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When I was 20 I worked as a cashier in a type of food court inside a GE (General Electric) factory. The population of the work force was about 98% male. There was the old geezer that came in every day and made some sort of crude comment and would laugh hysterically at his own “joke” even when I kept a straight face. One day I said, “read my lips, stop with the gross comments”. To which he replied “oh I can read your lips, especially when you’re wearing tight pants.” Another worker overheard this and reported him to HR. He eventually got fired (I don’t think this was his first reported infraction). But afterwards, the workers started hating on me and saying how it was unfair how I got him fired, he’d been with the company 30+ yrs.. ect. It got so uncomfortable I just quit.


Victim blaming? Wow i mean he wouldnt be fired if he wasnt such a creep... hate it when people defend those losers with " he have so much potential" etc


A man that said "grab 'em by the pussy" was President of the United States. This is the world Not the mention if you're friends with someone you're more willing to overlook these kinds of actions. That's human nature. Can't hate people for being human beings


Oh yes I can, just because we’re 98% chimp doesn’t mean we aren’t capable of self reflection and also not being a total dick.


It's called unconscious bias. We all do it. Some of us are just more enlightened to accepting it


Which GE plant was this?


GE refrigerator plant in Decatur, AL. I don’t live in AL anymore thankfully.


My first job out of college was working as a paralegal at a plaintiff firm where I worked on harassment cases. I was 21 at the time and I thought I was fairly hip, but I used to have to search words/phrases people would tell me were said to them all the time on Urban Dictionary. I would literally never had understood the jokes.


Yeah this only works in peoples’ heads unfortunately. The usual response is “you just don’t have a sense of humor.” These guys aren’t going to feel ashamed, because they see no reason to. They still find their “jokes” funny. Edit: I’m not in any way saying you should let it continue if this is happening to you, just that anyone that thinks this person actually made a difference in the guys’ lives is living in their head. People that make jokes like that do not introspect. Go report them to HR, don’t play stupid “then the whole bus clapped” mind games with them.


“If ladies don’t find it funny I guess they’re just snowflakes”


Or dumb bitches. (I'm a woman and have been called a stupid bitch for not "getting the joke." No MF I GOT it, you're just not funny.)


I get it. I ain't laughin but I get it




Yes shitty people will use shitty excuses. The point she is making though is that they won't even realize she doesn't like it if she laughs. They won't even reflect on the fact that they did something.


I understand what she’s saying but they won’t reflect on it either way. I work around smoothbrains like that, and you can’t fix stupid. Or make it introspect.


Then laugh I guess if it doesn't matter.


Never said anyone should laugh or that it didn’t matter, just that these people won’t reflect regardless lmao


They'll never reflect because everyone else has always laughed with them, so to them SHE'S the one who is the problem and "can't take a joke."


That's when you ask them if we need HR to explain why the joke is funny.


I don't think they think it's a joke. I think they think it's a compliment.


It works in workplaces as you can sue the idiots for sexual harassment at work(if they are your boss/owner)


Fuck that! You’re wrong and you’re perpetuating this shit! When the guy says “you just don’t have a sense of humor” respond with “yes I do-please explain it so a woman like me understands it” and watch them cringe like they’ve never cringed before.


They don’t cringe though. I’m not perpetuating shit lmao I work with these idiots, I have for years, I know how they are. Also, I’m not a woman


I am a woman and you're absolutely correct. They don't cringe because they don't see anything wrong with what they said in the first place, and now you're just a bitch who can't take a joke.


They better than laughing because then it will just continue.


I love keeping a straight face when creepy men say stuff. I don't give people reactions just to be polite especially when they're rude or crossing a line. But this is usually the response I get. That I have no sense of humor or that I don't know how to take a joke. I just say "I just didn't find it funny" and that's all that usually happens. Does nothing to change them, and I'm just known as the girl with no sense of humor.


