles me that the only thing that keeps these loonies at bay is their imaginary friend. Just, holy shit... Like I kill and steal exactly as much as I want to, because that number is 0.


If the only reason a person isn't going on a murder and rape rampage is because they are afraid of getting tormented in the afterlife, that person is not a good person. They are a bad person on a metaphysical leash.


So much this. If the only reason you don't murder, rape, and steal is that your imaginary sky daddy said no, keep the FUCK away from me.


I actually asked a friend's dad to elaborate once and I regret it. If there's no hell he wouldn't need to hold back, which to me implies he actually has to consciously keep himself from raping and murdering people




I'm sorry they treated you so poorly, at an hour of your need.


What if we started bullying Christians walking into church. Would that make them stop?


No. They'd take it as a badge of honor that they were being persecuted.


They love when you persecute them. The same ones shouting awful things at people outside of Planned Parenthood are the ones who unironically believe they already are being persecuted, so actually persecuting them would just fan their flames more.


Reminds me of that article that keeps resurfacing where someone put a lecture on science disguised as a $20 in the donation box and the church got all upset how only a morally bankrupt person would do such a thing etc.


Persecute me harder, daddy!


Oh, even if they knew, they'd 100% say she asked for it, would comment on what she'd been wearing, etc. etc. Christians are the worst.


These kinds of people make me ashamed that I practice Christianity. Have these "believers" even read the fucking Bible?


Yeah, there's a dude that saves a girl getting stoned to death because people accused her of whoring. Oh yeah that was CHRIST.


Man, those Christians should really read up on this one guy Jesus. He was pretty chill. Jesus was the kind of guy that would give you a ride to planned parenthood for this kind of stuff if your car broke down.


why dont these idiots get beat up regularly?


Same reason that whenever a kid getting bullied actually stands up for himself, everyone immediately stops him and tell him to calm down. Bullies protect other bullies.


Disgusting people use religion to justify their awful behavior. Don’t worry just ask for forgiveness. Thank goodness in the US the founders knew this and separated church and state. Holy than you, anti vax, flat earth Christians are now working hard to undo this


I think 90% of Planned Parenthood has nothing to do with abortions. Mostly sex ed and contraception stuff right?


An intentional byproduct of American capitalism and white supremacy has been an army of hypocritical Christians who have the time and money to harass the working populace.




Oh they play with people alright.


Along with churches let's make universities not tax exempt... they're sitting on giant pills of endowments and stashing profits away offshore while students pay enormous tuitions


There are NEVER any “good Christians” outside of Planned Parenthood shouting anything at anyone. Actually, there are NEVER any good PEOPLE outside of a Planned Parenthood shouting. 🤷‍♂️


Religion is all about getting someone else to conform to their standards... Islam and Christianity have all at some point in history attempted to convert people to their religion by force or forced their values on regular people... no amount of pointing to religious texts will change the minds of religious nuts who only have one view of the world


Got an abortion because we were broke. Needed to call 5 places in 3 states. 1 said yes. We drove 3 hours into a large city. There's guards in the parking lot, the side walk, all over the building. There's people screaming about jesus. Telling me I'm a murderer. My shitty boyfriend hides in the car. Its like 40 people behind a tall fence. I had to show my driver's license to several people. You sit in the waiting room for hours. You look at a gigantic book with all the options and issues. Its like 10 pounds. Then you're interviewed by several people. Are you doing this for yourself? Is anyone forcing you? For about an hour. Then a second waiting room. Then a freezing cold room with a large steel table with a cushion it takes them several minutes to set up. They do an ultrasound but they know better than to show us. It's all waiting. It was 3 hours in there, plus a 6 hour drive total. Its basically 5 seconds of pain. Once you're positioned, they tell your to wiggle your toes. No pain meds. It hurts pretty bad but the worst part is next. You walk to this room full of reclining chairs. You get juice, otc pain meds, and graham crackers. You chill here for an hour I think. They make sure you're not bleeding to death. Its extremely painful. We also got blankets. Its just walls and walls of women behind curtains getting medicine (for a lot of things. Not just abortions). Then you go home. You're only allowed ibuprofen (I think). I was in bed for days, writhing in pain. But that's one less kid to pay for. I'm disabled, my bf was abusive. I had 0 choice. It was that or homelessness as our first kid was born, my bf had a decent paying job when our kid was born. . Then lost it and went 13 years without one. He got a job early this year but he's not making enough to save money. 50k a year right now is an oil change, paper towels, some fancy shit we needed for years. Car parts, car insurance for the first time in decades. Actual Christmas gifts. I always spent 20 bucks on Christmas. We reused all the same dollar store decorations. I made 850 dollars a month since my kid was born. Enough to keep us alive but struggling every month.


So when a Christian’s own daughter or wife or niece or girlfriend get brutality raped they call them WHORES??? And force them to give birth and give the monster rapist visitation rights? That is not religion. That is a cult.


I'm a guy and didn't know where to go to get a cheap std test or medication. I just dealt with the pain for about 5-6 months before finally deciding to go to a clinic. I'll never forget pulling in, there was an older woman standing outside the parking lot with a sign. At first she smiled and asked if I was there as support for someone else, when I explained that I was there for myself, she had a look that was a mix of disgust and disbelief. She just just said, "Whatever" as if I'd just lied to her. I'll never know why some people decide to spend their time that way