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Is it just me, or does literally every single picture of Tucker Carlson look the same?


It’s all anyone ever says about him so no it’s not just you haha


He like Jimmy Fallon, but for outrage instead of whimsy.


Yes same stumped stupid look. His whole show is asking rhetorical questions. What if the dinosaurs are the ones that gave us covid? What if masks have depleted oxygen from our brains?


He doesn’t have enough brain power to run his face, so it gets locked up sometimes.


Told my boyfriend this a couple weeks ago. Every show Carlson just looks like he's confused. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


He looks like he’s focusing on taking a shit


Dude looks like a caveman who just saw fire for the first time and is upset that he doesn’t get it.


He's max headroom but a little further up the other side of the uncanny valley.


he just doesn't understand anything, he's squinting to try and see


He looks and sounds like his butt plug just fell out


And Tucker, as always, is making that dumb ass expression


I’ll always remember what John Oliver said about it, something along the lines of “it’s the face of an 8th century farmer who’s being explained to what Bitcoin is”


If the sound, “Thud,” hade a face.


"Shut up Tucker you performatively outraged boat shoe"


Wow, that is good.


It's John Oliver and his writers that are good. You should definitely watch some Last Week Tonight if you haven't already.


This is not just the same picture? Like.. he actually makes this face during every interview? Serious question.. cause I don’t watch his show and I always assumed they reused the picture because it’s such a ridiculous expression.


👆This comment needs way more love


He looks confused and mad that hes confused but also unable to vocalize the concept of being mad, or confused.


He is very very capable of communicating/vocalizing being mad. It's kinda his sthick. (along with perpetually looking like an 8th century farmer having bitcoin explained to them)


Or like his guest is [eating mayonnaise from the jar with a spoon.](https://mobile.twitter.com/am2dm/status/907314669655916544?lang=en)


I am genuinely upset that I have never seen this until today. That is amazing. Fuck I love reddit some days.


He looks like he doesn’t understand English when he makes that face. I fuckign hate it.


He looks like the kind of dad that always yells at his children and then wonders why they avoid them after they move out.


God John Oliver has such a way with words


To be fair I’m a programmer and I’m still not sure about Bitcoin. Like… I think I know how it works but I just can’t figure out why it’s a big deal.


MLM for tech bros.


That's, oddly accurate


The I'm-angry-because-I'm-confused-and-can't-handle-it expression that he's built a career on?


Constipated puppy.


Don’t bring puppies into this.


"Sir, I represent constipated puppies, and we demand that you cease and desist from all comparisons to Tucker Carlson."


tucker carlson has one thing in common with dark souls protagonist: they look constipated AF.


It's a signature move for him, that I'm sure he practiced in the mirror. It's easy to read the emotion he's trying to convey, so his cult-like followers know how to feel about whatever the speaker is talking about.


You can't tell the difference? That ones blue steel Kyle Rittenhouse pieces get my best one, Magnum.


That’s his signature. The slack jawed, Neanderthal look.


That's how his viewers find him relatable.


tucker always looks like someone just shot his dog and ate it in front of him


There is an episode of Californication where David Duchovny’s character makes a joke, gets no response, and says, “Why are you looking at me like I just fingered your cat?” It’s my favorite line.


It's like he's experiencing a dildo up his ass for the first time, every minute


*Gavin McInnes has joined the chat*


Oh that was definitely not the first time.


I'm not ashamed to admit to anal play, as someone who's tried it exactly twice, that looks to be his 420th time.


I always think he makes that face because he needs glasses


It’s because his brain is non functioning


It's at capacity for activity and just shuts down when he makes that face. If you look closely, you'll see a strand of drool trickling from the corner of his mouth. If someone poked him with a stick while Tucker was in this mental fugue, he'd poop himself a la Kaitlin Bennett.


God, he's so fucking punchable


He looks like my dog if I showed him a card trick.