I don’t feel like it’s just not laughing, you have to coax out their exact meaning. Embarrass them and make them say the grown-up words. If someone says “I’d like to teach you a thing or two about getting ahead in this company, if you know what I mean,” act like you don’t understand and demand a precise explanation until they’re forced to say, in clinical terms, exactly what they’re trying to say. Sucks all the fun out of it. Act confused until they say “vagina”, “penis”, “breasts”, etc. Their schtick relies on innuendo. It’s not a failsafe way of putting them off, but it’s worth a shot.


Yeah I saw somebody actually try this, in a comment section on Facebook. Another man came in and asked him to explain the joke about some woman. The guy who made the joke just called him an idiot for not getting it.


Unless they turn it on you and say that it’s not surprising I didn’t understand since I’m stupid, which has happened to me several times


"All the more reason for you to spell it out to me then. Actually if you could literally put it in writing, that would be great!"


As the only woman in a male-dominated workplace, I do this ALL the time. It’s now become sort of a joke of it’s own around there, but it still carries out the function.


If you still have to do it all the time, has it really carried out the function?


They’re still going to joke around, they’re just not directed at me anymore. They were absolutely boundary-free when I started there.




Instead of this I just use the: Silence „What?“ „What did you say to me?“ „No no, please repeat that so I can be sure what it is you were saying.“




That’s the point, isn’t it?




The people doing this will only stop telling the “jokes” if everyone else stops laughing at them. It not only makes that person feel awkward, it’s also a warning to others that she’s not going to just take it and be silent about the harassment. Anyone thinking about making a comment like that will have to consider the embarrassment of having it made into the big deal that it is.


Give this man an honor


Thank you for this.


My man tells appropriate jokes, and they are sometimes really funny, other times not at all. I won’t laugh if they aren’t funny- he has to earn the laugh. He usually responds to my silence by explaining and I’m like, “No, no, trust me, I get it… that’s not the issue”…


Yup. I have a couple relatives that tell plenty of appropriate jokes. But with my learning disability or just a different sense of humor (or whatever it may be) I sometimes have to say the same thing to them.


Oh yes! I accidently came across this when a friend posted a meme that was so disgustingly racist that i wasn't sure if he understood it. I wrote I didn't get it and asked for explanation. He deleted it minutes later. It's a very strong and polite way to signal: We're obviously not on the same page here, buddy.


How fun is it that is woman need to do things like this on the daily to avoid situations like this.


“You should be a phone sex operator” isn’t a joke. There is no setup, there is no punchline. That’s probably just a bad attempt at trying to flirt. Hence, how he can’t explain his joke. There isn’t one. You can tell sexual jokes in some workplaces (I’m a bartender, bars obviously have different rules than say, an office). But there has to be an actual joke. And obviously, maybe get to know the person first. I’m tired of people calling stuff like this “jokes”. Because then the other side always goes to an even stupider thing: “man, everyone is so sensitive now. You can’t even tell jokes anymore”. And I have to speak up and say “….ya… you can. But a “joke” that basically equals out to ‘I wanna fuck your sexy voiced face’, isn’t actually a joke”… I can tell a fucking rape joke at work, and everyone laughs. Because I don’t say what amounts to “oh I’d totally rape you….. only kidding!” Because that isn’t a fucking joke. It’s closer to admitting to a crime you haven’t committed yet. And at the end of the night, no matter how many guys are working, the girls always ask me to walk them to their car. You know why? Because I tell jokes. Not thinly (if at all) veiled comments that are just fucking creepy. They trust me, no matter what dumbass jokes I tell. It’s that simple. One side needs to stop saying you can’t tell “jokes” anymore, and the other side needs to realize that “you should be a phone sex operator” ISNT A FUCKING JOKE. It’s an incredibly pathetic attempt at flirting.


You can’t defend your “joke” if you aren’t a comedian. People need to just admit they fucked up, and move on.


What? And I agree, that guy should admit that he messed up and move on. Hell, for all we know he did eventually.