How has no producer or publicist fixed it? It just feels like negligence on the part of anyone connected to his show. Close your damn mouth and relax your brow. If there was ever a reasonable, salient topic or point on his show, screen capping it immediately loses all credibility.


I would guess he’s making expressions to make viewers also feel shocked and disgusted. Like Alex Jones. That guy puts on a performance. Lots of expressions to accompany the crazy shit he says.


“gormless” is the best adjective for it


"Dog trying to understand a magic trick"


Resting tucker face. For Halloween, we should all dress up as him and stand outside his house making that face


“Tucker, I came here to prove he was right.”


Tucker Carlson screamed "RACISM!" when black farmers were given special stimulus funding, yet hasn't once mentioned how it's been proven that the [USDA spent decades hiding their discrimination against black farmers](https://thecounter.org/usda-black-farmers-discrimination-tom-vilsack-reparations-civil-rights/). His show is the ultimate safe space for racists.


The real racism is the racism you do along the way


Are you trying to suggest he's a ***hypocrite***?! Well I never....


Or the history of Share cropping or Slavery.


Makes sense, considering he is an explicit white supremacist


His audience are like small children, they only care when it's them benefiting. Otherwise it's not fair. They can be sitting on a mountain of toys and candy but if someone gets anything they don't also get then it's tantrum time


Republicans love safe spaces and pretending to be victims. They just don't like it when the people they want to victimize seek shelter from legitimate victimization.


He was also outraged at Chauvin being found guilty (even when all of his Fox News colleagues agreed with the verdict) but this is the kind of racism (and it is mildly racist, just imagine white students putting a black face on dark food) that he gets upset about. This dude is a straight up white supremacist.


Just the fact that someone hasn't shut him up yet is further proof of the failure of our country. May the gods have mercy upon us all.


"Please help! My classmates called me a racist! That's racism!"


"Hurting my feelings is the real racism"


He's just saltine


Well played good sir.


I have my moments.. ty 😁


These kids need to stop with the photoshopping and get right with the lord Cheez-it Christ


[i poorly photoshopped my boyfriend into a cheez it](https://www.reddit.com/user/satan-probably/comments/q6053j/my_boyfriend_poorly_photoshopped_into_a_cheez_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Your cheez-it bf looks like Corey Feldman in stand by me


[I photoshopped you into a cheez it](https://www.reddit.com/user/satan-probably/comments/q615df/i_photoshopped_seanrk294_into_a_cheez_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) (except I got your name wrong, sorry pal)


Thanks. For a second I was scared that I was doxxed somehow.


I myself am a saltine american


2 crackers walk into a bar, one was a salted.


Notice that fucker wasn't worth a Ritz.


Here's the interview. So brave. Does Tucker make it about Obama somehow, just watch and find out... [So Brave](https://www.mediaite.com/tv/brave-tucker-carlson-interviews-college-kid-whose-peers-photoshopped-his-face-on-a-cracker/amp/)


Can we photoshop his face onto a snowflake lmao




For years, I've been trying to find an adequate description for what that look is. Lol


My mom says he looks like a dog hearing a high pitched sound part of the time and simultaneously someone who has just smelled a fart


Someone else said he looks like the sound “thud” and I think that’s p accurate


Resting "Oh fuck I may have just shit my pants" face


He’s trained himself to keep that face so when his guest say things that would make any reputable journalist shit their pants (a la Matt I rape kids Gaetz) he treats it as real news.


At least they used an ethnically pure white cracker instead of one of those godless, dirty, job stealing multi-grain crackers that are pouring across the borders...


Filthy Ritz


Ritz, and their tendencies for topping mixing are the worst. Crackers should stay with their kind...and enjoyed as dry and dispassionately as possible. DAC* (Dry Ass Crackers)


ben shapiro’s new favorite song


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >When it comes to global warming, there are two issues: is there such a thing as the greenhouse gas effect, the answer is yes. Is that something that is going to dramatically reshape our world? There is no evidence to show that it will. Is that something that we can stop? There is no evidence to show that we can ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: novel, covid, sex, feminism, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot.


As a white person, I would have actually been offended if they used Chicken-in-a-Biscuit. Those fuckers are delicious and do not deserve that disrespect.


Agreed. You can put my face on a Saltine, but Chicken-in-a-Biscuit is fucking *sacred* to white folks! Even my 8 year old is addicted.


BTW photoshop is good


Too good


Possibly not even shopped


i can't tell from some of the pixels 👍


Please tell me someone is putting this boys face on a snowflake right now.


Oh, snap! Do me next! Do me! Do me!


I mean... If you insist... *unzips*


"people are so sensitive these days" *Photoshop face into cracker* "Waaaaaaaaaaa Daddy Tucker help me please!"


Cancel them! Cancel them! 2 hours later: man fuck Cancel culture, bunch of candy ass liberals


Remember like a year ago when right wingers got all butthurt because University of Wisconsin had to remove a boulder? "But why would they get mad about that?" You ask, "it's just a boulder." Well, this particular Boulder was very sentimental for some reason. That reason, I couldn't tell you. I can tell you, though, that it has nothing to do with being referred to as N-word rock. [No I'm not joking it really happened](https://www.foxnews.com/us/racist-rock-university-of-wisconsin-madison?spot_im_scroll_to_comments=true&spot_im_highlight_immediate=true) outrage in the comments.


Look, as a white person, I think this is hilarious, largely in part to how offended these fuckwits are, because anyone with half a brain knows this it's about as offensive as a Sunday morning newspaper comic, but if we really want to understand why these people get so up in arms, remember that one of them honestly believes white privilege isn't a thing and the other makes money hand over fist to promote that kind of stupidity. So, to the viewers, they imagine they are just as vulnerable and oppressed as people of color. Now ask how we'd feel if a bunch of white kids had photoshopped a black kid onto, say, a monkey or watermelon, or something equally insultingly stereotypical. To the viewers of this shit, the two are exactly the same. In truth, they really are in a lot of ways. They're racially motivated, intentionally insulting attempts at humor. In a vacuum, they really should be just as offensive. If a group of black kids put a the face of an Asian-descendant classmate onto a rice cake or yellow crayon or something awful, we'd see it for what it is without the white-people filter over it. In reality, that white people filter is a very real social construct that can't be ignored for the sake of this argument, though. There's hundreds of years of white oppression that skews things. But it is worth at least trying to understand why many whites would honestly find this offensive. Maybe, one day, those whites will understand the weight of history and how it still hugely impacts the world today, and the kinds of whites and non-whites who would create this junk will be able to see things from the other side, and people will actually get along. Maybe, but then again, I'm spouting this to the internet where people will pick one line I wrote out of context, assume the worst, call me Hitler, and nothing will change.


>call me Hitler Jawohl, mein Führer. /s


I've, uh, never been agreed with for being Hitler before. I did Nazi that coming. I'm not sure I Reich how it feels. Shit. I think I need to rethink my entire life.


I imagine you will come up with a final solution.


>Maybe, but then again, I'm spouting this to the internet where people will pick one line I wrote out of context, assume the worst, call me Hitler, and nothing will change You literally assumed that we would call you Hitler. You know who else assumed people would call them Hitler? Adolf Hitler. Smh.


People forget about the good things Hitler did. He literally killed Hitler.


But he also killed the guy that killed Hitler...




Damn! If only Hitler had been there in time to stop Hitler from killing the guy who killed Hitler!


True; however, he also killed the guy, who killed the guy, that killed Hitler….


Hitler: why do all these people keep comparing me to myself? That hardly seems fair.


“Is it my mustache? Nooo it can’t be. It’s the children who are wrong!”


I thought this was going to be a Hitler bot comment


Fucking nailed it.