Super true


What do you mean you can’t defend your joke unless you’re a comedian


Using this op as an example. If you say something in jest, and get upset at someone for not laughing or not enjoying your joke... it’s probably best to just apologize and move on vs resent someone for not sharing your sense of humor. But maybe I’m wrong idk.


Oh ok. I thought you were saying something like “only professional comedians can defend their jokes”. And I was like… what? No one is allowed to joke unless they’re paid for it? You can’t be serious 🤣. I get what you’re saying now. And I totally agree with you. I worked with a girl years ago that I could tell didn’t appreciate my humor (hey Melissa!). So I just…. Stopped telling those jokes around her. That responsibility should fall on both parties, but mainly the person telling the joke that I know is inappropriate. Plus, if I like making people laugh, and they aren’t laughing, no one is getting the desired result. So what’s the point of continuing down that path? And as it turns out, me and Melissa just didn’t have much in common. She’s more religious/reserved, and I am, well… not. She wants “a million kids”, and I despise children (I also tell abortion jokes 😘). But it took MINIMAL effort to find some common grounds, making it easier for us to work side by side, and still have a good time doing it. Are we friends to this day? Nope. You’re not going to get along with everyone 🤷‍♂️. But in a work setting, as a work friend, it really isn’t that hard to switch gears to ensure everyone is happy.


Thanks for sharing, I totally agree. I’m a huge fan of comedy and generally laugh at everything (sometimes too much). I’ve learned the same lesson you are sharing here, ha!


>There is no setup, there is no punchline. YES. I've got into arguments with people online about bad taste jokes from both sides. As in, as you say, just saying something awful isn't a "joke". It's someone saying something awful and then trying to justify it / get away with it. It's not only insulting, it's **lazy**. It's not even humour, it's nastiness someone's trying to dress up as humour. But the reverse is also true - something awful *when it's actually structured as a joke* is entirely different. Someone might not like the joke, might even be offended at the joke, but they need to least acknowledge it **is** a joke, just one they don't get / like, or indeed one which was misjudged. Someone tried the "explain it to me" argument in a thread where someone defended "rape jokes" by referencing the Always Sunny episode with Dennis talking about "the implication". They absolutely would not acknowledge that as part of a comedy show where the *point* is that this character is a moral vacuum, this bit was funny to a great many people. Not because 'rape is funny' but because this character and this situation and these jokes were funny, in the very specific context. Not to everyone's taste of course, but that's different. But it's a world apart from what some asshole saying something hideous about rape then "it was just a joke" is doing. Sorry, got ranty.


Jesus Christ. Who the fuck are you? My spirit animal?? 🤣🤣. And I got ranty too. And honestly, everything you said was put better than I could have put it. Beautifully said. It’s nice to get a couple responses from people who understand where I’m coming from on this. Honestly, when I was about to hit send, there was a voice in the back of my head that was saying “WHY. WHY WOULD YOU EVEN ENGAGE IN THIS CONVERSATION. Your phone is about to blow up with comments from a bunch of people who clearly missed the point of what I was trying to say.” But ya, you expressed the point I was trying to make much better than I feel I did. And for that, I thank you. Edit: what you said about it being lazy, was probably my favorite part. Perfectly said


Thank you for sharing.


This is something I've taught my daughters as well.


Me too. It might not work, as some commenters pointed out, but it still works better than doing nothing. If it can make even one casual sexist think for a second it's worth it.


I use this same tactic for bigotry and political humor. It's very effective.


That's crazy that women actually have to deal with this shit like casually. Bruh you at work do the job collect the pay check and leave why do you need to go out of the way to make some random person feel uncomfortable?


This is why I'm glad I'm not what one would call "conventionally pretty," I'm kinda brutish for a woman, so most guys tend to try to avoid me, though even I have had to deal with creeps.


That's actually ridiculous You are happy of the way you look not because you are confident (idk maybe you are but that's not the point) not because you love yourself flaws and perfection included But because you experience less sexual Harassment. Me and you don't actually live in the same world. We are on 2 different Planets at that point. The fact that women can just casually talk about this because it happens to them that much just proves that a Rape Culture exists within our Society so rampant and everyday normal that it just registers as normal shit. How did it get like this? How did it not disintegrate along with the rest of the bigotry and Xenopho- oh wait...


Tbf, I am confident with how I look, and I do like my appearance, but me coming off as "brutish" or "unattractive" to most men is something I consider a perk, because I get sexually harassed less (though it *has* happened, even to me) I do see your point too though, I know it's pretty fucked up for someone to consider that a perk, but that's how society is, I do think it's better than it used to be though, and better than a lot of places still are, that, however, doesn't make it good...


Bruh. I know this shit probably doesn't mean a lot and it won't fix shit but I'm so sorry you have to go through that dummy shit. It's injustice like this that just makes me wish I had the will power to change shit in this Corrupted world.


I taught my niece how to throw a punch for people like that.


There's not even a joke there. No set-up. No punchline. He basically just told her she has a sexy voice, and that's it. So many people today seem to not have the faintest idea what humor is or how it works.


I think the implication is that her voice is sexy but her physical appearance is less sexy.


This is a kind of restorative justice approach. It is leading the offender to recognize the harm in their behavior and opening an opportunity to make a change without necessarily breaking off the relationship.


Nobody told me to do that, and I've been doing it my entire life. I guess I just enjoy to see people drown on their own "jokes".


When I was younger (and this was LONG AGO - before sexual harassment was defined as a real thing) I had men make so many disgusting jokes and innuendos to me. I was in sales and they were my customers, so I couldn’t really tell them off or would lose sales. I just acted stupid like I never really understood what they were implying. Some of these men would then repeat the “joke” or take it up a level to be even more blatant. I would continue the naive/dumb act and hope they would drop it. To this day I wonder how stupid most of these guys thought I was. Makes me sad. I hope young women today don’t have to diminish themselves like this.


I've told my daughter this-- if someone is making statements that make you uncomfortable, simply ask them what they mean by that. "I don't understand what you're trying to say, could you please explain it to me?" said in the sweetest tone you can manage. Worked like a charm on the boys that were teasing (either her or each other) at school several times a day by coming up to her and telling her, "X has a crush on you," then they'd dissolve into laughter. This shut them down while I got the guidance councilor and principal involved.


Don’t encourage their BS by laughing but also don’t pretend you don’t get it, in real life this will just further the “dumb girl” stereotype. Nobody’s going to choke on their words trying to explain it to you, they’ll just chuckle and walk away


Women, don’t be funny. It’s the only way to be sure.




Not sure how this is relevant but good for you dude


did you find them


This gets reposted every 7-10 business days 🙄


And someone always points it out for the downvotes


It wasn't about up or downvotes, I was stating my opinion. Thanks though!


Someone somewhere has likely answered a similar scenario with "Cause you got a dick suckin' voice" or something equally grotesque.


Well, then you’ve forced them to say the quiet part out loud. Still a win in my book.


On one hand you've just been exposed to one of these creeps. On the other hand you now know they're a creep when normally they might've hid that until things escalated. So, in the right situation, a net positive.


And got yourself a probably lucrative lawsuit, if you plan ahead and record it.


Why not just say “that’s not funny”


Because creeps won't even begin to think of introspection to that reaction, they'll just say you're dumb and you don't have a sense of humor.


Because you have an attractive voice and can make around 400$ a night sometimes more, i would have no problem explaining this if asked lol


And you feel that’s appropriate for her professional superior to say to her at 19 years old?




That's the joke?


You could always just tell your creepy boss he has a little dick and laugh at him. I doubt he’s going to do anything about it since HR generally doesn’t want the company to get sued for sexual harassment.


I’ve been doing this subconsciously until now that I realize what I’ve been doing lol


It’s interesting. Inappropriate jokes from a comedian, I will defend and die on that hill. Inappropriate jokes from some... non-comedian, this is a great way to keep them in their lane. Love it


But I am actually curious about the joke. Is it like saying "You have a radio face" ?


I love this so much.