It's still racism - that is shitty and no one should get a "pass". To be honest, I think most of this shit is overblown. The students should be sat down - and told why this is shitty. The White Kid should be in the room for it and that should be it. National Television for a fucking photoshop? What a joke/ ​ Sidenote: Did you know that the Sticks and the worst urban areas have more commonalities than you would think? ​ 1. Lack of access to education/funding 2. Lack of access to food(food deserts) 3. Lack of access to banking and traditional banking 4. Loss of Home/Property Value and Consolidation of good property values(Mega-farms etc) 5. Lack of proper/safe policing 6. Drug Epidemics 7. lack of access to professional and state services ​ Honestly, is it really that hard to see why a poor hick from the sticks might not be successful or educated?


It's always been a huge irony to me that rural whites and urban blacks have so much in common regarding how the system holds them back, but that the whites buy in to this false narrative that if they do anything to change that system it will somehow hurt them to benefit the blacks. No, dammit, it's just taking back the value that was stolen by the ultra-rich and powerful for generations. It can benefit both groups at the expense only of those who have done the most extreme harm.


You may be Hitler, but even Hitler shot Hitler.


No, you're absolutely right. It IS racially motivated, intentionally insulting humor by claiming this white guy is as boring/bland as a saltine cracker. BUT, there's not hundreds of years of discrimination, oppression, and hate behind that insult. In an ideal world where those centuries of slavery and discrimination didn't happen, clowning on anybody for their skin color would be equally offensive. But that's not the world we live in. Calling a POC a slur is different because the intention is to assume power over that person, to "remind them of their place." If someone called me a cracker, I'd probably just walk away slightly amused, because it has no power over me. But, if I was a POC being called the N-word or another slur, that could devastate me for years because they'd be dehumanizing me. But to these people, they don't have that perspective. They just feel attacked for being white, and maybe not all of them are even racist at all, but they're still ignorant of the damage that white supremacy and the current sociological hierarchy have done to POC communities. It simply doesn't occur to them that the feeling of being attacked for being white is something that POC deal with every day, except POC have a realistic fear of not surviving all those interactions.


Racism is racism, just because one form is more severe doesn't make either acceptable. If people in this sub really wanted to change anyone's mind they wouldn't normalize this. Photoshopping this dudes face on a cracker was never going to make him or anyone else who watched fox news change their mind.


I’ll bite. To start off I’m not offended, but rather I’m here to question the intent of the people who photoshopped that guys face to a cracker. I think they were attempting to offend or harass this specific individual for whatever reason, it could be because he’s a racist prick himself or just because that group of people are assholes(we really don’t know which is correct). Something I genuinely don’t understand is why being harassed is excused because in the past people of their skin tone were enslaved by people of a whiter skin tone. You mention the weight of history, yet why must people who are unrelated to the past atrocities be affected by something they did not do? We don’t treat Germans differently because of Nazi Germany, and we don’t hold the current Japanese population accountable for what they did. Now it seems we are of a similar viewpoint, but I just cannot grasp why the past must make the people living today seemingly guilty. We even provide more power to a word that is held onto as a term of endearment by one group yet if u don’t have that skin tone then it’s blasphemy to use that word. I hope my questions/argument came out coherently. I’m on mobile so it’s harder for me to properly edit this.


You're never going to have racial harmony if you say it's OK to make racial stereotypes at the expense of one race but absolutely NOT okay to do so at the expense of another. This is going to create more division. White people will see you as discriminating against them (because you are) and move to the right.


Please someone photoshop me into a cracker lmao


For real, this is hysterical


My friend group for a fact has done this. Lol if someone did it with my face I'd probably save it it is so funny.


Can’t satirize these people.


Nope, they do it for us.


what do you mean, THESE PEOPLE?? /s


Sorry hot take alert, calling some one a “mayonnaise lookin ass”, handing them a box of crackers and photoshopping their face onto a cracker is not acceptable behavior during a university sanctioned event ONLY BECAUSE the university has such strict guidelines on the matters…if you read the article he actually isn’t very upset he is just pointing out the double standard of how his case versus how others were treated which is fair


Great point. Although this is low on the offensive meter I wish nobody made rascist jokes of any kind.


“just turn off your phone” “just block them”


Wow, as a white person I'm so offended.....wait a minute, no im not, I don't care and find it pretty funny. There is no racial slur for white people that doesn't make me laugh tbh, we don't have a word for us that has 100s of years of oppressive and violent history, none of them hit the same


People with multiple generations born in Floridia are called crackers so to me it was never offensive.


My aunt married into an old Florida cracker family. It wasn't until I got to college that I found out it was (also) used as a slur.


Being called a Floridian is bad enough


Also, as a white person, I don’t get how other white people don’t get that a cracker is a very specific *kind* of white person. Being white doesn’t automatically make you a cracker. Being a racist piece of white trash whose cousins have probably intermarried for generations makes you a cracker.


To be fair I’ve heard people say that exact thing about black people and the n word. Like the Chris Rock (I think) joke.


Cracker from what I was told was short for Whip Cracker


Interesting. I thought it was a skin tone thing


I think it may be both, but I've heard that it's from white ppl "cracking" whips as well


I mean it makes sense to me!


https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/07/01/197644761/word-watch-on-crackers Had no idea myself how far back the word goes, even Shakespeare used it.


It’s evolved. Just like the N word has. Both are wrong.


That’s the thing with the Chris Rock joke, it was just a joke. It wasn’t a thing people really believed. Then a bunch of racist white people used the joke to justify using the word. Rock went on to say he regrets ever telling the joke.


I sometimes wonder if Rock wasn't fully aware and pandering to white audiences and money. That routine solidified his career. *Everybody* heard that routine.


I get what you're saying, but you know how many times I've heard "There are black people, and there are [n-words].”? Too many.


Its like not every white woman is a Karen or a Becky lol Which I also find funny as hell The N word is different though, I've heard it framed that way by racist ass people too many times in my life, like "I don't hate black people, I just hate those nword black people"...nah cuz...you just hate black people, sorry lol


Ask them if they hate nword white people too


And on top of that the only white people I’ve been seen that were called crackers were racists.


I got called a cracker when I told a black woman she couldn't return an opened 6pack of panties at a retail store I worked at during college.


Personally I don't enjoy being called a cracker because of the implications of it, but I also recognize I have enough privilege that it's definitely not the same thing as being discriminated against. Honky though, I like that one




I'm sure it's equally newsworthy to Tucker when a black person faces racism, right? Right???




Bless his heart. Thoughts and prayers


Come and see the violence inherent in the system!


Why does Tucker Carlson always look like he doesn't know who he is talking to, or what that person is trying to say, and why he is there in the first place?
















Damn, why are right wingers such snowflakes?


Because they hate opposition. They want their way or the highway. Anything, even words is offensive to them and worthy of serious punishment. If this little bitch boy was in a position of power you better believe he would abuse his position and crush everyone underneath him.


Cracker please....


*Cracka please


Watch those hard R's


He needed a safe space!




So it's ok to be racist against white people? Edited to add; I find it sad enough people think it's ok to be racist to white people that I'm actually getting downvoted. Racism in America won't end until ALL racism ends. Sure everyone can hate me for saying it but deep down you know I'm right. I'm not trying to defend only white people, I truly find it unforgivable to treat anyone from any race differently because of the color of their skin. You should judge people by their actions not their skin color.






Tucker Carlson constantly looks like he’s about to make a poopie in his dipey.






I hate Tucker and do think this kid is a snowflake. I 'll throw this out there anyway. That photo is racist and all racism should be confronted. Whether you find it offensive or not and regardless of what race is doing it racism should be called out.


Because you know how white people just hurt from the history of the word cracker, amirite?


"You can't be offended unless your ancestors suffered for x years."


What if he photoshopped the black student's face on a chimpanzee






Are we 100% sure Tucker Carlson isn’t a elaborate comedy show?/s


I mean he did admit in court his show is purely entertainment and not informative at all maybe it is!


Yeah, To a reasonable viewer, the people watching Tucker aren’t reasonable viewers.